Toph x Fem Reader [Do it for...

By SpicyH

391K 11.1K 7.8K

there is seriously no Toph x reader books so im making one enjoy people More

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 15
Chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 18
Chap 19
Chap 20
Chap 21
Chap 22
Chap 23
Chap 24
Chap 26
Chap 27
Chap 28
Chap 29
Chap 30
Chap 31
Toph Oneshot (not a chap)[50k special]
Chap 32
Chap 33
Chap 34
Chap 35
Chap 36
Chap 37
Chap 38
Chap 39
Chap 40 [The Finale]
A sequel?!!?
It has arrived

Chap 25

5K 143 168
By SpicyH

Yo so quick update I'm gonna be writing the first chap for the Lin x Reader book so yeah, possible update....

but anyways onto the Chap!!


It had been a day and the gang had set up camp somewhere else and was laying down looking up at the stars as for (Y/N)'s request, as they were watching a meteor shower had occurred and (Y/N)smiled saying "This is why I love star gazing, you get to see moments like this that make you feel....alive." Everyone apart from Toph agreed with her with Sokka commenting "Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are" Toph scoffed.

(Y/N) and the others looked towards her and Toph shrugged saying " you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times." The group shrugged and (Y/N) whispered towards Toph "You don't usually act like this when it's just us" Toph raised an eyebrow and repeated her "Yeah, JUST us." Toph turned away and (Y/N) laughed and went back to watching.

After a while they all noticed a meteor heading towards the ground, flying right above their heads and crashing down somewhere behind them. They all gasped in amazement and everyone except for Toph stood up with Sokka, they all climbed up a hill with Toph lagging behind. They all saw the crash site being a small fire nation town now on fire "That fire is gonna destroy that town!!" Aang looked serious saying "not if we stop it." Everyone gets onto Appa and flies towards the crash site, They all jump off except for Katara who was going to go get water from a creek nearby.

Aang quickly took charge and began talking towards the group "Toph, let's make a trench to stop the fire from coming any closer. (Y/N), you try to nullify the flames if you can" The two nodded quickly running into position, (Y/N) took a quick breath and tried to calm down the flames. She had to concentrate hard to try to help but still watched what everyone else was doing.

Aang and Toph begin to earthbend a trench. After about a minute of earth bending, they finish the trench, pushing the fire back letting (Y/N) relax a little but still controlling the fire, at least until Katara comes. (Y/N) eventually saw Katara, on Appa, with a large globule of water following behind return to the crash site yelling out "INCOMING!!!". Aang and Toph both backed away from the raging flames as Katara puts out some of the fire with her waterbending. Meanwhile Toph begins to earthbend going close to the crash site once again as she uses earthbending to put some of the fire out. Aang began using waterbending and air bending to help out as well.

(Y/N) was still trying to keep the flames calm as the rest of the group puts it out and eventually looks at Sokka who was just sitting there with Momo helpless, losing focus which caused the flames to flare up again and Toph yelling "(Y/N)!!! Focus!!" She quickly snapped back into focus and the group eventually put out all of the fire with a whole dome of snow.(Y/N) sighed as she just sat down saying "That was rough" She mumbled looking back at Sokka who was in a pile of snow and popped his head out.


After helping out the town the group was now sitting down on a small table in an outdoor restaurant, Katara, Toph and (Y/N) were sitting down talking about small things . (Y/N) had an arm around Toph who had her feet up on the table and Katara who was a little annoyed at Toph but ignored her actions.

Aang eventually joined them, sighing as he pulled out a chair for himself "These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night." Toph finally put her feet down and responded "Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is that we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love." (Y/N) scoffed looking a little offended and took her arm off Toph "So my love isn't enough now?" Toph shrugged and said "It's a different type, your love is all mushy, while their love is praise and everything" (Y/N) rolled her eyes and rested her head on her hand looking ticked off.

Sokka was sitting down on the floor a bit away from the group looking back, sarcastically saying "Boo-hoo, poor heroes." He looked back towards the town pouting, they all simultaneously turned their head towards the pouting Sokka "What's got him in a grumpy mood, that's Katara's job" (Y/N) commented as Toph laughed and Katara shot (Y/N) a small glare.

After a bit of silence Katara piped up asking Sokka "What's your problem? You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug." (Y/N) hummed and said "If he hasn't eaten it's not a good sign, anyways I'll happily take it" She was about to stand up but Katara hot her another glare, Sokka responded sounding a little heart broken "it's just, all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, and flying around and making other stuff fly around. I can't fly around, okay? I can't do anything."

He looked down in despair and the group tried to find things he was good at with (Y/N) smiling and saying "Well hey I can't fly, only Aang can really. Besides the way I bend you couldn't really call it bending....more like somehow making flames from my body" she tried lightening the mood with Katara butting in with her explanations, but no matter how much they tried they couldn't help him feel any better.

Sokka sighed loudly slouching over more "Look, I appreciate the effort, but the fact is each of you is so amazing and so special and I'm ... not. I'm just the guy in the group who's regular." Katara went over to comfort him which (Y/N) didn't bother, she was still a little mad at Toph and just sipped her tea slowly while glaring at Toph sharply. After about a minute Aang excused himself and Toph groaned "Stop glaring I can practically feel it" (Y/N) grumbled to herself and Toph rolled her eyes getting a little ticked off now.

They both were radiating a dangerous energy and (Y/N) started slamming her fist on the table "Why do you have to be so rude to me!" Toph retorted with her glaring over towards (Y/N) "What!? Since when" (Y/N) scoffed and the arguing continued back and forth and Katara looked at them a little concerned.

Eventually (Y/N) was able to calm down, along with Toph. They both look down with Toph's in anger and (Y/N) in sadness "You say some things that really hurt you know,you never think about how I feel" Toph tilted her head up feeling (Y/N)'s heart rate going a million miles an hour, she softened up quickly and quietly twiddled her thumbs "I say my mind, but yeah I guess. I never wanted to hurt you" (Y/N) carefully looked back up and with a slow hand held Toph small yet rough ones, She stiffened up while (Y/N) sighed sadly "It feels like it" She just quietly fiddled around with Toph's hands finding it kinda therapeutic. While Toph sat there silently just letting (Y/N) knowing she messed up.

After a couple minutes (Y/N) let out a quiet laugh "I can't believe we just had an argument in a restaurant" Toph also let out a small quiet laugh "First time for everything i guess" The both laughed and went back into silence for a little bit until Katara came over telling them that they were heading out now to try and cheer Sokka up.

The two nodded at her and stood up, they all walked together with the couple holding hands as they walked behind the group (Y/N) smiled as she said "You're hands are small" Toph looked confused but (Y/N) continued "but I like it" which cause Toph to smiled and punch her arm. They eventually got to the entrance of a shop and Sokka looked really excited "Shopping!!!".

(Y/N) split off from the group seeing Sokka hit himself in the head with a pair of nunchucks, while Aang was putting on some cool armor. She looked at some cool daggers and one really caught her attention being advertised as fire resistant, she looked around and took the dagger out without dragging any attention to herself.

She let out a small puff of fire and began to heat it but it never got hot and the blade even seemed to slice the flame, (Y/N) looked confused at the dagger but decided to go buy it without anyone's knowledge before heading over towards the group.

They seemed to talking about a master sword teacher and everyone was telling him about how they had a master and (Y/N) butted in saying "I had no teacher, but you see how bad of a bender I am" She laughed nervously which made the whole group turn to her and say "No you're not!!", (Y/N) looked shocked and laughed nervously.


Sokka had gone off to train with the master so the group was laying down in a circle debating on what they should do while they waited for Sokka to return, Aang sighed as he broke the ice "What should we do??" (Y/N) shrugged as Toph responded disheartedly "I'm tapped out. I already picked my toes, twice." Aang looking confused and a little disgusted "Twice?" (Y/N) groaned and said "It's not pleasant to watch" Toph laughed and sat up a little "The first time was for cleaning, but the second time's just for the sweet picking sensation!" (Y/N) and Aang both shuddered.

Katara took the conversation away from Toph's feet by looking over at the others "Sokka's been in charge of the schedule. I'm not sure what we should be doing." Toph who was now picking her nose added in "It's also boiling hot". (Y/N) let out a big laugh causing all of them to look over, "Oh please it's not that bad" "firebenders have it so lucky" one of them said.

Eventually they all tried to make jokes to try and imitate or somewhat replace Sokka for now but as Katara tried everyone just cringed with Aang commenting "I guess the jokes don't run in the family" Katara scoffed and said "I guess now everyone's critics".

It had been another couple hours and the day went by slowly, everyone was feeling the heat except for (Y/N), 'guess being a firebender has its perks' she thought to herself as she was laying down near Toph who was desperately trying to get away "Get away it's too hot to hug" she set a earth wall between them and laid on her side.

Katara had begun looking at the map trying to figure out where they were, (Y/N) sighed, having a look at the map but honestly not having a clue at all where they were. Toph let out a long and over exaggerated groan "You noodle-brains don't know what you're doing. I miss Sokka." Katara smirked and said "Ooh, I got one: if you miss him so much, why don't you mar-" (Y/N) was quick to cut in with a glare and a smile that could kill "no." She said plain and simply.

Katara tried to argue but (Y/N) looked at her with the 'say it and I will kill you' look, she eventually stopped trying with (Y/N) laying back down satisfied. Toph sighed and said "Thanks (Y/N)" she mumbled across the wall giving (Y/N) a massive Ego boost. Soon enough Katara called them all over to have a look at the map but really it was only going to be the three of them looking at the map while Toph just sits there.

As the group keeps on looking Toph head suddenly perked up and a big smile on her face "Sokka's back!!" she said excitedly, the whole group smiled as Sokka walked up to them "Hey guys!!" The whole group pounced on him and pulled him into a tight group hug, (Y/N) smiled as she said "We missed you, you goober" she ruffled his hair and he stepped back confused.

Aang and Katara were trying to get him to essay something funny as he looked over at Toph and (Y/N) for some info on what's going on. Toph had her arms crossed tried not to sound excited he was back " I don't know. They missed you or something. I didn't care" (Y/N) laughed and whispered "She did, she was jumping with joy" Toph yelled "HEY!!!" as she chased (Y/N) around for a bit.

After a while she just picked up the tiny Earthbender who thrashed around in her arms and hit her but she ignored it "LET ME DOWN!!!" She yelled as Sokka laughed a little and said "Hey I need some help." He led them down to the meteorite to which (Y/N) had put down a now angry Toph.

They pushed the meteor up all the way to the Master's castle, once they finally got there (Y/N) collapsed onto the meteor for support and asked while panting hard "So why did we do this again?" Katara rolled her eyes and said "to help Sokka".


After many hours of the Gaang watching Sokka tirelessly work on his sword was painstaking, they all wanted to help but Sokka refused saying he could do it himself eventually he finished his sword and had presented to to his master but suddenly the master began fighting Sokka making the whole group confused and worried as they chased after them to see that he was complimenting Sokka as he fought and eventually Sokka was on his back as his master pointed the tip of his blade towards Sokka.

The whole Gaang jumped down ready to fight this old man until he laughed and sheathed his sword "I think I'm a little old to be fighting the Avatar'' everyone now a little confused looked at him "How did you know" Aang asked a little astonished. The master smiled and got himself some tea "Oh, I've been around awhile. You pick things up. Of course, I knew from the beginning that Sokka was a Water Tribe. You might want to think of a better Fire Nation cover name. Try 'Lee.' There's a million 'Lees'".

Katara then spoke up "But why would you agree to train someone from the Water Tribe‌?" The master smiled looking at Sokka's meteor Sword "The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation. Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all. Sokka, you must continue your training on your own.If you stay on this path, I know that one day. You will become an even greater master than I am." The whole group smiled as all of them bowed to him in respect.

The walk off to leave the masters castle before his butler ran over and handed Sokka something, it seemed to be the white lotus piece from a pai sho game. They all shrugged it off before Sokka said "Wait Toph i wanted to give you this" He pulled out a small piece of meteor from his pocket "Im sure you'd want this considering you've never bend a space meteor before" Toph smiled taking it and bending it into all sorts of shapes "Sweet!!".

She eventually allowed it back into its original form and put it in her own pocket, she smiled as the gang began walking towards camp where Appa was (Y/N) smiled as she watched Toph curiously play with the space rock and softly pat her head, to which the young earthbender smiled........

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