Can Yaman International Prese...

By CYInternational

35.7K 266 57

Can Yaman's 2017 series Dolunay (Full Moon) tells the story of tough, successful businessman Ferit Aslan (Can... More

Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode 1
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #2
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #3
Episode Guide to "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #4
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #5
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #6
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #7
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #8
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #9
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #10
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon): Episode 11.
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode 12
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #13
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #15
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #16
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #17
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #18
Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #19

Episode Guide for "Dolunay" ("Full Moon"): Episode #14

1.9K 16 2
By CYInternational

At the end of Episode 13:  Ferit looks like he is drowning in her eyes and a spark of hope ignites between them. He abruptly tells her they need to find Bulut. Nazi smiles smugly to herself. She feels certain that what she has said to Ferit has reached his heart and started the thaw. While they are staring at the fish, you can see when he steals a look at Nazli that he still loves her. Deniz catches up with Ferit back at the office. They learn the car their siblings were driving in was sabotaged.

(Author's Note: Please read to the end of the episode guide and leave your comments. And don't forget to vote too. Thank you!)


Ferit is convinced that Hakan is the one who sabotaged the car and killed Bulut's parents. With barely controlled anger, he leaves to confront Hakan.

Hakan is already livid finding out that Demet has aborted their child. The yelling has scared Bulut. He goes to his room and calls Nazli to tell her what's happening. She tells him to find a safe place in his room to hide, put on his headphones so he can't hear the arguing, and she is on her way.

Hakan and Demet's argument spills outside as Deniz and Ferit arrive. They see that Hakan has pushed Demet to the ground. Ferit yells his accusations at Hakan while he takes his watch off and wraps it around his knuckles. In a fit of rage, he punches Hakan in the mouth and knocks him down. As Deniz breaks them up, Nazli arrives in a taxi. They all stop arguing to stare at her. She simply asks, "Where is Bulut?"

Demet tells her Bulut is in his room and Nazli rushes into the house. She finds Bulut trembling and hiding in a corner listening to music with his headphones. He runs to her as soon as he sees her, telling her how scared he was because of the fighting. Nazli assures him that he is now safe and hugs him close. As Ferit quietly enters the room, he hears Bulut tell Nazli he is glad she came, and Nazli reminding him that she will always come to him when he calls her.

Ferit peeks around the corner at them and his eyes are filled with tears. Learning that Bulut's parents were murdered has reopened the wounds left by their loss. Bulut acknowledges Ferit, and Nazli moves away, knowing he is still mad at her. Ferit tells Bulut that he is taking him to his house where he'll be safe and then hugs him. Bulut insists that Nazli come too. After they leave, Demet asks Deniz to stay for a while. At the car, Nazli asks what is going on. Ferit explains to her the situation as it has unfolded until Bulut interrupts them and they leave for Ferit's house.

Later in the evening Nazli and Bulut struggle to put a jigsaw puzzle together. Ferit is very distant, caught up in his own thoughts of what has transpired. Bulut tries to guess why he is sad. Ferit passes it off that it is work related and he doesn't want to talk about it. Nazli has been listening and sensing that Ferit needs some quiet time, tells Bulut she will put him to bed so she can go back to the restaurant. Bulut begs her to stay with them but she says she has too much work to do. Not giving up, he points out to her how sad Ferit is. Maybe if she stayed, his sadness would pass. Nazli responds by saying, "I don't think so. Now let's get you ready for bed." Bulut appeals to Ferit, sensing that he and Nazli are still debating. Then Ferit tells Nazli that of course she can stay. Bulut celebrates by jumping on the couch then Nazli grabs him up and carries him off to bed.

When Nazli comes back downstairs after putting Bulut to bed, Ferit is standing in the garden door clutching what looks like a small blanket. His body language is that of a man in emotional pain and tears have filled his eyes. She joins him and quietly listens as he recounts a happy time when they were all gathered at his house last winter. It had snowed and his sister demanded that they all build a snowman together. She had used the shawl Ferit is holding to wrap around the snowman a "finishing touch". He forgot to return it to her and when he went to hang up his coat, it fell out of the closet. He says that this is not just a shawl now, that it contains memories of one of the best nights of his life.

Nazli turns to him and wraps her fingers around one of his hands clutching the shawl. Their eyes meet and there are tears in her own eyes as she shares in the pain of his loss. She consoles him by saying she feels that life is just a series of wonderful moments and maybe that is why we live them. Whether they are beautiful days or nights, we collect these amazing moments to remember those that are gone. When we are sad, we take these memories out to make us happy. She reassures him that he will make another beautiful snowman again. He will be happy again one day. And he will have the ones he loves near him. Ferit seems to find comfort in her words.

Unfortunately, Deniz shows up and the moment between them is lost. Nazli drops her hand and Deniz recognizes the shawl Ferit is clutching. He asks Ferit if he is okay. Ferit admits he does feel better and exchanges a long look with Nazli. The three of them go to the living room. Nazli sits a couple feet from Ferit and Deniz sits on the other couch. Ferit looks exhausted. His eyes look haunted and wet with unshed tears. He tells them he has involved the Police as well as a private detective. Deniz seems to be defending Hakan, more in the hope that Hakan is innocent. Because if he is not, this would mean that Bulut is living with the killer of his parents. Nazli is so upset by this thought, and that she had any hand in it, that she excuses herself to go to bed. She can't even look at Ferit as she wishes them both good night.

Deniz uses the time alone with Ferit to ask him if he plans on telling Nazli that he was the one that sent him the pictures from Ausman's phone. Ferit asks Deniz if he things he should tell Nazli. Deniz responds that it wouldn't be good. Nazli would never look at him the same way ever again. Ferit agrees and adds that she would probably have nothing more to do with him. Deniz is visibly distraught at the thought of losing Nazli. Ferit takes the high road and tells Deniz he never thought of telling her because it wouldn't change anything. Ferit takes his sister's shawl and leaves the room, leaving Deniz to see himself out.

Nazli comes down the next morning and finds Ferit in the garden on his phone conducting business. She greets him warmly but from the expression on his face, his walls are back up. She asks if there is anything she can do to help with Bulut. In a stern voice, Ferit tells her he doesn't want anything from her, especially about Bulut. She becomes upset and replies, "Don't be unfair to me!" Ferit counters with a bite in his tone. "What your sister did wasn't unfair? You saw what kind of house Bulut has to live in. Is it fair that even knowing this you didn't say anything?" The weight of this guilt is heavy on Nazli.

Bulut interrupts them and asks Nazli to make him something to eat. Ferit reminds him that Nazli doesn't work for him anymore, and while looking directly in Nazli's eyes, tells Bulut not to ask anything from her. But as usual, Nazli ignores him and tells Bulut to come to the kitchen. She will make him an omelet. Ferit watches them leave and seems torn between caring for Nazli and hating her for what she did.

A short while later he is still in the garden but watches Nazli and Bulut laughing in the kitchen with a small smile on his lips. Tarik arrives to take Bulut to school, and Nazli asks him for a ride to the restaurant. She completely ignores Ferit and leaves.

At the office, Deniz asks Ferit if he has forgiven Nazli yet. Ferit asks why this concerns him. Deniz asks why he continues a partnership with someone he didn't forgive, and offers again to buy Ferit's shares in the restaurant. Ferit tries to justify refusing by saying it is just an investment for him and there are no feelings in investments. Deniz knows Ferit will not give up on Nazli but neither will he.

At the restaurant, Nazli hires a guy that Demet has planted to spy on her. Ferit drops by to tell her a friend is coming tomorrow to have lunch. He is a gourmet chef and will write an article about the restaurant and the food, giving them some much needed publicity. Nazli is not happy about it because she thinks it's too soon after the opening. She tells Ferit he will have to help since she is now under more pressure. He refuses to peel potatoes, referring to their earlier cooking lesson at the restaurant.

Nazli tells Ferit he needs to take her to the market so she can buy fresh vegetables. He says he is too busy working on the case against Hakan. Nazli knows he needs a distraction from the situation and insists that he take her. Ferit tries to use Bulut as an excuse but Nazli shoots it down, saying Fatos can watch him until they get back. Realizing he's lost this round, Ferit starts to walk away but azli quickly grabs her coat and purse and follows him. She tells Manami that Ferit can't be left alone when he is wound up like he is.

Nazli had planned to keep Ferit busy once they got in the car, but he refuses to drive her all over town and insists she pick only one destination. Once they have agreed on this, Mrs. Ikbal calls with news about a possible suspect named Celal, who may have had a case against Deniz's brother because he fired him. Ferit gets the address and tries to drop Nazli off before he goes there. Of course, Nazli refuses to get out and says she will go with him. After talking with Celal, Ferit's instincts tell him he is not the guy they are looking for. But Hakan has already set the poor guy up to take the fall.

Back at the restaurant, Ferit is sitting at a table staring as though in a trance. Nazli puts a cup of coffee in front of him and asks what he's thinking. He says he is convinced Hakan is the one they are looking for and Nazli agrees. Manami joins them and asks if the menu is ready for their big day. Nazli is very confident everything will be great. Demet's "plant" listens in on the conversations between them.

Tarik drops Bulut off at the restaurant. Nazli wants to cook for them but Ferit tells her they will eat at home. Bulut insists they eat there and again ignoring Ferit's wishes, Nazli goes to the kitchen to prepare them dinner. Ferit tells Bulut that no one can say no to him and he uses this to his advantage. Bulut agrees with an impish grin on his face. While he is eating his meal, Bulut blatantly asks Ferit how many kids he wants to have. Ferit tells Bulut that he is enough; he doesn't want anyone else. Bulut is disappointed since he wants a brother to play with.

Deniz arrives at the restaurant with a telescope. The four of them go to Ferit's house in the evening and they enjoy watching Bulut's excitement over seeing the moon and stars with the telescope. Deniz kids Bulut that he can see an astronaut on the moon. Bulut asks Ferit where Mars is and Ferit adjusts the telescope to capture the planet. As Deniz talks more about his plans and dreams, Ferit interrupts and says it's not good to dream a lot; it's better to be realistic. Deniz disagrees and sending a sideways glance at Nazli, says one day all his dreams will come true and everything will be beautiful. Nazli looks uncomfortable and Ferit looks irritated.

They go inside the house and continue their talk about outer space. Bulut says he wants to be an astronaut. Ferit and Deniz both say they wanted to be one too at his age. Then Ferit asks Nazli what she wanted to be. She rattles off a list and says she finally decided on becoming a chef. Bulut says it is good that she is one or they would not know her. Nazli replies that she believes they would have found each other anyway. Bulut says again that he wants to be an astronaut so he can go into space and see his parents. Hearing this, Ferit and Deniz become choked up. After a while, Bulut falls asleep. Deniz and Nazli leave Ferit to put Bulut to bed.

The next day, Nazli is preparing for the big opportunity to prove herself in the restaurant industry. Fatos builds up her confidence and before you know it, the moment has arrived. The guests come and Nazli runs through her routine to perfection. Unfortunately, the spy Demet has planted has salted the food to the point that she the presentation is ruined. Nazli is devastated and cannot figure out what happened because she doesn't even use salt in her food.

Ferit has gone back to Celal's house trying to find out more information. He finds him on the floor dying of a bullet wound with another man already dead on the couch. Before he dies, Celal tells Ferit that the man on the couch is the one who sabotaged the car. Ferit is frustrated but knows that Hakan is still involved. He is even more frustrated that he has lost another source to be able to prove it.

Later at home, Ferit is giving his goodbye to a very tearful Bulut. Demet is in total "witch mode" and acting pretty cocky that she has hurt Ferit by taking Bulut back, which she is allowed to do because of the court order. She tells Ferit that she will also be limiting the time that he can spend with Bulut. If Ferit pursues his complaint against Hakan, she threatens that she will forbid him to see Bulut at all. Finally, Ferit has had enough. He tells Demet to "get lost" and walks away from her.

That evening, Nazli is at the restaurant sitting in a trance trying to figure out what went wrong with her food presentation that day. Manami joins her and Fatos brings tea. They try to encourage Nazli that one bad comment isn't going to sink the restaurant. Manami reminds her of a Japanese saying: "If you have a good friend beside you, nothing is impossible". Nazli thanks them for being there for her, but she is totally beaten by this failure and questioning her own abilities to run a restaurant kitchen.

Ferit walks in then and asks to talk to Nazli for a minute. She immediately thinks he is there to berate her for screwing up the meal for the gourmet who came to review the restaurant. She starts to apologize but Ferit interrupts her. He wants to talk about something else, in private.

She agrees and follows Ferit outside. Sadly, he tells her that Demet and Hakan have taken Bulut back with them. He feels helpless about not being able to do anything to stop them. Nazli apologizes and Ferit continues talking, telling her he is tired of losing to them. Nazli says she knows it is her and Ausman's fault. He quietly agrees that she does have fault in this situation. It's the reason Bulut is where he is. This makes Nazli feel even worse.

Nazli asks, "You will never forgive me, will you?" Ferit says the only important thing right now is Bulut. The fact that Bulut is living in that killer's house is making him crazy. He emphasizes that he doesn't like to lose, that he wants to take Bulut back!

When Nazli asks how Ferit is going to do that, he answers that SHE is going to help him! "How?" asks Nazli. Ferit answers, "I want you to marry me!"


This episode guide is written and inspired by the characters of the "Dolunay" series. All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written exclusively for Can Yaman International by Sue Croft.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International.  

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