The Shattered Pawn

By Serafiend_47

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After living within the cold walls of the facility, (Y/N) is eventually released and forced to wander the wor... More

Chapter 1: Abandoned
Chapter 2: The Spirit of The Forest
Chapter 3: Society
Chapter 4: Beacon Academy
Chapter 5: The Awakening
Chapter 6: The Awakening II
Chapter 7: Bonding
Chapter 8: First Day of School
Chapter 9: Rediscovery
Chapter 10: The Date
Chapter 12: Her
Chapter 13: Me
Chapter 14: The Beginning
Chapter 15: Epilogue + (A/N)
(A/N) Quick Poll
Bonus Chapter: Team SLLL vs The Horde

Chapter 11: Recon

767 19 6
By Serafiend_47

Loki: "I can't believe you didn't see the email for an entire month..."

(Y/N): "How was I supposed to know it was sent!? Ozpin didn't tell me!"

Loki: "He did tell you! It was the email itself!"

(Y/N): "I didn't even know what an email was for most of my life! And you told me not to open them up anyway!"



Loki groaned in frustration, unhappy that his soul was a part of someone as unknowledgeable about electronics as this. Not knowing what spam emails are? They're pretty fucking obvious!

But he wasn't the only one. (Y/N) was also annoyed by himself for not seeing it. He would never think that Ozpin would send him the email on the same day he went on that 'date' with Yang. He was unfocused, and it cost him time.

(Y/N) stared down at the keyboard in disappointment.

(Y/N): "... Look, I'm-"

But before he could finish, Loki quickly cut him off.

Loki: "Yeah, yeah... Listen, I'm not that mad at you. I just wish we found the email earlier. Let's just... go read it now."

(Y/N) stared, taking in what Loki just said. But he didn't question it and decided to look back at the email in front of him.

The month went fairly quickly in Beacon. Yang and him got along better, Ruby was the same, only this time getting a lot of help for finals, Weiss would hang out for long periods of time, and every now and then he would discuss with Blake about a new book they read. Compared to when they first arrived, it was very... calming.

But that was only at the actual academy. In his soul scape was a whole different story. Shen would constantly train him in ranged combat, Loki would give him tons of different books to learn from, Lucas would spar with him in hand to hand combat weakly, and Liam... was there. He mostly just watched and helped out whenever he was bored.

But there was one thing they never did.

They would never use their abilities.

Now, they never explicitly told him they had special powers or anything of the sort, but to (Y/N)? It was obvious. Liam would inexplicitly disappear and appear at random places, Lucas said his dad was God every now and then, Loki told him he lived in a world full of superheroes, and Shen was a half angel half devil! They obviously could do more than just kick, punch, and swing a sword around.

But not just that. It was the names. 'Painsexual', 'Bloody Mess', and 'Emo Ghost'. Well, Emo Ghost and Painsexual he could kind of get. But Bloody Mess? What made Loki be called Bloody Mess?

It was like they were hiding their abilities from him.

But why?

(Y/N): "...Hey, Loki. Why are you-"

Loki: "Whoa. Now that's interesting."

Hearing Loki say this, (Y/N) immediately turned his head to look at what he just read. What did he see about Anvil?

And looking at the document ahead, he read one thing.

Branch 1: Personnel Weaponry

Branch 2: Aura Weaponry

Branch 3: Grimm Weaponry

Branch 4: Chemical Weaponry

Branch 5: Robotic Weaponry

Branch 6: Biological Weaponry

(Y/N): "...The company is split up?"

Loki nodded his head while staring at the list.

Loki: "It seems like it. And not just that, it looks like they have no idea what the others are doing."

(Y/N) turned his head, confused by what Loki just implied.

(Y/N): "What? Why would you think that? Wouldn't it be more likely that there is some sort of CEO or something?"

Loki shook his head while staring at the document, explaining his thought process.

Loki: "The document sent to us only has information on the first and fourth branch. That means that Ozpin only had connections with the personnel and chemical weaponry side and nothing else. Knowing Ozpin, he probably had to have connections with people that are in control with those branches, so there has to be multiple people in charge."

(Y/N) stared at the document, processing what Loki just said. Until eventually, he reached the same conclusion.

(Y/N): "And if they are high up in the company, they should have had some knowledge about what's going on in the other branches. But there's nothing. So those people that control the branches don't actually know what the other branches are doing."

Loki nodded his head, continuing with his hypothesis.

Loki: "They most likely have a system where people of different branches would investigate the others, but I have no doubt that they all hide the true purpose behind each branch and their actual goals."

(Y/N) agreed completely with what Loki said. Anvil had to have a system to observe the other branches if they were going to allow their creation in the first place. It's idiotic not to.

Scrolling down the document, (Y/N) eventually found himself learning about the history of Anvil.

And what it said shocked him.

(Y/N): "Anvil was created over a thousand years ago!?"

(Y/N) reeled back, dumbfounded by what he just read. Over a thousand years? That's older than the kingdoms themselves! Who would have built a company that long ago!?

But Loki, on the other hand, started thinking about what the age implied.

Loki: "... For Anvil to be created over a millennium ago... They had to have a hand in every major event that ever occurred throughout history..."

Loki grinned, impressed by what he was reading.

Loki: "And for someone to create a company so long ago... He had to be a natural born genius to come up with something like that... He jump started the progression of humanity and faunus. How interesting..."

However, these comments were heard by deaf ears, as (Y/N) was too focused on the document in front of him.

(Y/N): "It looks like the company was made to protect people from harm. Made by... huh?"

Hearing the confusion in (Y/N)'s voice, Loki looked down.

Loki: "Hmm? Something wrong?"

(Y/N) immediately shook his head, staring at the name in front of him.

(Y/N): "No it's just... the creator's name is blacked out."

Loki: " Wait. What?"

Loki snapped his head at the screen, trying to read what (Y/N) just saw.

"Anvil was originally founded by █████ ███"

Both Loki and (Y/N) blinked their eyes, confused on why it would be blacked out. Why would they hide their name? Was he famous or something?

Loki: "That's... weird."

(Y/N): "Yeah, no kidding."

But after staring at the text in front of them, Loki eventually shook his head and ignored the blacked out name.

Loki: "Whatever. It's not what we should focus on anyway. What we need to do is look at where the supplies are heading to."

(Y/N): "O-oh! Right. Sorry."

(Y/N) scrolled past most of the document, not focusing on any of the advancements the personnel or chemical weaponry branch were working on. What they needed to do is find where the supplies are going so they could follow them.

And eventually, they did find the schedule.

Only to be confused even more.

(Y/N): "Wait, what?"

Loki: "...Now that's fascinating."

Staring at the document ahead of them, they saw all of the shipments made from Anvil going to their different facilities.

But what was most interesting was the large amounts of shipments between the grimm branch and the rest.

(Y/N): "Why are they so... connected? The biological branch has sent supplies to the grimm branch four times in the last week! And the robotics branch have been trading supplies constantly with them!"

Loki stared at the document, trying to figure out why they would be connected. What would make the grimm branch so open in comparison to the others? Why would they make so many shipments between the other branches?

Actually... what would the grimm branch even focus on?

Weapons to kill grimm? Or...

Weapons made from grimm?

But Loki couldn't dive deep into that. He got cut off from (Y/N) gasping at something he read.

(Y/N): "Shit! I have to go now!"

Immediately after saying those words, (Y/N) jumped out of his seat and rushed to his weapons. He needed to leave as quick as possible, and he had little time for interruptions.

All of this left Loki confused, wondering why he would have to leave now.

Until he read the document again.

Loki: "... we can get there in fifteen minutes if we book it."

(Y/N) looked back, nodding at Loki while putting on his cloak.

(Y/N): "Thanks. Do you know the best path?"

Loki shook his head, only to fade in front of his true self.

Loki: "I don't, but Liam does. He'll guide you for now. Good luck."

(Y/N) nodded his head, watching Loki disappear in front of him. He had barely any time to waste asking questions.

So, without hesitation, (Y/N) left his dorm in a hurry, hoping to get out of the academy in time.

But he quickly stopped when seeing team RWBY's dorm next to them.

(Y/N): "... Maybe I should give them a note..."

(Y/N) waited, thinking that it would be rude not to tell them if he was gone for too long.

But the thought quickly left him as he rushed out of the dormitorium.

(Y/N): "No, I'll be back before they get there. They should still be at the city, watching the preparations for the Vytal festival. They don't need me."

And without a second left, (Y/N) rushed towards Vale, hoping to find the shipment to the biological branch.

After all, it was leaving in half an hour.


Liam: "Jump over that pipe and take a left."

(Y/N): "Got it."

Liam: "Stay close to the center of the building."

(Y/N): "Got it."

Liam: "Stop saying 'Got it'."

(Y/N): "..."

Not wanting to argue with Liam, (Y/N) followed his advice to the letter. He may have been good at running while in the forest, but he was no good at parkouring through the city. Not even close.

But apparently, Liam was. He would always give (Y/N) the best path, telling him exactly how to cross each obstacle and get to the truck the fastest. Something that was very helpful while the sun lowered.

It made (Y/N) question Liam's life. At first, he assumed Loki would be the fastest one in the group. At least on land. Loki had extremely honed dexterity and speed, something he noticed from the few spars between him and Lucas.

But Liam was on another level. He made everything sharp while sprinting, going faster than anyone else he's ever seen. It was... incredible.

Only furthering the mystery behind Liam's life.

(Y/N): "...Liam, wha-"

Liam: "We're here."

Hearing him speak, (Y/N) quickly looked in front of him, trying to spot what Liam saw.

And there he saw it.

A ginormous truck without a logo on it. It was heavily protected by armored plating, keeping everyone out from its contents. A very secure vehicle for transporting important items.

In the driver's seat were two men, both in heavily armored gear. The armor was similar to the one seen by high ranking officers in the army, completely covering their body. A normal weapon would never be able to pierce their armor.

And not slowing down in the slightest, the truck drove through the street, not stopping for anything. Cars would move out of the way and honk at the behemoth, only to be met with the uncaring sound of tires rolling forward.

Whatever they were carrying was important.

But (Y/N) still needed to get on.

(Y/N): "Shit! How am I supposed to get on that! They're going too fast!"

Liam: "..."

Liam stayed silent, watching the situation in front of them. There was no way of catching up with the truck, and if they were ahead, the guards would almost immediately spot them. There was no way of getting on without alerting them.

Except... for one.

Liam: "...Try to head in front of the truck. Also, grab something small. It'll help."

(Y/N) looked back while running, confused by the request Liam just asked. Go in front of the truck? The guards would immediately see them! And why would something small help? It made no sense.

But he didn't have time to argue.

(Y/N) took an immediate left turn, getting help from Liam to predict the vehicle's path. He didn't know why this would work, but he did know that it would be best just to listen first and ask later.

So he dropped down to the ground and started running on the street, hoping to intercept the truck. Many people watched as he ran, confused by the sudden act on the sidewalk, but none questioning it.

While running on the ground, (Y/N) glanced around for something small to use. He assumed it shouldn't be too small to see, but also small enough it would be easy for one hand. Like a rock or a ball.

And thankfully, before he would intercept the truck, he eventually found a coin.

Liam: "Perfect. Just what I was hoping for."

(Y/N) furrowed his eyebrows, confused by the sudden declaration from Liam. But he didn't argue for a second. He knew to trust him here, and if a coin is perfect, then a coin is perfect.

So, without a moment's notice, (Y/N) leaned over and grabbed the coin off the ground, holding it in his hand until otherwise.

Eventually, he found his way to the empty road the truck will pass. With only a few minutes to spare, Liam could prepare him.

And that's when Liam told him the plan.

Liam: "Stand in the middle of the road."

(Y/N) looked back, questioning the choice in his head, but following along anyway.

(Y/N): "Okay..."

Liam nodded his head before looking at his watch, staring at the time. He knew this was their only shot, and he hoped to dear god it worked.

And that's when he told (Y/N) something insane.

Liam: "When the truck comes, I want you to sprint at it without stopping. Don't hesitate for a second. Then, when the truck gets close, flip the coin as high as you can while dropping down. Finally, immediately after getting on the ground, grab onto the bottom of the truck and hold onto it as close as you can. We only have three minutes."

And at that moment, (Y/N)'s brain stopped functioning. It was too busy to process what Liam just said.

Because... what!?!


Liam stayed staring at his watch, not paying attention to the shock on (Y/N)'s face.

Liam: "I promise you'll be safe. This is the best way to get on the truck."

(Y/N) stayed still, baffled by what Liam said. How was this safe!? It was potentially the most dangerous solution he could have come up with! And not only that, how would this work?

(Y/N): "Okay then, let's say that this does work. Even if I get on the fucking truck, they would just stop and check if I was alive or not! They won't be that dumb!"

Liam continued to stare at the watch, watching the minute hand move closer and closer to the time they needed to go.

And that's when he said something that (Y/N) would never expect.

Liam: "... You want to know our abilities, right?"

(Y/N) stopped.

Liam was going to...

Show him his power?

Liam: "Do this, and I'll explain it to you."

Before he could reply back, (Y/N) heard the sound of rolling approach him. The booming sound of the vehicle getting closer and closer. And before he knew it, he could see the beast in the distance.

(Y/N) stared at the truck, thinking over everything at once. The danger in front of him, the chance of failure, the opportunity to find his parents, the knowledge of Liam's power... Everything at once came flowing in, trying to force a decision out of his mind.

But it was obvious which one would win.

Because no matter the danger, no matter the chance of failure, no matter what would happen in the next few seconds...

He had to try.

And in less than a second...

He ran.


Not missing a single beat, (Y/N) ran towards the truck at full speed, prepared for the worst in front of him. He had to try this. It was the best option he had.

And from his angle, he could see the faces of the guards in front of them. Both of them stared in shock, not expecting a child to run after them at full force. It was... ridiculous.

The one driving the truck grunted in anger, honking the horn in hopes the teen would move out of the way. But he immediately saw it fail, watching the resolve in (Y/N) stay constant. There was nothing he could do to get him out of the way.

So he didn't. Instead, he pushed the gas pedal harder, hoping to go through the teen, much to the other guard's horror. But that didn't stop (Y/N). On the contrary, it made him run faster.

And rushing at each other, without slowing down for a second, the two were prepared for what was about to come.

Liam: "NOW!"

Hearing the sound of Liam's voice, (Y/N) raised his arm up and flipped the coin high into the air. The two guards watched the coin fly up, confused on what he was planning on doing with it.

And that's just what (Y/N) wanted, dropping down onto the ground at lightning speeds.

As the two guards watched the coin, the truck continued to drive forward, eventually passing over (Y/N)'s body. The perfect time for (Y/N) to grab onto the bottom of the truck, hidden from the guards completely.

(Y/N) held the truck tightly to his chest, closing his eyes while doing so. The entirety of the plan relied on the fact that the guards would continue to the facility without hesitation. It would easily fail the moment the guards checked to see what happened to him.

And so he waited.


Driver: "...Why am I driving so fast?"

(Y/N)'s eyes popped open, shocked by what he just heard.

Did the guards just...

Forget about him?

And at that moment, he heard something else.

Liam: "Imperceptibility."

(Y/N) held his breath, shocked by Liam suddenly talking in his mind. But he listened closely to what Liam said.

Liam: "When I was born, I had the ability to make people forget I exist. All except my family, who passed soon after. If anyone looks away from me, their memory of me disappears, making me a sort of 'living ghost' or 'glass shadow'."

(Y/N) stayed silent, taking in what Liam just said. The ability to make people forget you exist... It sounded amazing in concept, making it so that you could do anything in the world without repercussions.

But it also sounded very lonely. To never have friends remember you... to never be remembered by the ones you love... to basically not exist in the world...

And now it explained one thing.

He never hid his powers.

He was just always using it.

He could probably remember only because of the fact that Liam was a part of him. If they weren't the same person... he could only imagine how it would have been.

But he didn't have time to think about that.

After all, he was so close to the facility now.

And nothing would get in his way.


Hiding under the truck for over two hours, (Y/N) eventually reached the facility. It wasn't the same one he was from, but it should suffice for his purposes. As long as he could get information, any place was good for him.

The facility was far south from the city, being covered by the forest to hide its location. The closest area to it was the agricultural district, though there was no way of anyone knowing. It was in the perfect spot to hide and gather subjects for the biological branch.

But while riding the truck, (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder what the biological branch was doing with the grimm branch. He knew that his experiments would most likely fall under the biological branch's work, but he didn't have any idea how it could be related with grimm. The first time he ever saw a grimm was when he was kicked out, and he doesn't remember any of the weapons being focused on killing grimm.

Why would mindless soldiers be connected with grimm research? The only way it made sense would be if they used them as test subjects, but it would be just as efficient to get random people to do it for them. There were so few reasons he could think of.

But now wasn't the time for that. He was at the facility, so he needed to get going. Now.

Arriving at the gate, (Y/N) overheard the guards entering through the facility gate. He only had so much time to get off the truck, and he couldn't miss the opportunity.

But looking around the entrance, he couldn't help but stare at the armada in front of him. Dozens of guards covered the entrance, with a few of them near armored vehicles to fight. If he got out now, he was sure he wouldn't be able to survive.

But thankfully, he had help.

Liam: "Just make sure you aren't in the direct sight of multiple people. It's going to hurt if I use my power with over five guards watching."

(Y/N): "Got it. I'll make sure to hide as best as I can. Just make sure to wipe anyone's mind if I mess up."

Liam nodded in approval, scoping the area out as well. He was looking for a good opportunity to drop and leave.

The truck they were on was in a line of vehicles being searched. They had to get off quickly before they were spotted. Problem was, (Y/N) had no idea where to go.

About eight guards surrounded his truck specifically, all of them wearing extremely protective gear. Multiple vehicles drove by, allowing safety for the inspections to go off. Everyone was watching him, and there was no way of getting out.

(Y/N): "Dammit. What do I do... I can't get out without at least half a dozen people spotting me... Where do I go..."

(Y/N) freaked out within his mind, not knowing what to do in this instance. If he runs out, everyone would see him immediately. If he stayed, when they inspect the vehicles, they would spot him. If he tried to fight, he would be immediately gunned down by the people around him.

In every case, he would fail.

But thankfully, someone had a plan.

Loki: "See that pebble on the ground?"

Hearing Loki's voice, (Y/N)'s eyes scattered around, searching for whatever he was talking about.

Thankfully, it wasn't hard to find the small pebble next to him.

Loki: "Put it underneath the tire here. The pressure created will make the pebble fly out, distracting the guards to let you book it pass the inspectors."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, baffled by the idea Loki came up with. It would be nearly impossible to time everything at once with something as small as a pebble. And not only that, you would have to be incredible to get the accuracy down on the first try.

But if it worked, then it worked. It was the best chance he got.

So, he waited...

The truck drove closer to the inspection, letting the guards watch as it approached.

He waited...

At the inspection station, the inspectors came closer to the truck in a stoic manner.

He waited...

And right before the truck came to a complete stop, he placed the pebble underneath the tire and dropped off of the truck.



In a split second, the pebble skyrocketed from the tire to the next truck over. It made a booming sound, making everyone wonder what it was.

Exactly what (Y/N) wanted.

Not wasting a moment, (Y/N) rolled out of the truck and sprinted towards the next one, hoping no one would see. He constantly checked to see if anyone was watching him, but thankfully, no one was.

(Y/N) slid on the ground, grabbing the underside of the truck in front of him. He held it tightly to his chest and waited until he could get to the facility doors. His arms trembled in both fear and anticipation from what just happened, so relieved it worked and so nervous that it didn't.

But it only took (Y/N) a second to realize the deafening silence around him.

It worked like a charm.

(Y/N): "Thanks Loki. You're the best."

Loki chuckled in (Y/N)'s soul, joyful that he was happy for his help.

Loki: "No problem. Not the first time I tried to sneak into a heavily guarded place."

Not expecting that in the slightest, (Y/N) paused for a second to process what Loki just said.

Did he just...

Whatever. He didn't have time to ask.

He was finally at the facility. He didn't have any more time to waste.


The facility was just like the one he used to be at. Empty halls aligned with metal doors, hiding whatever was inside. It was both nostalgic and terrifying. He never thought he would see this again.

(Y/N) hid along the walls, avoiding the cameras' gazes at all points. Liam could make people forget, but not electronics. If he was spotted by the cameras even once, his entire operation would be over.

But thankfully, he didn't need to take long to get through the facility. He may have been bad at directions outside, but in here? He could know where he was even if he's blindfolded.

So in a matter of minutes, he was able to avoid all guards within his vicinity, hide from every camera, and quickly arrive to an empty laboratory. The scientists were out, experimenting new test subjects at the moment. The perfect time for (Y/N) to snoop around.

But as he walked, he watched the subjects stay in their chambers, unable to do anything. He wanted to help the others, desperately so, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't... He was too scared to go out and fight for them...

But if he couldn't do that, he had to do something within here. So the best thing to do?

Steal as much as he could.

(Y/N) rushed over to a computer, allowing Loki to take control so he could find what they were looking for. Any files on his parents, experiments, interactions with the grimm branch; everything.

(Y/N) watched Loki's hands roam throughout the keyboard, letting him move at lightning pace to what they were looking for. It reminded him of when he got a scam email, and how Loki was able to take back the money they stole and pranked the scammers themselves.

He had to buy so much confetti...

But while remembering his first encounter with the internet, (Y/N) missed what Loki was doing and only saw what he found.

A list of all of the employees in the biological branch.

(Y/N): "Holy shit... How were yo-"

Loki: "It was actually very easy to find this. Once you have something connected to the system, you have control over everything also connected."

(Y/N) couldn't believe his ears, but realized he should have expected this sort of thing from Loki. He was always the one with the most skills in his soul, knowing basically anything he needed to do at any point. It was so very shocking for him.

Loki didn't really care though. He was too focused on searching for the file on (Y/N)'s parents. Anything else was just background noise to him.

The problem was finding the right file. (Y/N) had no idea what his last name was, and he had no idea what his parents looked like. They would have to search through each file at a time, guessing which one was his without any hint on who it co-

Loki: "Found it."

(Y/N) reeled back in shock, never expecting Loki to find the file so easily.

(Y/N): "What!? How!"

Loki looked back at his counterpart, baffled by how (Y/N) was confused with his search.

Loki: "They were the ones with the same last name?..."

And at that moment, (Y/N)'s mind crashed. He couldn't believe himself! How could he forget that! It was the most obvious solution to the problem! There was literally nothing easier!

(Y/N): "...right..."

(Y/N) looked down in embarrassment, shaming himself for missing such an obvious answer.

But he found his parents! Finally! He could finally find them, a give them justice for what they did to him! The several years behind those uncaring walls, being used as a lab rat for their own purpose. Being forced to watch the other kids be tortured in horror. The constant voices telling him how much of a failure he was. Th-

Loki: "Oh..."

Hearing Loki speak, (Y/N)'s attention immediately came back, wondering what was wrong.

(Y/N): "What? What happened? Why did you go 'Oh...'?"

Loki looked down, covering his eyes with his hair in a dark atmosphere.

He pointed towards the screen, allowing (Y/N)'s eyes to follow.


(Y/N): "...They..."

"They died..."

"They died... to a random beowolf..."

And as fast as his determination was created, it shattered into a million pieces.

All of this time... His entire purpose for coming here... To find his parents and make them pay for what they did to him... To finally look them in the eye and see what kind of people they truly were...

And they just died on him?

In such a simple way too!?

(Y/N): "..."

(Y/N) was silent. Still. He didn't know what to think. For all of this time to be wasted like this...

He couldn't believe it...

It wasn't right...

He needed to find them...

He NEEDED to go after them...


But he couldn't.

They were already dead.

And watching the unmoving screen in front of him, (Y/N) couldn't notice the four gazes staring at him in worry.

Shen: "(Y/N)..."

Shen put his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, trying to reach out to him from the empty abyss he was in.

But it wouldn't work...

Team SLLL could only look in sadness, hating the fact it had to be like this. They never liked how (Y/N) was driven for revenge against his parents, but they all trusted him either way. They had to support him through this. They trusted he would do the right thing when the time came.

And it made it all the more sadder when it failed.

(Y/N) took a second to think, reliving every thought in his head. The constant trauma... The fear... The hatred... The uselessness...

But also, the others.

The other subjects pain. Their abuse. Their experimentation, their constant use, the permanent damage, the kidnapping, the hurt they caused...

And like that, he remembered.

He remembered that no matter what, he always tried to be...

A hero.

And nothing would stop him.

(Y/N): "...Loki, is the download done?"

Hearing (Y/N) speak up, all of team SLLL pulled back in shock. He was talking again? Already? What was he thinking about?

But in a split second, they all realized it. They all knew the feeling when one of them becomes the hero.

And they all grinned greatly at the sight.

Loki: "It should be done in thirty seconds. We leaving already?"

(Y/N) stood up from the computer, adjusting himself and shaking his head while doing so.

(Y/N): "Not yet. I need to get prepared."

At that moment, all of team SLLL furrowed their eyebrows. Each of them were confused on what he would be preparing for. What else were they supposed to do here?

Lucas: "Prepared? We have everything we need. What would we need to prepare for?"

Hearing the sound of Lucas's voice, (Y/N) couldn't help but grin in anticipation.

There was no way they would expect this.

(Y/N): "Well, what else would we prepare for."

Looking back at the computer, (Y/N) watched as the task bar filled up to one hundred percent, turning off the computer in the process.

And, in a fraction of a second, he unleashed the flaming swords on his waist.

(Y/N): "After all, we still need to get those kids out of here."

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19.8K 224 25
Y/N has always been treated the same as any other Grimm a mindless monster which couldn't be further from the truth after the death of His Family he...
58.8K 912 14
Y/n was a war veteran thought to have died, he grew up an orphan. Thought to be dead all files of his existence were removed, all his permanent recor...