By tyasrint

138K 4.8K 431

This story tells how Fumiko lived her life. How the girl without a childhood had to stand tall and strong as... More

Dua belas
Tiga belas
Empat belas
Lima belas
Enam belas
Tujuh belas
Delapan belas
Dua puluh
Dua puluh satu
Dua puluh dua
Dua puluh tiga
Dua puluh empat
Dua puluh lima
Dua puluh enam
Dua puluh tujuh
Dua puluh delapan
Dua puluh sembilan
Tiga puluh
Tiga puluh satu
Tiga puluh dua
Tiga puluh tiga
Tiga puluh empat
Tiga puluh lima
Tiga puluh enam
Tiga puluh tujuh
Tiga Puluh Delapan - Finale

Sembilan belas

3.2K 129 6
By tyasrint

Chapter 19

Fumiko appeared on the meeting place. There, Fu was with other two ROOT members, looking down on the corpses of their nakama. The three ROOT looked at Fumiko as she squatted in front of the bodies. The corpses were full of bruises and blood, and their legs also hands were in an awkward position.

"Report." Fumiko ordered.

The one ANBU who looked beaten up and leaning on a tree bowed his head. "Taichou, I'm sorry, I—"

"Taichou only wants to know the situation, not your monologue." Fu cut in.

"I-I'm sorry." The ROOT grimaced. "We were on a retrieving mission when suddenly two people with red clouds cloaks came and attacked us. One of them was full of stitches—his skin was tanned and had turquoise eyes. There's this thing coming out of his mouth. He was the one that killed Josu, taking his heart out of his ribcage. The other one was silver haired. He worships Jashin and killed Reno. No matter how much we attacked them, they kept coming back like they're immortal."

Fu frowned at this. "Why did they attack you guys?"

"They said we were in their way and the Jashinist was in time for another sacrifice or something. I was able to escape because a sudden sandstorm came."

"So Akatsuki's on a move, huh?" Fumiko mumbled. "Did you finish your mission?"

"Ha'i." He was about to open his vest, but Fumiko shook her head. "You can give it later to Fu. Fu, take them back to the base. Make sure Hirotaka gets treated and let them do autopsy on Reno and Josu."

"Wakarimashita." Fu nodded.


Fumiko waited until Fu left with Hirotaka before focusing on her sensory chakra. She noticed that there were six chakra 15 kilometers away from her with two of them being familiar. Immediately concealing her own chakra, Fumiko transformed into a raven and flew away.

Fumiko landed on a branch as six people with red clouds cloaks were having a discussion below her. She noticed several rogue ninjas there. The red haired Sasori from Hidden Sand. Her brother, Uchiha Itachi. Then Itachi's partner, Hoshigaki Kisame. Then there were also two guys that matched Hirotaka's description and a girl with a blue hair.

"So, why are you making us meet here, you bitch?" The white haired man growled.

The female kept her stoic face as she answered. "Leader had told us to put the mission of collecting the jinchurikis on hold. Ever since Orochimaru's betrayal, we need a new member. Itachi, Hidan and Sasori, your mission is to recruit a new member from Iwagakure named Deidara. The others, keep collecting money from the bounties."

"Heh, it's no fun." Kisame chuckled. "Is this kid strong?"

"He should be," the blue haired woman answered, "since the Leader was the one who chose him."

"Is that all?" The tanned man asked in grumpy voice.

"No. You should also be careful with a kunoichi named—"

"OHO, what do we have here?!" Suddenly a plant-like creature appeared next to the raven and about to squish it, but the raven quickly puffed away and appeared on another tree. The black half of the plant then added, "It's a good thing we're on guard."

Several kunais were thrown at the raven, forcing Fumiko to change back into her original body and deflected the kunais. She then landed on the clearing, a few feet apart from the Akatsuki.

"Who the fuck are you?!" The white haired man asked, he was ready to attack.

Fumiko did not want to answer, but Itachi had another plan. "That's my little sister, Fumiko."

The girl sighed, then removed her mask, letting the rogues to see her. Gasp was heard from the white haired man as he noticed how almost identical Fumiko's face to Itachi. That was until she opened her eyes. A pair mismatch sharingan were present, intimidating her opponents.

"Uchiha Fumiko, we meet again." Kisame smiled smugly.

"Hoshigaki Kisame." She said stoically.

Before anyone could say anything about how her mannerism almost like her brother's, the white haired man, Hidan, decided to attack her with his scythe. Fumiko barely casted a glance towards him as she dodged his attacks smoothly. That was until Sasori decided to take part. He used his puppet Hiruko.


Fumiko kept dodging their attacks. When Hidan was about to swing his scythe though, Fumiko landed a kick on him, making the said man getting thrown away. Noticing how the puppet would not stop attacking her, Fumiko decided to take out her katana and fought back.

Fumiko knew that the Akatsuki could be gathering information about how she fought just like how she was assessing them right now, that was why she did not use any of her ninjutsu and just focusing on her kenjutsu.

As Fumiko landed behind the tanned man, she beheaded him right away. However, just like what Hirotaka said, the head came back to the body. As she faced finally made an eye contact with the blue haired woman, she managed to put all of the Akatsuki members in genjutsu—all of them except Itachi.

"You sure take your time." Itachi commented.

Fumiko just gave her brother a deadpan look. "Nii-san. You need to come back home."

"I can't." Itachi shook his head.

"Why not?" Fumiko frowned. "Danzo's dead. There's no reason for you to stay in this organization."

"Fumiko," Itachi stood in front of her, talking to her with his brotherly tone. The older Uchiha swept Fumiko's hair away from her face and tucked them behind her ears. "Nii-san has chosen this path. There's nothing you can do to change that. I know it must be hard for you holding the burden of being the clan leader, but you're going to be 14 in a few weeks. You're no longer a little kid. Make tou-san proud like how he raised us."

The scowl on Fumiko's face did not go away, the girl clenched her hands and faced away. She was upset with him, Itachi noticed. "You might not understand it now, but I hope one day you'll understand my reasoning."

"Is it for Sasuke?" Her voice cracked. Itachi did not say anything, it was the answer Fumiko needed. She chuckled bitterly. "Why does everything rotate on Sasuke?! Am I not enough? Why am I never enough, nii-san?!"

Itachi embraced his little sister and held her gently. "You're always more than enough. The reason why father personally trained you is because you're more than capable. Never think otherwise."

Fumiko did not answer him, but she distanced herself from him. The look that his younger sister had was serious and cold, almost looked like how their father usually looked like. "Then, nii-san, as the head of the Uchiha clan, there's something you need to do for the clan. Will you accept your duty as the member of the Uchiha clan?"

"Of course."

After agreeing with her conditions, Fumiko bid her brother goodbye and body flickered away. Itachi sighed and leaned on a tree. "You know, you don't need to pretend to be asleep."

A chuckled was heard from Kisame. "It was as if Fumiko-chan did not put any effort in putting me under her genjutsu."

"Hn, just wake the others."

Itachi was about to walk away when Kisame stopped him. "Itachi-san, you're a good brother. I'd be lucky if I have a brother like you."

"Can you—"

"Of course, your secret is safe with me."

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