Let's all go...Together

بواسطة Call_Me_Hanaki

31.1K 1.1K 1.2K

One boy had seen enough.He doesn't want to see his family spiral into insanity and his home become a dangerou... المزيد

1."Come Little Children,I'll Take Thee Away..."
2."A Child has Grown,A Dream is Gone,and I have become Comfortably Numb."
3."I Know a Place We Could Go."
4."The Young Become the Old and Mysteries Do Unfold"
5."I Have Seen a Thousand Things,A Thousand Minds,and What They Bring"
6."Waiting For the Day When Hate is Lost and Love is Found"
7"And I Don't Want the World to See Me,Cause I Don't Think They'd Understand"
9."Who I Am from the Start,Take Me Home to My Heart"
10."I'll Hold My Breath Till I Can Say the Words I Wanna Say From My Heart."
Its out~!
After story #1:Stars
After story #2:Autumn

8."I'll Come Home to You,No Matter What We Do."

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بواسطة Call_Me_Hanaki



There was a loud boom in the distance,sending chills down their spines.

"Shit!Hurry the fuck up!",Quackity urged them,most specifically Sapnap,who was both steering the horse and leading the group of leaders and helpers.A lot of people came;particularly Wilbur,Technoblade,Phil,Dream, and Schlatt.There were others too;like Niki,George,Puffy,Bad...

There was more,but they would arrive at a later time.

"I'm going as fast as I can,Big Q!The steeps here are dangerous!",The man with the bandana replied,gripping the reins as tight as he could.

"How much farther!?",Wilbur yelled from behind,his face flashing with so many emotions;Fear,paranoia,anger,impatience,and a lot more.Techno could feel the powerful protective aura radiating from his twin brother;or maybe that was him,he couldn't tell.

"I see something!",Phil exclaimed from the skies,pointing ahead.

There was smoke and sparks coming from trees and air,the deadly sounds of moans,clanking,and slashing echoed through.The group had began to speed up,purely out of fear and safeguarding.They rushed through the rain,letting their horses rumbled the soil.

But they were stopped when a very large group of mobs blocked their path,all hostile and hungry.

"Fuck,a mob raid.",Techno grumbled underneath his breath,pulling out a crossbow and began shooting from the horse,immediately killing a random zombie.

"Tech,we won't have enough time if we fight through these things!",Dream reminded,his voice hard as steel but filled with dread for his little sister,"Besides,we might need arrows an-"

An explosion echoed through the trees.

It reached Shlatt's ears,his body tensed when he recognised that pitched and cut-off yell.


The majority of the group cursed,taking out their weapons and looking for a quicker way to get through.Schlatt scans his surroundings when he got off his horse,desperately trying to come up with an idea that could buy time.

He looks through the trees,then to his group,then towards the wall of mobs,then up to the skies-

Wait...That's it!

"Phil!",he waits until the the blonde man looks down.Schlatt gestures the danger,then nods at him,his brow furrowed and his crossbow loaded.The startled look that bloomed on Phil's face before it morphed into a determined one was enough to tell him he understood.

The avian-hybrid flies a little farther back,as Schlatt gets into a stance,much to the groups confusion.

"Schlatt what-"

Phil quickly dives down and snatches the leader from the ground,taking him into the air and over the gathered monsters of the night.They glide over a little until they spotted a cabin;or what remains of it.

The base was split into two,the majority of the right section had been destroyed and exposed.Instead,it was replaced with—what seemed to look like—a raised platform,but a chunk of it had been crumpled.They guessed the kids had tried to buy time for themselves.

But when they landed on the ground,Schlatt sees it.

A familiar brunette boy in jumpers,cornered by skeletons with loaded bows.The teen looked small and bruised,leaning heavily against his right leg.Blood and grime was smeared on him,along with tears and sweat and rain that tricked down his face.

But his expression only showed a single emotion.A single indicator of what he felt during that very moment.


Tubbo was hurt...

He scowled,almost growled at the sight of his—when did it became his?—kid like this;hurt and afraid.And as the boney creature pulled back his bow,he took matter into his own hands.

He aimed his crossbow and fired.

The creature dies immediately,limping down and dispersing into nothing but dust and smoke.Tubbo and the other mobs looked at his direction.The brunette's once scared and cowering demeanour transitioned into a shocked and relived and hopeful one.

"Get your hands off...",he scowled,his instincts kicking in,"...my kid!"

Tears began to form in Tubbo's eyes,a couple already dripping down his chin;Or is that the rain water?He didn't care,he made it."Sc-Schlatt...?"

The ram-hybrid couldn't help but smile at him,relived and soft and assuring."Hey,Tubs...you're safe now...".

And he was.

Schlatt fired more at the other mobs,until he made a safe path for the boy to reach him,find the comfort he couldn't give him for months.And Tubbo did just that.

He ran,seemingly not caring about his injures,tears filling his eyes as he reaches for Schatt.The ram-hybrid,smiling widely that the kid was safe,lowered his guard down for only a millisecond when he spots another skeleton from behind the trees.

He calls out to him,a warning;"Tubbo look out!".

Poor boy,he was slow.Must've been the concussion.

He slowly turned his body and head;just in time as two arrows went flying.He almost didn't feel it,almost didn't even notice.It was only when he tried to breath did it sting.

Oh my God,that was worse than the concussion.

He stuttered,not realising the scream of his name from behind when he looks down to see two sticks pierced  into his chest and stomach,a feather attached at the end.He tries to breath but it burns,it felt like something was blocking his insides.Well...there was something blocking his insides.

Tubbo did not feel the wind rush past him,still processing the fact he has two arrows on his torso.Tubbo did not notice how the ground shook faintly.Tubbo did not realise he was falling back when an arm caught him.Tubbo did not realise he couldn't breath when a hand took his.

He looked and Schlatt was talking to him.

"-bo!Kid,listen you're going to be fine!Yo-"

His hearing was cutting off,was it the concussion?Maybe it was,it does sting when Schlatt tries to hold him and he rests his head on his shoulder.

"-t me healing,fucking dammit!He might d-"

He might what?What's happening to him?Was it the arrows?Oh dear,Tommy and Drista isn't going to...

Tubbo's breathing stuttered as he was slapped with a dreadful realisation.He grips Schlatt's hand tighter,grasping his attention.He ignored how terror was written on his face,and the tears filling his eyes,and the how the rain seemed calming.

He didn't mind it,he still has a promise to keep.

They still have a promise to keep.

"To-Tom..my...",he struggled,gasping short and precious breaths,"...Dri-Drista...".

He missed how the others perked into his words.How two green-wearing men leaned closer to his words."Tommy?Drista?",The ram-hybrid repeated,"What about-"

Tubbo untangles his hand from Schlatt's,pouring in all of his strength and pointing towards the back of the ruined cabin,"Dri-Dri...sta...".The teen whines when he tried to take a deep breath,the stinging and blockage grew almost unbearable."Toms....Cl-Cliff..."

He could faintly hear the yells of other people,something about leading.He could faintly feel the second rumble of the ground or flashing light from where he pointed.He could barely realised the screaming and yelling and running.

He was just there,safely cradled in Schlatt's arms as he calms the brunette's whimpers and cries of pain.

He didn't even realise he was whimpering and crying.

"Hey,Kid.Tubs,you're going to be fine,I promise.Bad is going to heal ya,kay bud?",he hears the man speak,another reassuring smile etched on his lips as another blacked figure came into vision.Is it a black figure?

He could see the dark spots fill in.

"S'ry...",he mumbled,"..f'r...pre..ending...".

Tubbo's head lolled to his shoulder and dread pooled his stomach."Tubbo..?",he calls out,patting the kid on his cold,wet,and bandaged cheek.His dread grows rapidly when he gets no reaction,"Tubbo?".Bad finally gets to them,sliding to his knees as attempts to open a healing potion."Tubbo!".

No matter what Schlatt does,Tubbo does not wake up.The only saving grace he had was that he was still breathing.

But it's only a matter of time before the overflowing blood coated the ground with crimson.

So for now,as the kind demon began healing and assessing his body,Schlatt hold him close and prays—begs—the skies that they could still save the innocent boy he sees as a son.


Drista should've pearled by the path and run towards the damn town again.

She didn't even know why she opted to run blindly through the forest,spiders and creepers trailing behind her.She had lost her axe,it's durability vanishing after killing a zombie that nearly got her.But that's not the bad thing that happened.

No,it happened right by a crater.

And,surprisingly,not just any crater;but the same crater that the trio had made after lighting up a couple of TNT's.They were too close to scolding Tommy for bringing up the idea when the crater was made,his only saving grace was the amount of resources that surfaced from the hole.

Drista wasn't too sure what exactly had happened.

One moment she was reaching the crater.The next she hears a moan.She remembers turning around and-

She almost didn't realised she was screaming in pain when something sharp had collided with her face.Actually,two sharp things had collided with her face—wait no,it's probably one.

She felt the blood pour from her left eye,stinging and burning.It was almost as if this creature—this zombie—had snatched her eyeball.Oh God,that was unbearable.She wasn't sure if that was worse than the ravine incident.

H I S S S S S S S-


She was falling again,her body burning and flying;like a pheonix that was set ablaze;her throat growing dry and scratchy.Drista tries to get her mind together,try to acknowledge she was falling down from somewhere high and she was screaming,but the scratch and burns caused her pain;Almost too unbearable,like the eyeball was about to come off from her own eye socket if she lets her hand go-

C r a c k

She must've passed out.

Did...did she just fell head first?

How the fuck is she alive!?

Drista supposed it didn't matter,seeing as creepers and spiders were creeping closer to her limped body.She could feel not just the rain,but the blood from her head and eye.It was at that moment did Drista decided that plummeting to the earth from high places is the worse way to go.

Especially if the final strike wasn't the fall damage itself,no.

The final strike was the damn mobs that slowly closed off the distance,hungry for flesh and destruction.Funny,she thinks,wondering which mobs was the least painful.Creepers could make the job faster,seeing it would just explode into bits.Zombies and Skeletons were a no,they were agonising.Spider?She wasn't sure,but she thinks it'll be more agonising.

That didn't matter.They were so close now,the green clad of explosives hissed and the smell of gunpowder filled her nose.

Poor girl,all alone in the deep crater,with mobs coming to take away her misery of falling from the surface.Drista couldn't feel body,couldn't move her legs—that was sprawled awkwardly on the ground—and arms—that lay out beside her.She wants to move her head,turn her gaze onto the sky instead of these monsters.

She didn't even notice she was crying until a sob tore from her throat.

Strange,she hasn't cried since...since...

"Clay...",she mumbled under her breath.Was she calling for her brother?Perhaps.After all,it was always her big brother who would save her from the monsters,running through the forest or empty market place to search for his little sister.

Drista would always call her brother when she needs help.

And her brother would always answer her calls.

Just as the creeper exploded,an axe had been swung towards its side,forcing the life of this creature to fade and turn to dust.A brand new clad of green meets her gaze,it's stance looking familiar and safe.The axe being held on the right and a shield on the other.

There were others,but she didn't acknowledge them.

Only the sounds of the weapons falling to the ground and a pair of strong arms picking her up.Green meets green and Drista lets the tears fall faster at the sight of her big brother and at the unbearable pain.Apparently,Dream was crying himself,his mask had been tossed to the side.

"Oh my fucking-Drista,I'm sorry..",he began,examining his frail and hurt sibling."I'm so sorry,fuck why-How-"

Drista's eye had been scratched,badly.Her hair in a tangled,bloody mess with only one braid surviving.There was blood all over her face;hell,her entire head was dripping with blood and tears and rain.

"C-Clay..",she mumbled,whining a little bit,"...H-hurts..."

Dream gently shushes her,using his thumbs to wipe away her tears and smearing the blood that trickled  down."I know,I know,I'm sorry I'm so so sorry,baby blob I-"

Baby blob...

Drista hadn't been called that since she was six.Since her family disappeared and she had been with her relatives.The nickname just brought them so many memories,how sweet."You-..You came.."

"Of course I came...",his voice shook with every suppressed sobs,"...What kind of brother would I be if I left my little sister alone to fend for herself?".

It felt nice—safe even—being cradled like this.Her head resting on his left elbow as his arm and hand held her by the shoulders.The other arm held her close,keeping her protected from the outside battle.It was almost as if she was a little girl again.It was really comforting.She chose not to acknowledge the others nearing them.

Drista would like to take a little nap.


So when she closes her eyes,Dream panicked."Drista?",she shook her and receiving no response."Baby blob..!?Drista,wake up!"

She doesn't wake up.

"Drista,please wake up!I just saved you,I can't loose you again!",he begs,calling out her name in fear,"Baby blob please,don't leave me like they did!We're supposed to stick together!Drista,I'm sorry!I'm so sorry,please!Sap!George!Help!"

Sapnap and George reaches them after his pleading calls,getting onto their knees and the former pulling out healing potions.The latter takes off his bandana,wrapping it around the girl's eyes,praying it wouldn't get infected.Puffy was there too,calming Dream and monitoring his sister's shallow breathing.

"We gotta get her back to the cabin.We can't risk letting her wounds get infected."

Dream knew what they had to do,but the weight of her dying sister's body made him froze in terror.He has to move,why can't he move he needs to go and save her what the fuck is wrong with you save her save heR MOVE M O V E-


He looks up and meets George staring at him.

"We can still save her."

And that was enough for him to finally pick her up,hold her close in his arms,and follow his fellow members and parental figure as they rush back to the ruined cabin.

He is going to save his sister.

He's going to keep her safe.

She'll live.

He repeated that like a mantra as Drista's breathing goes soft and low.


He felt so tired.

But Tommy kept running.

He kept going and going,ignoring how his burns sting and his wounds ached.He ignored how his legs felt like collapsing and how his arms felt like noodles.He ignored how his head spins like the world around him was going too fast.

He just kept running.

Tommy had half the mind to turn back when he heard explosions,an itching urging  him to run back when he heard a scream,and the idea to slow down his pace when faint yelling rang out from behind.

But he didn't.Because when he looked back,all he sees are skeletons and zombies and creepers.He sees bows,he sees sharp edges,he sees explosives.He sees danger,he sees threat,and he sees death.

So he kept going,unaware of where he was taking himself.

Tommy found himself struggling to get up on the muddy and slightly steep slope,with the mobs just below him.But he kept going,climbing the slippery ground.

And there he was;standing right there on a familiar cliff side,the view of the country—home—greets him.But Tommy freezes,knowing its raining and-

Fuck,it's dangerous to be here during a downpour.He could remember the many close calls during his visits here when there was storm,the majority of them being too close calls.He promised Tubbo he wouldn't go here again during rains.

But he turns around and he was met with more than a dozen of mobs,all ready to jump at him at any time.Tommy knew he was corner.Tommy knew there was no other way.

Tommy knew this was going to be reckless and stupid.

But does he have a choice during this moment?

The only thing he could think of was,'Buy time."

He could've done anything but this;pulling out the extra blocks of dirt and wood and tower up.

How long has he been doing this?It felt like forever,putting down these resources below his feet as he ascends into the sky.Honestly,Tommy hasn't tried towering up during a downpour,purely because Wilbur and Phil just bans him to.

Saying he could get struck by lightning.He wonders how that would feel.

Tommy feels tired,sweat trickling down his head—or was that rain?—and thick,warm blood drops down onto the ground below.

Did someone call him?

Maybe,but who?

Tommy feels tired,he could curl up on this single dirt block and fall asleep.He would appreciate a roof though,the rain could interrupt his slumber.Maybe a nice,big one.He could probably expand his platform and make a little house in the sky?That would be cool.

He would be able to see everything from above,like how Phil would take him up on trips in the air.

Speaking of the man,he missed him a lot.He wonders where they were right now.Are they home?Where's home?Is his childhood cabin still there in the mountain?Damn,when was the last time he visited that place?Tommy wonders if he and his family could visit it during the summer or winter.

His family..

Would they even remember that place?

Of course they would!

But do they want to visit the cabin?

'I'm tired...'

Is it still raining?Does he have an umbrella?Oh no,his dad isn't going to be happy when he finds out he's under the rain.His immune system's pretty shitty,if you asked him.The ground feels slippery,what was he standing on again?

Oh yeah,wood.

Why was he standing on a wooden plank?Is he in a house?Where's the roof?

'I feel woozy...'

The winds pretty strong today.He feels like flying,his hair getting tangled up on his face and his clothes moving along with the wind.He open his eyes—when did he closed them?—and he sees a pillar.How strange,who built this pillar?

Oh wait...

Is he falling?

Is it still raining?

Is someone calling for him?

Is he crying?

He feels scared.

He feels tired.

He feels safe.

Something held him,there was a strong grip on his arm and leg.Was someone carrying him?Did he fall asleep?Was the falling bit a dream?Its really warm where he was heavily leaning on.The rain seemed to stop—oh wait,no.He could feel the pattering on his legs and feet.Where was he?

Someone's calling him again.

They sound scared,maybe desperate.Is something wrong?Something cups his cheek,it's really warm.He leans into the touch,but suddenly flinches—did he fell again?

Oh wait,he's on the ground,isn't he?

He could feel the muddy ground and the two arms that held him.He could also feel something else,it was really uncomfortable.Like stinging and burning,something eating away his bare flesh.Oh jeez,his head is aching like fuck.

What in the-

"Tommy,wake up!".

The blonde cracks open his eye,whimpering at the pain.It was very blurry,mushed colours and all.But then he sees blonde...then brown...then pink-


His...family...Wasn't he talking about them awhile ago?

"D...ad...?",he tried to call,his voice raspy and hurt.When did it get raspy?A hand wipes away a tear he didn't realise was poking out of the corner of his eye.

"Tommy,oh my Gods,you're alive!",Phil said,cradling him close as tears of his own merged.

Wilbur was visibly shaking,"Holy shit,Toms.You-..you...",he struggled with his words.Tommy hissed in pain,an apology leaving Wilbur's lips when something was pressed against his side.

Techno was silent,but there was evident tears.He was holding onto Tommy's left hand,a strong and firm grip.

His family is right there,caring for him.Why did it feel wrong?Why does he feel scared?Wait-where's the air?He can't breath,why can't he breath?Oh shit,it hurts it hurts.Someone stop it please!someone stop the pain please it hurts he can't breath why why why he doesn't want to die-



When was the last time his family called him that?When was the last time his family call him bubba in fear and worry,instead of fond and joy?

Tommy wasn't sure.


"I know son,I know.You'll be alright,I promise,just don't fall asleep,please-"

When was the last time Phil sounded so...scared?He could see Wilbur and Techno saying something too,but he couldn't hear anything his older twin brothers were saying.

He could hear rain,his pain,and his dad.

"S...sc...",he struggled to say,moving his right hand to take hold of Phil's hand that cupped his cheeks.It wasn't a tight grip.


When did he black out?


: )

Next chapter summary;
"Who I Am From the Start,Take Me Home To My Heart."

That's the chapter title btw : D
I'll keep the summary ominous for now~
Feel free to point out any mistakes!

I'll see ya'll on the next update~!
Have a wonderful day/night!


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