Always. ~ P.Parker

By xxitssteverogersxx

77.5K 2.6K 1.1K

"Two bro's, chillin' a hot tub, five feet apart 'cause they're not gay." "Phoenix, not the time." "Sorry." C... More

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4.5K 172 78
By xxitssteverogersxx

Phoenix Haynes

"Hey! Need help?" A familiar voice asked, and I turned around to see Peter.

"I'm guessing you can't find our class, because it's actually this way." He said, sheepishly gesturing back the way I'd come from, making me blush.

"Some help would be great." I admitted, and Peter smiled, gesturing for me to follow him.

"Last night was heaps of fun." He said, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, it was." I agreed, and we kept walking.

"Thankyou for hosting, and for letting me join your little gang."

"Anytime." Peter responded, and I sighed happily.

"Sorry to be a burden and make you walk me to class." I apologised, but Peter made a dismissive gesture.

"You aren't a burden at all, and I offered!" He exclaimed, but looked at his watch, before gasping.

"We are going to be late though, so let's go!"

We started jogging down the hallways, and eventually, we made it to our class, panting as we walked in.

"Ah! Mr Parker, Miss-" The teacher cut herself off, looking at the list of students.

"Haynes, you're both late, for your first class back?" She scoffed, shaking her head.

"Afterschool detention, both of you."

"I'm so sorry, I'm new, it's my fault." I said, giving Peter a sorry look.

"He was helping me find this class, please don't give him detention." I pleased, but she looked unamused.

"Unfortunately, Mr Parker knows the rules and what the consequences of breaking said rules are. Detention, after school today."


"I'm sorry, Peter." I whispered, taking the detention slips from our teacher and taking a seat next to him, handing Peter his.

"It's alright, worth it." He smiled, opening his book and taking a pen out, focusing on what the teacher was saying.

I copied his motion, deciding it was best to focus, not wanting to get in trouble for a second time today.

My phone buzzed in my pocket not long after I started concentrating, making me roll my eyes.

What now?

Shmaptain Schmerica to: Avengers or Whatever.

'Nat, Bruce and I are going to go investigate some tectonic plate shifts. Fury wants to play it safe, scope it out incase someone has come to pay us a visit. Stay safe, will you guys?'

It was Steve, messaging our groupchat.

Rebellious Teen to: Avengers or Whatever.

'No promises, Captain.' I sent back, and I got a response almost immediately.

Shmaptain Schmerica to: Avengers or Whatever.


Uh oh, that means he's serious.

Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist to: Avengers or Whatever.

'How long will you be gone, Capsicle?'

Shmaptain Schmerica to: Avengers or Whatever.

'Not sure, Tony. We'll let you know when we get there.'

I giggled to myself, typing a response, before putting my phone down and concentrating on the reading task.

Rebellious Teen to: Avengers or Whatever.

'Bring me back a souvenir.'

Spiderling to: Avengers or Whatever.

'Me too, please!'


"Welcome to detention, phones in the box." Some random teacher said, making Peter and I share a look, before turning our phones off and giving them to the teacher.

"Clean the gum off from under the tables for the next hour, and you're free to go."

"Okay." I said politely, and the teacher left the room, leaving Peter and I alone.

"I'm really sorry I got us into this, Peter." I sighed, crossing my legs over the chair, and he shrugged, sitting on the table next to me.

"You don't have to be." He said, and I could tell he was being honest.

"I still feel bad, I can't help it." I shrugged, but Peter smiled softly at me.

"I know, but it's alright, I promise."

"If you're sure." I responded, pushing a table over softly and grabbing a scraper, getting to work.

"I'm always sure." Peter grinned, copying me and getting to work, making me turn to face him.

"Always, huh?" I asked, making him nod.


"How interesting." I commented, and we both laughed while we worked.

"So, Ned and MJ are both about to get eaten by sharks, and you can only save one of them." I changed the topic,  scraping some gum into a bucket.

"Who are you saving and why?"

"Both." Peter said without hesitation, and I pointed at him.

"No way, Parker, you gotta pick one." I said, making him throw a pen at me, which I let hit me in the face.

I could've stopped that, if I really want to.

Telekinesis is a fun thing.

"Sorry, I didn't expect that to hit your nose!" Peter exclaimed, and I giggled, throwing it back at him.

"Don't worry about it, so Ned or MJ?" I asked, making him tap his chin in thought.

"Bro's before hoes, gotta pick Ned." Peter joked, and I accepted that as the closest I would possibly get to a proper answer.

"You playboy." I jokingly scoffed, and he placed his on his heart as I turned my back on him.

"No, please! I've changed!" He pleaded, but I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest.

"How could I possibly forgive you, you weasel?!" I pretended to be hurt, and Peter crawled over to me pleading on his knees.

"Take me back, I'll be better!" He begged, and I tapped my chin.

"Okay, but you do the dishes from now on." I negotiated, making him nod enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes of course!"

"Then we have an agreement." I said, tackling him in a hug, and we rolled across the floor a few feet before coming to a stop, both in a fit of laughter.

That was the first time we've hugged.

"You should take drama, you're a good actress." Peter joked, and I flipped my hair over my shoulder, lying on the floor next to him.

"What can I say? I have a flare for the dramatic, Parker."

"I'm sure you do, Nix."


'Rendezvous in 10 minutes, Spiderboy.'

'10 minutes? I'll be there in 5, Shadow.'
I read the text from my best friend, laughing and placing my phone in my pocket and putting on my suit, making sure to take my mask with me.

Gotta keep my identity a secret.

I ran down the street after I left my apartment, stopping once I'd reached the museum.

"Here we go." I grinned to myself, putting on my mask and chucking my pillow on the ground, using my ability to move it up, stopping when I got to the roof.

I stepped off the pillow, chucking it to the side and crossing my arms over my chest.

Guess I beat him here.

He swung up to the roof, executing a perfect landing, and turning to me.

"You beat me?"

"Awh, that's cute." I joked, taking out my present for him.

"What is?"

"That you thought you could get here before me in the first place." I said, handing him that bag, which he took.

"I could, I just let you win."

"Sure you did, Spiderboy." I laughed, and he opened the bag, taking out a thin bracelet.

"What is this?" He asked, and I put it on his wrist.

"If you need me and the others aren't around, you press this button." I said, clicking the small button on the side of the band, and my phone started beeping.

I changed the case before I got here, obviously.

"It shows my your location when I click on it." I told him, pressing 'accept' on my phone, and the museum we were standing on popped up.

"That way, I can find you if you need help." I smiled, and he nodded.


"Don't sweat it." I waved my hand dismissively, and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You think Bruce, Nat and Steve are gonna be okay?" He asked, and I nodded.

"They always are."

"I feel bad for not going." He said, making me shrug.

"You don't need to, if it was a job for all of us, they'd call for us." I told him, and he seemed content with my reply.

"Remember when we all went to Ohio because of those rock giants?" He asked, and I laughed.

"Yeah, I tried setting them on fire." I recalled the memory, making us both chuckle.

"I still don't know why they were so fire resistant." He shrugged, and I groaned.

"They were wet, I guess."

We fell into a comfortable silence, but it didn't last long before my friend my friend broke it, bursting into laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked, and he just gestured between us.

"We're best friends, but we know literally nothing about eachother."

"Hey, not nothing! We know about our abilities." I pointed out, and he nodded.

"Nothing beyond that, though."

"It's mysterious, don't you like a little uncertainty, Spiderboy?" I asked, making him scoff.

"You know it's Spiderman."

"Beat me here next time and I'll call you a man." I challenged, and he laughed.

"Is that how you're gonna play it?"

"Hell yeah, that's how I'm gonna play it." I responded, and he gestured into the distance.

"Race you to the Statue of Liberty?"

"Oh, you're on." I laughed, and he got ready, before I motioned between us.

"Give a girl some motivation." I said, making him turn to face me.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what are the stakes?" I asked, and I could basically feel the grin, even though I couldn't see it.

"If I win, you tell me who you are."

"It's a good thing I'm gonna win, Spiderboy." I said, tapping my chin.

"If I win, you have to tell the rest of the Avengers that you think I'm stronger than you."

"Absolutely not!" He exclaimed, and I grabbed my pillow, looking off into the distance.

"You better win then."

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