
By Kramdrof

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This is a boylove-style adaptation of Charlotte Brontë's classic coming of age novel, Jane Eyre. It was orig... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Eight

73 18 47
By Kramdrof


Air stayed at his own house until after lunch.  Chess and his guests had all gone into the village to sit in a cafe and drink iced coffees.

Sky and Khemp were both busy at the house as they prepared for tonight's party.  All the field workers were doing just that.  The garden guys were gardening.  Air found himself alone.

He took two bottles of cold water,  a towel,  a novel,  and crispy potato snacks that Khemp had given him.  Air set everything on a lounge chair and dove into the pool.

"Every time we see you,  you're practically naked."

Air opened his eyes and found that the sun was being blocked by Ing and his three younger brothers.  They stood two on each side of the lounge chair that Air had so recently fallen asleep in.

His hair and bathing suit were completely dry by now. Air put his legs over the edge of the chair and waited for two of them to back up.  He stood and took the towel he'd been lying on.

Air was like most of us,  not completely confident with his body.  He knew that people thought he was too thin sometimes.  Other's thought he should work out and build muscle.  He kept his shoulders back.  Air looked at the one who spoke.

"Yes,  I don't sleep fully dressed and I don't swim that way either."  Air waved his hand toward the pool.  "You can swim in your clothes if you like.  Big brother Chess doesn't have any rules about that."

Air picked up his book and the bottle of water he hadn't finished.  He headed across the back lawn, toward his house.

Ing's next oldest sibling leaned close and spoke quietly in his ear.  "You have to step up your game brother."

Ing slapped his bro's upper arm.  "What are you talking about?  Look at me,  and then look at him."  Ing flexed his man titties,  one then the other.  He turned sideways and smacked his own ass. 

"Some guys like this."  The brother was wagging his finger over the muscular display Ing was putting on.  "But some guys like that."  He pointed to Air's spotless,  tender,  untouched back.


There had been plenty of parties at the orphanage during Air's lifetime.  They were often accomplished by the efforts of many, and the donation of one or two.  It could amount to an extra nice meal and sometimes music and dancing.  A day at the movies could be called a party,  or a trip to the park.

Green sat on Air's loved seat and laughed his ass off.  Fair was chasing Del and Joe around the house and the more he hyperventilated,  the more they giggled and extended his misery. 

"Aren't you two going to do anything to help?"

Green laughed again.  "I am,  I promised Air I would polish his shoes while he dressed."  Green got louder and yelled up the stairwell.  "I'd stay up there if I were you,  Nong'Air."

Air called back down:  "Believe me P',  I want to."

Fair smacked Green's thick arm.  "Don't say stuff like that.  He's already nervous."


Joe saw him first.  "P'Air."

Del,  Green and Fair,  all said the same thing.  "You look so nice."  Del walked in a circle and inspected Air from all sides.  Del put his hand in Air's jacket pocket.

Fair teased Del.  "Don't be getting a crush on your teacher."

Air fumbled.  "P'Chess said I have to dress up.  Is this ok?"

"You look great Nong,  and remember, we will all be there too,  you just won't be able to see us."

Fair meant that he,  Khemp,  and Sky,  would all be in the kitchen and service area.

"Not me."  Green took Del and Joe by the hand and started leading them out of the house.  "I'm going home and watching a movie."  He was smiling down at Del and Joe when he said:  "You guys can party all night if you want." 

Green waited for Fair to catch up.  He kissed his lover's cheek and handed over the tiny party monsters.  Del and Joe were revved.

Air, not so much,  he was ten paces behind and falling moreso by the second.

Del and Joe ran to the house,  as soon as Fair let go of their hands.  He turned and went back the few steps to Air.  "Look at it this way, Nong.  You live here.  You're part of this farm.  You belong here more than Ing and his brothers."

Fair stopped and tucked a strand of hair behind Air's ear.  "Besides,  you're the special guest,  remember?"

"I do P',  and I wish I didn't."

Sending Del and Joe in first,  kinda worked for Air.  The kids drew the attention long enough for Fair to dab Air's dewy forehead with a tissue.

Fair slipped past him and went for the kitchen.  He gave Air the thumbs up.  "You'll be fine. Really Air,  have some fun.  You're young,  you're single,  you're beautiful...  it's a party."

That reassurance from Fair, (you'll be fine), may not have held much weight for Air,  but Fair himself knew it to be right.  If what Chess said was true,  and he really did feel something for Air,  Air couldn't possibly be in a safer place than he was right now.

Chester came straight to the entrance and did that arm looping thing with Air.  He paid him a compliment,  the very first.  "You look so handsome tonight, I will have to keep a close eye on you. There are eligible men here who are curious about you."

Air turned a touch so that his back was to the room filled with people.  He looked up and talked in a hushed,  but typical, no-nonsense voice.  "You should have told them that I'm not a circus sideshow act and that I'm a simple teacher."  Air turned back and finished his last sentence looking into the room:  "I'm not here to entertain them."

Air sensed that he may have pissed Chester off.  He wasn't quite so warm as he started.

Chess and Air didn't need to move and mingle for the introductions.  The crowd advanced toward them and formed a semi-circle that flanked both sides.  Air felt surrounded.

Ing made himself known by stepping forward and making a condescending wai for Air.  "Don't tell me,  you're the teacher."

Ing turned his head and glanced at his brother's just behind.  "Can you believe it?  Who has a teacher at home these days?"

Ing's next youngest brother,  Ink,  had inky eyes that could kill.  He zeroed in on Chess's hand and how it laid gently over Air's as they stood with linked arms.  He moved forward quickly and took Air's free hand.  "Let me have him P'Chess,  I can take care of the rest of the introductions."  Ink shoved his older brother in Chess's direction.

Ing's falling damsel act worked,  Chess reached and caught him in his arms.  Air didn't look back as he was towed away.

Ing's younger brothers were pretty,  but dumb as stumps.  Del could hold a more adult conversation and he was far more interesting too.

Perhaps his discomfort or outright misery showed.  Air would rather do just about anything than spend another minute in the company of the brothers.  He was saved by the last person he expected,  Joe's mom.

She walked straight in the front door,  grabbed a glass of wine from a passing tray.  She scanned the room and made a b-line to Air.  She stepped in between Air and Ink. 
There was hardly a breath between sentences.
"There you are,  didn't Chess tell you I was coming.  My God Air,  you're gorgeous."

She smiled at Ink.  "Don't you agree?  No wonder Chess has been at home so much lately."  She waved her hand up and down the length of Air's lithe body.  "I'd wanna stick around too."

Little Joe's mom fluffed Ink off and pulled Air by the arm,  she did it under the false pretence that she had someone that Air just had to meet.  In reality,  she dragged him outside and on the back deck.  There were people out there,   but it was not nearly as crowded.

Air sighed.  It was quieter and cooler.  "Thank you,  I needed to get out of there."

"I never told you my name,  did I?  ...I'm Arpa."  She shook Air's hand like a westerner.

Arpa walked Air to a wooden railing.  They put their backs to it and leaned on it.  "So you've met all of the vulture brothers?"

Air wasn't so dim-witted as to not get what she was implying.  He let her know with his eyes that he had,  but, he didn't spur her on with any augmentations of his own.

They chatted for twenty minutes.  Arpa snagged another two glasses of wine.  

"Nong,  you've been nursing that forever.  It must be body temperature by now."   Arpa took Air's glass and set it aside.  She handed him the new,  chilled,  white wine.

He sipped and made a funny face.  "I'm not used to this kind,  Fair drinks red."

Arpa took it away from him.   "More for me."  She tugged again at his arm.  

Back inside,  they found the waiter with the red wine,  it was Khemp.  His mouth slumped open when he laid eyes on Air.  Arpa giggled.

"Nong,  are you waiting tonight, or catching mosquitos?"  Arpa reached and touched the bottom of Khemp's chin.   "He looks good, right?"  

Khemp's head moved up and down,  his eyes stayed stuck to Air.  The words finally formed in his mouth:  "Yes he does, he..."

Now she made fun of him.  "Khemp,  Khemp,  snap out of it."

The lights in the room were dimmed,  but Khemp saw Air blush,  it was a first.


Del and his buddy Joe had had enough of the dessert buffet.  Too much cake and strawberries dipped in chocolate had them both with the sugar-spins.  Air watched Chess slink to the kitchen,  he returned with Fair, who promptly told the little ones to say good night.  Air saw them walking across the grass.

It was getting late for Air too.  He would normally be in bed reading by this time of night,  or having tea on his back deck and watching the stars.  He longed to be there now.

Arpa and Air had found a nice spot in Chester's living room.  The small sofa faced inward and from there they could see everyone.  The music was loud and the guests were all moving to it.  The alcohol kept flowing and Arpa handed Air his third glass of red wine,  his fourth if you count the white one.

Arpa said she had to pee and that she wanted to go over to Del's house and kiss little Joe.  Air nodded and said he would stay right where he was.

That would have remained the truth if Ing had not pulled Air to his feet.  "Let's dance teacher.  You do know how to dance,  don't you?"

The wine in Air's glass spilled over his hand and stain the cuff of his shirt.  A couple of guests handed him napkins as he tried to save it from dripping on Chess's furniture and carpets.  Air took the soaked paper and ran for the kitchen.  Fair,  Khemp and Sky were there when he rushed in.

Air was explaining what happened.  He pulled the sleeve of his jacket up and showed the dark red stain on the cuff of his powder blue shirt.

Fair knew what to do.  He started to tug Air toward the sink.  

A big pair of hands landed firmly on Air's shoulders.  Chess started to lift his jacket from him.  "You should remove this first."

Air looked up and behind himself.  Chess was smiling as he took the garment.  He handed it to the first kitchen staff who passed, and without looking at them.  "Put this somewhere where it won't get dirty." 
He barked again:  "Make sure you give it back to him at the end of the night."

"Fair,  after you've rinsed that out,  just roll his sleeves up.  It's too hot for the jacket."

He snapped at another lad who was working as a waiter.  "Get Air a big glass of ice water."

The whole kitchen fell silent.  Chess took Air's hand.  "When you're done,  please come back and join me."

Air looked up into Chess's face.  When he said yes,  it was the only sound in the room.

As soon as Chess let go of Air's hand and stepped to leave,  the kitchen cacophony started anew.

Fair went back to the business of rinsing Air's sleeve.  

Sky stared into Khemp's wondering eyes.


Fair straightened him out and ran his fingers through Air's hair.  He snickered at his teacher friend.  "Are you drunk, Nong?   I think you are."

Air faced an open window and let the cooler outside breeze blow on his skin.  "P'Fair..."

Fair launched his arm out and grabbed Khemp as he passed.  "Put that tray down and take Air to the bathroom."  Khemp glanced and could see the woozy in Air's colour.


Chess was waiting patiently in the crowded living room.  He had the same glass of wine in his hand that he'd had two hours ago.

Ing and his brothers were gathered around Chess.  There was always some comical quip for Ing to tell.  His juniors were there to laugh and ensure he didn't look lame.

Ink was happy to point out what was happening just down the hall.  The group could see the way to the kitchen. 
Khemp was jostling Air and taking him into the washroom.  The bright light disappeared when the door closed. 
Ink looked at his watch.  "Who wants to bet it's a quickie.  Five hundred baht says it's no more than five minutes."

Chess didn't take the bet.  He never even heard it.  He still had the image of Air's soft cheek,  tucked tight to Khemp's neck.


It probably would have been better if he had gotten sick.  Air sat on the toilet while Khemp wiped his face.  He drank a bunch of water and appeared refreshed.

At times,  Khemp thought Air was trying to kill him.  He knew that in all honesty,  Air wasn't trying to seduce him.  If he was,  they would have been together a long time ago.  It was just that Air did things...

Air stood.  

Khemp was refilling the water glass.  

He heard a heavy stream start hitting the toilet bowl.  Khemp looked at the mirror and past his own reflection, to the one of Air's back.  He spoke to it:  "What are you doing?"

"I had to pee, P'.  I couldn't wait."

When the giggling pair stepped back into the hall,  a tipsy Air was doing up his fly.  Khemp had to help.

Chester's arm shot out.  He clamped onto Ing's wrist and jolted him.  Their chests bumped together.  Ing made sure the whole room heard him:  "Oh my,  P'Chess,  you've had too much to drink.  What's next?"

Chester peered down the hall to see if Air witnessed his embrace with Ing.  Khemp was standing with an empty glass in his hand; he looked confused.

...  Khemp  ...


... to be continued ...

FanFiction and Novel Adaptation by Kramdrof, all rights reserved, January 2021

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