Pros & Cons

By ariesyx

41.6K 1K 453

Violet's past holds dark secrets that she has managed to conceal but when a shocking event impacts her entire... More

Author's Note <3
1. The Introduction
2. The Journey
3. The Grapevine
5. The Tryouts
6. Halloween
7. The Past
8. The Meeting
9. The Curse
10. The Match
11. The Party
12. The Loss
13. Christmas
14. The Burrow
15. The Mind
16. The Astronomy Tower
17. The Talk
18. The Equals
19. The Brother
20. The Cupboard
21. The Truth
22. The Innocence
23. The Drift
24. The Shift
25. The Reconciliation
26. The Intrusion
27. The Truth II

4. The Detention

1.6K 41 14
By ariesyx

Sorry this chapter's quite a long one because I want to move the plot along a bit more!

Let me know if you like long chapters or if you prefer the shorter ones :)


"Reparifarge. Well, Mr Longbottom, you did manage to conjure a bird - it's just a shame it wasn't living once it left your wand." McGonagall ushered Neville back to his seat and carried on with the lesson, "Should you cast the bird-conjuring charm correctly..."

In all honesty Violet wasn't really listening to the lesson, she was gazing at the window where the cool rays of September sun were slicing through the classroom illuminating its inhabitants. She couldn't help but let her mind wander - she had already perfected the bird-conjuring charm weeks ago anyway.

She wondered how her mother was doing. She still hadn't responded to the owl Violet had sent her on the first day and wondered if everything was all right; although school owls were notoriously slow, especially in the first week when they were being used non-stop by first years sending messages home. Although Violet didn't dwell on the thought for too long as the lesson was soon over.

She approached McGonagall's desk while the rest of the class filtered out for lunch.

"Professor, may I speak with you?"

"Of course Gardner - please sit" McGonagall motioned to a seat beside her desk once she too had taken a seat. "I heard what happened in potions yesterday, I didn't expect that from you."

That's what everyones been saying.

"Actually that's what I wanted to speak to you about"

McGonagall raised an eyebrow at her.

"You see, professor, it was all Malfoy. He was pestering me the entire lesson so when he tried to throw something at me I tried to hold his arm to stop him - I had hardly touched him when he started screaming in pain. I promise I didn't do anything" Violet had leant forward and had her hands clasped together resting on Mcgonagall's desk, as though she were begging. "Please can you speak to Slughorn about removing my punishment. I was about to go and see him now about where I'll be doing my detention, I was hoping if you were to come with me-"

"Now Gardner, slow down" McGonagall placed a hand on top of Violets "I believe that you weren't at fault, that Malfoy's a nasty piece of work. I can't completely remove your punishment but I'm sure if you give this..." she scribbled something on a piece of parchment and handed it to Violet "to Professor Slughorn he can reduce your detention to a week."

Violet took the parchment and shoved it into her pocket, "Thank you professor, I won't take up any more of your time".

"Gardner - I just wanted to say it doesn't go un-noticed how hard you try in my class, I know it isn't easy for you."

Violet wasn't sure what to say so just smiled.

"I know it might be a bit down heartening considering how naturally it comes to Granger, but you'll get it eventually." McGonagall lowered her voice slightly and leant forward. " You know your mother Eleanor didn't have a particular knack for Transfiguration to begin with, nor did your brother Lance but both did exceedingly well in their N.E.W.T.s - just as I'm sure you will."

Lance. She hadn't heard that name in a while.

Noticing that Violet had tensed at the mention of her brother McGonagall rose from her seat. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend-"

"Professor it's fine honestly" Violet gave a weak smile as she turned to pick up her bag.

McGonagall gave her a firm nod as she left the class.

Violet left the classroom and headed towards the dungeons to speak to Slughorn. She never liked the dungeons, they were dark and cold and there was a constant feeling that someone was lurking behind you; also the walls were always slightly damp as though the Black Lake was actually seeping through - come to think of it Violet thought it was a very fitting place for the Slytherins to reside. She turned a corner and where she expected to find the door to the potions classroom she realised she had actually hit a dead end.

She was lost. Shit. She'd been at this school for six bloody years and she was lost. Hermione would never get lost.

Violet turned on her heel to retrace her steps and tried to remember the correct way to the potions classroom, but as she marched up the corridor she noticed a familiar flash of blonde hair turn the corner and started to head straight towards her.

Because the corridor was so dimly lit Violet managed to slip into an alcove without Malfoy spotting her and she intended to wait there until he had passed. The footsteps were getting increasingly louder and her pulse started rising.

She was torn. On the one hand she desperately wanted to smack Malfoy round the head and ask - no - demand why he had lied about her breaking his arm. But on the other hand his fury stricken gaze after she had touched him had set something alight inside of her, and made her never want to look into his eyes again.

She would never admit it to anyone but the way Malfoy looked at her yesterday terrified her, it was a look of pure and rage and hatred.

Violet was so lost in the thought of Malfoy's eyes that she didn't even notice when a bitterly cold hand firmly took a hold of her arm and dragged her out of the alcove. And there she was, unwillingly staring straight into those piercing silver eyes once again, although this time she couldn't find a single trace of the anger that was written across them yesterday.

"Gardner, what are you doing outside the Slytherin common room"

"I'm not I-"

"Yes you are" He turned her to face the tapestry on the opposite wall. It was a deep shade of green with silver thread weaving intricate patterns around the edge, and in the middle was a large silver and emerald serpent. The moment she stepped closer to inspect it two first year Slytherin's emerged through the tapestry, similarly to how you enter Platform 9 ¾. "You need to leave."

Violet had almost forgotten he was still standing behind her. "Actually I don't need to leave and you have no right to talk to me like that after the shit you pulled yesterday"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean!" She responded in a severely sarcastic tone, "What I mean is that you faked a broken arm to get me in trouble."

"That had nothing to do with you" he scoffed, breaking eye contact.

"Well it definitely felt like it had something to do with me since I'm the one who got punished"

"That really sounds more like a you problem" Malfoy started to walk towards the common room.

"Malfoy! Hey! Don't you-" She instinctively went to grab his arm but he quickly swatted her hand away.

"I told you hands off" That fire behind his eyes started to burn again, as he took a few steps towards her and she in turn took a few steps back, regretting what she had just done. "What is your problem?"

"Leave me alone Malfoy."

"You never answered my question - what are you doing outside my common room?"

"I-" Her back was now flat against the wall as Malfoy slowly crept closer, "I was going to see Slughorn."

"But the potions classroom is down the left corridor from the stairs?" He questioned darting his gaze from one eye to the other. They were now so close that Malfoy's breath was disturbing the hair hanging in front of her face. "No. Don't tell me you were lost?"

Violet felt her cheeks start to warm up from embarrassment as she shifted her gaze to the floor.

"You're a sixth year and you were lost?" He mocked while lifting up Violet's chin with his index finger, "You really are useless without the golden trio to protect you. A lost sixth year? Now I've heard it all. How pathetic" he spat.

That was the breaking point. She didn't have time to reach for her wand, she wanted to act now.

Guess we're doing this the muggle way.

Violet balled up her fists at her side and swung her right arm until it connected with the side of Malfoy's face. She felt a sharp stab of pain in her knuckles but the satisfaction of seeing Malfoy fall to the floor rubbing his eye was worth it.

She took her opportunity while he was on the floor to run for it, her heart pounding in her chest as she left the dungeons.


They were all sitting around the Gryffindor table eating dinner, some louder than others, discussing their first week.

"See I told you you should take potions, you were incredible Harry! I mean second student to ever make an acceptable draught of living death" Violet cheered playfully nudging Harry's arm.

"Violet didn't he show you?" Ron asked with his mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"Show me what?" she turned to Harry.

"Well my potions textbook, the one I got from the cupboard, is full of notes and scribbles - changing ingredient amounts and slightly altering the methods. I just followed that and it made the perfect draught."

"That's amazing, a cheat sheet. Lets see."

"Violet! Stop it, Harry you really shouldn't be encouraging cheating" Hermione lectured.

"Oh whatever 'Mione. C'mon Harry show us the book"

"Oh. I uh left it in the dorm, I'll show you... later maybe"

"Ugh I can't I've got detention with Filch"

"Is that about what happened in potions?" Ron butted in, suddenly very interested in the conversation. "Did you really break his arm?"

"Break his arm? I barely touched the wanker. He just cried wolf to get me in trouble." Violet scoffed, pushing her peas around her plate. She had lost her appetite thinking about the impending detention.

"That's completely out of line! Have you spoken to McGonagall?"

"Yeah 'Mione, she did all she could - I've got a weeks worth of detention instead of two." Violet shrugged.

"Merlin Malfoy's a right pratt. I can't believe he did all of that just to get you in trouble"

"Speak of the devil" Harry murmured, lowering his eyes at Malfoy as he meandered into the great hall. Violet thought she spotted something just under his eye.

Oh my god. She'd actually left a pretty gnarly bruise around his right eye.

"Blimey who did that" Ron chuckled "Bloody hero whoever it was".

Violet smirked to herself, looking down at her knuckles. There were slight purple and red hues dusted over her skin - but nothing noticeable. Malfoy had definitely come off worse.

Malfoy sat down by himself - again - at the Slytherin table and surveyed the hall until his gaze eventually fell on Violet. He seemed to consider her for a moment before looking away again.

That boy is completely unreadable when he's not angry.

Violet stood up from the table, grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"I better get going, don't want to be late for Filch" she winked at her friends and they all gagged at the innuendo.


Fuck. Gardner had a stronger right hook than I expected.

Draco brushed his fingers delicately over the bruised stretch of skin, which stung in retaliation. It was humiliating, this was the second time he had been punched by a Gryffindor girl. No, a Gryffindor mudblood. At least when Granger punched him it didn't leave the receipts splattered over his eye.

It was even more humiliating that he had to sit by himself; Crabbe and Goyle had gone off Merlin knows where, probably snogging somewhere; Zabini was getting some extra work off of Slughorn and Parkinson was busy flirting with Nott.

The rest of the Slytherins were too afraid of him to sit within a two metre radius. He didn't blame them, years of relentless bullying would isolate a person. Plus the majority of the sixth and seventh year Slytherins knew about his dark mark, only because they were lined up to get theirs too. All they saw when they looked at Draco was their future and that terrified each and every one of them. So he was left an outcast.


Violet was five minutes early to her detention, so she leant against the wall just outside of Filch's office waiting for it to start. Rounding the corner she saw a wave of blonde hair that warmed her heart and caused a grin to form on her face.


She got the attention of the doe eyed Ravenclaw who started to skip down the corridor towards her.

"Hello Violet, did you have a good summer?" Luna lilted, stroking the side of Violet's arm.

"I had a great summer, and you?"

"It was quite lovely"

"Luna what are you doing out anyway?"

"Oh my shoes were taken by nargles so I have just come to retrieve them" Luna smiled sweetly.

"What are you doing here Loony? Don't tell me you have a detention" a voice boomed down the corridor, both girls turned to face the direction of the voice.

"Oh hello there Draco, did you have a good summer?"

"Spiffing, Loony"

"Don't call her that" Violet interjected glaring at Malfoy "Or does your black eye want a twin"

"So quick to violence, Gardner." Malfoy retorted with a smirk "Anyway, Loony here likes her little nickname, don't you"

"It's true I do quite like it. I've been called much worse". Violet grimaced, as that statement sent a pang of guilt through her given that she used to listen to people insult Luna and didn't say anything. Never again.

The office door swung open to reveal Filch clutching a lamp with Mrs Norris following at his ankles.

"Are you three here for detention?" He snarled.

"Oh no, I'm looking for my shoes" she leant closer to Filch "I suspect Nargles."

Filch made an odd grunt noise at Luna as she skipped away gleefully.

"You two follow me" He gestured between Violet and Malfoy. They followed him round to the trophy room. "Polish all this and when you finish, polish it again. I'll be back in two hours to let you out."

If someone asked Violet to list the top ten worst ways to spend an evening, polishing trophies with Malfoy for two hours definitely would be up there.

Just after they stepped into the room they heard the faint click which signified they were locked in.

Violet inspected the room before her. It was gloomy and the only source of light was from the moon, which bathed the room in pearly shadows and reflected off of the metal trophies which lined the walls. Violet walked towards the far corner and took a seat on the floor, determined to stay as far from Malfoy as possible, and started polishing the 'Angus Buchanan Cup for Outstanding Effort'.

She noticed that today was the first time she had seen him without his black suit on, instead he had a white school shirt with a grey jumper over the top. It was the evening after all and surely those suits weren't the most comfortable.

Violet thought she would be able to ignore him for the two hours but the longer they didn't speak the thicker the air in the room got. It was like each one was waiting for the other to speak.

"So... when did you get detention?" Violet mumbled

"Huh" Malfoy looked over from across the room.

"Well, we had all the same classes today and you didn't get it there. I was just wondering"

"It's none of your business" He snapped. Violet slumped back, dissatisfied with his answer.

A silent ten minutes dragged by and neither parties really did much polishing.

"Does it hurt?" Violet asked, trying to break the tension.

"Does what hurt"

"You know your..." She pointed towards her own eye.

"No. Of course it doesn't"

"You know you don't need to be so defensive"

"And you don't have to be so nosey" he scowled.

"I wasn't being nosey I was just- I was trying to break the tension"

"Well forgive me if I don't intend on spending the next hour and a half chin wagging with you" he lowered his voice until it was barely audible "filthy mudblood"

"You know Malfoy you are such a dick!" She left her corner and walked to the centre of the room.

"I'm a dick? You punched me in the face." He stood up and met her in the center of the room.

"I thought you said it didn't hurt"

"It doesn't!" he started to raise his voice. "Doesn't mean I fucking appreciate it!" now he was shouting and he threw up his arms.

"I only did it because you were being a tosser in potions. I mean I know you were raised by a right bellend but that seriously doesn't excuse you from being one!"

Malfoy reached into his pocket, realising he was going for his wand Violet grabbed hers to. The pair stood in defensive positions with their wands pointed at each other about six feet apart. They both waited with baited breath for the other to cast the first spell.

"Fuck you" Malfoy hissed.

"Stupefy!" Violet stepped forward as red sparks flew from her wand but they were easily deflected by Malfoy. "Flipendo!" - deflected again.

"Come on Gardner, you can do better than that" His spiteful look had turned into a smirk, as though he was enjoying being attacked.

"Petrificus Totalus!" - he blocked it although it had knocked his balance slightly. "Avis" and with that a flock of small birds flew from Violet's wand towards Malfoy, dumbfounding him. "Expelliarmus" and with one swift motion Malfoy's wand emerged from within the flock of birds and into Violet's hand.

Adrenaline was surging through her veins and she felt she hadn't done enough, watching the birds surrounding Malfoy with his wand in her hand she cast her final spell "Oppugno".

With that all the birds shot into a dive straight towards him - each one bursting as it made contact with his body, he was knocked to the ground by the force of the birds. Once they had all attacked, Malfoy sat up and stared at Violet with bemusement.

"What in merlin's name was that"

"Don't fuck with me Malfoy" she chucked his wand so that it landed a few feet away and shot him an icy glare before walking back to the other side of the room.

As Violet walked away she could've sworn she heard Malfoy laugh.

She sat amongst the glistening metal, leaned her head back against a wooden cabinet and started fiddling with her thumbs. Neither of them had the intention of polishing the rest of the trophies.


"Oi, get up"

Violet opened her eyes drowsily to Filch standing over her, his rancid breath invading her nostrils and his greasy hair skimming the top of her head. She blinked back at him dazed.

"Bloody kids, leave them to detention and they decide to use it as nap time". He started to walk towards the door. "Come on. Detentions over. Leave!"

She sat up and looked around, Malfoy was gone. She looked around her and realised she was laying on the table and had been using a folded grey jumper as a pillow.

I could've sworn I was sitting on the floor earlier and whose is this.

She lifted the jumper closer to inspect it, and it smelled extremely familiar - but she couldn't quite place the scent.

"If you don't leave soon I'll lock you in all night!". Violet was broken from her trance. She hopped off the table and left the room, taking the jumper with her.


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