I'm Tired Of This(Peter Parke...

By DrewStat22

48.6K 992 263

There was a kid. Neither one of them knew it at the time, but when Steve Rogers went under Peggy was pregnant... More

Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

1.2K 33 7
By DrewStat22

After Juliet's quick talk with Tony in the lab she looked through her closet to see if there was anything she could possibly wear to the party. While she was looking for a decent dress her mind was in other places. 'Why did Tony call me down to his lab but rush to get me out of there? What could he possibly be doing down there that he doesn't want me to see?" She is broken out of her thoughts by a knock at her bedroom door.

"Hey kid! It's Uncle Clint!"

"You can come in!"

Clint opens her door and sees her entire wardrobe on the floor of her room and her bed. She continues to throw out a new article of clothing every few seconds. Clint can't help but chuckle at her antics. "What are you looking for, kid?"

"What are you doing walking around already?"

"Hey! I was all cleared by all of the doctors in this tower, so no need to be sassy. And I asked you first!"

"Well if you want the true answer, I am trying to find a dress for this stupid ass party that Tony is throwing."

"Language." Juliet pops her head out of her closet and raises an eyebrow at Clint. Is he really going to pull a Steve at the moment. Clint taking the full force of the Carter glare raises his hands in surrender. Juliet just turns back to what she was doing before Clint had interrupted her.

"Not that I don't enjoy your company, but why are you here?"

"Well my dearest Rogers I thought I could be of some assistance."

"In what ways, my dearest Uncle Barton?"

"I have Tony's credit card and he said we can go crazy, wanna go and find yourself a dress?" Before Clint could even finish that sentence, Juliet was already pulling him out of her room. She was practically skipping down the hall to the elevator with Clint being dragged behind her.

"Well, why didn't you start with that." It was going to be a very long day for the male but for the young lady she was determined to find the perfect dress for this party. Who doesn't love a little blast from the past?

Saturday night the Stark Tower was roaring with life, old veterans were all over the place along with a 'few' of Tony's 'close' friends. Which meant there are a shit ton of people at the Stark Tower, including the avengers. Though there is a certain brunette haired 14 year old that seems to be missing from the party. If there was one thing that Juliet had learned from Howard is that you always show up fashionably late. It makes the entrance and the reveal of the outfit even that more dramatic, and dramatics is exactly what Juliet is going for tonight.

Steve is playing pool with Sam and one of the many vets in the tower, but he keeps on glancing at the stairs. He doesn't mind losing this game of pool if it means he gets to see his daughter first. Sam notices that Steve doesn't seem to be entirely investing into their game of pool.

"You good Cap?"

"Ya, I'm just watching out for Juliet."

"Steve, the girl is getting ready. It takes time, plus if she is anything like you the is making sure that everything is perfect."

"Ok, ok! I'll stop stressing."

"Thank GAWD!" Sam says, and takes his shot. Steve laughs at how horrible the shot is but he lets Sam think it was good. He got lucky with finding a guy like sam to stick by his side.

On the other side of the room Tony is standing at the bar with Hill, Thor and Rhodey. Rhodey is telling the story of how he came to be War Machine but unfortunately the group wasn't that impressed. Tony is hardly even listening because he is too busy watching the elevator. Awkward silence settles on the group and Tony sends Rhodes a pity smile.

"'Boom are you looking for...' Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else that story kills!"

"That's the whole story?" Thor questions.

"Ya, it's the War Machine story." Rhodey says deflated. The fastest way to ruin your confidence is thinking something is cool and then the Avengers not finding it cool.

"Oh, it's very good, then. Very impressive" Thor tries to fix the situation but the damage has already been done. Rhodey just rolls his eyes and turns his attention over to Tony who is once again watching the elevator with intent.

"So no Pepper? She's not coming?"

"No, I'm waiting for a different lady tonight. If she ever shows!" Tony finally pulls his attention away from the elevator to actually join in the conversation.

Hill takes this opportunity to question Thor about his lady next, "What about Jane? Where are the ladies, gentlemen?"

"Oh Ms. Potts had a company to run. For Juliet though, she is probably trying to figure out what lipstick to wear." Thor sees this as an opportunity to pick a fight and see who the better girlfriend is.

"Yes, I'm not even quite sure what country Jane's in. Her work on the Convergence has made her the worlds foremost astronomer."

"And the company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on earth. It's pretty exciting."

In that moment Hill turns to talk to Rhodey but the elevator doors opening catches her attention. The moment she sees who is exiting she nudges Rhodey to look as well, he turns and his eyes go wide. All of the commotion in the room goes quiet as everyone looks at the young woman that had just entered the room. Tony looks over to the elevator and he is absolutely speechless. Though the person with the best reaction was Steve, his eyes were wide and started to fill with unshed tears.

Juliet stood at the top of the stairs in a stunning 1950's vintage blue evening dress. She had fallen absolutely in love with it the moment she saw it in the window of a vintage clothing store and knew automatically that it would be the dress that she would wear to the party. Clint was the only one that knew what it looked like but it looks even better on that on the rack. Her long brown hair laid in perfect old hollywood waves, and her makeup was absolutely natural. In Steve's eyes she was the definition of perfection.

Juliet's eyes raked over the crowd of people looking for the same blue eyes that she shared with her father in the crowd. When she finally found him he seemed to snap out of the trance he was in and ran up to meet her at the top of the stairs. He offered out his arm and Juliet gladly took it, the father daughter duo looked like royalty walking down with one another. Steve had to slyly wipe away his tears but Juliet caught his action and rubbed his cheek.

"You look absolutely stunning! How was I blessed with such a perfect child?"

"Oh papa! You're going to make me blush!"

"Then I'm doing my job as a father aren't I?"

Juliet can help but smile up at her dad. To think that once upon a time she thought that she would never be able to see her father. And here she is holding his arm as they live in the 21st century. Juliet lets her dad lead her over to a man that looks very excited to meet her.

"Doll, I would like to introduce you to Sam Wilson."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Wilson." Juliet holds out her hand for the man to shake but he only looks at her baffled. Had she done something wrong?

"Steve are you sure this is the right kid you were telling me about?" Sam looks at Steve and Juliet looks at both of them. What had her father been telling this man?

"Now what is that supposed to mean Sam? Unless my father has another child that I dont know about I should be the only girl he talks about." Juliet does the classic Carter stare and pops her right hip out as she crosses her arms. She doesn't like it when she is looked down upon, she can handle herself just fine. Sam's face goes flush and he looks like a fish gasping for water.

"I'm very sorry Juliet, your father was telling me about your sas and you were being very respectful. I just wasn't expecting it that's all."

"Mr. Wilson it will do you good to know that someone can be respectful and sassy at the same time." Juliet tears her attention from Sam and looks around for a certain brunette, the moment she catches his eyes he motions for her to join him. "Daddy, I'm going to go and join Tony. I expect a dance by the end of this night though."

"That would be my pleasure." Steve takes Juliet's hand and kisses it lightly. She blushes and rushes off.

"Did I really just get told off by a 14 year old?" Sam questions himself as he watches the girl run off to Tony. Steve just claps Sam's back and nods his head.

"She is every bit of her mother. Would you like to continue that game of pool now?"

Tony watches in awe as Juliet runs over to him. How could Juliet look so much like her mother but also radiate the pure energy that Steve does. He also wonders what his life would have been like if she hadn't gone missing? Would she look identical to her mother? What would she have done as an adult? Would she have been the head of SHIELD instead of Fury?

"Hey Tony!"

"Hello my darling aunt." Tony grabs the girls hand and twirls her. He honestly wanted to see how much the dress flares out when she is spun. He doesn't need weird old men eyeballing his aunt in a perverted way. The young brunette giggles as she is twirled, she hasn't been this enthralled in a party for many years.

"Now dear Anthony you know I don't like you calling me that because it makes me feel old."

"Well you also know that I don't like being called Anthony."

"Yes, I guess you are correct."

Juliet turns her attention to the rest of the group that is watching the two with curious and baffled expressions. There is another man that Juliet doesn't know yet but she decided to pay him no mind at the moment. Juliet decided t turn her attention to Thor and he quickly grabs her hand.

"Well, Miss Rogers you look absolutely divine tonight." To finish off his statement, Thor kisses her knuckles and Juliet can't help but swoon. I mean who wouldn't he is a literal god! Thor lets out a deep belly laugh at how fast Juliet's face went red at his action. Mortals are so funny when it comes to these types of greetings. Tony quickly moves Juliet away from Thor and shoots hima hard glare.

"Juliet I will like to introduce you to James Rhodes, but we just call him Rhodey."

"It is lovely to finally meet you Juliet. I've heard a lot about you."

"Oh how I wish I could say the same thing about you Mr Rhodes. But it seems like my father and Tony both don't like to talk about their friends around me." Juliet takes his hand and gives it a firm handshake. Rhodey could have sworn that he heard of his bones pop and how hard Juliet was gripping his hand. Juliet finally lets his hand go and Rhodey has to shake away the pain.

"You have a very strong grip."

"My mom always told me the only way a woman will really scare a man is on how confident and firm she can shake a man's hand. I live by her sayings Mr Rhodey."

"Yes, aunt Peggy always had a way around her words now didn't she?"

"Ya, mama sure did."

Rhodey can only nod and signal to Hill that he was leaving the group. Hill nods her head and looks back at the young girl who is now looking around the room. Juliet has a twinkle of child-like innocence in her eyes as she looks around the room in awe. Oh how technology has changed since she was asleep. She can still remember the time when a computer was the size of a small room.

"Juliet as much as it is nice to see you again, I'm going to go socialize with Rhodey."

"As long as we get to talk a little bit later tonight Ms Hill. You are one of the only females around here besides Nat ofcourse."

"That sounds like a great plan to me Juliet."

The two leave and Thor takes this opportunity to make one last witty comment about how Jane was better than Pepper to Tony. Tony just rolls his eyes and completely ignores the God. Tony extends his hand to the girl and she takes it questionably. She has no clue what he is planning. Tony makes his way over to a wall and picks out an old song from the 50's and takes Juliet into the middle of the room.

"What are you doing Tony?"

"I'm enjoying a sway with my aunt. Is that a problem with you?"

"No it isn't. What song did you pick if I may ask?"

"Oh you'll know it when you hear it."

Beyond the sea sung by Bobby Darin started to play throughout the tower. Juliet couldn't help but laugh lightly at Tony's pick. Out of all the songs he could pick he picked this one. It's like he couldn't think of any other older song than this one after their movie night a couple nights ago.

"Really? You picked this one because of Nemo, didn't you?"

"You caught me Juliet, but can you blame me? You got very excited when this song was played for the end credits because you knew it."

"I can't argue with that."

The pair continued to sway and Steve watched from a distance in slight Jealousy. He wanted to be the first one to dance with his daughter tonight but there she is with Tony. He can't stay mad for long though because the moment he sees his daughters bright smile his jealousy fades away. She looks so happy dancing with Tony. Steve will just have to make his dance with his daughter even better than the one she is having with Tony. Once the song ends Tony dips Juliet and she burst out into giggles. Oh how long it has been since she has danced with a Stark. Tony feels a tap on his shoulder and he turns around and comes face to face with Steve.

"May I cut in?" Steve motions for Juliet to take his hand and she gladly does so.

"Of Course you can Cap. Is there any specific song you want to play?"

Steve whispers something in Tony's ear and the male brunette grins and nods. He makes his way over to the same wall and types something in. Juliet can't see what was typed on the pad, she is soon in the arms of her father though. She looks up at his blue eyes and can't help but get lost in them. He smiles down at his daughter and lightly kisses her head.

"May I have this dance my dearest."

"Of course you may papa!"

The music starts to play and I'll Never Smile Again by Frank Sanatra starts to play. Steve leads his daughter in a nice sway, as they move around the room. Juliet rest her head on her fathers chest and listens to his heartbeat. Tears start to form in her eyes as she engrains this moment into her memory. She never thought this would be possible, dancing with her father seems like a distant dream. This couldn't possibly be reality, could it?



"Are you okay honey?"

"Ya I'm just dandy. Why are you asking?"

"Well doll you are crying." Steve brushes away one of the tears that has escaped her eyes and she leans into his touch. The duo is still swaying lightly but now they are more focus on eachother.

"I'm alright, just really happy." Steve can't help but admire her perfect smile. He really was blessed with the best child out there. The father daughter duo decided after that song finished that they wanted to continue to dance. So they danced the party away until everyone but the main crew was left.

We are getting to the good stuff! The next chapter Ultron is introduced! As always leave your comments and vote for the story! I appreciate all of your love and support!❤️
Much love,
Your author

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