The never ending loop

By D_H_Potterr

640 10 13

Hinata has been struggling with personal problems at home but doesn't let his teammates know that he's having... More

Bus to Tokyo
Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Hinata, Nishinoya?!
Earth to Noya??
I think you're going to like it
You're beautiful
Good morning sunshine
You forgot...didn't you?
Just me and my Lover
Heading home

4:00 AM

70 0 3
By D_H_Potterr

~Hinata POV~

I stared at the ceiling again listening to music waiting for my alarm to go off at 3:00 AM so I can get ready and leave without my mom being suspicious of me being up too early

~I'm headed straight for the floor the alcohol served it's tour and it's headed straight for my skin leaving me daft and dim~

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* my alarm goes off so I slap my phone and get up to get ready for the day I finish getting ready and start walking downstairs to eat and grab my bike I look at my phone 3:30 AM "okay great 30 minutes" I mutter as I quietly make myself cereal and and eat and wash my dishes quickly.

~I've got this shake in my legs, shaking the thoughts from my head~

I grab my bike and start my 20 minute journey knowing I'll be there 5 minutes early

~but who put these waves in the door~

"I need to pay attention, I need to pay attention, I need to pay attention." I keep repeating

~I'm cracking out I pour~

I'm 10 minutes away "I feel like absolute shit" I think to myself as I can feel the heavy eye bags weighing my face down but I brush the thought away knowing I have to smile and jump around in front of my teammates "Noya has been acting weird lately I wonder if he found out- no he couldn't have no way-" I'm saying to myself when I hear "SHOYO"

~Noya POV~

"SHOYO" I yell as I see him peddling lost in thought like normal but he looks like he's exhausted as soon as he notices me thought he looks like he's woke up from an eight year nap "NOYA-SENPAI" he yells back as he locked his bike up and ran over to me and tackled me in a hug we land on the ground as our faces are inches apart

~I'm mr. loverman and I miss my loverman~

I blush a deep red as I realize the position we are in "uh sho do you think you could get off of me" I whisper silently enjoying this moment we were having and wanting to kiss his soft lips but he doesn't like guys right? I'm pulled from my thoughts as I hear shoyo yell "oh my gosh I'm so sorry Noya-San!" As he crawled off but he accidentally grinded his body against mine causing me to let a low growl in his ear trying to suppress a moan all I could think was "thank Asahi everyone else is already on the bus"

~I'm mr. loverman and I miss my loverman I'm mr. loverman and I miss my lover~

~Hinata POV~

I ran to hug Noya-San despite my body crying for me to stop moving so much, we fell on the ground as our faces are inches apart he turned a deep red and I could see his blush to his ears "he doesn't like me he's just flustered because I crushed him that's all there's no way he's gay it would be awesome if he was but there's no" my thoughts are interrupted as I hear "uh sho do you think you could get off me?" Oh my god I was thinking about him so much I didn't realize I was just staring at his lips "oh my gosh I'm so sorry Noya-San!" I yell as I go to move but I swiveled my hips to get my legs by my side to get up and all of a sudden I hear a gasp and a low growl in my ear causing me to blush a crimson red then I realized "OH MY GOD WHERE WERE MY HIPS ON HIS BODY" I scrambled off of him vomiting apologies left and right and Noya leaned in my ear and said "we're gonna be late don't worry about it" and with that we walked on the bus to find out there's only one seat left oh no I'm going to have to sit next to him all the way to Tokyo oh god this is going to be an awkward ride

A/N hey thanks for reading this chapter I hope y'all like it let me know if there's any mistakes in the comments :)

726 words.

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