Blue [Chaelisa]

By sapphicrosie

122K 5.5K 1.3K

SECOND BOOK IN THE YELLOW SERIES After a long and lengthy journey, Chaeyoung finally believes she and Lisa ha... More

twenty one
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five

twenty two

2.9K 149 93
By sapphicrosie

Chaeyoung woke up the next morning to find the blankets gone from overtop of her. This was a usual occurrence with Lisa, but when she rolled over to pull the blankets back from the younger girl, she realized she was the only one in the bed.

She sat up quickly, becoming even more confused when she saw the blankets in the corner of the room, secured to one of her dresser drawers and draped over to the wall. They were creating some kind of fort. And the culprit had two feet sticking out from underneath it.

Chaeyoung quietly rolled out of bed, which startled Lisa. The Thai girl sat up from within her fort, pushing one of the blankets aside and gazing up at her girlfriend.

"Why're you down there?" Chaeyoung asked, tilting her head to the side. Lisa bit her lip.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Chaeyoung knelt down next to Lisa. The Thai girl simply nodded, feeling somewhat guilty that she'd disturbed Chaeyoung.

"And you built a fort...?" Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow.

"To keep the bad things away," Lisa mumbled softly. Chaeyoung nodded.

"Well scoot over then," she smiled. Lisa grew confused, but moved aside and allowed Chaeyoung to crawl into the fort next to her. The blonde girl laid her head back on one of the pillows Lisa had brought under and held out her arms.

"Remember, the medicine isn't going to work right away," Chaeyoung motioned for Lisa to lie down next to her. The Thai girl sighed softly and laid back beside Chaeyoung, who pulled her closer to her side.

"You sound tired," Chaeyoung noted, turning over slightly so she could run her fingers up and down Lisa's arm. "Try and sleep a little more. I'll be right here when you wake up."

Nodding softly, Lisa yawned and curled her hands out to find the sleeves of Chaeyoung's hoodie. Holding onto the older girl, she allowed sleep to overtake her once more.

About an hour or so later, Chaeyoung felt Lisa stir beside her. She reached out, smoothing out her girlfriend's hair as Lisa's brown eyes fluttered open. At first, it took her a second to realize where she was, but she smiled softly when she saw Chaeyoung.

"Morning," Chaeyoung whispered, wiping her eyes. She'd managed to fall back asleep as well.

"Good morning," Lisa smiled widely. She yawned, sitting up and pulling Chaeyoung up to do the same.

"Someone's e-," Chaeyoung was cut off when Lisa crashed her lips against hers, pulling her into a deep and hungry kiss. Chaeyoung was taken aback when Lisa pushed her backwards, crawling on top of her and slipping her tongue into her mouth. A wave of euphoria rushed though Chaeyoung's body and she had to separate the kiss to catch her breath.

Lisa sat up, adorning the same goofy smile she always had. "Good morning," she smiled widely, crawling off of Chaeyoung and out of the fort before Chaeyoung could even process what had just happened.

As Lisa skipped contently down the hallway to go into the kitchen, Chaeyoung laid in the fort trying to figure out what had just happened. Lisa had never been that... eager before. This was new.
Chaeyoung sat up, running her hands through her hair and trying to steady her beating heart. After she calmed down, she pushed herself out of the small fort and headed downstairs.


"No, Lisa. It's breakfast. Tacos are for dinner."

"Cereal is for lunch."

"Oh my god," Jisoo shook her head, taking the box away from Lisa and putting it on the top shelf of the pantry. Lisa huffed in annoyance. Chaeyoung watched their interaction with a small smile on her face.

"This?" Lisa dug into the back of the pantry, pulling out a box of muffin mix. Jisoo eagerly took it from her, glad that Lisa had finally picked something that could actually pass as a breakfast food.

Chaeyoung wandered into the kitchen as Lisa clapped her hands excitedly and retrieved a bowl from the cupboard. Her lips curved into a smile when she saw Chaeyoung had entered the kitchen.

"We are making cupcakes!" Lisa smiled, hopping over to Chaeyoung so she could grab her hand and pull her over to the island. "See?" she held up the box of muffin mix.

"Those are muffins," Chaeyoung laughed, pointing to the writing on the box. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows and inspected the box closely.

"Oh," she nodded once. "Even better!"

Chaeyoung couldn't help but laugh at Lisa's sudden burst of energy. Somi and Jennie both wandered into the kitchen, both equally as tired.

"Good morning!" Lisa greeted them, forgetting about the box of muffin mix. Jisoo quickly grabbed it before Lisa dropped it, tearing it open and beginning to stir the ingredients together.

"Happy morning," Lisa hummed, hurrying over to Somi and Jennie and giving them each a big hug. "You look grumpy," she observed, causing Chaeyoung and Jisoo to both burst into laughter.

"Tired," Jennie mumbled, giving Lisa a thumbs up before trudging over to the couch and plopping down. Somi just mumbled something inaudible before following suit.

"Grumpsters," Lisa mumbled, shaking her head and moving back over to see what Jisoo was doing. The minute she heard the Friends theme song, though, she bolted into the living room.

"This is a good one!" Lisa smiled widely, practically falling back on the couch between Jennie and Somi, who were still basically half asleep. Chaeyoung and Jisoo both exchanged amused glances.

"What's up with her energy all of a sudden?" Jisoo raised an eyebrow, sliding the muffin tray and cups in Chaeyoung's direction. The blonde girl began putting a cup in each section of the tray, shrugging softly.

"You look flustered," Jisoo observed. Chaeyoung's eyes widened and she quickly glanced in the living room before moving closer to Jisoo so they couldn't be heard.

"Lisa practically made out with me this morning," Chaeyoung said softly, biting her lip. "Like as soon as she woke up."

"Damn," Jisoo laughed. "Get it Lazisa."

"Do you think it's the medicine?" Chaeyoung asked, sliding the muffin tray back over to Jisoo. The Korean girl shrugged.

"It might be," Jisoo began pouring small amounts of the mix into the tins. Chaeyoung bit her lip and leaned against the counter.

"He said it wasn't supposed to start showing any effects for a week or more," Chaeyoung noted. Jisoo shrugged once more.

"Progress," Jisoo turned back to Chaeyoung. "At least they aren't bad side effects." Chaeyoung nodded, deciding she'd accept whatever good came out of their situation.

About twenty minutes later, the sound of the timer sent Lisa scrambling back into the kitchen. "All done!" Lisa smiled, moving forwards to open the oven.

"Lisa!" Chaeyoung jumped forward and tugged Lisa away from the hot oven. "You're gonna burn your hands off, goofball." Lisa just furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at her hands to make sure they were still there.

"Here," Chaeyoung grabbed an oven mitt and carefully brought the muffin tin out of the oven. She set it on a cooling rack and turned off the oven, turning back to Lisa. "They've got to cool first. You can go let Louis out while you wait."

Lisa nodded, clapping her hands at the idea. She padded upstairs and into the small bathroom where they'd been keeping Louis. Because he was still young, and because of his vision problems, they kept him in the bathroom at night so he wouldn't get lost or get himself into trouble.

"Good morning, Louis," Lisa whispered, turning on the light and kneeling down next to the small crate. Lisa had brought one of her shirts into the bathroom and used it to create a small makeshift bed. Louis was currently curled up beside it.

"We made muffins," Lisa said softly, reaching out stroking his fur. The small cat jumped at first, but sniffed Lisa's hand and relaxed when he realized who it was. Lisa gently took the small kitten into her arms.

"Come on, sleepyhead," Lisa giggled. She cradled the small kitten in her arms and headed back down the hallway. "Rise and shine, goofball."

"He is sleepier than Jennie," Lisa laughed, joining Chaeyoung back in the kitchen and nodding down at the kitten in her arms. Chaeyoung laughed, walking towards them and gently petting the small kitten.

"He sure loves you," Chaeyoung observed. Louis yawned, nuzzling his face against Lisa's arm.

"Of course he does, who does not?" Lisa smiled. Jisoo chuckled from where she stood at the sink, cleaning out the dishes. Chaeyoung nudged her playfully.

"Let's eat, doofus," Chaeyoung laughed, grabbing them each a plate and retrieving a muffin for both of them. She followed Lisa into the living room, where they each took their spot on the floor. Both Somi and Jennie had fallen back asleep on the couch.

Lisa set Louis down beside her and watched as he sniffed around the carpet cautiously.

"These are good," Chaeyoung noted after taking a bite of her muffin. Lisa glanced down at hers, unwrapping it and picking off a small piece. She studied it for a moment before popping it in her mouth.

"Mmmm," Lisa hummed, nodding in agreement. Chaeyoung crinkled her nose playfully.

"Rise and shine, fatass," Jisoo plopped down on the couch beside Jennie and shoved the girl's shoulder. Jennie mumbled something inaudible and rolled over on her side.

"Oh my god," Jisoo rolled her eyes, grabbing pulling the pillow Jennie had been using away from the girl. Groaning, Jennie tried to grab it back from her but Jisoo tossed it out of their reach. "Asshole," Jennie muttered. Jisoo just smiled in victory.

"Jisoo is an asshole," Lisa nodded, taking another bite from her muffin. Chaeyoung practically snorted trying to hold back her laughter.

"You heard her," Jennie laughed, wiping her eyes and sitting up. "How come you didn't wake up Somi?" They both glanced at the youngest girl, who was sound asleep on the other end of the couch.

"I know how to wake her up!" Lisa clapped her hands together. She cleared her throat.

"Look what I can do!" Lisa called out loudly. As if it were magic, Somi stirred awake and immediately scanned the apartment.

"Lisa, don't you dare do anything st-," she stopped when she heard all of the other girls laughing beside her. Glaring playfully at Lisa, she rolled her eyes and laid her head back.

"Can we go to the park?" Lisa asked once they finished eating. Chaeyoung stood up, taking both of their plates and heading into the kitchen.

"Once we get dressed," Chaeyoung shrugged. "We can't go to the park in our pajamas."

"Why not?" Lisa pouted, crossing her arms. Chaeyoung just laughed and shrugged.

"If you want to go in your pajamas, you can," she nodded. "But it's still a little bit cold out. Especially in the mornings."

"I have a jacket," Lisa nodded, grabbing Chaeyoung's hand and dragging her upstairs. Once they both were dressed, Lisa pulled her red coat on over her pajamas and followed Chaeyoung back downstairs. They walked outside, being hit by the brisk morning air.

"I love the sky," Lisa chimed, walking happily beside Chaeyoung. "It is so pretty. Like you," she turned to Chaeyoung and planted a kiss on the cheek. "I love you more than the sky."

"Someone's romantic," Chaeyoung laughed, pulling Lisa into her side and waiting for the traffic light to signal that it was okay to cross. Once the numbers began counting down, Lisa skipped happily across the street, nearly stumbling over the curb once they reached the other side.

"Careful," Chaeyoung bit her lip, jogging up to her girlfriend and signaling for her to stop. She knelt down, quickly tying Lisa's signature white converse and standing back up. "Can't have you tripping any more than usual."

"Hush," Lisa giggled, nudging Chaeyoung's shoulder. Both girls began walking down the park pathway. Lisa kicked a pebble ahead of them, racing forwards every few seconds to kick it again. Chaeyoung watched her, completely enamored by her girlfriend.

"Rosie!" Lisa squealed. Chaeyoung's head shot up, thinking something was wrong. Lisa came running back towards her, only to grab her hand and tug her forwards.

"What's wrong?" Chaeyoung asked worriedly, following Lisa. The Thai girl just shook her head and stopped running, pointing forwards. Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow and followed Lisa's eyes.

"They are growing," Lisa whispered. Chaeyoung felt her lips curve into a soft smile. "They did not die, Rosie. They only left for the winter," Lisa knelt down beside the small flower buds and studied them carefully.

"I told you," Chaeyoung said softly, reaching out to fix Lisa's beanie. "In about a week's time, they'll be as good as new."

"I love you," Lisa blurted out. She stood back up, wrapping Chaeyoung in a hug and burying her face in her neck. "Please do not forget it."

"I won't," Chaeyoung shook her head, snaking her arms around Lisa's waist. "I couldn't if I tried."

"I love you," Lisa repeated, cupping Chaeyoung's cheeks and pressing kisses on both sides of her face. "More than everything. That is a lot, you know that?"

"I do," Chaeyoung whispered, realizing her face must be redder than Lisa's coat. The Thai girl nodded, looking into Chaeyoung's eyes and smiling.

"There are oceans in your eyes and I am drowning in them," Lisa said softer, running her fingertips over Chaeyoung's skin.

The blonde girl's breath got caught in her throat and both girls just stared at one another in silence for a few moments.

"I don't think you realize just how amazing you are," Chaeyoung finally spoke, reaching out and tucking a strand of loose hair behind Lisa's ear. "If there's oceans in my eyes, then you've got the entire galaxy in your hands."

Lisa pulled her hands away, looking down at her palms and blushing.

"You are the galaxy," Lisa whispered quietly before pulling Chaeyoung into another hug. In moments like this, she was hit with the realization of how happy she was that she had the blonde girl in her life.

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