Secret - Karma Akabane x Read...

By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

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You live with your uncle, Tadaomi Karasuma after your mother and father died. You were originally in Class A... More

Professor Bitch
School trip
Splash party
Final exams
Summer vacation
Fem-boy, Nagisa
Taking advantages
Unexpected plot twist
The End Of Summer Vacation
Back On School Grounds
Welcome Back, Itona
No. 2
Big Dismay
School festival
Studied too hard
All an act
Some time off
Kill vs Don't kill
The big showdown
New year, end of the school year
Goodbye, Professor Koro
Congratulations (Fin)


799 28 8
By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

The year was ending a lot faster than you thought. It was already November, and you had to choose a career path and high school you want to go to.

Despite the fact that you were ahead of most of your classmates, you never mastered anything. All your grades were pretty good, but you weren't perfect in anything. 

You rested your head on your hand that was on your desk, and help the sheet of paper in your other. You didn't know what to write. Your grip on the paper got tighter as you got more and more frustrated. 

Even if you knew what career you wanted to take, you can't choose a school in your area, since you are gonna be moving if you guys successfully assassinate Professor Koro. You would have to do your separate research on what high schools would be a good place to study at in South Korea. 

Speaking of, you would have to tell your classmates eventually-- both the fact that you're the niece of Karasuma and that you're moving. Your uncle didn't really specify when you'd be exactly moving. You could move in the middle of the year, or after graduations. Either way, you knew you have to tell them.

"Is that octopus seriously doing career counseling?" You heard Professor Bitch come into the room and you were shocked to see her new look. 

She was in a turtle neck, beige-colored sweater, and she had her hair up. 

"Professor Bitch!" Yada got up from her seat in surprise.

"In regular clothes!" Kurahashi said. 

"Yes, regular old cheap clothes. I'm trying to match your regular old world. " She said, and everyone seemed so shocked. "What? You want me to show more skin after all?"

"No-- hiding it has actually made you more sexy." Okajima's nose started bleeding.

"In a way, you've grown!" Mimura said.

You honestly thought her current look seemed a lot better. She actually looked like a teacher. 

"Hey, have you chosen what you're gonna be?" You asked Karma as you leaned back on your chair.

"Not exactly, but anything that gets me a lot of money." He smirked. "But if I want to get specific, probably a politician."

You chuckled at what he said. You didn't know if he was gonna do those kind of things because he really wants to, or because he just wants money.

"Are those things you really want to do?"

"Not really. The politicians right now are very useless. The country could be doing worse, but it's not the best. And I'm gonna change that." He said. "Also, it'd be great if I get to be the boss of everyone one day."

You admired him for saying that. Even if he didn't want to be a politician for his own good, he wanted to do it for the country.

"But earning money by doing something you truly want to do when it doesn't get you much profit is only gonna get you poor." He claimed. "Doing something that has good payment even if you don't want to do it is better, since you could use that money and do what you want to do." He said. "But there really isn't anything in particular I want to do either other than this. So I guess it's a win win."

You looked back at your empty paper and thought of what he just said. There really wasn't anything you wanted do even if you had a lot of money either. It wasn't like you had a hobby or unique talents. You stared at your paper with furrowed eyebrows, when you made the decision.

You decided to shift your focus in studies to math. You chose math because you wanted to beat Asano for once in that subject. If you decide to go for a math major and decide to become a mathematician, just maybe you can be better than him. 

However, you didn't know what high school to go to. You didn't do your research on any good high schools you can go to in South Korea. You didn't even know what city you'd be moving to.

When it was your turn, you went to see Professor Koro in the staff's room with your paper with just "mathematician" written on it.

"Hm... Looking at great midterm grade and overall grades, you would probably be accepted to any high schools." He told you.


"Yes, I am aware you are moving to South Korea when you guys kill me. Even then, I believe that you will be accepted anywhere." He said. "Also, may I ask why you only put one option as your career path? I understand why you put your desired school empty, but why only mathematician?"

You didn't know what to say. You weren't even sure why you wanted to be a mathematician other than the fact that you wanted to beat Asano. You thought that it was kinda selfish.

"It may sound selfish... But, I want to beat Asano. He was always ahead of me, especially in math. I thought that if I shift my studies to math, I could beat him somehow."

"Yes... I understand. It is not selfish at all. But is this what you really want to do?"

The room went silent as you didn't know how to answer, but you slowly shook your head, and he put one of his tentacles on your head. You looked up at him and his smile seemed comforting for some reason. He was always smiling, but this time, it felt warm.

"It can be hard choosing a career path, but with remarkable grades like this, I don't understand why you don't do anything that's rather enjoyable than something hard. Your good grades will definitely help if you decide to do something such as art even if you aren't that good."

But that was the problem. There wasn't anything that you could do by enjoying it than having a hard time, but you just nodded your head.

"I will be giving you more time on what you want to do. Please choose something before the week ends. You can come see me anytime. You do not have to tell me what high school you want to go to, however. But please tell me at least your second career path and try to look for something you really want to do." He said, and he let you out the room.

You closed the door behind you, and you sat down and cried in self-defeat. You didn't know what you wanted to do. You thought getting good grades meant you can do whatever you wanted to do, but there wasn't anything you wanted to do. 

You then heard footsteps coming in your direction-- probably Karma, since he was after you.

You quickly got up and wiped your tears away, and swiftly went past him. 

~~Time skip~~

That night, your uncle got home a lot earlier. You greeted him when he stepped inside, and when he was changed and in comfortable clothes, you asked him to meet you downstairs in the living room.

"Is there something you wanted to ask me?" He asked you.

"Yes, actually..." You said. "Where are we going exactly if we do end up going to South Korea?"

"We will be moving to Gangnam. Anything else?" You fidgeted with your fingers and bit your bottom lip.

"About my high school..."

"What about it?"

"Well... I don't know what I want to be."

"Didn't you tell me you wanted to be a singer when you were younger?"

"Yeah, but I was like, four years old..."

"You don't have any idea of what you want to be?"

"I did write mathematician, but I'm not sure if that's what I really want to be. I kinda want something else but I don't know what. I don't particularly have a talent or a hobby." You sighed.

"I'll support you for whatever you choose to be, but I don't know what to tell you."

"Alright... Thanks anyway." You got up from the couch and started walking up to your room.

"But..." Your uncle stopped your steps. "If I were to give one suggestion, don't end up like me."

"O-Okay..." You almost questioned it, but decided not to.

You sat back down at your desk, wondering what you should write for your second option and school. You decided to choose your career first and then think of what high school would be good for it.

Did you want to be like your uncle or Karma and be involved in with the government, even though you were advised not to? Or did you want to go for something completely new, like an athlete?

You didn't know.

Was it really necessary to choose now instead of choosing in high school?

You were stressing out more for trying to choose a career path than some big exam, when you heard a knock at your door.

"Yeah?" You said, and your uncle walked in.

"If you're having trouble choosing what high school you want to attend, I can choose a good one for you in the area we will be moving to. Just write down at least two career options."

"I'll think about it..." You said.

Your uncle nodded and left your room, closing the door behind him.

Almost 2 hours passed and all you saw on your paper was just a bunch of eraser shavings and pencil marks. Then you remembered what your uncle told you. You really didn't want him to choose your next school, but you had no choice. You also decided to just write one option. You know you were told to write at least one more, but you were now sure you wanted to be a mathematician, since it really was the only thing you could think of.

"You sure you want me to choose a school for you?" Your uncle asked.

"Yes, please."

"Alright. You asked for it. I'll try to look for a place with good math skills."

The next day before classes started, you walked into the staff's room and saw Professor Koro.

"Ah, (Y/N)! Did you choose your second career path option?"

You didn't want to say no, so you just slowly shook your head.

"Oh, is that so? Then what brings you here?" You took a couple of seconds to gather up the courage to tell him.

"I'm only writing mathematician. My uncle said he'll take care of my school if we do end up moving."

"(Y/N)... As a teacher, I have to support your career decisions, and even if I encourage to try rethinking through, I can't force you to do anything. I don't have much to say other than... Good luck."

You were surprised he didn't say you have to think of a second option, but you weren't complaining. You then gave him a big hug and shed a few tears, which he hugged you back after a moment of getting flustered.

~~Time skip~~

You and your class was discussing over what you guys should do for this year's festival. It was only a few weeks away, and you all wanted to do something just as good as the main campus.

"The main campus sure is getting hyped about this year's festival." Maehara said.

You guys had a couple of ideas what to do, such as cafes, making unique bentos, taiyaki shop, etc.

"Probably figure we're up to something, even if we can't win." Isogai said.

"I hear that Asano actually contracted with a restaurant." Sugino said.

"He probably did." You said. "He's probably getting angry over the fact that our class beat him at that sports festival that he's gonna go all out for this. But even if he wasn't defeated, he probably still would have done that."

"It's a tough one." Nakamura said. 

"We'll just have to go for the win." Your teacher said. "This match will likely hinge on a compilation of everything but assassination and studying."

"I really don't want to lose to the A Class... But what can we do?" Sugino said, and everyone else started doubting their abilities.

"Asano's right. You need to tap into that sense of getting bargain. If you can use a tight budget to make something of greater value, the customers will come." Professor Koro said.

"Well, yeah, but..." Maehara doubted. 

"The answers are all around you!"


"The value of the E Class here lies in this, this, this, and this!" He proceeded to take out the mountain's ecosystems, acorns, mushrooms, fish, etc. "These ingredients are like you: hidden in the mountains where no one notices their efforts!"

"So we attack our customers with hidden weapons. Makes for a pretty assassin-like restaurant!" Terasaka bumped his fist into Hatsuharu's back.

"Now to spell these blades like you're going in for the kill!"

~~Time skip~~

It was now the day of the festival. You guys were told to make some acorn noodles to serve and you were outside setting up tables and chairs, when the first set of customers arrived. 

You were about to greet them when you had flashbacks the second you recognized the faces.

"Hey! It's the high-school guys from our class trip! What are you doing here?!" Sugino yelled at them.

You were also about to say something when Karma put you behind him. 

"Oh? Come to abduct another girl, have you?" Karma said.

"Like hell I am." One of them said. "Wouldn't want your freak of a teacher to show up again."

"Pft, he's genuinely scared of Professor Koro." You mumbled.

"But I don't need to get physical to wreck your day." He continued and picked up one of the wooden chopsticks from a cup on one of the tables. "I could... Start shoutin' that your food tastes like crap, say?" He split them apart. "Or put a few choice words online?"

Asano started losing his cool and he seemed like he just wanted to go ham and cheese on their face. 

"Well? Bring it out already." 

You clicked your tongue and headed inside the campus to tell your classmates the orders.

"Alright, seems like one of those douche bags want an acorn noodle. Just make it quick, we don't want them here." You said.

"Why not? They're our first customers, so why not make it last?" Kataoka asked.

"It's just that... There's just something I probably shouldn't say. Just make it quick."

She wanted to ask more questions, but didn't say anything but nodded as you seemed to get a little uncomfortable. 

When the food was out, Okuda went out to serve the noodles first.

"Our signature dish: acorn noodles." She introduced.

Alright, now hurry up and eat.

"Woah, this looks great! Hey, Ryuki, can I order a Mont Blanc, too?" One of the other high school kids said.

"Yeah, I wanna try the smoked fish!" Another went. 

"Hey, cool it! Your stupid is shown'!" He yelled.

You rolled your eyes and let out a chuckle as you went to serve other customers that were much more polite. You were in charge of giving each customers a table and taking orders.

At one point, you looked over at the high school boys and saw the one eating the acorn noodles crying. You were taken aback when you saw him cry over some noodles. Although you were confused to why he was exactly crying, but it seemed hideous. 

You continued working as some side conversations came and went from your classmates, but you were too busy to make any conversations. Of course, you weren't the only one who had this job, but you were still a little busy going back and forth.

When you were taking one of the orders, you heard yelling coming from those delinquents and how one of them was telling the rest to pretend that it tastes bad, but you saw Professor Bitch approach them-- probably trying to seduce them into saying that it's actually good or something.

You eventually got a little closer to try to hear what they were saying, and you heard them say that they didn't have enough cash to try a lot of things on the menu and Professor Bitch told them there's an ATM nearby. They all ran off to go get some cash, and they almost bumped into you.

"I wonder how the main campus is doing." Nagisa said.

"Same." You agreed.

"According to my recon, it looks like the A Class is better at getting customers interested." Itona came up to you guys and said.

"Wait, really?" Kayano said.

"Yeah. I don't know how they're pulling it off, but there's something definitely flashy."

"I could go check if you want." You offered.

"But isn't it a bad idea? Since most of the main campus students see you as a traitor?" Kayano said.

"It's alright. It's not my first time anyways."

"Okay, I'll tell Professor Koro you're leaving." 

"Thanks, I'll be right back!" You ran off to the main campus.

When you got there, there was definitely way more people. But you didn't know what you were expecting. They were the A Class after all.

There were performances, places to play games and take pictures, and there were more food and snacks choices. You took notes in your head of what they did made it better, and decided to move on.

When you went to the gym, they set up some party room with flashy lights and loud music. As you were going by the other students, you heard some kids whisper to each other saying that you're the traitor of the main campus. The music was louder than ever, but you still heard them clearly. 

You then saw Asano greeting some other students from a lower grade, and you raised your eyebrows with a slight grin.

"Hey, Asano." You said, and he turned in your direction.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to look. Why? Can I not?"

"Not that you can't, but aren't you busy setting up your own little festival in the mountains?"

"I don't think that's your problem." You laughed.

"If that is so, carry on." He started walking away.

"Hey, I'm not done talking." You stopped him.

"What is it?"

On your way here, you decided to tell Asano you're moving when you saw him. You don't know if you got lucky or unlucky, but you did find him.

"Let's not talk here. Follow me."

He obeyed and he followed you. You went near where the forest was and you leaned against one of the trees, and Asano facing you a few feet away.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" He asked.

"You know, I haven't really told anyone about this, so you better be honored." You joked.

"I'll have to see." He crossed his arms. "So, what is it?"

You took a deep breath and stopped leaning on the tree.

"I'm moving."

He was a little caught off guard when you told him that.

"What? When?"

"I don't think that's really important, since it's not like you would want to see me again after graduation."

He gritted his teeth in frustration and gripped a fist.

"I just thought I'd tell you before anyone else, since it's not like you really care in the first place." You said. "Anyways, take care. I dunno if I'll see you again after today, but goodbye, Asano." You started walking away, and he didn't even bother to stop you.

Was he upset about this rivalry coming to an end? Or was he upset that he still isn't over his feelings about you?

He didn't want to question it.

You made your way back to the main campus, and when you did, Professor Koro asked you if you were alright.

"Yes, I'm okay. They won't hurt me. They probably would be too timid to." You joked.

"That's good, then." He was relieved. "However, (Y/N)... Going to check on what your competitors are doing is very unnecessary and bad."

"Huh? Why?"

"It means you doubt your abilities and it means you're too bothered by your competition you can't focus on yourself. If you are competing with other people, the key to winning is to only concentrate on yourself and don't worry about what others are doing. Just focus on yourself. Understood?" He said, and you went silent at those words.

All this time, you were self conscious about others doing better than you. Back in Class A, you were insecure over the fact that you were always second place. Even though you and Asano were good friends, you were still bothered about his grades more than yours.

"I... I understand..." You said and you started walking away silently.

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