
By AndreanaRiot

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"My name changed before my eyes, the paper before me read "Welcome Gittoran Scarlet", I felt a searing pain i... More

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Blood Thicker than Water, NOT
Storm Struck
Marked for Deception
Dreaded Standard
All Natural
New Kid
Focus Frenzy
Raid and Revenge
Gold's Lust
Call me a Liar
Names and Chocolate
Not a Common Vagabond
Think Again
Night's Compass
Moments of Morality
A Living Legend
Flint and a few sparks
A new ring of power
A Sign
Never trust a pirate
Sing to me softly
A personal rain cloud
Heat of the sun
One Chance
Pink Ninja Band
Flat of the Blade
Sweet Irony
More than Surprises
Maji's Story
Red Tips and Yellow Irises
Two Steps Forward
My Ship
Plots and Preparation
A Dagger's Destiny
The Truth about the Prophesy
No Mistake

Better a cannonball than a rose

378 18 2
By AndreanaRiot

Mají began to laugh as we approached the ship, grinning crazily and breaking into a sprint, practically dragging me along seeing as he refused to let go of my hand until we reached the rope ladder.

                “Fame!  Jumé!” he roared as soon as his feet touched the deck.

                Both men popped their heads out of their respective cabins, joining Mají and I within a minute.

                “Is there trouble Captain?” Jumé asked, his glance shifting uneasily between Mají and myself.

                “We’re raiding Tempest Storm’s Camp,” Mají said, grabbing my hand once more. 

                Jumé’s eyes widened in shock, and I couldn’t help the smug look I knew had plastered itself on my face. 

                “Fame, I want you to find Obsidarian and wheel the cannon out.  Move it across the field and in front of Storm’s main gate, but not so close that a lookout will be able to tell what it is,” Mají continued.

                “Aye Cap’n,” Fame said, nodding briefly before entering Mají’s cabin.

                “Jumé, I want a few more men with us, no one too serious.  Grab Xament; tell him to bring his fiddle, those guys that hang around Obsidarian…. And remind Forcan of what will happen if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut.  Then grab a few cannonballs and gunpowder between the lot of you.”

                “Fuses as well sir?” Jumé asked.

                Mají paused in his instructions, turning to me. 

                “Do you need fuses?  Or can you light the gunpowder directly?”

                “No fuses,” I told Jumé.  “The shot and powder will be enough, providing you bring the ramrod with you.”

                Jumé didn’t move.  He stood and kept his eyes on Mají, not acknowledging my instructions.  I moved my hand to my blade but Mají drew before I could.  Before Jumé could blink the kingblade was pressed against his shoulder.

                “Now you know I wouldn’t kill you for a stupid reason,” Mají warned.  “But there is nothing against me taking your hand or arm for insubordination Jumé-falio.  Gittoran Flame is the Queen of Thieves, making her almost my equal, and your superior.  If she gives an order, you are to follow it as if it came from my own mouth.  Is that understood?”

                A blank expression settled over Jumé’s face.  He bowed his head in Mají’s direction, and then narrowed his eyes at the both of us before turning and disappearing below deck.

                “He’s going to hate me now,” I sighed.

                “Jumé has never liked orders, he only tolerates mine because we are friends,” Mají said.  “But if you stay with me…. He’ll come around in time.”

                “So do we go out to the field now?” I asked; eager to change the subject.

                “This is about your show of power,” he said, smiling slightly.  “We have time… you can appear to Storm as the girl he’s been trying to drown for a few days, or you can appear as the vengeful Queen of Thieves.”

                I grinned at him, standing up on my toes to kiss him on the cheek as a thank-you.  I darted below deck, calling for Briamy as I ran down the steps to my room.  Throwing open the door I found her sitting beside the bed, a glittering blade in her lap.  She beamed at me at first, the happiness in her expression quickly changing to shock.

                “There’s no way,” she breathed.

                She stood, placing the blade on the bed as she reached for my hand, her eyes frantically searching mine as the smile crept back onto her face. 

                “I… I… he really kissed you?” she asked.

                I nodded and moved the arm she was still holding onto.

                “And all that he said... Gittoran that was almost a love confession!”

                “Were my thoughts that loud?” I laughed.

                “It’s written all over your face,” she giggled.  “But your thoughts are pretty loud too.”

                “I know, I know,” I rushed out.  “But Briamy I…”

                “Need to get ready to blow Tempest Storm’s camp into tiny splinters,” she cut in.  “I know, and that’s why I’m here.  I think I can help you out with looking the part.  Let me work.”

                She threw open the trunk at the foot of my bed and began pulling things out.  She tugged my sash from around my waist and buckled a broad leather belt around my hips, keeping it loose so it dipped down on one side.  The sleeveless loose fitting white shirt she tore straight up the back, ignoring my cry of protest as she shredded the back and then laced the shreds together, effectively pulling the top in until it hugged my frame.  The sash she now retied around my waist, leaving the scarlet tails of the material hanging beside me.  Tearing the wrapping from around my tattoo she rummaged in my trunk until she found a strip of pink cloth, binding my tattoo tightly with the new wrap.  She pulled out bangles, sliding them up over my feet and around my ankles.  Gaudy rings now adorned my fingers, set with red and black stones to match the hand wraps I had worn since my first day in the game.  I stopped her from draping my neck with other adornments, choosing to leave only the ring that proved me as Queen of Thieves around my neck. 

                Briamy handed me my daggers and leather coin purse when I was finished, looking me over carefully.  I tucked everything into my belt, carefully repositioning each blade’s sheath to where I could grab it quickly.  My stiletto blade I tucked against my ribs, in my sash.  She then lifted the last blade from my bed, the one that shone even in the dim light of my room.

                “I know that Mají told you I had this,” she said slowly.  “But I wanted to see what happened when you held it for the first time, in person.  You know what this dirk is… take it.”

                “The queenblade” I breathed.

                I reached out for the handle, the leather of the grip warm to my touch.  I smiled, feeling the magic within me bubble to the surface.  I closed my eyes for a moment, letting it sweep throughout my body and into the queenblade.  The rush of power was instantaneous, flooding my body with foreign energy.  I could feel the enchantments that had been placed on the blade, each one traced with the magic of a different person. 

                “In Griffon’s name… Gittoran your hair!” Briamy cried.

                I opened my eyes, glancing down at my shoulders.  The tips of my hair had turned scarlet once more, sparks dancing between my fingertips.  I beamed at the color change, looking at my best friend. 

                “It’s happened once before,” I explained.  “When I set fire to the rum in the rogue camp.  I think it has to do something with being in touch with my magic, but it didn’t last long last time.  I’ve got to go.”

                “Good luck!” she called to me as I waved my queenblade at her, tucked it into my sash, and left the room.

                I jogged back up to the deck, my feet light on the stairs.  Mají was standing by the rope ladder, his eyebrows shot up as he saw me, and smiled appreciatively. 

                “Now you look like a true pirate queen,” he said.

                “Queen of Thieves,” I corrected.  “Let’s go, I’ve never fired a cannon before.”

                “Neither have I,” he admitted.  “But Jumé says he knows the basics.”

                I climbed down the rope ladder, laughing as my feet touched the earth.  Mají took my hand as he leapt down beside me.   We moved across the field easily, keeping pace with one another as we headed toward Tempest Storm’s camp.  Fame, Jumé, and the others were already there, crouched beside a cannon that was well within range of Storm’s front door.

                “The cannon is already loaded Captain,” Jumé said softly.  “All we need is a light.”

                “It’s your honor Gittoran,” Mají whispered.

                I placed my hand over the small hole near the rear of the cannon.  I had seen enough movies to know that normally the fuse would be slipped through the hole an into the powder bag, which rested directly below it.  Of course the bag would need to be pierced first.  I drew my stiletto, stabbing the narrow piece of steel through the opening and through the cloth of the powder bag.  Sheathing the stiletto I glanced at the men around me, Jumé, Fame, Obsidarian, Xament, Forcan, and Mají.  He gave me a small nod of encouragement, his eyes wandering to the still scarlet tips of my hair.  I closed my eyes, breathing out slowly as I let the magic wander to the tips of my fingers. 

                “Fire!” I yelled, snapping my eyes open.

                I felt a surge of power from my hands, the cannon blasted Obsidarian and Fame backward with the force of its recoil, and we were rewarded with a smashed section of wall high up along the camp.  Mají yelled with delight, pulling on Jumé’s arm as if the first mate had somehow managed to miss the shot.

                “Swab it down Forcan,” I said steadily.  “Obsidarian, load the powder and let Forcan tamp it down before Fame adds the ball.  Jumé, do you think you could give us a better shot?  I want to reduce that gate to splinters, the wall is only collateral damage.”

                “Yes my queen,” Jumé said, crouching behind the cannon.

                The pirates had the cannon reloaded within two minutes.  Everyone stood back this time, managing to look excited while still glancing cautiously at the cannon.  No one wanted to get hit with the recoil this time.  Once more I pierced the powder bag, willing the magic to ignite the powder at my command.  I counted down in my head, three, two, one…

                “Fire!” I yelled again.

                We were rewarded with a vicious CRACK that reverberated through the skies.  The gate visibly shuddered at the impact, a gaping hole showing through the dead center of the door.  I smiled at Jumé, thrilled with his aim.

                “Again,” I ordered.  “Let’s go for the top left corner this time Jumé.”

                “If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion my queen?” Jumé said stiffly. 

                I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at his antics.  I wanted to get along with him, I really did, he was just so… difficult.

                “Speak freely Jumé, and feel free to address me as our crewmates do,” I said carefully.

                “Might we try a hot ball?” he suggested.

                I tilted my head to the side.  “Hot ball?”

                “You heat the ball white hot,” he explained.  “When it comes into contact with wood it normally sets everything ablaze, very destructive, but tricky.  Normally people would use some sort of buffer, or the powder explodes as soon as the ball touches the bag.”

                “I’ll dive out of the way,” I said quickly.  “I’d love to see the place go up in flames.”

                I crouched next to the primed cannon, focusing my fire around the cannon ball in my hands.  It was slowly changing color, moving from the dull grey to a steady orange glow.  I could hear yells and orders, coming from Storm’s camp.  I didn’t doubt that they would be coming outside soon enough to engage our little force.  The ball finally began to shine in my hands, becoming white hot.  I grinned at Jumé, shoving the ball down the barrel and diving out of the way in a single motion. 

                The ball struck just beneath the hole created by our last shot, the area bursting into a greedy flame that crept along the door.  I began to laugh, spinning in delight as I motioned Xament to play.  He ripped into a lively tune on his fiddle and danced as my enemy’s fortress burned.  Mají bowed to me, handing me a cannonball as another man would have handed me a rose.  I clutched the ball to my chest, heating it as I danced an awkward hop shuffle with Mají.  I left the aiming to Jumé, knowing he would put the ball where it was most needed.  When the ball heated again to white hot I fired the shot, whooping as fire spread along the lower half of the door.  I could hear the structure beginning to groan, and I danced.

 It was a silly, spinning, obnoxious dance of joy, the sort of thing I would never do at the conclave.  Mají’s eyes sparkled with laughter, taking my hand to twirl me a few times and lead me along the cannon.  I slid my bare feet along the deadly instrument as he walked beside me on the grass, shaking his head as he laughed.  When the cannon was loaded once more I released his hand, closing my eyes and running my magic through my feet. 

The resulting kick of the shot was amazing, knocking me from the cannon and into the grass.  I laughed at the impact, scrambling to my feet as I watched the burning gate splinter and collapse with the final hit.  The men around me laughed, and Mají stepped to my side.

“Shall we?” he asked.

“The blood diamond,” I whispered.

“If it’s here we will find it,” he agreed.

Jumé and Fame followed Mají and I as we shoved through what was left of the gate.  The four of us descended upon the camp, spreading out and tearing through the buildings.  We found nothing of value in most of the buildings, and most of the pirates seemed too scared to fight us.  Those who weren’t cowed immediately backed down once Fame snarled at them.  Any sane man would back down if someone Fame’s size snarled, it’s a terrifying experience, even when I knew he was on my side.

I saw him as we neared the captain’s quarters, my brother.  A snarl escaped my own throat and I stomped up to him before any men from my crew could accompany me.  He didn’t move, didn’t flinch as I stood before him, drawing the queenblade from its place against my ribs. 

“I told you I’d be back,” I hissed. 

He opened his mouth to speak, but I didn’t want to listen.  I flashed the queenblade out, separating Red’s earlobe from the rest of his ear.  He cried out in pain, his hands going to the base of his ear.  I shrugged at him, crouching to pull the golden hoop from his severed lobe.  Wiping it off on the corner of my shirt, I slipped it back into my own ear and turned to walk away.

“I’ll consider that as payment for sparing your life,” I said conversationally.  “Always nice doing business with you Red; until next time.”

I left him there, tugging slightly on the earring as I tried the knob to the captain’s quarters.  It was locked.  I turned to call to Fame, only to find him right behind me.

“Trouble?” he rumbled. 

I motioned to the door, stepping out of the way to let him work.  Unsurprisingly, it only took one kick for the door’s lock to snap and give us access.  The two of us worked our way up the hallway, Fame kicking in each door before we swept the room, hunting for anything that may hide the blood diamond.  When we turned another corner, I put up my hand and Fame stopped before kicking in the next door. 

Mají jogged up behind me, “Is this door special?” he asked.

I nodded.  “This is where I found all of that gold on my first raid,” I explained softly.  “I’m trying to remember how I triggered the switch last time and whether or not I need this door on its hinges.”

“If you need it intact we will have to spend too much valuable time attempting to pick the lock.”

                We turned and I laughed at Jumé, looking calm and almost disinterested at our dilemma.  I wanted to smack myself for my stupidity.

“Of course!” I cried.  “I can pick the lock in an instant!”

I drew my stiletto and jammed it into the knob of the door, yanking the hilt to the right and shoving the door.  The door swung inward gently, looking none the worse for wear.  I grinned and returned my blade to its place, leaning on the inner frame of the door on my way into the room. 

As before, a stone door crashed down over the entrance and a shelf slid back into the wall, exposing the entrance to the back vault.  I led the men down the narrow corridor, holding a small ball of flame in my hand to guide our way.  I stopped just around the corner from the room, turning and placing my hands over Mají’s eyes.

“You gave me a gift, revenge,” I said softly.  “Now I give you a gift Mají-jalio, and it may not be a cannon, but it’s enough gold to buy a few more.”

I removed my hand and turned the final corner, sprinting into the vault.  It was just as I’d left it, down to the empty space where the single pile of gold I had taken had once been.  The three men whooped and dashed in behind me, each picking a pile of coins and jumping in them as a child would to an uncommonly large leaf pile.  I stood there laughing, beginning to scoop the coins into my little bag.  Jumé stopped first, glaring at me while sprawling over his pile.

“Do you intend to claim all of this?” he asked suspiciously.

“No,” I said carefully.  “Though I was the one who knew where the switch was, I was going to suggest splitting it four ways.  If that’s o.k. with you guys of course.”

“Four ways sounds fair,” Jumé said slowly.  “What do you think Captain?”

                “I like it,” Mají said quickly.  “And it saves us from sorting through all of this for the blood diamond when we need to get to Storm’s cabin.”

We worked in silence for a few minutes, shoveling the coins and trinkets into the bottomless tiny bag.  When the room was completely empty, Mají led us out, reversing the switch and going down the hallway until we faced Storm’s door.  I shuddered slightly, remembering the last time I had seen the light blue door, before I wore my bindings around my wrist, back when I believed there may be hope for my brother.

Storm stood ready for us, perched on his desk with his sword already across his lap.

“I will not surrender,” he whispered.  “Even if none of my crew would be here to witness that humiliation.  But I will let you search this place for what you seek, though I urge you that it is not here.  It’s around the girl’s neck, how do you not see it?”

                Fame and Jumé both glanced at my neck, peering at my necklace.

“It is a ring,” Jumé said.  “An ancient artifact marking her as the Queen of Thieves.  The ring has no diamond, and looks nothing like the sketches of the blood diamond I have seen.  You are mistaken.”

“I don’t have it!” Storm hissed, moving to slide to his feet as Fame knocked the sword from his hand and picked him up, pinning him to the wall by the front of his shirt. 

I stepped toward the captain, peering over Fame’s massive arm to look at the man who had held me captive.

“Never trust a pirate,” I whispered.

His eyes grew wide, and he thrashed uselessly in Fame’s grip.  I closed my eyes and held my hand in front of Captain Storm’s chest.  I felt the easy release of power, and Storm’s scream met my ears.  Opening my eyes, I smiled and stepped back to admire my handiwork.  Burned into Storm’s chest was a fiery “G”.

Mají and Jumé tore through the room, smashing desk drawers and pulling trophies from the walls, finally shrugging after a minute or so.

“Nothing,” they said together.

“We have no further purpose here,” Jumé added.

Mají nodded, circling his hands around my waist and looking at Tempest Storm.  Fame had released him, and the captain was now slumped against his wall, screwing up his scarred face in pain each time he drew breath.

“Now that,” he whispered.  “Is something I doubt even Jumé has heard of… do you have any further business here?”

I shook my head, finally tearing my gaze from the twice-scarred man. 

“Then let’s go home,” he said softly.  “We’ll look again tomorrow.”

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