The Price of Pride

By nickym96

25.7K 933 222

Events leading up to and following the tragic beach dinner date (episodes 39-41) still haunt both Emir and Re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 21

522 17 5
By nickym96

Reyhan is still in shock when Emir returns to the room. She's not sure how long it's been since the doctor left after telling her that life changing news.

Ben hamileyim, she says to herself, trying to make herself believe it. She gently lays a hand on her belly and smiles. She's pregnant. She's going to have a baby.

The doctor had to do an ultrasound before she would believe it. She still has the grainy image in her hand and can't help but stare in awe at it. The first picture of her baby.

"You'll never believe it," Emir says, running to her bedside. She manages to tuck the ultrasound image into the pocket of her robe before he sees it. This is special news and deserves a special announcement. She'll tell him when the time is right. Besides, the excitement in his voice is making her curious. He seems to have good news too. His next words confirm it and has her trying to get out the bed.

"Ayla," he smiles, taking her hand and pressing it to his racing heart. "She's here. They found her and she's here."

Reyhan looks around him, expecting to see Ayla at the door. She squeezes his hand anxiously when she can't find the girl.

"Where? Bring her in. Why didn't you bring her in with you?"

He lets out a deep breath and she knows she's not going to like what she's about to hear.

"She's here, but she's sick," he tells her.

Reyhan goes pale.

"She's fine," Emir quickly adds. "But you know she's been off her medication for a few days. So the doctors need to look her over right now."

"Take me to her," Reyhan says, finally managing to get out the bed. She rushes around the room trying to find her clothes, getting frustrated when she can't seem to think straight. "I have to go to her."

Emir grabs her and pulls her to his chest.

"Shh! Sakin ol. Calm down, Sweetheart," he says, trying to sooth her. "I told you. Ayla is here and she's fine."

He helps her to quickly dress after she's calmed down some. Taking her hand, they walk out the door. She puts a hand on her stomach and bites her lip nervously. Hold on, my little one. We're about to go get your sister. She briefly wonders again if maybe she should tell Emir. But again decides against it. Not now. She'll tell him later. Right now, she has to get to Ayla.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Melisa sees them before they see her. They're walking hand in hand. A united front. A couple in love. She doesn't know why she could never see it before. She doesn't know why she allowed herself to believe she ever had a chance with him.

When Emir finally becomes aware of her, he narrows his eyes and storms towards her. He grabs her and gives her a hard shake that leaves her teeth rattling. Thankfully, Reyhan pulls him away. All it takes is her hand on him, and his haze of fury is broken.

"She's not important right now," Reyhan says to Emir, completely ignoring Melisa. Melisa doesn't know whether to be relieved or offended.

The two turn their back on Melisa and look into Ayla's room, again becoming that unbreakable unit. And again Melisa mentally slaps herself for being so oblivious.

The doctor comes out to speak to them, explaining how Melisa brought her in on time. Ayla has been started on her medication again and will need to stay in the hospital for a few days until she's done with it all. But she'll be fine. The doctor tells them he needs a few more minutes and then they'll be able to go in with Ayla and stay as long as they want.

"Thank you, Doctor," Emir says, letting out a relieved sigh. He wraps his arm around Reyhan and pulls her closer. She easily melts into him. And Melisa envies the ease they have with each other. As if they were two parts of the same whole.

"I am such an idiot," Melisa says, shaking her head as she looks at them. "Your mother really fooled me."

"Why are you here?" Emir growls when Melisa's comment reminds him of her presence. "Why aren't you with the police?"

"Emir, you know my lawyer isn't going to let me go to jail. There's no proof I took Ayla or that she's been with me this whole time. For all anyone knows, the kidnappers deserted her and I just happened to find her. And I brought her straight here for treatment. Some might think I'm a hero."

"Melisa ..." he growls again. A warning.

Reyhan holds up a hand to stop him and again Melisa marvels at the power this small woman has over Emir.

"You're no hero," Reyhan says to Melisa. "But you did save Ayla's life by bringing her here. So I do thank you for that."

Melisa is taken aback. Reyhan continues to surprise her. She really is nothing that Cavidan said.

"Look," Melisa says with a sigh. "I'm not going to offend you by asking for forgiveness. What I did was unforgivable, even by my standards. But for what it's worth, I never meant for anyone to get hurt. And I'm sorry about your mother. I truly had no part in what happened to her."

Reyhan stares at her long and hard. But finally she gives a little nod.

"I believe you," she says. "But you caused more hurt than physical, Melisa. You came and deliberately tried to tear apart my family. But know this ... I will never let that happen. Asla."

"I didn't think of it that way. Trust me. Cavidan hanım convinced me you and Emir were miserable. That you never wanted to marry each other in the first place. She said I would be saving Emir."

"By taking my child from her mother?" Emir asks incredulously. "Keeping her to the point of her relapsing from her heart condition? That's how you tried to save me?"

Melisa hadn't known about the heart condition. And she feels even worse.

"Emir ..." Melisa tries to interject.

"No, Melisa. You can't throw this off on my mother. The first thing I told you was how much I loved my wife and my family. But you wanted to believe what you wanted to believe. Don't blame my mother for that."

Melisa can only nod.

"Now, for the last time ... go. I know your lawyers have made sure the police have nothing on you, no matter how much I try to press charges. So just do us a favor and leave. And this time, stay gone."

Melisa is hurt, but there's nothing she can do. But there's one thing that might help.

"I know you'll never forgive me, but I still have one thing to say," Melisa starts. "Take care of Ayla. That little girl is very special and she deserves what you two are giving her. So don't underestimate your mother. She really hates Reyhan. And she really wants her gone. I doubt my failure to split you two up will stop her mission. So be careful. She's getting desperate. And in my experience, desperate people are dangerous."

With those parting words, she walks away. She plans on getting on a plane to return to America and never looking back. She blew into town and messed up their lives. She can own up to that. But she also did all she could to make sure they're prepared for what they'll face next. Melisa is afraid there won't be any stopping Cavidan Tarhun now. Fortunately, Melisa won't be around to see it. She can only hope Emir and Reyhan are as strong as they seem. Because they're going to need to be.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's a few hours later before Reyhan and Emir get back to her room. She got the word that her nurses were searching frantically for her and decided she needed to return, if only to let them know she would be checking out. There's no need for her to stay. There's nothing wrong with her. She's perfectly fine. Another secret smile grows on her face when she looks down at her belly. More than fine, actually. She's perfect.

"Can you grab the clothes I left on the bed?" she asks Emir when they start to pack her things. She doesn't want to be away from Ayla longer than is necessary. The little girl has spent too much of her life alone in a hospital. But she has a family now. And Reyhan isn't going to let her be alone ever again. Neither of her children will ever be alone. She can't wait to tell Ayla she's going to be a big sister.

"What's this?"

Reyhan turns at Emir's confused question. The ultrasound photo she had tucked away into the pocket of her robe earlier goes fluttering to the floor when Emir picks up the robe. Reyhan had forgotten all about the picture. But maybe this is a sign.

"That's for you," Reyhan says with a cryptic smile. "A note from the doctor. I forgot to give it to you earlier."

"Really. Hmm ..." Emir bends to pick it up and studies it for a moment. His eyebrows scrunch adorably, letting Reyhan know he has no idea what he's looking at. He scans it a few more seconds before realization dawns. He looks up at her with wide eyes. "Reyhan?"

She just smiles and nods, happy tears filling her eyes.

"Is this what I think this is?"

"It's our baby," she barely manages to say before he's crossed the room and scooped her up into his arms. She's laughing when he spins her around, placing kisses all over her face.

"A baby? We're having a baby?"

"Calm down," she laughs. "Everyone in the whole hospital is going to hear you."

"I don't care! I want the whole world to hear!" He spins her again before he realizes that he needs to be more careful of the precious cargo she's carrying. He carries her over to the bed and lets her take a seat. He sits next to her.

"How far along are you?" he asks, still staring at the image. He can't seem to stop staring at it.

"A bit more than two months."

"And you're okay? You're good? Both you and the baby are good?" His eyes open wide when he remembers how she passed out earlier. "Is that why you fainted? Is something wrong?"

"Emir," she says with a gentle smile, cupping his cheek with her hand. "We're both fine. But this does explain the nausea I've been having. And the fatigue. I thought it was just remnants of when I was sick earlier. The doctors did say the after effects could last for months."

That sends him into another panic.

"Should we have been more careful?" he winces. "You know, making sure you didn't get pregnant so soon after your illness? I didn't think. Did I put you in danger?"

"Emir. You sweet man," she says, pulling him into her arms. "You haven't done anything but made me the happiest woman in the world. The way you love me makes my heart fly. Everytime I'm in your arms, I don't want you to ever let me go."

She sits back so that she can look into his eyes.

"You brought Ayla into our lives and made us a family. Made me a mother. And you've done it again with this little one."

She takes his hand and places it on her stomach.

"And now my heart is flying even higher. I'm happier than I ever thought I would be when we started this whole thing," she admits. "I married you because it was my uncle's dying wish. And I couldn't let him down. I stayed married to you because I promised him I wouldn't let anything break my marriage. But you gave me a reason to stay, Emir. You gave me your heart and you took mine in return. I love you so much that it scares me. Because I no longer know how to live without you. My heart is only alive when I'm with you."

He wants to smile. To laugh. To cry. Knowing she loves him the way he loves her sets something free inside of him that he didn't even know was there. He thought she had his whole heart before. But now, she owns his soul. And he knows without a doubt that he would do absolutely anything for her.

He leans over and rests his forehead against hers. They sit and just breathe each other in.

"You are my everything," he tells her. "I love you with all that I am."

She smiles at him and wipes away a tear he didn't even realize was falling down his cheek. He takes her hand and presses a kiss to the palm of it. He feels like their future is new and full of wonderful promises. She's his life. His everything. With her by his side, he can face any obstacle and win.

"Let's get out of here," he says. "Let's get Ayla well and hopefully never see the inside of this place again."

"At least until this one is born," she laughs, rubbing her belly.

She takes his hand, and together they walk out the door. Funny, their new life together began in a hospital. They found Ayla in a hospital. But he's right. If they never see the inside of one again, it'll be too soon. It's time for them to be healthy and be happy. To live this life of love. A love that even a year ago didn't seem possible. But a love that is now impossible to be without.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Their "no more hospitals" vow lasts all of three weeks. But this time, it's for a good reason.

"He's gorgeous," Reyhan coos, holding the tiny infant in her arms. She dips her nose down so she can breathe in his fresh, baby scent. "I could just eat him up."

"Congratulations, you two," Emir says, smiling at Zafer and Defne.

Defne had given birth to the healthy baby boy earlier that morning. He came a little early, but all is well. The doctors plan to keep him an extra day, but just as a precaution.

"Isn't he perfect?" Zafer adds, a huge grin on his face that is at odds with the red, bloodshot eyes. It had been a long night for him. But he couldn't be happier. "This is going to be you in a couple of months, Emir. Are you ready?"

Reyhan just laughs as she gives the baby back to his parents. "Ready" is the last thing Emir is. Once the reality of her pregnancy hit him, he went into research mode. He ordered book after book until Reyhan made him stop. The more books he bought and read, the more panicked he's become.

"Only 28 more weeks to go," Emir sighs. "We have a lot to do. Even less if he comes early like your baby."

"Don't get him started," Reyhan says, shaking her head. "He's not going to sleep for the next 6 months at this rate."

"Then we'll be up together," Zafer laughs. "Who knows when this little guy is going to start sleeping through the night."

"Don't jinx us," Defne warns him, giving him a playful scowl. He just smiles and kisses her forehead.

Emir's phone rings and he goes out into the hall to answer it.

"At least my dad and his wife will be here," Zafer adds. "They're flying in as we speak. Apparently, the latest and greatest stepmother is thrilled to be a grandmother and nearly stopped speaking to my dad when she realized he hadn't told her about the wedding or the baby. She demanded the situation be fixed and immediately booked a flight here. And strangely, my father seems to actually love this wife, and is doing whatever she wants."

"She seems lovely," Defne says. "She called and we talked for a long time. She's very excited to see the baby. And you too, Zafer. She sounds like she cares."

He just shrugs. There are clearly issues there, but doesn't seem upset his family will be coming. Just kind of sad. Hopefully the baby can help them all get over past hurts.

Emir comes back during the awkward silence and all eyes go to him. And immediately, they can see something is wrong.

"Emir?" Reyhan asks, a bad feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. "What is it? What's happened?"

"What? Um ... nothing. It's nothing. Everything is fine," he says, trying to appear normal. "But we do have to go. Your dad called. Something came up with them and they can't watch Ayla for much longer."

They decided against replacing their traitorous nanny after discovering how easily she was able to be paid off by Melisa. It's going to be a long time before they trust Ayla with anyone other than family again.

"Oh. Okay," she says, still giving him a concerned look. He's acting very strange.

They say their goodbyes to Zafer and Defne before leaving the new parents alone. The walk to the car was long and quiet. But finally, Reyhan can't hold in her curiosity any longer.

"That wasn't my father, was it? Who called? I can tell something is wrong. So tell me," she demands. "What happened?"

He just sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Emir. You're worrying me," she says. Her hand goes to her stomach as if to shield the baby from what has to be bad news.

Noticing her stress, he takes her other hand and kisses it.

"Amca called," he starts. "Something has come up and they need me at home."

He winces, not wanting to tell her this part. But also knowing he can't keep it from her.

"Baba is sick."

"Sick? What do you mean he's sick? He was fine. What happened to him?"

Emir tries to calm her down, but can't get a word in with all her rapid fire questions.

"Is it the disease he had before?" Reyhan continues questioning him. "I thought he had recovered. Has it come back?"

"All very good questions, My Love. And as soon as we get there, we can hopefully get some answers."

That stops her cold.

"There?" she asks, turning pale. She knows what he's about to say and she isn't sure how she feels about it.

"Back home. To Istanbul."

Back to the place where she spent the worst days of her life. But once again, her uncle needs her. She can't let him down. And Emir is going to need her. Where he goes, she goes. Separation is not an option.

"Okay," she nods, letting out a heavy sigh. She can accept that this is the only choice they have. "Back to Istanbul we go."

End of Part 2.

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