The Way You Make Me Feel [ J...

Por garciasfluffypen

63.6K 1.5K 1K

There was no way this was happening. This couldn't be happening. I was just having a bad dream, right? I was... Más



2.1K 50 11
Por garciasfluffypen

The rest of our day was spent in bed, watching tv between makeout sessions. And various other things. Around dinner time, she threw on some clothes and a pair of panties, motioning for me to stay put as she went to the kitchen, leaving me alone and naked on her bed. I was a bit confused, but also intrigued- what was she doing? Why would she make me stay in the room while she went out alone? I grabbed the shirt of hers that I was wearing and went into the bathroom, deciding that I should at least attempt to tame myself before she called me back out. I checked myself in the mirror, noticing all the hickies she had left all over my body, marking me as hers. I ran my hands over some of them, the bruising already turning a dark purple. A smile formed as I practically felt her hands all over me again, the memories of what we did engraved in the forefront of my mind. There were some new scratch marks on my back, but they weren't as bad as before. Where she held me on my hips was a bit red, but other than that, I looked practically the same as I did when I walked in earlier. I flattened out my hair a bit before going back to her drawer and finding a pair of shorts I could wear, pulling them on as the smell of reheated Chinese food and evergreen wafted through her apartment.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I made my way to the front room, watching her reheat our long forgotten food while she set the table. I had to hold back a chuckle, knowing she was setting up a mock "date" for us. I bit my lip as she rushed around, trying to make it perfect. She caught my eye and shooed me away with a napkin, causing me to chuckle. I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist as she tried to fold the napkin perfectly. Placing a kiss to the back of her shoulder, I turned her around so she was facing me, smirking at her. I ran my hand down her stomach and to the hem of her pants, my lips going to her jawline and leaving small kisses.

"And what might you be doing, mi querido?"

"Mostrándote lo mucho que te aprecio." I spoke between kisses, smirking.

"The food is going to get cold." her voice was barely above a whisper. "We should eat."

"Oh but I won't be getting cold, darling. If anything, you'll be eating me by the time the other food gets cold."

I backed away, smirking at her as I went into the kitchen, grabbing one of the plates she left out and piling on some food, watching her grip onto the back of the chair, staring me down. I acted innocent, knowing that the teasing would drive her crazy. A few minutes later both of us were at the table, a nice chit chat going as we ate.

"Hey so," I swallowed the food in my mouth, looking at her. "You know how I'm going home to see Matt this weekend, since he has a long weekend due to Labor Day. It's very last second but, I was wondering if you'd like to come? Like, actually? Matt said it would be okay if you came and I have my own room so the kids hopefully shouldn't bother us and I know Matt and Kristy won't and-"

"I'd love to."

My eyes widened. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, of course. You talk so highly of him and he seems like a really neat guy."

"He is." I smiled. "He's my rock."

"Where does he live?"

"Just outside of Quantico. It's not that long of a drive. Maybe like... an hour and a half? Less than that if I speed."

JJ raised her eyebrows. "So you're reckless and hot?"

"Don't forget sexy."

"Reckless, hot and sexy? I chose good, didn't I?"

I smirked. "Oh you chose perfect, baby."

The rest of dinner went by with some harmless flirting, and a lot of making out when we finished. I texted Matt eventually to let him know that JJ would be coming as well, throwing my phone somewhere as we cuddled on the couch, deciding to watch some old reruns of I Love Lucy while we did anything but pay attention. I was getting excited, but also very nervous for this week, considering that I was going to be taking home my first girl-

But she wasn't my girlfriend, was she? We were still unlabeled. Still no strings attached. We didn't even know what we were. So why was I so nervous about her meeting my family?


The weekend came faster than I thought it would, and I met JJ outside of her apartment as she climbed into the passenger's seat, throwing her duffle into the back. I pulled away from the curb and made a u-turn, having the way home memorized by now. We fell into a comfortable silence, me quietly humming along with the showtunes that came up through my bluetooth. Someone Gets Hurt from Mean Girls started playing, and instead of humming I started singing quietly to myself. This happened to be the song I sang for my senior showcase, which was the showcase my high school put on for all the seniors in the drama club.

"I didn't know you could sing."

"Yeah," I replied nonchalantly. "I kinda dabble in it."

"You should sing more often," she grabbed my hand, bringing it up to her lips and placing a kiss on it. "Your voice is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you, babe." I pulled onto the highway, squeezing JJ's hand lightly, pulling it back real quick to merge.

"So how long did you say it would take us to get to Matt's?"

"Just about an hour and a half. But if I press 80, we might be able to get there faster."

"I just want to curl up with you in my arms, watching a cheesy kids movie with the kids while I whisper sweet nothings in your ear."

"Oh you're definitely not going to get that tonight." I chuckled. "The kids have no idea I'm spending the weekend. They're going to tackle me soon as they set foot into that door. You're not going to get a moment of alone time with me for at least a day."

JJ chuckled. "I'm sure I'll find a moment with you. Preferably with your clothes off."

"Jesus Jayje, I'm driving." I bit my lip. "At least get me into bed first."

"Oh please, like you haven't imagined fucking me in the backseat of your car."

"I most definitely have, and I most definitely will, don't you worry." I linked our fingers together, sneaking a small glance at her.

"Eyes on the road, Ms. Y/L/N."

The car ride went by decently quickly, only having to slow down once when we saw a cop car hidden in the trees on the median. I pulled off of the exit I always took and turned onto Graham Park Road, driving towards Matt's place. I watched out of the corner of my eye as JJ looked around the town I spent a decent chunk of my teenage years in. I pointed out a few places I would spend time at, including the baseball diamond where I had my first kiss in eighth grade with some kid who asked me out on a dare. I turned into Matt's neighborhood, and saw JJ start to get nervous. I ran my thumb over the back of her hand, silently telling her that she was going to be fine.

"I promise, they're going to love you."

Finally making my way into Matt's driveway, I parked the car and turned it off, turning to her and bringing her in for a kiss. It lasted a bit longer than I thought it was going to, my hands holding onto her face for dear life. We both heard a knock on the window and screeched, turning to see Matt smiling at me through the window. I yanked my seatbelt off and jumped out of the car, practically catapulting myself into his arms. We both were laughing, and he picked me up off of the ground with ease. I hugged him tight, digging my head into the nook of his shoulder. It had been months since I last saw him for more than a few hours, and I was going to make the most of this weekend with him.

"I missed you." I mumbled into his shoulder, the smell of his Calvin Klein filling my nose.

"I know chica. I missed you too. Come on, Kristy's waiting to meet your girl..."

I slapped him on the shoulder before he could finish his sentence, pushing off of him and going back over to the car. JJ climbed out and stood by the passenger side until I came around and took her hand, pulling her inside the house with me. I took her purse from her and set it down by my shoes, slipping them off before showing her to my room.

My room was just off of the living room, and was technically considered the home office. We had replaced the doors when I first moved in, but everything else was the same as it was other than that. The only thing that had really changed was that we had painted the walls an off white color instead of the dark blue they were originally. I threw our bags down on my bed, thankful that we were able to fix a queen size bed in here instead of the twin one that I slept on at Mi-Young's house. I saw JJ standing in the door, taking in my teenage bedroom. I smiled at the sight of her leaning against my wall, biting her thumb as she looked at all the photos that were hung up throughout my room, of me and my high school friends, me and Matt's family, the prom pictures, all of it. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, leaning up against her side. I looked up at her as she smiled down at me, and I placed a light kiss on her lips.

"What do you think?"

"It's so... you." she glanced around again before looking back at me. "Calm, peaceful-"

"Everything you look for in a woman?"

"Well yes, and then some." she gave me a once over before her hand dropped to my ass, lightly squeezing. "And you check all of the boxes."

"I'm glad I do, because it would suck if we had to share a bed all weekend long and you didn't like me."

JJ gasped in mock surprise. "You think so lowly of me, Y/N."

"Come on," I gave her another kiss, this one lingering a bit longer. "The cavalry will be back soon and we need to appreciate the quiet while we have it."

I took JJ's hand and led her back into the living room, smiling at Kristy as she came bounding out of the kitchen covered in flour. I bought her in for a hug, laughing as she started gushing about how she wasn't done with the cookies yet. I ensured her it was fine, and that we didn't need cookies, but if there was anything I knew about Kristy, it was that she would be trying to win over JJ all weekend. I introduced her to JJ, smiling as she came and placed a hand around my waist, leaning her cheek against the side of my head. They seemed to get along pretty quickly, which I wasn't surprised about at all. I smiled as they talked, both of them nursing a cup of tea while we waited for the cookies to be done. About half an hour later we had shifted to the sitting area, me and JJ curled up together on the loveseat while Matt and Kristy took the couch.

"So," Kristy looked at us. "The one thing you haven't told us was how you met. Was it cute? Was it sexy?"

JJ and I shared a look. "Well, it's kind of a long story."

"We've got a bit before the kids get home. Tell me as much as you can."

"Um..." JJ looked at me. "We kinda met... uh..."

"We met at a bar." I spit out, my hand flying to cover my mouth. "We met at a gay bar on the dance floor!"

Kristy blinked. "I didn't take you as the partying type, Y/N."

"I'm usually not. But Elle and Emily got us in."

"Ah." she nodded, giving me a look. "I'm presuming everything stemmed from there, then?"

"Yeah." we awkwardly nodded, deciding to skip over the whole student/teacher thing. "I left my number at her place and the rest is history, I guess."

"You guys are literally too cute." she paused, looking back to the kitchen as the oven went off. "Oo! The cookies!"

I let out a sigh of relief as she walked out, feeling JJ untense beside me. Matt raised his eyebrows at us, to which I flipped him off while rolling my eyes. Out of the two of them, Matt was the only one who knew- I made him swear to secrecy. There was no way he'd tell Kristy until we said it was okay. At least, that's what I hoped. We continued chatting for a few minutes, Kristy coming back and handing us each a cookie. I snuggled into JJ's side, glad that I could be at home with her, with my family, and just... relax for the weekend. And the kids had a long weekend too, since Labor Day was coming up, which meant they'd get an extra day off of school to enjoy my surprise trip home.

Around 4:26pm, the bus rolled in front of the house to the bus stop, and I could hear the clamor of kids as they got off the bus, chipping about their long weekend. David was the first one to notice my car, gasping excitedly as he ran towards the house, tearing open the front door. Before I knew it, David was on my lap, with Jake, Chloe and Lilly not far after him. JJ smiled as she saw me with them, moving herself as far out of the way as she possibly could. I wrapped all of them in a hug, pulling them all as close to me as I possibly could.

This was going to be the best weekend ever.

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