Dark Academia- Spencer Reid

بواسطة reesesworld

226K 5.6K 903

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, please let me help you with that" a lanky man with curly hair and a cut jaw said, who... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 21

4.4K 124 38
بواسطة reesesworld

Zena's stay at the hospital was eventful to say the least. Cyrus had heard through the grapevine that his sister was shot and expressed his concern leaving a very aggravated Zena.


Zena exhaled  huffed. "You know Cyrus, I couldn't exactly make the call during my 7 hour emergency surgery. Next time I'll make sure to grab my phone out of my back pocket and call you as soon as the bullet lodges itself into my body. Sound good?"

Cyrus angrily walked out of the room to avoid saying something he would regret. "Why is she being such a pain in the ass? I'm just trying to look out for her. Why doesn't she understand that?" He turned to Spencer for advice, hoping his sister's fiancé knew what was going on with her.

"The doctors are giving her corticosteroids s to prevent infection of the bullet wound. The steroids are actually repressing certain receptors in the brain that make her happy.  This means that there is a significant decrease in serotonin and dopamine, the chemicals that make us happy or euphoric.  Thus causing her to have the stereotypical 'roid rage' response," Spencer explained to Cyrus.

Cyrus laughed to himself, and patted Spencer on the arm. "You know Spence, you might just be the best thing to happen to this family. You seem to diffuse all tension, always... and I spoke too soon."

Spencer turned around to see what Cyrus was looking at. There was a very tall, thin woman wearing all black and 6-inch heels strutting down the halls of the hospital.

"I wonder who the snitch was that told our mom?" Cyrus whispered to Spencer as his mother towards the two.

However, Spencer knew exactly who it was; Penelope Garcia. "Couldn't tell you, man."

"Cyrus, you look homeless why must you insist to wear such horrid clothing always," his mother snarled at him, pulling at the hem of his red and navy flannel.

"Hi Aya, I missed you too! How is Europe?" Sarcasm woven through every single word.

Spencer stood awkwardly, turning his attention to whomever was currently speaking.

"You know Mom, if you would like to see your daughter who was just recently shot, she's in that room right there." His mother walked off without him and Spencer.

"Are you sure that is a good idea? I mean Zena is receiving a heavy dosage, not sure if seeing her mom is the best move."

"Spencer, my mother is about to receive the verbal ass kicking she set up for herself the second she left. You're going to want to see this, trust me."

The two men walked into Zena's room where she was leaning as far away as she possibly could from her mother's embrace. "If you come any closer woman, I swear to god I will call in the nurses and get you escorted out of here quicker than you got on that plane to Paris. Now LET ME GO!"

Cyrus leaned over to Spencer and whispered, "told you".

"I find out through the FBI that my daughter was shot and flew here straight from Milan and this is the thanks I receive?"

Spencer and Cyrus looked at each other; Spencer's face contorted with fear, Cyrus' with amusement and utter joy.

"Oh, you want thanks? Thank you so much mom for dropping everything in your very important life -doing god knows what- to come visit your daughter whom you haven't reached out to in what has it been? 9 years now? Thank you for walking out when we needed you. Most importantly thank you for making me realize I want to be nothing like you when Spencer and I have children. Oh, wait have I been saying thank you? I really meant to say FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU AYA. NOW GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND GO BACK TO WHEREVER THE HELL YOU CAME FROM."

Their mother began to walk out of the room when she turned around and faced Spencer. "I pray for you and however long your miserable marriage lasts. I assume it won't be long. She's a fucking nightmare," her mother spat.

This caused Spencer's mood to shift completely. He had no problem letting Zena and her mother hash it out- it was expected after 9 years of silence and pent up rage. However, insulting his fiancé to his face, that simply would not slide. "No, I pray that you will one day wake up from your delusion and realize that your kids needed you after their father died. Instead, they got a dead-beat bitch of a mother who will never see her daughter walk down the aisle or meet her grandchildren. Now get the fuck out of my line of vision before I have you put on an FBI watchlist."

Clapping, all you could hear was the loud slapping of Cyrus' hands against one another. It was so loud that they didn't hear the clicking of their mother's heels out of the hospital room. "Spencer, I meant what I said before. You are the best thing that has happened to this family."

"Did I miss it? Oh man I missed the family reunion," Garcia said whining as she attempted to walk into the room. However, she was quickly pushed out by both Cyrus and Spencer in an attempt to spare Penelope verbal and even potential physical assault from Zena.

"Garcia, I know you have access to everyone's lives, but next time ask me before setting up a surprise for Zena. You almost caused World War Three in there."

"I am so sorry, I had no idea. I just saw that she was abroad and figured she would want to be home to see her daughter recover.  Family is family! I just thought they all loved each other.

"Our family isn't a normal family," Cyrus explained.  "But it was a really kind gesture.  Thank you for trying."  Cyrus gave Garcia a kind smile and a handshake.

I need to go apologize." She pushed past the two boys and shuffled into Zena's room. Zena turned her attention to Penelope and reached her arms out for a hug.

"Thank you, Penny," she said warmly.

"Why are you thanking me? I did something bad, like world war three type bad."

"No, you did the best thing you could have. You gave me closure. I always wondered what would happen if she came back and now I know. She only cares about herself, she always will.  People like her do not change."

Penelope smiled sadly at Zena and gave her another hug. "I'm really sorry that I did that behind your back. I had no idea that you and your mother didn't speak."

"Don't be sweetie. It gave my roid rage terrain for fair play. Plus, it gave Cyrus the show he's wanted since he was 15. Today you've done God's work. Can you send Cyrus in here by himself? I owe him an apology."

Three days later and the doctors told Zena she was clear to fly. The jet ride back was a lot of fun. Mainly because she got to tell everyone that she had the worst first case ever, and she was definitely right. "You win the worst first mission contest for sure, kiddo. Especially since your mother came. How was that?" Rossi came and sat down next to her.

"It was terrifying. There were moments where I thought Barbarage would get out of her hospital bed and strangle her mother with the IV wires," Spencer recalled. This caused the entire team to laugh.

Four hours later the team landed and they all made their way to their cars. "I know I've been in a bed for 6 days straight, but I am really excited to sleep in our bed tonight."

"Are you feeling capable?" Spencer looked at her with loving eyes.

"Courthouse?" She looked up at him excitedly.

"Courthouse." He grabbed her hands and rubbed his thumb over her ring finger.

"Hey guys, wait up. Does anyone have plans tonight?" Zena looked at her newfound family with hopeful eyes.

There was a chorus of no's, causing the couple to smile. "Well, consider yourself booked. Go home, get your families, and come to our place. You're all invited to our courthouse wedding!" Spencer told the team and was smiling so hard he thought his cheeks would rip.

The entire team began to cheer, but Zena suddenly felt a pang of guilt. "You know, maybe we shouldn't do this. I want your mom to be here, and Delilah and Cyrus."

"Ms.Barbarage, have you learned nothing about me in the two years we have known each other? Go check the car."

And there in the car sat Diana, Cyrus, Delilah and Mike, and a man she did not recognize, but assumed to be Spencer's father. "You are so sneaky Spencer Reid!"

Delilah couldn't wait any longer and got out of the car and gently hugged her best friend. "Shot and married all in the same week. You're truly living the life of a federal agent now."

"Tell me about it. Who would have thought the government hating environmentalist hippie would become a fed? Not me. Let's go, we have a wedding to prepare for."

Zena however broke away from Delilah for a moment and walked over to Hotch and JJ pulling them aside. "Can you guys bring the boys? I have a special surprise for them and I couldn't imagine this wedding without them," she explained.

"Jack has been calling you Auntie Z for the past 2 months. I wouldn't dream of leaving him behind."

"Same for Henry. He keeps telling me he wants to be a mad scientist now. What have you taught that boy?"

"A scientist never reveals her evil secrets. I'll see you guys at my place in an hour!  Tell my boys that 'Auntie Z said the beast cannot be tamed.' They will know exactly what to do."

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