The Bride of The Underworld [...

By LettuceBae

409K 18.1K 3.3K

"You're insufferable," You sneer at her. "Why are you so hostile?" She replied smugly. "Come on now, you're... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not a chap but......
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99

Chapter 25

6.4K 260 88
By LettuceBae

A little warning, this is gonna be a long ass chapter and a make up for missing to post this yesterday. I was busy so I hope this will make up for it!



I woke up with a pained sigh, I didn't sit up due to my body feeling like lead. Shuffled steps were heard across my room....right, I had a guest here. Irene came into my room holding a glass cup of water and....what's that?

"You call that breakfast?" I ask with a groggy voice, Irene rolled her eyes at me. "I'm trying to learn how to cook through the internet." She responded. I stare at the 'food' in question, "Uhm, thanks." 

Irene pouted at me, I open my mouth to say-

Ring! Ring! Ring! My phone rang, I give her an apologetic smile. She pouts again, I take the phone from my desk. "Yes, who's in the line?" 

"Y/N!" A chirpy voice greeted me. "It's Yeri, I just wanted to know...are the files ready?" Oh....that.

"Yes," I stare at Irene who returned it with a raised brow. "I'll bring it to you immediately." 

"Great! See you later!" The call ended. I put down my phone on top of the desk and rushed straight to my bathroom. 

"Y/N!" I hear Irene call out for me, but the shower was already running. 

After taking a bath, I exited the bathroom with a bathrobe tied securely around my body. Irene was already dressed in her work attire. "I have to go" I say as I brush past her, "Yeri and I are going to give the files to Ms. Kim today." 

"I know," Irene said as she leans by the desk, the food now forgotten. "But you haven't eaten anything yet." Her tone laced with concern. I stopped my movements. 

"I'll just grab an apple or something." I say as I spray perfume. Irene huffed, "How will I know that you've eaten, then?" 

I thought about it for a moment, "When I don't snap at anyone." Her expression now looked amused. 

"Snap at anyone?" 

"Trust me, I do if I get hungry." Irene chuckled, apparently the new information seems to amuse her. "What time will you get home?" 

Oh, where did that come from? 

"Uhm, I'm not really sure.." Uncertainty shrouded my tone, Irene was silent for a couple of seconds, before snapping her head towards me. 

"Call me when you're done working." 

"Uhm...number?" I ask her with a sheepish smile. She takes out her phone and handed it to me. I then saved the digits in my contact list. "Here you go." I say as I handed it back to her. 

"I'll call you when I'm done with work." Irene held an unreadable look on her face. I furrow my brows in confusion. "What is it now, Irene?" 

"Just..." Her voice trailed off. "Just make sure to get something to eat, alright?" I stare at her in confusion. She sighed and stepped close to me, "Because if you won't, I'll march in those doors and shoved a mouthful of food in your mouth." 

"Jeez, okay!" I say as I take out my clothes. "Just go, I'm changing!" Irene chuckled and went to the living room. I hurriedly put on my clothing and shoes, my USB, wallet phone and iPad. 

"Uhm, Irene!" I call out, I hear a grunt. "Yeah?" She replied. 

"I'm going to work now, see you tonight? Maybe?" Then went outside, only to be stopped by a hand. 

"Okay," I roll my eyes, "What is it?" 

"I'll drive you." Irene offered-no, that tone seemed demanding....yep, she demanded. "But I-" Irene gives me a look, "If we are going argue about this, you'll be late." She said sternly. 

"Gosh," I open the door and gestured for her to exit, "Fine, I'll go with you." She smiled brightly and held my hand. Butterflies again erupted in my stomach like it's new years eve, my eyes stared at our tangled hands as she leads me outside from the building to her car-


I gape at the sleek dark navy blue car, Irene pressed the car key and open the passenger door for me. "This is going to be a new routine for me, vixen." She said as I enter the car. I ensure to strap the seatbelt around my upper body. 

As she entered and strapped her seatbelt on, I double checked my things to see if I forgot anything. Nope, everything is in place. "Why are you doing this?" I ask out of nowhere, Irene turned the key and the engined purred. "It's because your my fiancé." Fiancé matter how many times I've heard it, it felt it sounded different and foreign to me.

Irene and I drove in comfortable silence, Irene's hand wrapped comfortably around the small area around my thigh. I didn't mind it because her hand is warm, I relish at her warmth. I must've drifted off to Jupiter since I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"Vixen, we're here." Irene offered me a soft smile. I return a tight lipped one. I exited the car, Yeri was already at the entrance of the building. Yeri came to me as Irene exited the vehicle.

"I'll take care of her, Joohyun." Yeri said as I stand beside her, Irene nods in acknowledgement. "Make sure she has something to eat, Yerimie." 

Yeri laughed and made a salute. "Copy that, Duchess!" Irene rolled her eyes in reply and walk towards me. 

"I'll be off to work now." She says and leaned close to my ear. "I'll take you to dinner after work, yeah?" 

"U-uh, sure." I flushed when she pecked my lips. We heard someone clear their throat. Yeri was blushing furiously and gestured for me to enter the building. 

"L-let's g-go, Y/N." I chuckle at her and playfully hit Irene's shoulder. "You made her uncomfortable, Hyun." 

"Whatever," Irene shrugged her shoulders. "Let her get use to it." She walked back to her car and opened the door. 

"Bye, Y/N." 

I wave my hand and entered the building, Yeri stood next to the door, still flushed. "You know that some people saw it." It's now my turn to get flustered.

"How many." I squeaked. Yeri chuckled lightly.

"The entire lobby." She answered. "Goddamn it Irene." I cursed under my breath.

"Let's just go." I say and drag Yeri to the elevator. 

The elevator dinged open and showed us the top floor. Jennie was already standing in the entrance of her office. 

"Ah, there you are." Her voice ran silk and smooth. "We're back to reality, time to get busy." She stopped and paused for a second. 

"We also have a party." 

"Party for what?" I ask with a curious look at Yeri.

"The company's anniversary?" Jennie said with a surprised look, "Y/N, you should know that, you're my secretary."

"Oops." I mumbled and sat on my desk. "I'll email the documents to you now." Jennie smiled. "Perfect, see you at the party later tonight."

Yeri placed an apple on top of my desk, "Irene told me you didn't eat breakfast yet." 

"Oh, thanks Yeri." 

Yeri showed me a sweet smile, "Just doing my job as a sentinel." 

"What's a sentinel?" Yeri gives me a soft look. "We guard over and keep a close watch on people that's important to Irene. My heart somersaulted, I'm one of Irene's important people? 

"Who else, Yeri?" 

She gives a moment of thought, "Just you and the other demons that you've met so far."

I give her a stupid smile, "Really?" 

"Yep, now let's get to work." Yeri skipped over to the elevator. "See you at the party!" With that the elevator doors dinged close.

"Y/N, check your computer." Ms. Kim said as her head peered out of the office, "Yes, right away Ms. Kim." The keyboard clacked against my fingers as I check my device, it's a QR code invitation. 

"They're for our guest, especially to Prada." I smile subtly, "I've sent them already, Ms. Kim." 

"Very well, back to work." She closed the door, leaving me with work thatched to be done. I stretch out my arms and cracked my fingers Tokyo ghoul style and went back to work.


I let out a jaw breaking yawn and checked the time. Damn, 6 :09 PM Irene hasn't called yet, and i think it's because she had paper work to fill in her absence for the fashion week. 

I heard hurried footsteps heading towards me, I swivel my chair to see Yeri sprinting to me at full speed. "YERI?!"

"Y/N, party, now!" 

"What? Why?" 

The office door opened to reveal an excited boss of mine, Ms. Kim stepped out of her office and walk towards us.

"Secretary Hwang, let's go." I immediately pack up my things with the help of Yeri and followed my boss. Yeri pressed the elevator button for us. 

"Y/N, Ms. Kim." We turn to our boss who is now fixing her jacket collar, "You two have fun now." We both smile at her, and on cue, the doors opened.

The door opened to reveal-is that the lobby? Wow, they changed it. 

"No way..." Yeri gasped, I second too. I crane my neck to find Irene knowing that I sent an invitation, to my dismay, I haven't found her yet. 

"Y/N" Ms. Kim called out. "I have to go now, you two enjoy the party." She excused herself and brushed pass us and off to enjoy the party. 

"Yeri, you can go now." I offer her a smile, Yeri grinned and skipped to get drinks. I sigh and sat down on the nearest couch. I never blend well in parties, I mostly come due to mu parent's status and all that, but I never belonged. 

"Vixen." I look up to see Irene in a silk black shirt and leather pants. She looked impeccably attractive. Her hair was let down and cascading like a waterfall, her earrings were off simple diamonds. 

She sat next to me with an arm draped around my shoulder."Having fun?" 

"Well parties were never a thing for me," I give her a tight lip smile. "But I'm holding up well."

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Irene said with a concerned look. "No need." I wave my hand dismissively. 

"You can have the luxury to talk to your friends, Hyun." Her face lit up, "Well see you around Vixen." 

She pecked my forehead, "But be careful." She whispered and walked away, leaving me alone. 

 I felt someone sat beside me, but I didn't bother to care. Someone cleared their throat. I turn to face the person. 

"Hey," He greeted, I give him a raised brow and greeted back. He raised another glass of wine to me, I couldn't really say no since he looked like he got it for two people, I take the drink and give him a tight lipped smile. 

"Congratulations, Ms. Hwang." I give him a startled look. "How did you know my name?" 

"Well you were all over the news in Milan." I flushed, "Well I'd say you're the lucky one....or is it Irene?" 

I give him a confused look, "What?" 

"Who are you?" He swiped his hand sideways. "Not important." He scanned me from head to toe. "Irene is definitely the lucky one." 

"Y/N." A cold voice broke out, I sigh in relief but froze when I saw Irene's expression. "Let's go home." 

I was about to protest since she just got here, but sewed my mouth shut when her grip was iron-like. It's clear to me that she doesn't like this man. 

"Y/N, car. Now." I wordlessly obeyed and let Irene drag me to her Tesla. I got inside quickly as Irene entered the driver's seat with a growl.

"You know..."Irene trailed off. "I didn't like the way he was scanning you from head to toe.." Wait, she saw that?

"He was nothing but a stranger, Irene." I coaxed and she scoffs. "A stranger who'll be in your bed the next morning, rather." I stare at her in shock. 

"Irene you know that I'm your vessel, right?" She said nothing. 

She drove to my apartment building, then stopped, I waited for her to say anything but she remained quite. The area was deserted for some reason, the basement parking lot was also deserted.

Dom! Irene seekers, collect your bread!

"I want to fuck you here, vixen." She snapped her fingers and I am now sitting on her lap in the passenger seat.

"He-here?" I stammered at her, she smirked  this is new, damn I didn't see that coming. The thought of the car being your first doesn't seem to entice me, but...for Irene....

"I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for much longer if we wait until we get home." Irene gestured at her growing bulge. 

"Oh...." Was all that I can say as I stare at her prominent bulge. I give her a nod of confirmation, she kissed me ferociously, with all consuming passion, her hands dipped down on my legs and pushed it upwards. She broke the kiss and stared at me for a moment. 

"Will you let me?" She asked with soft but lustful eyes. "Yes, Irene." I rasped as she trails her fingers to the strap of my white panties and snapped it from my body. 

"Irene!" I screamed, she chuckled. "Don't worry I'll repair it when we're done." She rasped in my ear and it gave me shivers in my spine.

Without saying anything more her finger swipes along my slit, making me silently gasp at the contact, a low moan escapes my mouth, a sound Irene would love to hear often. 

The demon wastes no time adding the second finger into my heat, her fingers are now covered with my wetness. 

"As much as I love to fuck you senseless right now." Irene grunts, "I have to prepare for you, since I don't want you to break."

"Fuck-Y/N." She mumbles, her fingers aren't moving inside me yet. "You're so wet." 

Irene let's her fingers move out of my core before sliding them in again with ease, another moan was torn out from me, closing my eyes to enjoy the feeling of her fingers filling you up. 

She hurriedly starts moving her fingers, fucking into me, her eyes looked at my face contorting in pleasure. 

"You're pretty, vixen." 

"Not compared to you" I reply back to her.

She curled her third finger into you, preparing you now for her dick. I loved the feeling of her adding her third finger, stretching me so well.

My eyes stared te her neck that is now exposed. I leaned my head to its direction and bite it to muffle my moan as she fingers into me deeply. A deep groan escapes her sweet lips.

"Are you ready, Y/N?"

I knew that she couldn't wait any longer, her length is way too tight in her leather pants, it looked like she was about to explode.

"Yes, Irene." Her eyes blown red and she smirked viciously. "Call me mistress, vixen."

I blush furiously, "Yes, mistress."

Irene let's  her fingers slip from me and impatiently unbutton her pants. I slightly pull the pants leaving her underwear on. Irene doesn't say anything and watches me looking down at her clothed length.

Author's POV

When you see the huge bulge, you hastily pull her underwear down, springing her cock free. It slaps against your lower abdomen, making you moan at the contact. You take a look at her crotch, it was mouth watering and you know that in a split second it will be the cause of a euphoric feeling. 

She takes something from the glove box of the car, revealing a condom pack, "Help me with this, vixen." You nod wordlessly and held her length, making her groan at your soft and tender touch, she opened the pack with her teeth and slid it down.

She lifted you and rub it's head on your entrance, you both loaned aloud. Slowly she pushed herself inside you, her hands sit on your waist, Irene's thumbs caressed it softly. 

You sink further down, burying her cock completely inside of you, Irene hisses, breathing hard as she looks down on her hurried length. She threw her head back as she feels you around her. You can see the veins of her neck in the action.

Even if she helped you stretch earlier, her size stretches you so well. Your hands rest on her shoulders, trying to steady yourself while your pussy adjusted to her size. 

"F-fuck, mistress." You whimpered 

"Ride me, vixen." She whispers

You slowly gripped her toned shoulders and slowly raised yourself off her length and her fingers sink deep in your waist. Her fingers would very well leave some or maybe lots of bruises in your skin the very next day. Your mouth agape as yours stare at each other.

Never leaving her, you push yourself back down to take in all of her, Irene let's out a deep low moan, if someone cared to check the other cars, they would hear her moan. 

You begin to move your hips again, starting to to ride her vigorously. "You ride me so well, baby." She groans into you, you grinned, proud that you're pleasuring her only. 

You buck your hips faster, the sound of skin slapping combined with your moans quickly filled the car. Irene watches you hump against her cock.

Her eyes never left yours as if she'll forget it, you throw your head back, your walls clench around her involuntary, Irene grunts and her eyes rolled back.

When she felt your hips' pace turn slow she quickens it for you, letting your wet core coat her member with your arousal.

"Ah! Mistress." You moan loudly 

Irene grunts in every thrust she gives you. 

"Harder, mistress, harder." You plead

Irene's hands gripped your waist tightly, leaving bruises in its wake.

"Anything for you." She growls

The pace quickens as her thrust drilled deep, making her hit your sensitive spot mercilessly. It felts so good, too damn good. You clench around her again and she moans.

You bit your hand to muffle a scream as she hits yourself spot over and over again, you pant heavily. Slowly but surely you felt a wave of pleasure building in you.

"Cum." She tells you, and you didn't hesitate to obey, you felt her covered cock twitch inside of you while she keeps her erratic pace. You clench around her again and it made her groan low. 

"Fuck, Irene!" You clench around her again, this time she didn't care to correct as she bites on your shoulder. 

"Cum for me, Irene." You whispered in a shaky breath and that's all she needs to let go. 

A lewd moan escapes your mouth when she pumps her covered dick and cum inside. Pushing it deep as possible inside you. Your nails dig deep on her shoulders, biting down your lip as you stare in to her red blown eyes. 

Looking deep into her eyes as it returns to its normal color. Irene keeps grinding her cock to to chase her orgasm, you bury your face to the side of her neck, her arms wrapping itself protectively around you.

She breathes out and rests her head on the crook of your shoulder. Awhile later you climbed back to your seat now fully clothed and looked at the mess you both made. Her cock and a bit of the driver's seat was covered by arousal and cum. Irene put's her pants and underwear on. 

"Wait until we reach your room and I'll ravish you entirely."


Hi readers, was chap 26? Please let me know!


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