Valentine's Day for single pe...

By draqlasdaughter

8.7K 648 77

Summary: The 28 years young CEO Wang Yibo hates Valentine's Day! What about single people, like himself? They... More

Author note
02 Trip seatmates
03 What a jerk...
04 I like your friends
05 It's soon getting dark...
06 A helpful friend
Author note

01 An outraged citizen

1.4K 101 17
By draqlasdaughter

A/n: Yes, I said I will start posting on February 01, but I decided to do it sooner, because some of the seven chapters got too long, so I will  split them in two parts.

Therefore, enjoy reading this first chapter, sooner than it was planned!

~February 14~

Wang Yibo hates so much this day and everything related!
As a 28 years young CEO of a small, but successful business, he understands the Valentine's Day celebration, but hates it nevertheless.
He has nothing against for the sweets and jewelry companies, or the florists, to make huge profits by taking advantage of idiots in love, but he will never be one of them! Nor a cash profiteering, nor an idiot!

Not that he can't or doesn't want to have a taste from what they call it as love, but he doesn't believe in all the bullshit associated with the word "love", like everlasting, destiny, forever, love at first sight, stomach butterflies, so on!
Simply disgusting!
He is not that much of a naive to be caught in this huge conspiracy of all the sharks from sweets, jewelry and flowers industry, stripping idiots off from their money!

Yes, he must admit that he was holding in his arms a huge bouquet of red roses, and he was shopping now in a sweets shop, buying chocolate with hearts and cupids printed on the wrapping paper. But not for the reason some people might assume!

The reason is that Wei Wuxian, his best friend, gave him a desperate call to ask for his help.
Wei Wuxian was convened by his father in a very urgent issue for "Wei.Co", his father's Company.
Yibo knows very well why his friend's dad is doing that, he's already been there: Xian Xian's father is trying hard to obstruct his son from meeting his boyfriend on Valentine's Day, because he just can't accept that his heir is gay.
Yibo's father is in the same denial, but at least he managed to detach himself from his father's Company, and to create his own small business in the IT field.
Therefore he will welcome Lan Wangji at the airport, will apologize on behalf of his boyfriend and will give him a car ride to Xian Xian's secret apartment.

The young CEO was just exiting the sweets shop, when something caught his full attention.
Not something, but someone...has caught his full attention.
He pretended to be busy with his phone, while creeping over a young boy , that must be a college student or maybe even younger, a high schooler.
Yibo has never seen such an outstanding pair of eyes, sparkling like stars even if hidden behind a veil of sadness and some geeky eyeglasses.
He was wearing some adorable beret on his head and a playfully printed sweater..,.yes he must be a highschooler.
And Jesus, just how long were the boy's legs?

Yibo was just about to slap himself , what a hell, was he drooling over young kids like pedophiles?
He already walked away a few steps, when something shocking rooted him in his spot.

A young good looking man, whom he didn't even notice before, was talking to the sad, beautiful kid.
"No, Zhan Zhan, it's not because of that, my father has nothing to do with me breaking up with you!
It's just that I don't love you anymore...or maybe I have never did...
Simple as that!
Don't touch me, you make me sick already!", the man snapped, rudely slapping the kid's hand that was intending to touch his cheek.

Wang Yibo groaned internally:
"What an aSshole!
Didn't this dude find a better day to break up with his boyfriend?
This poor kid, to be deserted and aggressed physically on Valentine's Day...He will hate this day from now on, for sure, same like I do, maybe even more."

"Now, don't start to cry on me, you do know how much I hate your puffy eyes when you cry!", the jerk shouted, pushing his former lover so hard that his back crushed onto Yibo's chest.

"No, I'm not crying...", the boy tried to speak, but his voice broke like a thin piece of glass, while bending to collect his beret that fell down from his head.

Yibo dropped the roses and the sweets bag onto the ground and bent to lift up the trembling form. He pulled the boy into his tight embrace, kissing his red ear while speaking to the aSshole:
"Actually Zhan Zhan's tears are tears of happiness and relief.
Thank you, man, for sparing him from breaking up with you.
I can tell you that he was in so much distress and so much worried about how you're gonna take it.
I mean, he was overly worried about how it will affect you, the news. The news that he accepted my love confession and also...that he feels the same for me.
Allow me to apologize on behalf of both of us, we didn't plan to cheat on you, it just happened to fall in love with each other.
C'mon Zhan Zhan, let's go to celebrate Valentine's Day in peace, now that you know he is alright with you leaving him!"

He didn't leave me, I left him!
And his name is Xiao Zhan, only me is allowed to call him Zhan Zhan!
And...and who the hell might be you?", the guy screamed, grabbing violently the kid's arm and trying to pull him away from Yibo's embrace.

But Yibo pushed his fake boyfriend behind his back and reached out the other hand to the angry man:
"You're right, excuse my bad manners and allow me to introduce myself.
I am Wang Yibo, Zhan Zhan's boyfriend as you have already found out.
Nice to meet you, better saying glad to finally meet you, I was really curious, to be honest!"

"So, you were sucking this dude's d!ck on behind my back, huh?
Xiao Zhan, I never would have thought you could be such a disgusting slut!
Hey dude, Zhan Zhan is a great talent at sucking d!cks, so I hope you paid him big, ha, ha, ha!", the jerk burst into a hysterical, but fake laughter.

But he swallowed his laughter soon, along with a tooth or maybe two, when a strong punch landed onto his jaw, from behind of Yibo.

"Don't you dare to call me disgusting and slut!
But yeah, you're right somehow, I must admit that! I am talented! It took me a huge talent to suck that 3 inches d!ck of yours!
I'll regret for my whole life the time I've wasted on loving you, you bastard!", the boy shouted, plopped now in front of the shithead and spitting his words right onto his face.

Yibo's reaction was fast when the angry aSshole raised his fist, intending to punch back his former boyfriend.
He pulled the boy aside, grabbing him by his shoulders, and pecked his flamed cheek, whispering against his skin, loud enough to be heard by the other, too:
"Don't get upset, Zhan Zhan, doesn't worth it, let him be!
Let's go and enjoy our Valentine's Day, I love you!"

Wang Yibo picked up the sweets bag and the roses from the ground and wrapped his free arm around the enraged boy's shoulder.
Then he led him toward his car, not before hissing to the man who was still massaging his painful jaw:
"Now, get lost, Small D!ck Man, and never bother my Zhan Zhan again!" 

"Wow! I don't even know what to say, besides that I thank you very much for what you have just done...But why did you help me?
I don't think we know each other, I'd have remembered you for sure.
So, who are you, are you an actor?
And...who hired you and...and why?", Zhan spoke in a strangled voice, still in a shock state from what had just happened, while stepping out from the stranger's grip.

"Maybe it helped a bit the acting classes I took in my junior high, but I'm definitely not an actor. And nobody hired me, I am...but it doesn't matter who I am. I am just an outraged citizen.
Outraged with your inconsiderate boyfriend's behavior.
What an aSshole to break up with you on Valentine's Day and get violent on you, on top of that!
You'll see later that it was for your best that he ended the relationship.
Look, I'd like for us to have a coffee together and chat more, but I need to be somewhere.
Still, I could give you a ride before. I have more than a half an hour to reach the airport.
So where do you want to go?
Or maybe you would want to accompany me?", Yibo asked, opening his car door to place the flowers and the sweets on the back seat.

"No problem, no need to give me a ride, I live nearby. I've bothered you enough!
Thank you once again!
And I'm sorry for...
Go now, your beloved must be waiting for you to give her those gorgeous roses!
Thank you outraged citizen, for sweetening my ruined Valentine's Day!
By the way, take this homemade chocolate, I made it by myself for...I don't want it.
You can give it to your sweetheart, eat it or throw it, whatever.", the boy smiled, taking out from his coat pocket a small box wrapped beautifully in a pink wrapping paper printed with golden cupids and red hearts.

"The roses are not for my...I have not any sweetheart...", but Yibo didn't get to finish the sentence that the boy took him by surprise by climbing unexpectedly a cab that he waved for.

"Hey, Xiao Zhan, how can I meet you again?", Yibo shouted, but in vain, the boy had already closed the car door and he didn't hear him anymore.

"What a...?!!!!!!!!!!
He said he doesn't need a ride, he said he lives nearby!"


Same story with no pics/gifs inserted along the text


~February 14~

Wang Yibo hates so much this day and everything related!
As a 28 years young CEO of a small, but successful business, he understands the Valentine's Day celebration, but hates it nevertheless.
He has nothing against for the sweets and jewelry companies, or the florists, to make huge profits by taking advantage of idiots in love, but he will never be one of them! Nor a cash profiteering, nor an idiot!

Not that he can't or doesn't want to have a taste from what they call it as love, but he doesn't believe in all the bullshit associated with the word "love", like everlasting, destiny, forever, love at first sight, stomach butterflies, so on!
Simply disgusting!
He is not that much of a naive to be caught in this huge conspiracy of all the sharks from sweets, jewelry and flowers industry, stripping idiots off from their money!

Yes, he must admit that he was holding in his arms a huge bouquet of red roses, and he was shopping now in a sweets shop, buying chocolate with hearts and cupids printed on the wrapping paper. But not for the reason some people might assume!

The reason is that Wei Wuxian, his best friend, gave him a desperate call to ask for his help.
Wei Wuxian was convened by his father in a very urgent issue for "Wei.Co", his father's Company.
Yibo knows very well why his friend's dad is doing that, he's already been there: Xian Xian's father is trying hard to obstruct his son from meeting his boyfriend on Valentine's Day, because he just can't accept that his heir is gay.
Yibo's father is in the same denial, but at least he managed to detach himself from his father's Company, and to create his own small business in the IT field.
Therefore he will welcome Lan Wangji at the airport, will apologize on behalf of his boyfriend and will give him a car ride to Xian Xian's secret apartment.

The young CEO was just exiting the sweets shop, when something caught his full attention.
Not something, but someone...has caught his full attention.
He pretended to be busy with his phone, while creeping over a young boy , that must be a college student or maybe even younger, a high schooler.
Yibo has never seen such an outstanding pair of eyes, sparkling like stars even if hidden behind a veil of sadness and some geeky eyeglasses.
He was wearing some adorable beret on his head and a playfully printed sweater..,.yes he must be a highschooler.
And Jesus, just how long were the boy's legs?

Yibo was just about to slap himself , what a hell, was he drooling over young kids like pedophiles?
He already walked away a few steps, when something shocking rooted him in his spot.

A young good looking man, whom he didn't even notice before, was talking to the sad, beautiful kid.
"No, Zhan Zhan, it's not because of that, my father has nothing to do with me breaking up with you!
It's just that I don't love you anymore...or maybe I have never did...
Simple as that!
Don't touch me, you make me sick already!", the man snapped, rudely slapping the kid's hand that was intending to touch his cheek.

Wang Yibo groaned internally:
"What an aSshole!
Didn't this dude find a better day to break up with his boyfriend?
This poor kid, to be deserted and aggressed physically on Valentine's Day...He will hate this day from now on, for sure, same like I do, maybe even more."

"Now, don't start to cry on me, you do know how much I hate your puffy eyes when you cry!", the jerk shouted, pushing his former lover so hard that his back crushed onto Yibo's chest.

"No, I'm not crying...", the boy tried to speak, but his voice broke like a thin piece of glass, while bending to collect his beret that fell down from his head.

Yibo dropped the roses and the sweets bag onto the ground and bent to lift up the trembling form. He pulled the boy into his tight embrace, kissing his red ear while speaking to the aSshole:
"Actually Zhan Zhan's tears are tears of happiness and relief.
Thank you, man, for sparing him from breaking up with you.
I can tell you that he was in so much distress and so much worried about how you're gonna take it.
I mean, he was overly worried about how it will affect you, the news. The news that he accepted my love confession and also...that he feels the same for me.
Allow me to apologize on behalf of both of us, we didn't plan to cheat on you, it just happened to fall in love with each other.
C'mon Zhan Zhan, let's go to celebrate Valentine's Day in peace, now that you know he is alright with you leaving him!"

He didn't leave me, I left him!
And his name is Xiao Zhan, only me is allowed to call him Zhan Zhan!
And...and who the hell might be you?", the guy screamed, grabbing violently the kid's arm and trying to pull him away from Yibo's embrace.

But Yibo pushed his fake boyfriend behind his back and reached out the other hand to the angry man:
"You're right, excuse my bad manners and allow me to introduce myself.
I am Wang Yibo, Zhan Zhan's boyfriend as you have already found out.
Nice to meet you, better saying glad to finally meet you, I was really curious, to be honest!"

"So, you were sucking this dude's d!ck on behind my back, huh?
Xiao Zhan, I never would have thought you could be such a disgusting slut!
Hey dude, Zhan Zhan is a great talent at sucking d!cks, so I hope you paid him big, ha, ha, ha!", the jerk burst into a hysterical, but fake laughter.

But he swallowed his laughter soon, along with a tooth or maybe two, when a strong punch landed onto his jaw, from behind of Yibo.

"Don't you dare to call me disgusting and slut!
But yeah, you're right somehow, I must admit that! I am talented! It took me a huge talent to suck that 3 inches d!ck of yours!
I'll regret for my whole life the time I've wasted on loving you, you bastard!", the boy shouted, plopped now in front of the shithead and spitting his words right onto his face.

Yibo's reaction was fast when the angry aSshole raised his fist, intending to punch back his former boyfriend.
He pulled the boy aside, grabbing him by his shoulders, and pecked his flamed cheek, whispering against his skin, loud enough to be heard by the other, too:
"Don't get upset, Zhan Zhan, doesn't worth it, let him be!
Let's go and enjoy our Valentine's Day, I love you!"

Wang Yibo picked up the sweets bag and the roses from the ground and wrapped his free arm around the enraged boy's shoulder.
Then he led him toward his car, not before hissing to the man who was still massaging his painful jaw:
"Now, get lost, Small D!ck Man, and never bother my Zhan Zhan again!"


"Wow! I don't even know what to say, besides that I thank you very much for what you have just done...But why did you help me?
I don't think we know each other, I'd have remembered you for sure.
So, who are you, are you an actor?
And...who hired you and...and why?", Zhan spoke in a strangled voice, still in a shock state from what had just happened, while stepping out from the stranger's grip.

"Maybe it helped a bit the acting classes I took in my junior high, but I'm definitely not an actor. And nobody hired me, I am...but it doesn't matter who I am. I am just an outraged citizen.
Outraged with your inconsiderate boyfriend's behavior.
What an aSshole to break up with you on Valentine's Day and get violent on you, on top of that!
You'll see later that it was for your best that he ended the relationship.
Look, I'd like for us to have a coffee together and chat more, but I need to be somewhere.
Still, I could give you a ride before. I have more than a half an hour to reach the airport.
So where do you want to go?
Or maybe you would want to accompany me?", Yibo asked, opening his car door to place the flowers and the sweets on the back seat.

"No problem, no need to give me a ride, I live nearby. I've bothered you enough!
Thank you once again!
And I'm sorry for...
Go now, your beloved must be waiting for you to give her those gorgeous roses!
Thank you outraged citizen, for sweetening my ruined Valentine's Day!
By the way, take this homemade chocolate, I made it by myself for...I don't want it.
You can give it to your sweetheart, eat it or throw it, whatever.", the boy smiled, taking out from his coat pocket a small box wrapped beautifully in a pink wrapping paper printed with golden cupids and red hearts.

"The roses are not for my...I have not any sweetheart...", but Yibo didn't get to finish the sentence that the boy took him by surprise by climbing unexpectedly a cab that he waved for.

"Hey, Xiao Zhan, how can I meet you again?", Yibo shouted, but in vain, the boy had already closed the car door and he didn't hear him anymore.

"What a...?!!!!!!!!!!
He said he doesn't need a ride, he said he lives nearby!"

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