Joining The Navy seal

Bởi Xx_Mia_W_xX

22.1K 524 27

my grandfather was in the navy seal my dad was and died in the navy seal my big brother is in the navy seal ... Xem Thêm

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
-Chapter 8-
Chapter 9
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-

-Chapter 13-

866 26 2
Bởi Xx_Mia_W_xX

Skyler's pov

I woke up and looked at the clock on the wall 

4 A.M

I always was like that, waking up at four or five in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep so I just woke up and went for a run or work out. I actually love it, it gives me more time to do things with my day. and I know it seems crazy but it's not making me more tired, I'm used to it.

now when I'm there it's also come as an advantage, I have time to get ready without being in a rush and I don't take from the boys time in the bathroom so it's a win-win situation. 

I finished showering and getting ready for the day but apparently, I did it more quickly than usual because it was only 4 and a half. maybe I can go for a walk outside and see where is the workout room here because Nate told me there is one but he didn't get to show me 

I left the room closing the door quietly and started my search.

after walking for a few minutes I found a gym sign and followed it which lead me to a door. 

I opened the door and saw a nice workout room, of course, it wasn't a five starts hotel, we are in a war zone but it was a nice gym.

I walked further Into the gym and that's when I saw him


he was running on the treadmill, very fast I noticed. I wanted to turn my head and leave but for some reason, I couldn't move I don't know whether it was because I was still very shocked about the fact that it's really Matthew or because he was without a shirt and I was checking him out, he has eight pack and he had drops of sweat all over his body which was extremely- 

what. is. wrong. with. me. 


I finally convinced my legs to move and went towards the exit but I had no luck today it appears

"Kylie?" I heard him say from behind me. 

I cursed in my head

"you don't get to call me that," I said to him coldly still not turning around. 

"Kylie, turn around," he said. the nerve he has

"I said don't call me that," I said with anger but still not raising my voice and turned around. the second I turned around I knew it was a mistake. 

those blue eyes that's why he seemed so familiar, his body changed and his voice is a lot deeper than it was but his eyes stayed the same, the same very beautiful bright shade of blue. I was stuck looking into his eyes

 the eyes that once held so much humor and joy in them now looked sad, empty but the one I hated the most, they held regret 

"I'm sorry," he said. it was two simple words but they meant so much to me, I wanted to hear those words for years, years I waited for him and Riley to knock on my door and say those words but they never came, and now its too late

"you don't get to be sorry, you don't get to look at me with this look in your eyes you just don't get to do that" I said with my cold tone. it took everything in me not to yell at him or break in front of him and ask him why but I won't. he had years to do that

"but I still am, you don't understand how sorry-" he tried to say but I stopped him

"answer me this if you wouldn't have seen me here, would you have come to me and say those things?" I asked him now with a quieter and hurting tone. he looked at me and I already knew the answer

"no" he said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath 

"you know what hurt me the most? you had my brother right here and you knew it, one simple phone call you couldn't make, I would have listened to you but not now, now you are telling me you are sorry because you have to if you wanted to say you are sorry you would have called or texted or maybe just came to see me and say this but you didn't" I said it with a deadly voice. he stayed quiet and I took a deep breath

"I will put my feelings aside as long as we are here because we will see each other sometimes and I don't want it to be awkward or something for others I hope you do the same and act professionally with me but don't get me wrong we are not anything other then what we have to be, you lost that chance a long time ago Matthew," I said in an emotionless tone. I notice that when I said Matthew he flinched a little like me calling him that is hurting him or maybe it's because he never heard me calling him that I always called him by my nickname for him. doesn't matter.

"It was nice to talk to you King I got to go now," I said without giving him any chance to say something and walked out of the gym

I walked to the Cafeteria because it was already breakfast time and looked for the team, I found them and sat at their table

"morning," I said in a usual tone. if there's something I'm good at is hiding my feelings

"where were you? we wanted to come looking for you but we said we will do it after breakfast because maybe you are talking to Jonas or something" Jaxon said. or something will be the right choice 

"I wanted to find the gym and it took me some time," I said and shrugged innocently. Luke gave me a suspicious look but didn't question it

"Okay well we have a half-hour to finish eating and then we have to get to the command room to get details on the mission we have today," Jaxon said and I gave him a confused look

"I thought we don't have a mission today," I said. Owen said we need to wait

"Yeah but there has been a few changes, Owen said it in the morning when you weren't around" Jaxon explained and I nodded

We finished eating and now we were at the command room 

"so like Jaxon told you there has been a change of plans, we got information that today Scar or one of Scar men's is going to be in a small village located here," David said and pointed at the map 

"at first we didn't know why he would go or send someone there but after asking people around I found out that in the village there is a man called Samuel and he is an expert in bombs he also knows how to build one and after we found out this we checked a little more and found out this is in fact the reason he is planning to go there," Natalia said. she is a real badass

"you can understand why we don't want Scar to have a bomb maker in his hold, that's why you are going there. now, we don't know if Samuel is cooperating with Scar or Scar want to kidnap him so we will only watch in the beginning and after we will understand on what side Samuel we will give you instructions on what to do next" David said and we all nodded

"I think that Scar won't risk being seen there, its most likely will be one of his men's," I said

"True, that's another reason why we are going to wait for a little before going in, to see what we are dealing with," Owen said and I nodded

"I found a spot for you to wait" Eli said speaking for the first time

she showed us where we will wait and said other things about the mission 

"Skyler, can I speak to you for a moment?"  Owen said and I nodded and followed him to outside the room

"What's up?" I asked him

"I wanted to make sure you have a clear mine and that you ready to go to the mission?" Owen asked 

"Yes of course," I said, he gave me a cautious look

"Sky you need to be one hundred percent focused do you understand that?" he asked and I nodded

"I do, don't worry Owen I'm good," I said and he nodded 

"Okay let's go in and get ready," he said and we walked back into the room

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