Viper |Compete|

By KatCWrites

423K 22.1K 3.7K

* Book 2 in the Viper series. Killen Shelby, twenty three years old and in love with his girlfriend of a yea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 14

6.3K 328 37
By KatCWrites

Killen's POV:

The sound of my phone buzzing against the wood grain bedside table wakes me from my sleep, and I gently move Luna from my arms as she sleeps before I roll over reaching for it, but the moment my fingers reach it, it stops ringing.

Sighing softly, I lay my arm back down on the bed, and roll over once more, facing Luna who hasn't woken from my movements.

Leaning down I press a kiss to the top of her head and stroke her hair gently.

This morning is the fourth day we've woken up together and I'm stating to get used to it already, I have no idea how I'm going to go back to sleeping without her, but I have a life in East Cliff and she has a life here.

Last night after I finished cleaning up in the shower, I made my way into bed. The second I slid under the covers, Luna moved toward me, snuggling up to me, and from there we spent hours talking.

I'll admit I was nervous about us having sex again, I wanted things to be perfect, I wanted to feel like I wasn't rushing in and making a mistake like I did with Farah, but being with Luna isn't a mistake, she isn't pretending to be someone she isn't, she's been herself from the night that I met her, and now I'm glad we took that step again.

At the sound of my phone buzzing once more, I roll over again and pick it up. It's then I see it's Farah calling and I have ten missed calls from her over the last two hours.

Sighing, I answer. "Hello?"

"Why did I have to find out from one of the boys at the club that you're with your little friend from Mexico and will be for another week or more?"

"Yeah good thanks, how are you?" I roll my eyes. "Farah I don't have to explain myself to you, yes I'm with Luna but that's none of your business, you and I are not together.

"And what about the baby? I have a scan today and I wanted you to be there."

"Farah I'm sorry, I didn't know about the scan."

"But you do now, so you'll come home?"

"What time is the scan?"

"It's in an hour."

"An hour? Farah I'm four hours away, I can't make it home in an hour."

"So your putting her before your child already? The baby isn't even here yet Killen and you're already choosing that fucking whore over our baby."

"Farah do not speak about her like that." I whisper shout as I sit up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. "It's one scan, I'll be at the next one."

"Oh no you won't be Killen, have fun with your whore, your cut out from this point forward."

"Farah, you can't do that-"

"Fuck you Killen, you made your choice, I hope she's worth it." She sneers before hanging up the phone.

As I let out a deep breath and hang my head, I feel Luna's gentle hand on my back. "Killy, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I say from my same position.

"You know you can talk to me right? You don't have to hide things from me."

Turning, I look down at her. How is she so perfect? Looking up at me with her eyes like honey, her face so gentle and caring in this moment.

"It was Farah, one of the guys from work told her I was with you so she's lost her mind over it. Apparently she has a scan booked in today and she wanted me to come home this second, and when I told her I can't she kicked off again and told me she's cutting me out from this point forward."

"Cutting you out?"

"I said I'd be at the next scan and she said I won't be. I guess she's cutting me out from anything to do with the baby because I won't leave and go running home to her."

"Killen if you have to go home I understand." Luna says softly. "The last thing I want to do is cause trouble for you."

"No, the scan is in an hour, I can't make it home in an hour and besides, I said I'd stay with you and that's what I want to do, I didn't know about the scan, she can't just expect me to jump in the car and speed home, she knew I wasn't in town and she didn't call until she knew I was with you." I sigh.

"But will she really cut you out of all the appointments now?"

"Probably, Farah is like that, she's using the baby against me already."

"I understand your frustrations with her, and maybe she is just doing this because she wants you to run home to her, but Kill, if you want to go home  because you don't want to be cut off from everything further to do with the baby, I understand and I'd understand you leaving." She takes my hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Really, I'll be okay on my own, I have my bear now, and I have my moon."

"I don't even know the baby is mine Luna, and if it is and I'm allowing myself to be cut off from all of this then I'm an asshole, but I'm not going home, I'm where I want to be." I lean down pressing a kiss to her lips.

After kissing me back, she lays back down on the bed, and pulls me down with her, and snuggling in close. "I want you to stay too, but if you change your mind I understand, okay?" She all but whispers and presses a kiss to my chest.

"And that's exactly why I'm not going, you're fucking perfect Luna and I'm not letting anything get in the way of this."

"Just know that I'll support you no matter what." She whispers and presses a kiss to my cheek. "I don't ever want to come in between you and the baby, or put you in a situation where you have to choose."


Farah cutting me out of anything to do with the baby because I didn't drop everything and run home to a scan I didn't know about hurt a little.

But it didn't hurt because of anything to do with Farah, it hurt because I feel like a massive asshole if the baby is mine and I've missed out on scans and other important milestones I should have been part of.

Then again, I'm not choosing to be cut out, Farah is cutting me out and that's on her.

I just wish I didn't have to go through this with her, she's a horrible person at the best of times let alone when she's being an outright bitch.

After the phone call and cuddling in bed for an hour, Luna and I ventured downstairs to have some breakfast, and after breakfast she got to work on planning our date night for tonight leaving me to hang out on my own for a while.

I don't mind spending time on my own, but it's not something I'm really used to, at home there is always people around, always Ace or Ella, or Mom or Dad or one of the girls to annoy me. But here with Luna, it's just her, she doesn't have any family, and with Vanessa being busy with her family I'm starting to see why she gets so lonely all the time, it's not much fun being on your own.

Making my way out into the backyard, an un-lit cigarette in one hand and my lighter in the other, I look out ahead of me, that's when I see Luna hanging things from the trees, looking as if she's struggling.

Making my way down the back steps, I walk toward her. "Do you need some help."

"Killy." She gasps. "No, go away, your ruining the surprise."

"Alright, alright jeez, I was just out here for a cigarette." I hold up my hands in defence.

"Well take it somewhere else, I'm busy." She places her hands on her hips.

"Damn your cute when your mad." I smirk as I take a step toward her.

"Killy, don't." She pouts.

"Don't what?" I question as I wrap my arm around her, pulling her body against mine.

"Your distracting me."

"Am I? I'm sorry." I say as I lean down pressing my lips to hers, to which she responds to by kissing me back.

At the feeling of my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pull back from the kiss and pull it out, checking the screen. "It's Mom."

"Good, answer and stop distracting me, I'm trying to do something special." She pushes me gently.

"Mom, hey." I answer with a grin as I walk toward the house once more, leaving Luna to do whatever it is she's doing.

"Hey honey, I'm sorry to bother you while you're away."

"It's fine Mom, what's up?"

"Farah called in this afternoon with a baby scan photo to show your father and I."

"Oh did she also mention she'd cut me out of the baby's life?" I scoff.

"She mentioned she asked you to come home for the scan and you said no, and that she asked you to chose the baby or Luna and you chose Luna, yes."

"Well that's not how it went down at all, please tell me you and Dad haven't fallen for her bullshit."

"We haven't, that's why I'm calling. Maybe it's not a bad thing she's cutting you out, we don't even know if the child is yours, I don't want you spending all of your time falling all over Farah to keep her happy. Farah has said she wants your Dad and I to be part of it all, she said she's going to bring us the scans and keep us up to date, so we can then pass it onto you, you'll still be a part of it, but not right there in it if that makes sense."

"Yeah, it makes sense." I nod. "And you don't mind being the one to deal with Farah?"

"No honey, I'm keeping a roof over her head remember, she has to be nice to me. I just want you to enjoy your time with Luna and don't worry about what's happening here."

"Thanks Mom, I appreciate it."

"How are things going anyway?"

"Really good, it's nice getting to spend time together with no one else around, I do miss you guys though."

"So bring Luna here, we're all dying to meet her." She exclaims.

"Maybe not just yet, I don't want to scare her away." I joke.

"Fine, when the time is right I know I'll get to meet her, but for now I'll leave you alone to enjoy your time, bye honey."



"Are you ready?" Luna smiles as she leads me down the back steps and out onto the grass, my eyes closed at her request.

"I'm ready, can I open my eyes now?"

"Yes, open them." She says excitedly.

Opening my eyes I take in the sight in front of me, and my eyes become wide. All day Luna has been in the backyard working on this date for us, and now I see why.

Placed under a large tree in the middle of the garden is a double sun lounger cushion with smaller cushions and a blanket sat upon it as it sits propped up against the tree.

In front of the two seater cushion on the grass is a picnic basket, a bucket of ice filled with drinks and two large bowls of popcorn sitting on a small picnic blanket.

And in front of that, a movie projector screen held in place with pegs at the bottom, holding it into the grass, and with rope at the top, attached to the trees.

"What do you think?" Luna smiles from next to me.

"I think you've put all of my dates to shame with just one." I chuckle softly. "This is really, really cool." I breathe out as I look around, admiring the canopy of fairy lights hanging from the trees.

"Don't be silly all of our dates have been amazing, I just wanted to do something special." She slides her hand into mine, and walks me toward the set up. "I made us a bunch of food as well." She says as she sits down, her legs tucked under her.

Taking a seat next to her with my legs out straight in front of me, I watch as she begins pulling things from the picnic basket like sandwiches cut into small triangles, fruit, cheeses, crackers, and don't even get me started on the small tray of dessert slices.

"Damn you went all out, I feel bad."

"Why do you feel bad?" She questions, turning her head to the side as she looks up at me.

"I feel like I should be the one doing all of this for you."

"So just because your the male your the one who is meant to plan all of the dates and do nice things for me?"

"Well usually." I shrug "I mean that's how it is with most girls."

"Well I, Killen Shelby am not most girls and I have no issue with planning some of our date nights and doing something nice for you." She smiles as she hands me a plate and cup.

"No, you're definitely not most girls." I reply as I take the plate and cup from her hands, unable to tare my eyes away from her.


Tonight has been amazing, being with Luna under the stars and the fairy lights of the date she created, she amazes me every day that I'm with her, she's always teaching me something new, or showing me a new side to her, or opening up to me and allowing me to get to know her on a deeper level.

During the first movie we sat on the picnic blanket and ate all of the food Luna had made for us, as well as having a drink each, Luna a glass of wine, and me my Jack Daniels and Coke which she bought especially for me.

By the second movie we made our way onto the large two seater cushion and got under the blanket, cuddling while we watched the movie.

And by the time we got onto the third, we both lost interest and ended up talking rather then watching the movie.

Being with Luna feels right, it always has, it has from the moment I met her. I love everything about her, she smart and beautiful and funny and sweet and kind, she's the girl I can see myself marrying and having children with, she's beyond perfect.

As we lay together watching yet another movie and these thoughts fill my mind, a sudden rush comes over me and before I have time to stop myself, I speak once more.

"Hey Luna?" I ask softly.

"Yeah?" She whispers, her eyes looking toward the screen.

"I know we said we'd take things slow because we're still getting to know each other and it's okay if you say no, but I was thinking maybe we should put a title on what we are, I mean we don't have to of course if you don't want to do titles, I just-"

"Killy." Luna giggles softly as she looks up at me.

"I'm rambling...." I run my hand through my messy hair.

"Whatever you're trying to ask me, just ask me." She says softly as she takes my hand in hers.

"Do you want to make this official, like you know..... be my girlfriend?"

With a smile she leans in and presses her lips to mine. "Yes Killen, I want to make this official, and I want to be your girlfriend."

"You do? Just like that? Are you sure?"

"Yes!" She giggles loudly. "You're too cute." She kisses my lips once more. "Now stop over thinking everything and come here." She pulls me down on top of her by my navy coloured V-neck t-shirt.

As I place one hand down on the ground to support my body weight and the other on Luna's waist, I deepen the kiss.

Moving her hand up my back, she places it in the back of my hair, tugging at it gently, and begins kissing me hard.

And once again, I know exactly where this is going.

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