The Devil In I (Danganronpa X...

By stuntdoubleofbobross

43K 912 1.4K

Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist, has been invited to join the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy. Little did... More

Prologue- Me and my Daemon
Chapter 2 - Welcome to Despair
Chapter 3 - First Days of Despair (Part 1)
Chapter 4 - First Days of Despair (Part 2)
Chapter 5 - Death of an Idol
Chapter 6 - The First Class Trial
Chapter 7 - Revelation
Chapter 8 - How to Love a Daemon
Chapter 9 - The (Ten) Million Dollar Question
Chapter 9.5 - The King and Queen of Despair
Chapter 10 - The Creator and the Compass
B has a Seizure
Chapter 11 - The Traitor in the Ranks
Chapter 12 - Death of a Warrior
Chapter 13 - The Trial of Sakura Ogami
Chapter 14 - 100 Mile Dash; Pain of a Junk Food Junkie!
Chapter 15 - The Seventeenth Student
Another Question
Chapter 16 - The Fourth Trial
The Smut.
Chapter 17 - The Parley of Hope and Despair!
Chapter 18 - The True Answer Arc
Chapter 19 - Ultimate Pain, Suffering, Despair, Execution and Death
Chapter 19.5 - What If?

Chapter 1 - First Impressions

3.5K 85 144
By stuntdoubleofbobross


The alarm on my phone woke me up, and I very slowly crawled my way out of bed. I groggily put on my clothes, making sure to put on my mask and glove, before I trudged downstairs. As I was making my morning coffee, He decided to speak.

"Good morning Y/N, did you have a nice sleep? I know you dreamed of some interesting things last night, something about a small creature telling you that you were looking cool. What was that about, I wonder?"

"Shut up Belial, it's way too early for this. At least let me have 2 cups of coffee before you say something," I lazily said.

It had been around a year since I decided to become his 'mortal vessel', and now I had to live with him speaking out loud, reading my thoughts and annoying me constantly. But hey, at least I wasn't dead. As I finished making my coffee, I sat down on my couch and took a sip.

"Oh yes. Now that's a way to wake someone up. You know Belial, there's a reason why it's called God's nectar."

"Eurgh, do not mention HIM. I have had enough of mortals saying his name while pleading for mercy. But they forget that they are in Hell, the realm of eternal punishment."

Belial complained. I knew that he hated it whenever I mentioned the Big G. After all he is a daemon.
Before he further complained about God, I heard the letterbox open and close. Strange, I thought, I very rarely letters.
I went over to the front door and picked up the letter. I looked at the envelope. On the front, I saw the symbol of Hope's Peak Academy. A prestigious academy, located in the heart of Tokyo, where the best of the best go. I opened the envelope and read the letter enclosed. What was in it changed my life, for better or for worse.
Dear Y/N L/N,
We here at Hope's Peak Academy have deemed you suitable of attending this most illustrious school. You will be attending the school as the Ultimate Daemonologist, where you will be joining other students, each with their own unique talents and abilities.
We hope to see you soon,
Headmaster Jin Kirigiri.

"Well Y/N, I guess congratulations are in order. As much as I hate to admit it, I must say well done to you."

"Wow Belial, you actually gave me a compliment for once. Are you feeling alright?"

Belial could only give a grunt as a response.


As I stood in front of the academy towering over me, I wondered what my future would be like at Hope's Peak. Well, I'm about to step into a world full of trepidation, I thought. But as I took that first step, my vision started to blur. My knees felt weak, and then all I could see was black.

3rd Person POV

As Y/N stirred, all he could think was:

Where am I?

As he looked around, he saw that he was in a classroom of some kind. But it wasn't a normal classroom.
Iron plates were screwed on to where the windows once were and a surveillance camera was positioned in the corner of the room. Strangely enough, he was the only one in the class room, with rows of desks being completely empty. As he scanned around the room, he noticed that there was a piece of paper on his desk. It read:
Hey there, new kid!
The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your entire world.
It was written in what Y/N assumed was crayon.

"What is this joke?" Belial asked.

It seemed that the daemon was as just in the dark as Y/N was.

"I don't know." Y/N said. "But whatever it is, I guess we need to find a way out of here."

Belial nodded, and by that I mean he made Y/N's head nod as if he were in agreement. As Y/N made his way out of the classroom, he noticed someone standing at the opposite end of the hallway. It was as if he were looking for something.

"Hey!" Y/N called out to the person.

"Jesus Christ!" The person said as they turned around to face Y/N.

He had spiky, brown hair with a prominent ahoge and hazel eyes. He was wearing a green hoodie and a black jacket.

"Oh sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." Y/N apologised.

" Nah it's ok, just didn't expect to see another person. Anyway, my name is Makoto Naegi, I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student. What about you?"

"I'm Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist. Pleased to meet you."

"Hey can I ask you something? What's up with that mask and glove?"

Y/N knew this would happen eventually. He had been asked that multiple times over the past year, and he had to lie. He had to because then they would know his deep and dark secret.

"Oh these? Let's just say a summoning went wrong and I paid the price for it." Y/N aid.

"You sure did." Belial thought.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that Y/N. Anyway, why don't we stick together? That way we can find out where we need to go." Makoto asked.

"Sounds good. Let's go."

They eventually reached the doors to the main hall, and as Y/N opened it a bright light blinded them. When they eventually got used to it, Y/N and Makoto could see a group of people, already gathered there.

"Hey uh excuse me?"

Y/N began to ask them before a boy wearing a white uniform with a red armband and medals stepped in front of us.


"Hey Taka, could you like not?" A girl with strawberry blonde pigtails asked him. Y/N immediately knew that the girl was none other than Junko Enoshima, the so-called Ultimate Fashionista. She had been the cover star of many fashion and modelling magazine you could name. The only people who didn't know about her charm and good looks were probably living under a sound-proof rock.

"Yo this makes 16 of us!" A man with long brown hair which looked like it had been struck with lightning multiple times said.

"I honestly have never met a more weird-looking individual in about 2000 years." Belial thought.

"Q-Question?" A small girl with a green blouse and brown skirt asked, raising a shaky hand.

"Did you two happen to wake up in a classroom?"

"We did, yeah." Makoto said.

"That's what I thought. Because we all did too." The girl explained.

"Sudden unconsciousness. Only to converge in the gym nonetheless. This is obviously no mere coincidence." A girl, wearing a gothic lolita style dress said.

"Yeah, what she said." A guy with a black jacket and a massive brown pompadour said. "Reminds me of the digs we got back in juvie."

"Juvie?" Belial thought.

"Juvenile detention. Basically, it's kinda like prison but for kids and teenagers."

"That is strange. Back when I was last in the mortal realm, children could be hung for stealing an apple, but they merely imprison them now?" Belial thought.

"Merely imprison them? Belial, the death penalty has been abolished for a long time." Y/N thought back.

"But where is the fun in that? Surely they need to make an example of them".

Y/N ignored Belial's archaic thoughts and continued paying attention to the conversation.

"Hey, maybe they'll auction off our organs!" A boy with ginger hair and matching goatee joked.

"Now come on, think positive! This is an motivational programme after all!" A girl, with a red jacket and white t-shirt exclaimed.

"Right at this minute, its difficult to say. For now, it's best to assess the situation we're currently in." A person with long white hair said. They had a scar going across their left eye and had many large muscles.

"Y-yeah, you're right." Y/N agreed with the strong person, thinking about how he didn't want to be on their bad side.

"Well, I guess we better introduce ourselves then." Makoto said to Y/N. It was a good idea so they went their separate ways to meet up with their new classmates.

"Name's Mondo Ohwada. Ultimate Biker Gang Leader. Nice to fuckin' meet ya." Mondo said.

"Oh well, hi Mondo. The name's Y/N L/N, Ultimate Daemonologist." Y/N said, offering a hand. Mondo looked at him with a death stare, so he knew he had to get out of there ASAP.

Next he came to Junko.

"Hey, I'm Junko Enoshima! Charmed I'm sure!" She said with a smile on her face.

"Well hey Junko. I'm Y/N L/N. Ultimate Daemonologist. Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Sure! Go ahead!"

"You look really different than you do on your photos. Why's that?"

"Oh, them? Yeah they're all Photoshopped. Ya know, edited to hell and all that junk."

Y/N couldn't help but think that Junko was lying. A thought crossed his mind, but he let it slide, as it couldn't be true...right?

"That is an interesting thought Y/N, maybe it will be the truth, only time will tell. Belial thought.

"Yeah maybe, but it's unlikely." Y/N thought.

"Oh ok. Well, speak to you later." Y/N said ,as he approached a rather large boy, with a backpack on.

"I am Hifumi Yamada, the Ultimate Fanfic Creator. But you may call me by my nickname 'The Alpha and Omega!'". Hifumi said.

"'The Alpha and Omega?' That's an...interesting nickname, I won't lie. Still you seem proud of yourself."

"Why of course I am!" Hifumi declared.
"Why would I not be, as 10,000 of my glorious creations were sold in one day! I am challenged by no-one in my field!"

"By Lucifer, he is worse than Zaleos. If that is even possible." Belial thought.

"For once Belial, I have to agree with you." Y/N thought.

"Well Hifumi. I'll... definitely speak to you later." Y/N as he backed away from the very strange individual. He didn't see where he has walking and tripped over, landing on his back.

"He-he-he. Now that was amusing. Maybe you could do that again sometime."

Y/N looked up to see the goth girl staring down on him with her red eyes, her silver claw-like decoration on her finger covering her smile.

Y/N quickly stood up and dusted himself down before clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry about that. As first impressions go that wasn't a good one. Anyway, I'm Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist. Pleased to meet you." Y/N said, with the slightest hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Likewise Y/N. I am Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler. But please, call me Celeste." Celeste said.

Celestia was the so-called Queen of Liars, having only been gambling for 3 years and yet becoming the best player at the table in Japan, if not the world.

"Celestia Ludenberg? That name doesn't sound Japanese. Is that really your real name?" Y/N asked.

Celeste quietly chuckled to herself before answering.

"Why of course it is Y/N. Do you have any reason to doubt me?" Celeste asked him, stepping ever closer to Y/N, stopping just inches in front of him. She looked at him as if she were staring into his soul with her blood red eyes.

"N-no! Of c-course not! I was j-just curious, that's all. Err, well it was a pleasure to meet you Celeste. Hopefully, we can talk again soon." Y/N answered, he said nervously.

"Of course Y/N. It would be a delight, my dear." She said before walking away from him.

Y/N stood there, trying to cover the growing blush on his cheek with the collar of his jacket.

"I see you have taken an interest in the gambler. I did not think she was your type Y/N." Belial joked, his laughter reverberating inside Y/N's body.

"Oh shut up you. I don't like her that way. At least not yet anyway." Y/N thought.

"Oh? So you're saying that there is a chance? Well by all means, don't let me stop you. This is your body, and it has certain...urges, does it not?" Belial thought, with a snide tone.

"Well yes, but I need to like her emotionally. You know, since I'm demi?" Y/N thought.

After clearing his mind, he moved on to the next person.

"The name's Leon Kuwata. What's up?" Leon asked. He was the Ultimate Baseball Star, known for his ability with both batting and throwing the ball.

"Nothing much. Anyway, I'm Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist. Pleased to meet you."

"Yo, that's sounds so cool. So do you like summon daemons and shit?" Leon asked.

"Yeah, I do. But it's very hard work, what with the whole summoning and making the pentagram and stuff like that." Y/N answered.

"I bet. Also, you got a cool mask dude. Why you wearin' it anyway?" Leon asked. Y/N knew it wouldn't be just Makoto who asked him that question.

"Long story short, a summoning went wrong." Y/N replied.

"Oh damn, man. That's rough. Catch you later then, yeah?" Leon asked.

"Sure, why not! See ya then!" Y/N said, before he went to the girl with the blouse and skirt from before.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer. Sorry, I get kinda embarrassed whenever I introduce myself like this... Anyway, I hope we can get along..." Chihiro said, playing with her skirt.

"Yeah, we can get along just fine. The name's Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist. Nice to meet you too Chihiro." Y/N replied. She had a certain charm, to her that's for sure. Belial didn't say anything but he could guess what he was thinking.

And yeah, maybe he would be right in time.

After saying his goodbyes, Y/N approached approaching the guy with the electrocuted hair.

"Hey, the name's Yasuhiro Hagakure, Hiro for short. I'm the Ultimate Clairvoyant. Take it easy yeah, I will! But hey, we should grab some brewskis sometime and get real deep into Lemuria and its civilization." He said.

"Lemuria. Now that is a name I have not heard in many a year." Belial thought. Well, apparently this 'Lemuria' was a real place, and not just something Hiro had made up. Still he was a little strange, but nowhere near as strange as Hifumi.

"Yeah, we can definitely do that I guess. I'll catch you later then." Y/N said, swiftly moving away.

Y/N looked over and found Makoto to be in deep conversation with the one and only Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Pop Sensation. Her and her band had taken the nation by storm, earning her many devoted fans. Because of this, many people knew her, including Y/N. Before he could approach her, she turned to him.

"Oh, hey! Sorry I didn't see you there. Me and Makoto were just chatting. Did you know that me and Makoto went to the same middle school?" Sayaka asked.

"Oh really? That is so cool. At least you know someone here Makoto. Lucky you." Y/N said. Makoto said his goodbyes, before leaving them to his devices.

"Anyways, I'm Sayaka Maizono. Pleased to meet you."

"Well I mean she is very pretty. Now I know why Makoto was talking to her for that long." Y/N thought.

"So you think I'm pretty then? Sayaka asked him.

"Wait how did you-" Y/N began to ask.

"I'm psychic." Sayaka said before giggling.

"Just kidding. It's my intuition." Sayaka said.

"Oh ok. Anyway where are my manners? I'm Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist. Please to meet you too."

"So I've been meaning to ask you. Why are you wearing a mask?" Sayaka asked.

"Oh, this?" Y/N said, pointing towards his mask before continuing. "A summoning went wrong, that's all."

"Oh my god, I'm so so so sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have said anything!" Sayaka said.

"No don't worry Sayaka it's fine. I've gotten used to people asking about it, so don't worry. Anyway, speak to you again soon."

"Bye, Y/N!" Sayaka said.

"I am starting to think that she is related to a succubus." Belial thought. Y/N snorted, before seeing a boy with blonde hair and a black suit.

"The name's Byakuya Togami. And what, pray tell is yours?" Byakuya was the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, heir to the Togami Corporation, one of the richest companies in the world.

He also looked like he was 90% leg.

"I'm Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist. Please to me-" Y/N said, before Byakuya rudely interrupted him.

"Spare me your pleasantries, I only needed to know who you are. Now go on, get out of my sight." Byakuya said.

"Wow, rude much?" Y/N thought, before seeing a brown-haired girl, shaking nervously in the corner of the room.

"Hey there. What's your name?" Y/N asked.

"N-Not that y-you'll remember it, but I'm T-Toko. Toko Fukawa. The Ultimate W-Writing Prodigy." Toko said.

"Hi Toko, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist."

"I k-know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'Wow, what a t-troll'".

"N-No. I'm not. Honest." Y/N said, trying to be nice.

"L-LIAR! I think you should just g-go. You don't wanna be seen w-with someone like m-me." Toko said.

"Well ok. See you later then." Y/N said.

Y/N then went to meet the well-built guy.

"I am Sakura Ogami, the Ultimate Martial Artist." Sakura said.

"Oh god, I'm glad I didn't say anything first, otherwise she could have torn my arm off and beaten me to death with it." Y/N thought.

"This Sakura woman could have been an Amazon if she was around in the Mycenaean era. Yes, she would have been a great general in Hippolyta's army." Belial thought. Y/N didn't understand half of what Belial had said, so he agreed.

"Well Sakura, I'm Y/N L/N, Ultimate Daemonologist. Nice to meet you." Y/N said before quickly moving away, hoping not to be Sakura's human punching bag.

He then found the last person to talk to. A girl with lavender coloured hair, who was stood away from the rest of the students. Her head snapped towards Y/N, startling him in the process.

"Yes, can I help you?" She asked.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you your name, that's all." Y/N said.

"I'm Kyoko Kirigiri."

"Well Kyoko, I'm Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Daemonologist. Also, you didn't tell me what your ultimate was." Y/N said.

"That is because I can't remember it. Is that good enough?" Kyoko asked.

"Err... yeah sure. Anyways, speak to you later." I said.

"Well now that formalities are out of the way, I guess we have to wait for what happens next." Belial thought.

"Agreed." I thought. But what happened next changed my life forever, and not in a good way.


Jesus Christ, over 3000 words. That was a long one. Also, sorry for the ending of this one. It's nearly midnight, and I really need all the sleep I need.

Anyways, see you next time, guys, gals and non-binary pals!!


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