That Damn FanFic {Completed}

By Memento_Mori20

20K 491 137

Anthony has been out of love until he meets you. After meeting you, he is finally happy again. But what happe... More

Chapter 1- Revive Me!
Chapter 2 You're that guy!
Chapter 3 The date...
Chapter 4 How NOT to Get Pregnant
Chapter 5 Double date
Chapter 6 Casual Friday
Chapter 7 I've wanted to do that for so long
Chapter 8 Keeping quiet
Chapter 9 Sleepover
Chapter 10 Journal entry
Chapter 11 Tomorrow
Chapter 12 Jerry Springer
Chapter 13 Early morning phone call
Chapter 14 Lucky
Chapter 15 Visiting
Chapter 16 Telling the fans
Chapter 17 It's Mailtime with Smosh!
Chapter 18 Good Samaritan
Chapter 19 It IS you!
Chapter 20 Why is that name so familiar?
Chapter 21 Flashback
Chapter 23 Melanie
Chapter 24 Lunchtime! with... Mandy?
Chapter 25 Feeling better
Chapter 26 Phone call
Chapter 27 Best Sister Ever
Chapter 28 Dinner and a Movie?
Chapter 29 Death by Zelda
Chapter 30 Second Date
Chapter 31 Froyo and Full House
Chapter 32 Something Different
Chapter 33 Megan?
Chapter 34 The Reveal
Chapter 35 Blazing Saddles
Chapter 36 Will You Be My Girlfriend?
Chapter 37 Telling the Fans
Chapter 38 Fancy Dinner
Chapter 39 Not Yet
Chapter 40 One Week Later

Chapter 22 Reunited?

408 11 0
By Memento_Mori20


I was watching a movie, about to fall asleep when there was a knock at the door. "Anthony?" a woman's voice called. "It's Mandy."

I turned my head so quick that I cricked my neck. Did my ears deceive me or did she just say Mandy? "Uh sorry who is it?" I asked, pulling myself up slowly.

"It's Mandy. Please open the door," she said.

"Um yeah, just a minute," I yelled. I walked to the door, kicking trash under the table.

"Uh, hey," I said nervously as I opened the door.

"Hi," she said with an awkward smile.

I waved her in. Wow this is so weird, I thought to myself. I guess I had forgotten what she looked like. It was so long ago. She had changed too. She was brunette now, and wore contacts instead of glasses like she used to.

"So how did you find the house?" I asked as I motioned to the couch.

"You left your umbrella-cane on the porch. Besides, this just looks like a house you would live in. It's been a long time, but I still know you, Anthony." I didn't answer. "So where's Ian? You guys are like best friends, I would've thought you guys would be living together for a while."

I looked up. "Oh um yeah we did, but we had kind of a falling out. He lives with his girlfriend now" My face contorted, trying not to think of 'That Day.'

"I see," Mandy said. "Well I was wondering-" she was interrupted by the side door opening.

"Hey man, I came to see how-" Ian's mouth formed an "o" shape. "Umm I'll come back later..." he said after a moment. "Text me...or something," he said, looking at me as he backed out.

"Sorry about that, he comes in sometimes to check up on me"

Mandy frowned. "I thought  you said you had a falling out?" she asked.

"Oh well, we're pretty much okay now. It was a while ago," I replied nervously.

Mandy nodded. "Anyway what I was trying to say was, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat to catch up or something. Or stay here in your condition. We could get take-out."

I thought for a minute. "Maybe we should do take-out, I don't want anymore accidents to happen." Mandy nodded, and we decided she would come back for dinner around 6:30.


Oh my God that was Mandy! What was she doing there? I was home for 15 minutes when Anthony texted me to come back over. I arrived back to the house and the first thing I said was, "Dude what was that? Mandy was just here!"

Anthony told me to sit down and explained everything that happened.  "Woah that is crazy," was all I could say.

"I know," Anthony replied. "I'm kinda nervous."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't be. Just pretend it's a Lunchtime! There's just no camera and instead of me across from you, it's her."

Anthony nodded. "That's not such a bad idea, thanks Ian," he said, smiling.

"No problem," I replied. We were silent for a few moments.

"I saw Melanie last night," I told him.

"What? Where?" he asked. "I was out at dinner at Blue and she came up to our table. She was all excited to see me, and when I told her I was with YN, she gave her a look."

"What kind of look?" Anthony asked.

"A 'Bitch who the hell are you' look." I put my head in my hands. "I told YN the story. Everything," I said to my knees.

Anthony was silent, and I looked up. "What did she say?" he asked.

"...She wasn't mad or anything, just worried.I told her if Melanie came near me again and it seemed she was going crazy again, I'm getting a restraining order."

Anthony nodded. "Good. Let's hope that doesn't happen though." I stood up to leave. "Hey Ian?" Anthony said.


He paused then said, "I'm still kind of angry about everything with you and YN, but I'm glad to know that you take care and look out for her."

I smiled. "Thanks Anthony. And who knows, maybe something will happen with you and Mandy," I said, winking.

"Ahh get outta here!" he yelled, laughing.

I laughed and went into the garage and drove well, home.


I got home and went to my room. This was unbelievable. I couldn't comprehend it. Anthony was just down the street from me. We weren't together again, and I'm not sure if I wanted to be...but still. This is so weird. I went to change before dinner. I chose a simple outfit. This wasn't a date. I changed and put on some make-up. Looking in the mirror, I sighed and said, "Well...let's go." I got my phone and keys and walked back to Anthony's house.

Okay I am sososo sorry that I didn't upload when I said I was going to I'm so terrible. But here it is, and it's a long one so yay. Please vote and comment! I may or may not upload again after the holidays. I haven't decided. I do have part 23 ready to go though. If I don't upload, Happy Holidays and have a good break! :)

P.S. still not PG-13

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