The Maze Runner | BTS AU

By jiminctxt

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"Just follow me and run like your life depends on it. . . because it does." Jungkook and Amara were both anom... More

↢ Prologue ↣
01 | Welcome to the Glade
02 | Shocking revelations
03 | Tour time with Hope
04 | Sweet like Suga
05 | Meet V
06 | Cooking with Jin
07 | Tension Arising
08 | Nightly Celebrations
09 | Runner Material?
10 | Damaging Memories
11 | New Arrival
12 | Secrets Revealed
13 | Curious Jungkook
14 | Monster Unleashed
15 | Dead Griever
16 | Glader Exile
17 | The Last One
18 | Beginning of problems
20 | Overnight in the Maze
21 | Welcome Back
22 | New Runner?
23 | Psycho's get punched
24 | Namjoon Remembers
25 | The Jeon Twins
26 | Night in the Slammer
27 | Release the Beast
28 | Training in the Maze
29 | She awakens
30 | The Beginning of the End
31 | The Grievers Attack
32 | Another one bites the dust
33 | Dreams gone up in smoke
34 | Cracking the code

19 | Trapped Inside

654 51 41
By jiminctxt

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[ Chapter 19 ]
❛Trapped Inside❜
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MORNING HAD NOT LONG ARRIVED after last night's escapades. Like Namjoon had asked of them, Jay and Amara found themselves stood outside the walls of the North door waiting for it to open, after having washed, dressed, ate and stretched themselves. . . now they were just waiting on Namjoon himself.

"I expect to see you both at the doors of the North, ready for opening. We waste no time." Amara made her voice countless tones deeper, mocking the words of Namjoon which he had spoken only yesterday, annoyed by his blatant absence.

Jay laughed as he shook his head, regaining a straight posture after finishing his stretches. "Don't let Joonie hear you— he may just accidentally lose you in the maze."

Amara scoffed, seemingly blind to Jay now focusing his gaze on something behind her rather than herself, too busy on a tangent to even notice. "I think I'll be the one 'accidentally' losing him in the maze." She remarked. "I mean, honestly. You can't make a big deal about being on time, only to show up late yourself. The audacity."

Amara may have been too frustrated with the so-called 'leader of the Glade' to be blind in seeing Jay now fighting back a large smile. However, she wasn't deaf. . . she heard someone clear their throat from behind her.

"Mornin'." Namjoon greeted simply when the girl turned around to face him, brushing over her mocking tones. She was finally able to see the older boy stood there with Hope by his side.

"Nice of you to finally show up." She greeted back, not at all phased by him or by the way his hard eyes bored into her own; his jaw clenched in an attempt to restrain his short temper.

"I'd watch your tone, missy." Namjoon warned with a stern finger pointed her way, wanting her to end her cheekiness now before she got carried away. Amara smirked in challenge.

"Would it kill for you both to get on, for once?" Hope spoke up with a sigh, his hands on his hips.

Namjoon and Amara both turned to face Hope, a distraught look of horror on each of their faces— disbelieved by what he had suggested. At least they could agree on one thing.

Hope and Jay both laughed at their expressions, however, their laughter was soon drowned out by the sound of the gears grinding in the stone walls of the maze, shaking the earth and deafening their ears as the four large doors to the maze began to open.

"See, right on time!" Namjoon shouted, in hopes the younger and easily agitated female could hear him. . . which she did.

"See, right on time." Amara mimicked in a high-pitched voice with her face scrunched up— of course she had to get the last word in, she was petty like that.

It took a moment for the doors to open, that moment feeling like an eternity. Although, they were thankful to be able to hear again when the doors finally opened fully, revealing the newly formed interior of the horror maze.

"Good luck out there guys," Hope wished his Glademates, before a coy smile grew on his thin lips. "Don't let Joonie over here slow you down."

"Yeah, yeah," Namjoon waved him and his teasing off, "we'll be fine, it's not like none of us have never been in the maze. We know what to expect. We'll be back by midday, just in time for Jin's lunch."

"Don't miss me too much, sunshine!" Jay winked at the boy cheekily, before himself and Namjoon began to run their way into the ivy-littered stone maze. Hope rolled his eyes at his antics, but smiled nonetheless.

"Bye Hope." Amara waved goodbye to the boy with a small smile, before she jogged after the two boys, easily catching them up, leaving Hope behind in the safety of the Glade watching them leave.

If only they knew what would await them inside of the maze. . . maybe then they wouldn't have ran so willingly into its trap.


The usual working sounds of the Glade had awoken Jungkook from the deepest slumber he had endured since he'd arrived at the Glade. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, trying to shake the heavy grogginess. Giving up, he lay back down, hoping no one would bother him.

It didn't last a minute.

Someone tapped his shoulder and he opened his eyes to see Hope staring down at him, his messy blonde hair disheveled on top of his head, dressed in his usual attire. 'What now?' He thought. . .

"Get up, ya lug." He said.

Jungkook scoffed, turning in his hammock. "Yeah, good morning to you, too. What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock, kookie." Hope said with a mocking smile. "Thought I'd let ya sleep in after such a rough couple of days."

Jungkook rolled into a sitting position, hating that he just couldn't just lie there for another few hours. "How very thoughtful of you." He addressed sarcastically.

Hope laughed before he plopped down beside Jungkook and folded his legs up under himself. He sat quietly for a few moments, looking out at all the hustle-bustle starting to whip up across the Glade. "Gonna put ya with the track-goes today, Greenie. See if that suits your fancy more than slicin' up little piggies and such."

Jungkook held back a groan. He was sick of being treated like a baby. "Aren't you supposed to quit calling me that?"

"What, little piggy?" Hope smiled.

Jungkook forced a laugh and shook his head. "No, Greenie. I'm not really the newest newbie anymore, right? The girl in the coma is. Call her Greenie— my names Jungkook. I told Chuck this yesterday."

Thoughts of the girl floated around his mind, made him remember the weird connection he felt. A sudden sadness washed over him, as if he missed her; wanted to see her. 'That doesn't make sense.' he thought, 'I don't even know her name.'

Hope leaned back, eyebrows raised. "Burn me— you grew some right nice-sized eggs over night, didn't ya?"

Jungkook ignored him and chose to change the subject, moving on. "So why'd you come and wake me up?" He asked.

Hope feigned a look of offence. "What, ya don't like seein' my face first thing in the morning?"

"Not particularly." He mused and the two laughed.

Jungkook went to speak again, but he stopped himself when he seen a couple of runners stood at the East door, stretching before they went in— the same door where they had banished Ben. He almost expected to see Ben standing there on the other side. . . however, he saw no one. He only watched as one of the runners bent down and retrieve what looked to be a shoe from the ground.

Hope seen how the boy was looking over at the doors to the maze, his emotions portrayed in his eyes and told Hope all he needed to know. "Only seen three banishments, kookie. All as nasty as the one you peeped on yesterday. But every buggin' time, the grievers leave something behind. Gives me the willies like nothin' else."

Jungkook had to agree. "What do they do with people when they catch them?" He asked. . . but did he really want to know?

Hope just shrugged, his indifference not very convincing. More likely he just didn't want to talk about it— Jungkook didn't blame him.

"Why can't I train to be a runner yet?" Jungkook asked suddenly. The words seemed to have popped out of nowhere. But he remained still, despite an odd urge to apologise and change the subject; he wanted to know everything about the runners— it was like they were his idols. His strong admiration to be one of them. Even after witnessing the banishing, even after witnessing the griever through the window and hearing all of the horror stories, he wanted to know. The pull to know was strong, and he didn't quite understand why. Becoming a runner just felt like something he was born to do. . . so why was he wasting all his time doing other pointless things?

Hope had paused, looking confused. "The runners? Not this again. Why? Trust me when I say it's not as glorious as you think." He responded, picking up a loose rock from the floor and tossing it, watching it absently as it bounced to a stop.

"Just wondering." Jungkook sighed, disheartened. Although it seemed someone flipped a switch in his mind, making him look up from his lap and narrow his eyes at Hope. "Why aren't you one?" He asked curiously. 

Hope's gaze returned to Jungkook sharply. The younger boy failed to miss the way his body seemed to tense up at the question, leaving him wondering why.

"Was till I hurt my leg few months back. Hasn't been the bloody same since." He reached down and rubbed his right ankle absently, a brief look of pain flashing across his face. This look made Jungkook think it was more from the memory, not an actual physical pain he still felt.

"How'd you do it?" Jungkook asked, thinking the more he could get Hope to talk, the more he'd learn.

"Runnin' from the buggin' grievers, what else? Almost got me." He paused, turning his attention to the boy sat beside him. "Still gives me the chills thinkin' I might have gone through the changing."

The changing. It was the one topic that Jungkook thought might lead him to answers more than anything else. "What is that, anyway? What changes? Does everyone go psycho like Ben and start trying to kill everyone?"

Hope shook his head. "Ben was way worse than most. . . But I thought you wanted to talk about the runners." His tone warned that the short conversation about the changing was over.

This only made Jungkook even more curious, though he was perfectly fine going back to the subject of the runners— he could talk and listen about them all day if he could. "Okay, I'm listening."

"I know you idolise running, but you gotta think realistically. It isn't pleasant and besides, we don't even know your capabilities yet— you gotta be fit and strong to be a runner. You may look the part, but can you act it good enough." Hope advises.

Jungkook nodded thoughtfully. "So what do you do? Test everybody to see how fast they are?"

Hope gave Jungkook a disgusted look, then groaned. "Show me some smarts, greenie, kookie, whatever ya like. How fast you can bloody run is only part of it. A very small part, actually."

This piqued Jungkooks' interest. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"When I say best of the best, I mean at everything. To survive the buggin' maze, you gotta be smart, quick, strong. Gotta be a decision maker, know the right amount of risk to take. Can't be reckless, can't be timid, either." Hope straightened his legs and leaned back on his hands. "It's bloody awful out there, ya know? I don't miss it."

"I thought the grievers only came out at night." Destiny or not, Jungkook didn't want to run into one of those things.

"Yeah, that's what we thought until recently." Hope dismissed.

"Then why is it so terrible out there?" He pressed— what else didn't he know about the maze?

Hope sighed. "Pressure. Stress. Maze pattern different every day, tryin' to picture things in your mind, tryin' to get us all out of here. Worryin' about the bloody maps. Worst part, you're always scared you might not make it back. A normal maze'd be hard enough— but when it changes every night, couple of mental mistakes and you're spendin' the night with vicious beasts. No room or time for dummies or brats."

Jungkook frowned, not quite understanding the drive inside of him, urging him on. Especially after last night and hearing these off-putting stories. But he still felt it, he felt it all over.

"Why all the interest?" Hope asked.

Jungkook hesitated, thinking, scared to say it loud again. "I want to be a runner."

Hope turned and looked him in the eye. "Haven't been here a week, shank. Little early for death wishes, don't ya think? You need to drop this runner crap, you'll only get yourself killed." He offered his words of advice on the matter.

"I'm serious." It barely made sense even to Jungkook, but he felt it deeply. In fact, the desire to become a runner was the only thing driving him on, helping him accept his predicament.

Hope didn't break his gaze. "So am I. Forget it. No one's ever become a runner in their first month, much less their first week— Amara's an exception, but even she's still in training, she's not allowed to leave Jay's side. . . he'll look after her. You've got a lot of provin' to do before we'll recommend you to Jay, the keeper."

Jungkook stood up from his hammock and started folding up his sleeping gear. "Hope, I mean it. I can't pull weeds all day— I'll go nuts. I don't have a clue what I did before they shipped me here in that metal box, but my gut tells me that being a runner is what I'm supposed to do. I can do it."

Hope still sat there, staring up at Jungkook, not offering to help. "No one said you couldn't. But give it a rest for now."

Jungkook felt a surge of impatience. "But—"

"Listen, trust me on this, kookie. Start stompin' around this place yappin' about how you're too good to work like a peasant, how you're all nice and ready to be a runner— you'll make plenty of enemies. Drop it for now." Hope advised gruffly.

Making enemies was the last thing Jungkook wanted, but still. He decided on another direction. "Fine, I'll talk to Jay about it."

Hope laughed. "Nice try, ya buggin' shank. The Gathering elects runners, and if you think I'm tough. . . they'd laugh in your face."

Jungkook could only throw his hands up in annoyance. "For all you guys know, I could be really good at it. It's a waste of time to make me wait."

Hope stood to join him and jabbed a finger in his face. "You listen to me, greenie. You listening all nice and pretty?"

Jungkook surprisingly didn't feel that intimidated, especially since he was slightly taller than the boy despite being younger— well they just presumed he was anyway, he looked younger. He rolled his doe eyes, but then nodded.

"You better stop this nonsense, before others hear about it. That's not how it works around here, and our whole existence depends on things working. . ." He paused, but Jungkook said nothing, dressing the lecture he knew was coming.

"Order." Hope continued. "Order. You say that bloody word over and over in your shuck head. Reason we're all sane around here is cuz we work out butts off and maintain order. Order's the reason we put Ben out— can't have loonies runnin' around tryin' to kill people, can we? Order. Last thing we need is you, Amara or that new girl, screwin' that up."

The stubbornness washed out of Jungkook. He knew it was time to shut up. "Yeah." was all he had to say.

Hope slapped him on the back, not hard enough to hurt. "Let's make a deal." He grinned.

"What?" Jungkook felt his hopes rise.

"You keep your mouth shut about it, and I'll put you on the list of potential trainees as soon as you show some clout. Don't keep your mouth shut, and I'll bloody make sure ya never see it happen. Deal?"

Jungkook hated the idea of waiting, not knowing how long it might be. "That's a sucky deal."

Hope raised his eyebrows.

Jungkook finally nodded. "Deal." The two shook hands.

"Come on, let's get some grub from Jin. Let's hope we don't bloody choke." Hope began to lead Jungkook away, the new boy completely forgetting about the two runners and Namjoon inside of the maze, currently trying to hunt a dead griever.


"Come on. Keep up." Jay coaxed Namjoon and Amara on, the two trailing after the incredibly fit boy who seemed able to run circles around them— he didn't even look tired yet.

"Not all of us are runners, Jay lad." Namjoon retorted, his tone clipped despite being breathless as he jogged only a few metres behind at the back of the pack, Amara slightly ahead of himself. "Feels like we've been running for days. Forgot how big this shuckin' maze was."

"We've only been runnin' just over an hour!" Jay exclaimed with a laugh of disbelief.

Both Namjoon's and Amara's jaws fell slack.

"Only an hour?" The girl repeats, her voice an octave higher in tone from both fatigue and shock. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Jay shook his head, slowing his pace down only slightly, allowing the two behind him to fall into step beside him— he couldn't rid the grin from off his face.

"Well the both of youse will be happy to hear that the Griever is nowhere near here. . . still got a while of running shanks, hope you can keep up." And with those words spoken, Jay took off ahead in a sprint leaving Namjoon and Amara behind to groan.

The neither had missed running, clearly. . .


By the time mid-afternoon arrived, Jungkook was ready to collapse from exhaustion— all that bending over and crawling around on your knees in the dirt was the pits. Blood house, Gardens: two strikes.

'Runner,' he thought as he went on his break. 'Just let me be a runner.'. Once again he thought about how absurd it was that he wanted it so badly. But even though he didn't understand it, or where it came from, the desire was undeniable. Words couldn't even begin to describe how jealous he was of Amara— if only he were in her shoes currently.

Tired and sore, he headed to the kitchens for a snack and water. He could've eaten a full-blown meal despite having had lunch just two hours earlier. Even pig was starting to sound good again to him, even though he swore to never even set eyes on it again after witnessing what went down in the Blood house with V and his knives.

After greeting Jin, the boy made his way outside to a bench parked under a large oak tree. He plopped himself down besides little Chuck and bit into his apple. Hope was there too, but sat alone on a separate bench, ignoring everybody. Jungkook watched as Hope chewed his fingernails, something he hadn't seen the older boy for before— ever.

Chuck noticed and asked the question that was on Jungkook's minds. "What's wrong with him?" the boy whispered. "Looks like you did when you popped out the box."

"I don't know," Jungkook replied. "Why don't you go and ask him?"

"I can hear every bloody word you guys are saying," Hope called in a loud voice suddenly. "No wonder people hate sleepin' next to you shanks."

Jungkook's cheeks and ears turned red. He felt like he had been caught stealing, but he was genuinely concerned— Hope was one of the few people in the Glade he actually liked.

"What is wrong with you?" Chuck asked him personally. "No offence, but you look like klunk."

"Every lovin' thing in the universe," he replied, then fell silent as he stared off into space for a long moment. Jungkook almost pushed him with another question, but Hope finally continued. "The girl from the box. She keeps groanin' and saying all kind of weird stuff, but won't wake up. Med-jacks are doing their best to feed her, but she's eatin' less each time. I'm telling ya, something's very bad about that whole bloody thing."

Jungkook looked down at his apple, then took a bite. It tasted sour now— he realised he was worried about the girl; concerned for her welfare. . . as if he knew her.

Hope let out a long sigh. "Shuck it. But that's not what really has me buggin'."

"Then what does?" Chuck asked.

Jungkook leaned forward, so curious he was able to put the girl out of his mind. Hope came to join them on the same bench.

Hope's eyes narrowed as he looked out towards one of the entrances to the maze. "Namjoon, Jay and Amara," he muttered. "They should've come back hours ago. They were only supposed to find and look at the dead griever."


Before Jungkook knew it he was back at work, pulling up weeds again, counting down the minutes until he'd be done with the gardens. He glanced constantly at the North door, looking for any sign of the the two boys and Amara, Hope's concern having rubbed off on him.

Hope had said they were supposed to have come back by noon, just enough time for them to get to the dead griever, explore for an hour or two, then return. No wonder he'd looked so upset. When Chuck offered up that maybe they were just exploring and having some fun, Hope had given him a stare so harsh Jungkook thought Chuck might spontaneously combust.

He'd never forget the next look that had come over Hope's face. When Jungkook had asked why Hope and some others didn't just go into the maze and search for their friends, Hope's expression had changed to one of outright horror— his cheeks had shrunk into his face, becoming sallow and dark. It gradually paused, and he'd explained that sending out search parties was forbidden, lest even more people to be lost, but there was no mistaking the fear that had crossed his face.

Hope was terrified of the maze.

Whatever had happened to him out there— maybe even related to his lingering limp which came from his ankle injury— had been truly awful. Jungkook tried not to think about it as he put his focus back to yanking weeds.


That night dinner proves to be a somber affair, and it had nothing to do with the food. Jin had cooked and served up  a grand meal of steak, mashed potatoes, green beans and hot rolls. Jungkook was quickly learning that jokes about Jim's cooking were just that— jokes. Everyone gobbled up his food and usually begged for more. But tonight, the gladers ate like dead men resurrected for one last meal before being sent to live with the devil.

The runners had returned at their normal time, and Jungkook had grown more and more upset as he watched Hope run from door to door, not bothering to hide his panic. But Namjoon, Jay and Amara never showed up. Hope insisted he stood and watched for the missing trio. No one said it, but Jungkook knew it wouldn't be long before the doors closed.

Jungkook reluctantly followed orders like the rest of the boys and was sharing a picnic table on the south-side of the Homestead with Chuck and Suga. He'd only been able to eat a few bites when he couldn't take it anymore.

He couldn't help the growing feeling of fear and worry. Namjoon and Jay were still in the maze. Amara was in there and it was because of her that he was so worried— but he couldn't tell you why. Amara and himself were two of the same being, both anomalies in an even stranger environment and they had to stick together. . . he needed her.

"I can't stand sitting here while they're out there missing," he said as he dropped his fork on the plate. "I'm going over to watch the doors with Hope." He stood up and headed out to look.

Not surprisingly, Chuck was right behind him.

They found Hope at the West door, pacing, channeling his inner Jay by running his hands through his hair. He looked up as Jungkook and Chuck approached.

"Where are they?" Hope asked as if they knew the answer, his voice thin and strained.

Jungkook was touched that Hope cared so much about Jay and Namjoon; even Amara— as if they were his own kin. "Why don't we send out a search party?" he suggested again. It seemed to stupid to sit around and worry themselves to death when they could go out and find them.

"Bloody he—" Hope started, before stopping himself; he closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. "We can't. Okay? Don't say it again. One hundred percent against the rules. Especially with the buggin' doors about to close."

"But why?" Jungkook persisted, in disbelief at Hope's stubbornness. "Won't the grievers get them if they stay out there? Shouldn't we do something?"

Hope turned to him, his face flushed red, his eyes flames with fury.

"Shut your hole, greenie!" he yelled, out of character for himself. "Not a bloody week you've been here! You think I wouldn't risk my life in a second to save those lugs, even Amara?"

Jungkook was taken by surprise. "No— I. . . sorry. I didn't mean. . ." He didn't even know what to say— he was just trying to help.

Hope's face softened. "You don't get it yet, Kookie. Going out there at night is beggin' for death. We'd just be throwin' more lives away. If those shanks don't make it back. . ." He paused, seeming hesitant to aloud what everyone else was thinking. "Jay and Joon, the both of' em swore an oath, just like I did. Like we all did. You and Amara too, when you go to your first official gathering and get chosen by a keeper. Never go out at night. No matter what. Never."

Jungkook looked over at Suga, who was now stood with them and he seemed as pale-faced as Hope— paler than usual.

"Hope won't say it," the older boy said, "so I will. If they're not back, it means they're dead. Jay's too smart to get lost. Impossible. They're dead."

Hope said nothing, and Suga turned and walked back towards the Homestead, taking Chuck with him, his head hanging low. 'Dead?' Jungkook thought. The situation had become so grave he didn't know how to react, although he did feel the prominent pit of emptiness in his heart.

"The shank's right," Hope said solemnly. "That's why we can't go out. We can't afford to make things bloody worse than they already are."

He put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, then let it slump to his side. Tears moistened Hope's eyes and Jungkook was sure that even within the dark chamber of memories that were locked away, out of his reach, he'd never seen someone look so sad. The growing darkness of twilight was a perfect fit for how grim things felt to Jungkook.

"The doors close in two minutes," Hope said, a statement so succinct and final it seemed to hang in the air like a burial shroud caught in a puff of wind. Then he walked away, hunched over, quiet.

Jungkook shook his head and looked back into the maze. He barely knew Namjoon and Jay. But his chest aches at the thought of them out there, killed by the horrendous creatures he'd seen through the window his first morning in the Glade. Then there was Amara, just the thought of her being lost in there made him feel sick to his stomach.

A loud boom sounded from all directions, startling Jungkook out of his thoughts. Then came the crunching, grinding sound of stone against stone. The doors were closing for the night.

Jungkook, despite the circumstances, looked in awe at the massive moving wall— it defied any sense of physics. It seemed impossible.

Then a flicker of movement on the left caught his eyes. Something stirred inside the maze, down the long corridor in front of him.

At first, a shot of panic raced through him; he stepped back, worried it might be a griever. But then three forms took shape, stumbling along the alley towards the door. His eyes finally focused through the initial blindness of fear, and he realised it was Jay and Amara, with one of Namjoon's arms draped across each of their shoulders, practically dragging the boy along behind him. Jay looked up, saw Jungkook, who knew his eyes must be bulging out of his head.

"They got him!" Jay shouted, his voice deranged and weak with exhaustion. Every step he took seemed like it could be his last.

"Help! Namjoon! Stung!" Were the only words Amara was able to pant out, her breath too laboured from having helped carry the heavy boy around what must of felt like the entire maze, in a desperate rush to reach the Glade. To reach safety.

Jungkook was so stunned by the turn of events, it took a moment for him to act. "Hope!" he finally screamed, forcing his gaze away from Jay and Amara with Namjoon in their grasps, to face the other direction. "They're coming! I can see' em!" He knew he should run into the maze and help, but the rule about not leaving the Glade was seared into his mind.

Hope had already made it back to the Homestead, but at Jungkooks' cry he immediately spun and broke into a stuttering run towards the door.

Jungkook turned to look back into the maze and dread washed through him. Namjoon had slipped out of their clutches and fallen to the ground. Jungkook watched as Jay tried desperately to get him back on his feet, Amara wasting no time in helping despite on the brink of collapse herself, then, finally giving up, the two started to drag Namjoon across the stone floor by the arms.

But they were still about thirty metres away. . .

The right wall was closing fast, seeming to quicken its pace the more Jungkook willed it to slow down. There were only seconds left until it shut completely. They had no chance of making it in time. No chance at all.

Jungkook turned to look at Hope: limping along as well as he could, he'd only made it halfway to Jungkook. The other boys of the Glade seemed to have caught on to what was happening, beginning to run over too. . . but they were too far.

Jungkook looked back into the maze, at the closing wall.
Only a couple of metres more and it'd be over.

Jay stumbled up ahead, falling to ground, bringing Amara down with him, the three of them landing in a heep of tangled limbs on the floor. They weren't going to make it. Time was up. That was it.

Jungkook heard Hope scream something from behind him.

"Don't do it, Kookie! Don't you bloody do it!"

The rods on the right wall seemed to reach like stretched-out arms for their home, grasping for those little holes that would serve as their resting place for the night. The crunching, grinding sound of the doors filled the air, deafening.

Two metres, one and half, one.

Jungkook knew he had no choice. He moved. Forward. He squeezed past the connecting, large stone doors at the last second and stepped into the maze.

The walls slammed shut behind him, the echo of its boom bouncing off the ivy-coloured stone like mad laughter.


Wow Jungkook . . . you dumb bitch! Why would you go into the maze lolll you just signed yourself a death sentence :/ He was literally like:

Hope: don't you ever go into the maze!
Jungkook: y'all hear something?

But uh oh! Now Namjoon, Jay, Amara and Jungkook are stuck inside of the maze with the grievers for a whole night. . . will they ALL make it out unscathed or even alive like in the original version, *muahaha* you'll have to wait and see munchkins ;)

FYI! I picture the boys to be wearing their ON MV outfits and Amara wearing similar but feminine clothes to that, but it's up to you what you imagine them as :)

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