Harry Potter and the Exchange...

By ridikkuluswriters

684 132 26

Book 1 - ✔ *** A new year at Hogwarts with surprises, Harry and their friends are in year #3 and the school i... More

Authors' Notes
Chapter #1 Welcome to Hogwarts!
Chapter #3 Reconecting
Chapter #4 M.M
Chapter #5 Secrets
Chapter #6 Page 394
Chapter #7 Control it
Chapter #8 To Tell or not to Tell?
Chapter #9 Those two
Chapter #10 Old Moon Mansion
Chapter #11 Ruined Roses
Chapter #12 Myles's Room
Chapter #13 Safe box
Chapter #14 Something there?
Chapter#15 Winter Ball
Chapter #16 Winter Ball (continued)
Chapter #17 Flowers and Wiggentrees
Chapter #18 Noom Sleym
Chapter #19 Secret Santa
Chapter #20 Chess and fainting
Chapter #21 Marauders Map
Chapter #22 Secret Godfather
Chapter #23 Happiest Memory
Chapter #24 Sirius is in Hogwarts
Chapter #25 Missing Rat
Chapter #26 Fights and Dog bites
Chapter #27 Peter Pettigrew
Chapter #28 The Moon is pretty isn't it?
Chapter #29 We can't be seen
Chapter #30 See you soon

Chapter #2 New Friends?

36 4 0
By ridikkuluswriters

"I'm mostly with animals all day, he doesn't like them"

Audrie's perspective

After all the girls stopped laughing I really akwardly said

"I need to go, I forgot something in my common room. Bye"

And ran off, then I bumped into someone and I said

"I'm soooo sorry, are you ok?"

But when I looked up, I bumped into Draco Malfoy!!! Then when we saw each other I said

"Now that I know I bumped into you I'm not that sorry"

"Well if it isn't Audrie Moon, what do I owe the pleasure of meeting the new school celebrity?"

He said ruedly laughing, then I said in my slightly rebel voice

"Sorry, but to me, bumping into you is no pleasure"

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?!"

"Especially not someone scared of you, cause your harmless"

"Yeah? And why would you say that?"

"First of all, it looks like your scared to walk around the school alone, cause your always with Crabbe and Goyle. And second, every time someone does anything to you, you say 'My father will hear about this' So..."

"You will regret that"

"Yeah? I'll regret it when you stop bothering people for no reason, so that would be in...... Never. Now I'm gonna leave cause I have more important things to do than stay here chatting. Bye!"

I left without looking back, but I didn't have to turn around to know the face that Draco must have put when I stepped up to him. All of that nonsense was in the entrance of the Great Hall, so lots of people saw and heard it, that made me feel awesome, because people saw I'm not defenseless, especially Charlotte's new friends.

Charlotte's perspective

After Audrie ran off I felt really bad, cause I knew what Hannah meant by Wiggentree but I still wanted to laugh, and by that I hurt Audrie's feelings. But the I saw how she was stepping up to Draco Malfoy at the entrance of the Great Hall, everybody near could hear what she said and the started telling everyone, but before I did I told Hannah

"Why did you say that about Audrie?!"

"What did I say?"

"That she was a Wiggentree!"

"You know she is, she just stood there saying and doing nothing"

"She is just not good talking to new people, she gets very stressed and a little akward"

"Well you know it's true"

"No it's not, and it's not nice. Besides you saw how she stood up to Malfoy, How could you still say she is a Wiggentree? You know, uhh, see you never. Bye!"

Before she could respond I walked away, to see if I could talk to Audrie about what just happened. But I didn't find her, so I just decide to wait to talk to her after class.

Audrie's perspective

When I walked in my common room people started clapping when they saw me. Luna was in her bed with a bird, so I sat down with her and before I could ask what was happening she said

"I know what your thinking"

"You do?"

"Yeah, you wanna know why everybody clapped when you entered"

"Yeah, it was pretty weird"

"It's because almost all the students know what happened with Draco Malfoy at the Great Hall"

"And how do they know that?"

"Because lots of people saw it when it happened and told, so you know how this school is."

"Yeah, you tell one. Two minutes later, they all know!!"

"That's one of our school many talents"

After that we both laughed and then I said

"I just wanna show the people that Draco is just another student. He's no big deal"

"You are right, but I don't cross with him, I'm mostly with animals all day, he doesn't like them"

"Well to me he is an animal"

"Yeah, what were you doing in the Great Hall anyways?"

"Well I was there because I was supposed to meet Charlotte there, but she was with a few friends and out of nowhere one of them called me a Wiggentree and started laughing, including Charlotte, so I made an excuse to get out of there.... and I bumped into Draco. Lucky me!"

"Well.. if it make you feel any better about it Wiggentree's are lovely trees"

"Yeah, that does make me feel better, so the jokes on them"

We both started laughing and then Luna told me

"You know if you want I can introduce you to some friends..."

"No offense, but are you talking about animals or humans?"

She chuckled and said

"Humans, I know good people. Want to go meet them?"

I was quiet for a few seconds, then I said

"I think I could use some new friends"

We smiled and she jumped out of the bed, and said before grabbing my hand to run

"Ok, so lets go before classes start"

Then we both took of to the school courtyard, were I saw Harry Potter and two other people talking to him, we got close and Luna said to them

"Hello Harry, hi Ron, hi Hermione!"

"Hi Luna!"

Harry said, looking at me a little confused

"Hey Luna"

Ron and Hermione said at the same time. Then Luna said

"Guys this is my new friend Audrie Moon"

I was trying to stay calm, cause I wanted to make a good impresion, then I took a deep breath and said

"Hi, I'm Audrie, nice to meet you"

Then Hermione said in a friendly voice


Then Harry and Ron said

"Nice to meet you too"

They started talking about some prisoner that escaped Azkaban, with worried looks on their faces, then Luna made me join the conversation, then Hermione said

"Well we need to be ready for anything cause Sirius Black may come here!"

Ron had an almost traumatic look on his face, and then Luna said

"But there are lots of witches and wizards here, not only counting the students. But also the teachers and the greatest wizard ever. Dumbledore!"

After hearing that they seemed a little bit calmer, the I said

"I don't want to sound negative, but, we did think that nobody could escape Azkaban, but someone did. So... anything can happen, and as Hermione said, we just have to be ready."

"Audrie is right, I'll go to the library and see if I can find anything about Sirius Black"

Hermione said in a very confident voice. Then I added

"I can help, I know we just met but I don't want anything to happen to anyone. Besides I'm a book worm so I think we can find information very easily"

Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged looks, then she said

"Sure, that will be very helpful, lets start after class"

"Ok, meet you in the library then"

We all said goodbye and started going to class

Draco's perspective

After the thing that happened in the Great Hall, everybody that passes by me starts to laugh. I'm sick of it! And it hasn't even been an hour! I entered the common room were I saw Blaise and he laughed as he saw me, then I said

"Amused Blaise?"

"Actually, yes, very"

"And by what?"

"I think you know, but I don't mind reminding you. I'm laughing because someone finally stepped up to you and you didn't even responded back. I'ts hilarious!"

And Blaise started laughing again, but harder than before. Then I said

"I don't care, it's no big deal"

But inside, it was. But he couldn't know. Then he said

"Yeah, right. But it doesn't matter if you care or not, it happened and people know it. So I suggest you make fun of Potter again, so people can forget a little about this 'incident' "

I rolled my eyes since Blaise was right and said,

"You know what, I am going to do it and It's going to be so great that...Nobody will ever start talking about the 'incident' again!"

I said loudly for everyone in the common room to stop laughing if they wanted to keep their lives.

I stormed out of the common room and went to my dorm and started planning the big thing that will make that stupid Potter feel like a fool.

Charlotte's perspective

After class I decided to check at the library since I knew it was Audrie's favorite place besides I needed a book from her. When I arrived it was easy to spot the blonde girl between the library. I ran-walked to her.


I went slowly since she was with another girl.

"Oh hi"

she said kind of mad, since Hannah called her Wiggentree I wouldn't be happy either.

"So um about what happened..."

"Um Audrie who is this"

The girl that was with her asked very bravely

"Oh she is Charlotte, my best friend until-"

"Look I didn't mean for her to say that, besides with her attitude I bet she will end with no friends"

She laughed since I didn't used that expression since the last time we met Malfoy, but then I realized the girl that was with Audrie and I asked

"Oh, sorry. Who are you?"

"Right, I'm Hermione. I'm a friend of Audrie's"

"Oh.. That's awesome! Soo..... Audrie I think we need to talk about what happened with Malfoy"

"There's nothing to say, we bumped into each other and then I stood up to him, that's all"

"Well it was the best thing I've seen you do.... well in the part about talking to people like that"

"Thanks? Well right now Hermione and I are.... looking for something"

"Ok, can I help?"

"No, it's ok"

"Ok... can we meet after?"

"I would love to, but Luna and I are hanging out later"

"Can I come with you?"

"I don't know... I need to ask Luna"

"Ok, no problem. Ask her and then tell me, well I'm gonna go, so... See ya, Oh! And good luck with that thing your finding"

"Thanks, bye!"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  February 08, 2021 - 1678 words - Don't be a silent reader and tell us what you think

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