The Order and The Ravenclaw (...

By tooldtobehere

176K 5.4K 1.4K

(Lyra Stone Book Two) After everything that happened last year, Lyra knew that evil was waiting just over the... More

Summer Break
Authors Note
The Visitors
The Betrayal
Grimmauld Place
The Attack
The Letter
The Interrogation
The Hallway.
The Nightmare
A Morning with the Weasleys
The Healer and the Jokers
News of Harry
The Snack Boxes
Harrys Arrival
The Order of the Phenoix
The Hearing, The letters, and the Trip
Diagon Alley
A Vacant Storefront
The Party
The Scare
To Hogwarts We Go
The Beginning of a New Year
First Day of Classes
The Boyfriend and The Friend
a Meeting with Dumbledore
a Lover's Secrets
a Bit of Courage
Getting to know the enemy
Trading of Facts and Gossip
Worry and Woes
Slytherins and Ravenclaws
The Letters and The Lessons
Hermione's Dangerous Ideas
Intercepted messages
The Hogs Head
The forbidden forest
The Trouble With Fudge
Dumbledore's Army
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Something up with Lyra
Big Plans for Christmas
The Stranger
The Knight Bus
Christmas Morning
Saint Mongos
Christmas Night
Lyra's Muggle Life
The confusing life of Lyra Stone
The Weasleys vs the muggle world
After The Fight
Early Birthday Morning
a Birthday with the Weasleys
A Sick Lyra Stone
January at Hogwarts
The date and The Fight
The Talk
The Magazine
Dreams and Changes
A Very Dangerous Birthday
Phase one
A Rude Awakening
Phase Two
One Last Night with the Boys
Everybody wants to be a Weasley
A turn for the worse
The Visitor
The Visitor 18+
The Visitor After
The Morning After
The Ministry of Magic
A fight for life
I must not lose control
Starting Again
Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes
Someone elses nightmare
The Gift 18+
The Gift
Alastor and Stone
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
End of Book Two


1.5K 56 15
By tooldtobehere

Lyra walked briskly down the hall with Hermione trying her best to keep up with her Gryffindor friend. They were late to the latest D.A meeting, both loosing track of time in the library. "Oh I'm so excited, what do you think we'll be learning about today?" Hermione said beaming.

Lyra shrugged her shoulders, a small smile on her lips. "Not sure."

"I think Harry is finally going to have us practice our patronus charms!"

" That would be pretty cool, they're pretty hard to do though aren't they?"

"Oh I do hope I can do mine."

"If anyone can, I'm sure it will be you."

They had arrived at the room of requirement. Mostly everyone else already there. George looked up and beamed at her as she entered. She smiled back, and he made his way over to them. "Lyra! Was wondering where you were."

"Yeah sorry, we got a bit distracted studying for exams."

"That's alright," he reached up and lightly grasped her arm, "Listen, could I talk to you for a sec?"

Lyra looked over to Hermione, who raised an eyebrow but didn't object. She'd want to know about it later....Lyra turned back to George. "Of course."

She let him lead her away from everyone, to a corner of the classroom no one was in. She looked at him amused and questioning. What was so important that nobody could overhear them? He leaned in close, whispering into her ear.

"Let's go tonight. To the bath I mean. After the meeting."

Lyra turned very red and she was suddenly very glad he pulled her away from everyone else. "O-okay." She said nodding her head.

She could feel his joy skyrocket and he grinned ear to ear. "Brilliant!"

A whistle blew, and their attention turned to Harry. George slipped his hand into hers and squeezed it gently. "Alright everyone let's get started, we're going to be working on our patronus charms today."

Harry started off by demonstrating his patronus, a beautiful stag that lit up the room with a white warm glow. George could feel Lyra's surprise and wonder as she watched it prance around them, before disappearing into a light wispy mist. After seeing how they all broke up into groups and tried there hand at it. Fred and George seemed to pick it up pretty quick, but that didn't surprise Lyra. She touched the locket tucked under her robes. George after all, had already known his.

She like the others were struggling with it though. Only managing to create wisps of light and mist. She watched as Fred and George's flutter and fly about enviously. Both Magpies, who swooped and played with one another around the room. George must have caught her starring, because his faded to a mist. And he walked over to her.

"Still having trouble?"

She nodded, "but it's my first time so I suppose that's to be expected."

He studied her for a long moment, "I want to try something, I think it may help..."

"Go right ahead." She said smiling. George moved quickly, tugging her close to him and catching her off guard. "G-George what are you?"

"Trust me." He said smiling and she relaxed. He turned her around so she was facing away from him, wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her against him. "Alright now think of a happy memory, it can even be one of us if you like. Don't worry about everyone else in the room or what they're feeling. Don't worry if it works or not. Just the memory, and how it makes you feel."

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, the room fell away, and all she could feel was her emotions, and his. Memories flitted between them. Hers, his, there's, and then all at once she was back on the train, his hands cupping her face. The soft feeling of his lips on hers. The warm summer sun dancing through the windows and doors of the train charts. How invincible she had felt then in his arms. Knowing he loved her, and she loved him, and because of that everything was going to be okay.

Lyra held up her wand, and a burst of mist and white, and then wings. George let out a cry of victory, and she opened her eyes to see a blindingly bright Crow. She stared at it in wonder and joy. "Beautiful." She whispered making George chuckled.

"Yeah, your pretty amazing." He said whispering into her ear before letting go of her, and the crow dimmed a bit, but did not fade. George cast his own again, "It's pretty cool their both birds though. I guess we're meant to be huh?"

Lyra blushed, and he took pleasure in the way her crow brightened at his words. She was about to reply, when the door of the classroom swung open, and they both turned to see a familiar house elf enter.

She could feel his fear immediately, and her crow flitted out. Like a strong wind sniffing out a candle. "Dobby? What's wrong?"

Others were turning now, but Dobby was on a mission of his own, he scanned the crowd until he found Harry, and headed straight for him. Tugging on his robes desperately. George's own patronus has gone, he pulled Lyra close to him.

"What's going on," he whispered to her, sensing the fear and worry in her.

"Somethings wrong, he's terrified George..." she whispered back.

"Hi, Dobby!" Harry said and then he realized the elf's fear too. "What are you - what's wrong?"

George turned to Fred, giving him a meaningful look. Fred returned it, and scooped up their things. George started to pull Lyra to the door but she was frozen still watching Dobby. Her hand subconsciously going to the locket around her neck.
"Harry Potter, sir . . .Harry Potter, sir . . . Dobby has come to warn you . . . but the house-elves have been warned not to tell . . ." Dobby flung himself against the wall, and Lyra gasped in shock. Harry grabbed hold of the elf before he could do any further damage.

"What's happened, Dobby?"
"Harry Potter . . . she . . . she . . ." He made to hit himself in the face and Harry grabbed hold of his arm too
Who's 'she,' Dobby?" Lyra's heart froze, her stomach sank. She looked at George as Harry uttered the name."Umbridge? What about her? Dobby - she hasn't found out about this - about us - about the D.A.?"

But Dobby did not answer instead he tried to kick himself and fell onto his knees in the process
"Is she coming?"

Dobby let out a painful howl, and the pain of it made Lyra stagger back. So much guilt weighing down such a small body, she thought for sure he'd crumble under it. "Yes, Harry Potter, yes!"
Harry looked up at them all, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? RUN!"

George was pulling on Lyra's hand again, determined this time, he'd carry her if he had too. But she didn't resist, following closely as they squeezed through the crowd, and out into the hall. He looked to Fred, who was beside him now. Where to hide? The common rooms were to far, they'd be checking the obvious places like bathrooms and the close main parts of the castle....

There was shouting behind them, and the sound of running. Fred began to try the classroom doors, one finally opening they dove into the dark classroom. The footsteps were getting closer. "Quick," Lyra whispered, "under the desk, in case they look in."

All three quickly got down and under the large professors desk, squishing together trying to slow their ragged breathing. George smirked at Lyra, but she didn't return it. He went to ask her what was wrong but she covered his mouth.

The door to the classroom clicked open. "I thought I saw someone duck in here!" The person yelled, and then there was the sound of two more pairs of feet.

"Let's check it out then." Another boy said, as they entered.

"Check those cabinets first." The third said and they heard two of the boys walk to the opposite side of the classroom, the creaking of heavy wooden doors.

Only one by the door Lyra thought, a plan beginning to form in her mind. If they stayed here, they'd be caught. But if they had a distraction... if they could get the boys out of the room. She looked up at the twins, at their undeniable red hair. If one of them was the distraction they'd be identified right away. Not hard to spot a Weasley, especially the twins. She on the other hand, though not as fast was forgettable. Especially when she wanted to be.

George watched her, could see the plan forming in her mind. His grip on her tightened. She looked up at him, her hand still over his mouth. Then she looked to Fred. Her eyes glaring fiercely, and full of determination. She tugged her arm away from George, and grabbed her wand. He went to reach for her again, but Fred stopped him and as Lyra's hand left George's mouth, Fred's replaced it. He seemed to have seen her plan, maybe even knew it was there only real shot.

The cabinet doors began to creak closed, and she was up moving, hood up, whipping around the side of the desk, wand pointed ahead of her, towards the boy by the door. He was stunned and on the ground before he knew what had hit him. The other two boys turned, but it was to late, she was out the door nothing but a flash of dark robes behind her.

"There they go!"

"Com'n we've got to get her!"

They ran after her and out of the room and George lept up, Fred letting him go. He turned on him. "What the bloody hell was that about?!"

"Stone had a plan, I could see it in her eyes, couldn't you?"

"Yes, a plan to be a distraction! What if she gets caught, come on we've got to make sure she's okay!"

"Have a little more faith she's a smart cookie she'll escape." George just glared at him, and Fred let out a groan. "Fine, but when we go and she's perfectly fine, you owe me." He grumbled.

They peeked their heads out of the classroom, and could see Lyra being chased in the distance. They followed, confused. She was heading for the moving stairs, but there was no way she'd be able to out run them on the stairs. "If we get close enough behind them we can hex them." George said as they ran.

"No duh." Fred huffed back.

Lyra was at the stairs now, the Slytherins closing in. George could just make them out, he expected to see her turn towards them, to try and fight her way out of this or maybe take to the stairs. But instead she went for the railing, in an all to familiar way, she stood up onto it, and turned towards the Slytherin boys, towards Fred and George.

Lyra looked up past her captors, who had stopped, looking at her a bit shocked. Movement caught her attention, and her eyes locked with a familiar brown pair. George, she thought smiling to herself, he couldn't help himself could he?

"Come off down from there," one of the boys sneered, "before we hex you."

Lyra did not step down though, and to everyone's shock but George's, she instead held up her wand, "Flipendo!"

The two boys were flung back, and Lyra was pushed upwards, and back. They cried out in alarm as she plummeted downwards. Lyra was armed this time though, she quickly flipped herself over, so she was facing downwards, plummeting towards the ground. The stairs began to shift, and a stairway moved quickly into the way. She held her wand to herself, a pink light surrounding her and abruptly stopping her in her tracks. She hovered  just a few feet over the stairs as they clicked into place, before dropping down onto them clumsily.

"Oof," she groaned getting to her feet. Not as graceful as George but still pretty good, she thought to herself.

She peered up, trying to see where she had jumped from, two people peered over the edge, but she could not make out if they were the Slytherins or the twins from here. The heads ducked away and she took it as her que to get moving just in case. Several portraits chided her or exclaimed loudly as she rushed by. She didn't listen though, she pulled her hood back up and kept her head down. Not looking up until she was back in the Ravenclaw common room. Not relaxing until she was back in her room. Standing against her door trying to catch her breath, she pulled out the silver locket, and brought the magpie to her lips. The locket popped open, and she peered at the clock hands. Both sat right on the edge of Safe and In Trouble, just barely in the green. She let out a breath of relief, she'd take that for the two managed to get away at least for tonight.

The castle was buzzing with life the next day. Tales of a secret anti ministry club, of a great duel in the headmasters office where the minister was hospitalized, and of the taking over of Hogwarts. Lyra was glad, to find there were no stories about her. A Ravenclaw girl flinging herself off the moving staircase didn't end up being as interesting when a great wizard like Dumbledore was on the run. She was grateful for that.

Though two people knew of her great escape, she could tell by their grins as she slid across from them breakfast morning.

"What on earth are you two grinning about? The castles in disarray, and not the good kind."

"You," George said pointing a sausage at her,. "Stole my move."

"I" Lyra countered pouring herself a glass of orange juice "perfected your move. It's much more daring without the broom."

"It was pretty brilliant." Fred said, "Those Umbridge goonies didn't know what hit em."

"Was it you two peering over the ledge? How'd you get away from them?"

"Yeah it was us, we knocked them out of course, couldn't let a pair of dangerous hoodlums wander the castle."

"After curfew no less." George added.

"The only two dangerous hoodlums around here is you." She teased.

"Mmmm not sure about that," George said his tone teasing, "I think if anything it's definitely us three dangerous hoodlums now."

"That's a good point," Fred agreed, "You did Stun a member of the inquisitorial squad, and ran away from two more."

"Is that what they're calling themselves?" She asked tiredly.

"Yeah, as if Prefects weren't bad enough."

"So, does that mean it's time then?" Lyra asked trying her best to seem casual about it.

George scooped some eggs and toast onto a plate and pushed it over to her. "The shops almost ready, but we're sticking around a little longer. Got to welcome our new headmistress properly ya know?"

Lyra took the plate, "I was working on it." she said stabbing an egg with her fork.

Fred snickered, "Now Lyra you know how your mother feels about you getting a balanced breakfast. Be a dear and eat all your food so you can be excused."

She pointed her fork at Fred, the scrambled egg almost falling off, "George, is not my mother, and she didn't worry half as much about me eating as he does."

"Yeah well, she doesn't know how easily you forget to eat." George countered. "You would have gotten so distracted talking, the next thing you would have known the bells ringing, and all you've had is a cup of orange juice."

"However will I remember without you?" She teased and took a bite.

"Lee will remind you."

She almost choked. "You've really asked Lee to harass me to clean my plate?"

"No, but I definitely will now." George said smirking, "He's going to have to take up the torch of harassing you since we'll both be gone."

"And what if he says no, or I don't listen?"

George grinned even wider, "then I'll just have to send you a howler every morning to remind you."

Glaring, she pulled the plate a little closer and took another bite. Making a mental note to get Lee some candy to bribe him with.

"Speaking of eating," Fred said, "Make sure your in the great hall on time for lunch. Maybe even say hi to a teacher or something."

She raised an eyebrow, "And I'm guess that's not because your worried about my eating habits?"

He smirked, "Nope that's George's job, I want to make sure you've got an alibi for when things get messy."

Lyra groaned, "So I ought to clear my schedule after lunch then? Lord knows I won't be able to get much work done after the fact."

"Sorry Love," George said, but he wasn't really sorry, just like she wasn't really upset.

"I suppose I can let it slide this one time, but just be careful moving forward. Your out to make her life difficult, not the students. Everybody's got exams coming up."

"We, know, We know." Fred said, "don't worry so much Stone it's all planned out. Just sit back and enjoy the afternoon off."

"You two don't need any help do you?" She asked so sincerely, it caused them to look up surprised.

"You want to help us with a prank?" Fred said shocked.

"I don't know why your so surprised, I've been helping you for over a year with the joke shop."

He flung himself at George and wiped a fake tear from his eyes, "I've never been so proud."

George laughed and shoved his brother off, "My we really have corrupted you haven't we? Sorry though love, I think it best if you and Lee sit this one out."

A surprising sense of disappointment flickered in her, she quickly snuffed it out and tried to shrug uncaringly. "Whatever you say."

"Don't get me wrong," George said, "Nothing would be hotter then causing trouble with you."

"You bloody pervert." Fred muttered.

George ignored him, "But Fred and I have nothing to lose, where you and Lee do. We don't want you two to get in trouble because of us."

Lyra smiled, "alright alright, no need to twist my arm about it, I think I can manage to stay out of trouble for one day."

"Well at least you took it better then Lee," Fred sighed, "Damn near thought we broke his heart when we told him he couldn't help."

She shook her head, "Fred you've really got to treat your girlfriend better. Poor Lee."

"Oh shut it Stone, or I'll put a another ink bomb in your books."

She chuckled, and finished the last couple bites on her plate, "well I've got to get going. Better try and get most of my work done before this afternoon."

"We'll see you later?" George asked as she stood.

"Mmm I think I may be able to move some things around." She joked.

"Right, we'll see you after lunch then."

"Looking forward to it."

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