A Wonderful Adventure For Thi...

By ihavebecomepneuma

40.2K 658 896

What would happen when a metalhead guitarist reincarnates to a fantasy world? Read and find out. More

Registration, Introductions, And Amphibian Problems
Perverts, Panties, And Cabbage
Gators, Tryhards, And Dullahan Again?
Alphonse, Floods, And A Layed Back Duet
Snow Sprites, Shogun, And Eris
Wiz, Restaurant, and Spirit House
Guy's Day, Sunset, And Succubus
1k Reads Special
Prison, Interrogation, And Justice For All
New Friends, Bath, And Duel
Gigs, Dungeon, And Party
Return, Proposal Problem, and Meeting
Vanir, Mind Control, And Solution
Inventions, Upgrades, And Lizards
An Unusual Duet, Fishing Buddies, And Roadtrip
Caravan, Cultists, And Split
Apology, Becoming One, And Angry Mob
Chase, Slime, And Final Battle
5k Special: Old Ties
Crimson Legend
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 1
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 2
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 3
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 4
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 5
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 6 and Epilogue
10k Special: Sick Day
The Ten Million Bride: Prologue and Chapter 1
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 2
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 3
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 4

Morning After, Practice, And A Dullahan

2.3K 32 60
By ihavebecomepneuma

(Y/N)'s eyes slowly creaked open. He sat up in bed, but quickly grasped his head.

(Y/N): "Ah fuck! I had way to much to drink last night."

(Y/N) was startled when he felt something moving beside him. He looked in the sheets to see the outline of a person. He started panicking internally.

(Y/N): 'I really had to much to drink. I don't remember a thing after calling...Megumin....Honey. Uh oh. I may have fucked up more than I thought.'

(Y/N) was trying to remember what happened, when he was startled again as he felt the person beside him start to sit up. The first thing he noticed was deep crimson eyes.

Megumin: "Good morning, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "The fuck you mean good morning?! Ow!"

(Y/N) rubbed his temples, trying to alleviate the pain he caused himself by shouting.

(Y/N): "We didn't...Did we?"

Megumin: "No, of course not. After your whole show, I started to help you back to the inn. You puked three times on the way here, and I was worried about you choking and dying in your sleep. So I slept here to watch over you."

Megumin seemed way too comfortable with situation.

(Y/N): "I mean, I appreciate it. But couldn't you have slept on the chair or something?"

Megumin: "I was trying to, when you pulled me into bed."

(Y/N): "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't do anything to you, did I?"

Megumin: "No, all you did was mumble and hug me in your sleep."

(Y/N)'s face started to heat up at what he had done unconsciously.

(Y/N): "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"

Megumin: "It's fine. I enjoyed it, to be honest."

(Y/N): "Wait what?"

Megumin completely ignored what she had just said.

Megumin: "When you went on stage, it's like you turned into a different person. I guess alcohol really is a confidence booster."

(Y/N): "Are we gonna gloss over what you just said?"

Megumin: "I don't know what you're talking about. Either way, it looked like you enjoyed the party last night."

(Y/N): "I-I guess so, yeah. I forgot how much I missed playing for a crowd."

Megumin: "You did really well. We'll have to do it again soon. With less alcohol of course."

(Y/N): "That's half the damn fun."

Megumin: "When it comes to drinking, you're just like Aqua."

(Y/N): "I'm ready to quit cold turkey now."

The two laughed some, but soon an awkward silence loomed above them like a flying whale. (Y/N) was the first to break the ice.

(Y/N): "So what are your plans for today?"

Megumin: "If all goes well, I'll be getting a new staff. How about you?"

(Y/N): "I'm gonna see if the guild has anything for a hangover first."

Megumin: "Let's meet up later then."

After saying goodbye, Megumin left and went on to face the day. (Y/N) stayed in bed a little while longer, trying to sleep off some of the pain. After a couple hours, he got out of bed.

(Y/N): "Looks like I have to deal with a little pain today. The guild is first."

(Y/N) got his jacket and his guitar and walked downstairs. He left the inn and started off towards the guild. On the way, adventurers were constantly patting him on the back and talking to him.

Adventurer 1: "Hey (Y/N), thanks for the drinks last night!"

Adventurer 2: "Hell yeah! The music was killer too!"

Adventurer 3: "We all drank a lot, but I think you had the most. Who knew you could hold your liquor that well!"

(Y/N)'s head was still throbbing, and he decided that rather than respond with words, he'd just throw up the horns to them. Made him look a little cooler too. Once again, the adventurers in the vicinity ate it up.


(Y/N) was walking through the guild doors when he heard Kazuma shout something about creating water. He was about to go see what was going on, but was intercepted by Luna.

Luna: "(Y/N), thank you very much for your performance last night. You really boosted the morale of the adventurers."

(Y/N): "No problem. It used to be my job, so I'm used to working a crowd."

Luna: "Speaking of your performance, the guild has a proposition for you."

(Y/N): "If it's got something to do with playing music, I'll probably be all in."

Luna: "It does. The guild would be happy to pay you for your performance after a success. If you do, the adventurers will see it as a reward for their efforts."

(Y/N): "I'll do it on two conditions. First, I'm not gonna buy drinks for the whole town every time."

Luna: "That seems only natural. What about the second?"

(Y/N): "Along with the payment for the gig, I'm gonna need something for the hangover in the morning. I can work the crowd better if I'm absolutely shitfaced. I'll take your proposal on those conditions."

Luna: "That seems reasonable enough. I have your first payment right here. And I'll get someone to ready some tea for your headache."

With that, Luna handed him a small bag of eris, about 20,000 in all. Then she walked away to attend to her own business. (Y/N) then walked over to Kazuma to see him drinking a cup of water.

(Y/N): "You're gonna have to teach me that skill."

Kazuma: "Aaah! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

(Y/N): "Could you please stop yelling and hand me some water? My head is killing me as it is."

Kazuma: "Sorry. But you brought this on yourself. I think you drank more than Aqua."

(Y/N): "Please stop. I already feel like shit, and now two people have compared me to Aqua."

Kazuma: "Who else compared you to Aqua?"

(Y/N): "Megumin did, when we first woke...up."

(Y/N) watched Kazuma's eyes shoot wide and his jaw drop to the floor. He quickly realized the error he'd made.

(Y/N): "Now hold on a second."

Kazuma: "I knew you two had a thing for each other, but I didn't think you'd move so fast. Is this the sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifestyle, or are you just easy?"

(Y/N): "We didn't do that, you dolt! And what'd you mean by thing for each other?!"

Kazuma was the second person this morning to ignore something important they said.

Kazuma: "If you didn't do that, then why are you so red right now?"

(Y/N): "Cause you're making me fucking think about it! All she did was help me to the inn! She said she was worried about me choking on my own puke while I slept, so she watched over me!"

(Y/N) intentionally left out the part where he pulled Megumin into bed and hugged her. Kazuma seemed satisfied with that answer, and dropped the discussion there. Pretty soon, Darkness entered the guild, and approached the two boys.

Darkness: "Kazuma, (Y/N), look. I used my reward money to repair my armor."

Kazuma: "Looks like something that an upstart son of a noble would wear."

Darkness: "Would it kill you to give me an actual compliment, Kazuma? Haah, you never show any mercy, do you?"

Kazuma: "Right now I'm more worried about Megumin. She's well on her way to surpass you on a scale of perversion."

Darkness: "Hey!"

The three turned to see Megumin rubbing herself all over her new staff.

Megumin: "Irresistible! This new manatite staff's power is irresistible! I can feel the magic power practically pouring out of it!"

Kazuma: "(Y/N), can you stop your girlfriend?"

(Y/N): "She's not my girlfriend! But I will anyway. The way she's moving is going to attract unwanted attention."

Megumin was still violating her staff as (Y/N) walked up to her.

(Y/N): "Oi Megumin. If you keep doing that, you're gonna a pull in a crowd bigger than I did last night."

Megumin went red, and quickly stopped.

Megumin: "I-I'll stop."

(Y/N): "It certainly is a nice staff though. This the one you were talking about when you woke up this morning?"

Megumin: "Yes, and I payed a pretty penny for it, too."

Darkness: "Why were you two together waking up?"

The two in question both blushed at hearing Darkness' implications. Before they could explain, a scream rang out through the guild.


Luna: "I'm sorry, but it seems that most of what you brought back was lettuce. Oh (Y/N), your tea is ready."

Aqua: "Why would there be lettuce in a cabbage harvest!? And why does he get tea?!"

(Y/N): "Cause I work for the guild now! And please stop shouting! I need the tea to stop the headache, and you're just making it worse!"

Darkness: "It's true that lettuce has a very low redemption rate compared to cabbage."

Aqua ignored (Y/N) and hopped her way over to Kazuma.

Aqua: "Oh Kazuma! On a side note, how much money did you pull?"

Kazuma: "About a million."

Aqua, Megumin, & Darkness: "A million!?"

(Y/N): 'I only have about 800,000 left. I made more, but I did buy drinks for the entire guild too.'

Aqua: "Kazuma, did I ever tell you that I think you're really...decent looking?"

Kazuma: "If you can't compliment me wholeheartedly, then don't at all!"

Aqua dove over the table and grabbed Kazuma by the collar.


Kazuma: "You greedy self-proclaimed goddess! Get your hands off me, you're not getting a cent! I'm gonna use my money to buy a house! I'm tired of stables!"

Aqua: "I know why you want a house! You want your own room, so you can do your rustling thing in the privacy of your own-"


Kazuma handed a small pouch of eris to Aqua, who skipped off happily.

(Y/N): "That's rough. But I know the feeling of being pent up."

Kazuma: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Just imagine being stuck on a bus with four other guys for six months. You can do the math."

Kazuma: "How'd you do it?"

(Y/N): "Come here I'll whisper it in your ear."

Kazuma stepped closer and put his hand behind his ear. (Y/N) leaned over and whispered into his ear.

(Y/N): "There weren't many, but we did have a couple groupies every other town. Hole in the wall motels aren't very expensive either."

Kazuma leaned back and looked enviously at (Y/N).

Kazuma: "You're a lucky bastard."

Megumin: "What secret did you just share?"

(Y/N): "It wouldn't be a secret if I told you. And it's guy stuff anyway."


Kazuma and (Y/N) had just entered the guild again. They had gone to get more equipped for life in this world.

Aqua: "You guys look better. The tracksuit ruined the whole fantasy feel."

Kazuma had a regular white shirt, black pants, and brown leather boots that went over his ankles. He also had a short green cape with yellow trim.

Darkness: "I don't know what you mean by fantasy feel, but I agree that they look like real adventurers now."

Aqua: "You could've dropped the denim though, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) had pretty much the same clothes as Kazuma, but with a black shirt instead of white. Instead of a short cape like Kazuma, (Y/N) chose to just wear his battle jacket. He also had wristbands with small, yet sharp spikes on them.

(Y/N): "Over my dead body. Seriously. I plan on wearing this thing to my funeral."

Everyone sweatdropped, but quickly moved on.

Megumin: "Well, we should take another kill quest."

Darkness: "It's mating season for the giant toa-"

Aqua, Megumin, & (Y/N): "NO MORE TOADS!"

Darkness: "Huh? Why not?"

Kazuma: "Well Aqua and Megumin got traumatized by being eaten and covered in slime. Not sure about (Y/N) though."

(Y/N): "I'm not letting those amphibious slimeballs get within a mile of Amelia."

Darkness: "Haah. I really want to fight toads now."

Megumin: "How do you baby a chunk of wood so well?"

(Y/N): "Amelia isn't a chunk of wood. She's a gorgeous crimson beauty. Like someone else I know."

(Y/N) said the last part under his breath, so he didn't expect Megumin to hear it. But she did, and she was even more red than the guitar. Everyone started to make their way to the quest board.

Kazuma: "Why are there so many less quests than normal?"

(Y/N): "The amount of quests has been cut right in two. Hehehe."

The party was now learning to just ignore (Y/N)'s strange references.

Darkness: "This quest for killing the Black Fang seems doable."

(Y/N): "I'd go with you, but I'm not suicidal anymore."

Something about that sentence hit Kazuma the wrong way.

Kazuma: 'Anymore? Is he ok?'

Megumin: "What about this one, for a One Shot Bear?"

(Y/N): "Once again, if I was still suicidal."

Kazuma: "Why did keep saying things like 'still' and 'anymore' when you talk about being suicidal? Are you holding up alright?"

(Y/N): "I say stuff like that cause I'm past it."

Megumin: "But why are you joking about something so serious?"

(Y/N): "It's just a coping mechanism."

Darkness: "Are you sure you're alright?"

(Y/N): "Oh christ almighty, I'm fine! Will you leave me alone!?"

Kazuma, Darkness, and Aqua all placed their hands on (Y/N)'s  shoulders. Megumin went so far as to hug him. (Y/N) was surprised, but didn't stop them.

Kazuma: "We were just concerned."

Aqua: "We're your party, but we're also your friends."

Darkness: "We haven't known you long, but that doesn't mean we don't care for you."

Megumin, who had her face buried in his chest, looked up with a sad look on her face.

Megumin: "You've helped us before, so let us help you. Don't bear all the weight by yourself."

(Y/N): "You guys...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry. I'm better now."

They all separated after a heart-to-heart. Soon after, Luna came over to the quest board.

Luna: "I'm sorry about the absence of quests. You see, a Devil King General has just moved into the area, and the lower level monsters have gone into hiding. We've already sent word to the capital, and they're sending a platoon of knights as soon as they can."

(Y/N): "Well that explains why it took the length of You Suffer to look through the quests."

Darkness: "I quite like to suffer."

(Y/N): "No no, You Suffer, it's a Napalm Death song. You want me to sing it for you?"

Kazuma: "I guess?"

(Y/N) cleared his throat and readied himself.

(Y/N): "Ok, it goes like...YOUSUHBUHWHY!"

Everyone jumped. But then quickly started laughing. They were glad to see (Y/N) back to his usual self.

Megumin: "That's it?!"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Everyone laughed even harder after (Y/N)'s simple answer. Megumin then looked as if she remembered something important.

Megumin: "Oh (Y/N), can you accompany me to practice my explosion magic? I'vefound the perfect target to fire it at."

(Y/N): "Sure, I wanna practice aiming my lightning too."

Kazuma: "Don't get frisky while no one's around."

Megumin and (Y/N)'s faces both fired up. Megumin only looked embarrassed, but  (Y/N) looked embarrassed and angry.

(Y/N): "Quit doing that! I'm gonna kick your ass if you don't!"

Kazuma: "Just get out of here you crazy lovebirds."

(Y/N): "Oi, get over here! I'll-"

Before (Y/N) could say anything more, Megumin grabbed his arm and pulled him through the guild doors. Kazuma was laughing, because he couldn't tell whether (Y/N) was red from embarrassment or anger.


(Y/N) and Megumin had walked on a path through the woods, and were now looking at a giant ruined castle on a mountain.

(Y/N): "I'm assuming this is the place."

Megumin: "Your assumption is correct! This castle is the perfect target for my full power! No one can get hurt because no one is inside! Do you know what that means?!"

(Y/N): "It's abandoned?"

Megumin: "Well yes, but I was meaning that I don't have to hold back!"

Megumin pointed her staff towards the barely standing pile of stones, and started to chant.

Megumin: "Crimson-black blaze, king of myriad worlds, though I promulgate the laws of nature, I am the alias of destruction incarnate in accordance with the principles of creation. Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me! EXPLOSION!"

For the next week, (Y/N) and Megumin repeated this process, exploding the castle each day. It seemed repetitive, but both parties enjoyed the daily routine. They both got to know each other better every day, which only strengthened their bond, and feelings for each other as well. This started the same, but would soon end differently.

Megumin: "EXPLOSION!"

Another pillar of flame burst from the sky. The castle was shaken, but remained standing. Megumin fell down soon after.

Megumin: "Burn to ashes within the crimson..."

(Y/N): "Do all Crimson Demons chant like you do?"

Megumin: "Somewhat. And if you have a problem with it, say it outright!"

(Y/N): "Never said I had a problem with it, I think it's cool really. People where I'm from would pay good money for lyrics like those. Seriously, you need to start writing these down."

Megumin: "Sometimes I think of them before casting, but most of the time they're just spontaneous."

(Y/N): "You can write lyrics like that off the top of your head? Damn, that's impressive."

In a somewhat expected course of events, Megumin went red at the praise. (Y/N) picked the heated up Megumin off of the ground, and leaned her up against a tree.

(Y/N): "You ready to see how good my aim has gotten?"

Megumin: "Show me the effects of our training session!"

(Y/N): "Here you go!"

(Y/N) flipped the switch to 'OVERDRIVE' and focused on the chain of mana flowing into his guitar.

(Y/N): "If only I had a wah pedal."

(Y/N) upped the intensity of the flow to make the lightning shoot faster and farther. He started his song, shooting lightning at the castle in the distance.

When he finished playing he turned to Megumin, who was clapping.

Megumin: "I liked the song, but what was most impressive is how quickly you learned mana control. I'm proud of my student!"

It was (Y/N)'s turn to blush this time. He wasn't used to genuine praise, especially from a girl he had a crush on.

(Y/N): "Thanks Megumin. But how are you clapping?"

Megumin: "During your jam session, I regained enough mana to move my arms. But the rest of me is still very much immobilized."

(Y/N) picked up Megumin, and placed her on his back. They started to walk back to town in silence. (Y/N) broke the silence by playing his guitar at a low volume as he walked.

He couldn't see her, but he could tell that Megumin was nervous about something.

(Y/N): "You good back there?"

Megumin: "Y-yes I am."

(Y/N): "You sure?"

Megumin went silent for a moment, sighed, and started to talk again.

Megumin: "How are you so perceptive?"

(Y/N): "Who knows? You just seemed a little down earlier, right after we left the guild. You were acting the same just now, so I made an assumption."

Megumin: "It's just that...Whenever Kazuma teases one of us, you always get so mad. Do you dislike the idea of a relationship with me?"

Well this came out of nowhere. (Y/N) didn't want to tell Megumin how he felt about her until he was absolutely sure that she felt the same. But on the other hand, he could hurt her if he lied. And hurting her was the last thing he wanted to do.

(Y/N): 'I can't take too long to answer, cause then it'll seem like I'm lying. Just remember, be tactful about the whole thing.' "No, that's not it."

Megumin: "Then why do you always deny it, and shut it down so quickly?"

(Y/N): 'This conversation is not going the way I want it to. If she's this persistent, I might just spill everything.' "Cause it's embarrassing, you know?"

Megumin: "It's embarrassing for me too, but I just ignore it mostly. But you always get so worked up about it, you even threatened Kazuma over it last time."

(Y/N): "Look, I've just got my father's temper, and it gets the better of me every now and again."

Megumin: "(Y/N), be honest with me, I won't resent you for it. Do you really not like me that much?"

(Y/N): "Oh fuck it, I get so mad because I really do like you, dummy! I like you a lot, but I'm afraid you don't feel the same! I don't wanna fuck up the friendship we have over a stupid little crush! Every girl I've been with, I've moved too fast, and it's always ended badly! I really like you, and don't want that to happen! Happy?!"

Megumin went silent, and that's when (Y/N) knew that he'd just fucked up again.

(Y/N): "Megumin I'm sorry, but can you forget that I ever-"

Megumin: "...am."

She spoke so quietly that, even though she was on his back, (Y/N) couldn't catch the entirety of her sentence.

(Y/N): "Huh? Can you say that again?"

Megumin lifted her head off of (Y/N)'s shoulder and spoke again, clearer this time.

Megumin: "I said I am. Happy, that is. No happy isn't the word... it's more like... ecstatic."

(Y/N): "And why would that be?"

Megumin prepared herself to say whatever she was about to say. (Y/N) turned his head as far to the right as he could, so he could see her face. He was met with her face mere inches from his, flushed pink. But instead of an uneasy expression, she had a serene smile.

Megumin: "Because I like you too."

(Y/N): "Run that by me one more time."

Megumin: "We're this close, and I spoke loud and clear! There's no way you didn't hear me!"

(Y/N): "I totally did, but I gotta make sure."

Megumin: "You truly are strange. I like you, (Y/N)."


(Y/N): "Oh, fuck you!"

Megumin: "I suppose we should see what's going on."

(Y/N): "But what about-"

Megumin: "It's alright, we'll have all the time in the world to talk about it once the quest is through."

(Y/N) was surprised at how well Megumin was taking the whole situation, especially being so rudely interrupted.

Megumin: "I can move again, but I would really appreciate..."

(Y/N): "Message received. Stand up real quick."

Megumin was confused, but complied. She watched (Y/N) strap his guitar on his back, and got even more confused.

Megumin: "How are you going to carry me with your guitar on your back?"

(Y/N): "Just wait. Up you go!"

(Y/N) quite literally swept Megumin off her feet. He was carrying her bridal style. (Y/N) remained calm, but Megumin instantly became a bright red stuttering mess.

Megumin: "Wha- Why did- You could've-"

(Y/N): "It's fine."

Megumin: "B-but aren't y-your a-arms tired?"

(Y/N): "Honestly, yes they are. But now that I know you feel the same as I do, it feels like I could kill the Devil King on the spot."

(Y/N) was a little red, but it didn't impair his smooth talking. He looked down at the small girl he held and smiled.

Megumin: "Y-you know, you sounded really cool right then."

(Y/N) snickered and looked down to her once more.

(Y/N): "I'm glad you think so. We should probably hurry to the gate though."

Megumin: "I'll get down."

(Y/N): "Never said I'd put you down. Just hold on tight."

Megumin gripped onto (Y/N)'s jacket, and they were off. They weren't far from the city, so it didn't take long to reach the gates. There they met up with their teammates.

Kazuma: "Hey (Y/N)- Uh, whatcha got there?"

Megumin looked up to see that they were already at the gates, and blushed when she realized that the party could see (Y/N) carrying her like this.

(Y/N): "A guitar."

Kazuma: "Are you sure that's all?"

(Y/N) put Megumin down, and looked her in the eyes as he spoke.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I take this crimson beauty everywhere I go."

Megumin's face was as red as Amelia now, and she placed it in her hands. Her eyes glowed through the spaces between her fingers.

Kazuma: "Nevermind. Let's just see what this emergency is about."

The group walked up towards the front of the crowd. Once there, they saw a living suit of armor, riding on a headless horse. The suit of armor had his head in his hands. Literally.

(Y/N): "And I call myself a metalhead."

Kazuma: "W-what's a Dullahan doing near a beginner town?"

(Y/N): "If you're that scared, I assume that a Dullahan is some ultra powerful boss type character?"

Kazuma nodded furiously. They were about to talk more about it, but were silenced when the living suit of armor spoke.

Dullahan: "I am a general of the Devil King army. Recently, I've set my base of operations as an abandoned castle outside of town."

(Y/N): "Oh god in heaven. Or would it be goddess?"


The Dullahan screamed in anger as his horse reared back and lightning struck the ground behind him.

(Y/N): "Hey! Lightning is my thing!"

All of the adventurers in the vicinity looked towards (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Shouldn't have said that, I should not have said that."

Adventurer 1: "Explosion and lightning?"

Adventurer 2: "If it's explosion and lightning then..."

The crowd looked to Megumin and (Y/N) to cast the blame. Megumin quickly looked to the girl behind her.

Adventurer Girl: "Why are you all looking at me?! I can't cast explosion magic!"

(Y/N) sighed and tried to figure out a way to resolve this.

(Y/N): "Poor girl. Come on Megumin, let's go see if we can talk our way out of this."

Megumin: "Very well."

The two walked out of the crowd and in front of the Dullahan.

Dullahan: "So it's you two!"

(Y/N): "Yes it is."

Dullahan: "Huh. I honestly thought you'd try to lie your way out of this."

(Y/N): "My mother raised me to be an honest man. I was hoping we could resolve this with some diplomacy."

Dullahan: ".....You seem reasonable enough. Now tell me why you insisted on blowing my house to smithereens every day."

(Y/N): "You see, we didn't know that there was anyone inside, it looks abandoned from the outside after all."

Dullahan: "I see. I think we could come to-"

Megumin: "So you've come alone."

While in the middle of almost resolving the situation, Megumin spoke up, making all attention fall on her. Her eyes were glowing, and (Y/N) could tell this wasn't going to go well. He leaned over to her and whisper-yelled.

(Y/N): "What are you doing?!"

Megumin spoke loud enough for everyone to hear her.

Megumin: "Protecting our town, and getting rid of some scum on the way!"

(Y/N): "Wait, this is not part of the plan!"

Dullahan: "You've got a lot of nerve, girl!"

Megumin: "I am Megumin, commander of the greatest magic known to man!"

Dullahan: "The hell's a Megumin? Are you screwing with me?"

Megumin: "N-no!"

Dullahan: "Hmph, I suppose it doesn't matter. I didn't come here to slaughter a bunch of beginners. However I will be staying in that castle, so do not fire any more magic at it."

(Y/N): "That's just fi-"

Megumin: "Just impossible!"

Dullahan: "Huh?"

Megumin: "Crimson Demons must use their magic once a day, or they will die!"

Dullahan: "In all my time of living and unliving, I've never heard such a bold lie! Stop making things up for convenience! Are you saying your going to continue to fire your magic at me?!"

Megumin: "Precisely!"

Dullahan: "I may have abandoned my position as a knight, but killing the powerless still doesn't interest me. However, I've had more than enough of your insolence!"

Megumin: "Hmm, you may be confident now, but just wait. Master! If you please!"

Aqua: "I guess it can't be helped."

Aqua shrugged and summoned her staff. She walked over to (Y/N) and Megumin and stood proudly beside them.

Aqua: "Who cares if your one of the Devil King's generals? You've made a mistake coming here while I'm earning an honest living."

Dullahan: "What do we have here? A low level priest like you couldn't even dent my armor. I know! Why don't we make this Crimson Demon girl suffer a little?"

Aqua: "Not if I puri-"

Dullahan: "You're much too slow."

The Dullahan extended his glowing finger and pointed at Megumin.

Dullahan: "I sentence you to death! In a weeks time, you will be six feet under!"

(Y/N)'s body moved on its own. He swiftly pushed Megumin behind him.

(Y/N): "Fuck you, Alphonse!"

A dark aura enveloped his body, and he felt only pain.


Dullahan: "Interesting. Perhaps this will be better. Listen well. In a week this boy will die. If you want the curse lifted, come to my castle and defeat me in battle. Until then, enjoy watching your comrade die slowly! What a waste. This boy was the only one with any honor."

The Dullahan then rode off into the distance. Kazuma and Darkness had just made it to their three party members. They saw Megumin clinging to (Y/N), who was on his knees.

Megumin: "(Y/N), (Y/N)! Are you alright?!"

(Y/N): "If he thinks I'll go down that easy, he's a fool."

(Y/N) tried to act tough, but it was clear that he was already in a lot of pain. Megumin wiped a few tears out of her eyes. Then she stood up and dusted herself off. She gripped her staff, and started to walk off.

Kazuma: "Megumin, where are you headed?"

Megumin: "To that Dullahan's castle to hit him point blank with the strongest explosion I can muster. I'm not just going to sit and let (Y/N) die."

Kazuma: "I'm going with you then. Chances are you'll waste your magic on some random undead."

Darkness: "I as well. Letting my comrade die wouldn't only be cruel, but shameful too." 

(Y/N): "Think you're going off without me, huh? No way I'm dying that easy."

Kazuma smiled. This was starting to feel like the first real important thing they do in this world.

Kazuma: "Alright then. If we're all ready, then let's head ou-"

Aqua: "Sacred Spell Break!"

Aqua casted some sort of magic on (Y/N). A bright light descended onto him, and two little cherubs hoisted the curse away to heaven.

Aqua: "Lifting curses is child's play for a goddess like myself!"

Everyone looked at Aqua a little disappointed.

Kazuma: "Man, I was really pumped there, but now I feel like choking out a useless goddess."

(Y/N): "Same. Grateful that I won't die, though."

Megumin hugged (Y/N) once again. Kazuma made a mental note of it.

Megumin: "I'm just glad you're okay."

(Y/N): "Thanks. By the way, you did realize you already used your explosion today right?"

Megumin: "Uhhhh..."

Kazuma: "Typical. On a different note, did something happen between the two of you?"

(Y/N) wrapped his arm around Megumin's shoulder, making her face heat up.

(Y/N): "That's for me to know, and you to shut the fuck up about."

Kazuma took this as a sign to back off a little, so he refrained from teasing the two of them for now.

Kazuma: "Alright, alright."

(Y/N): "So what do we do now?"

Kazuma: "Just go home, I guess."

Kazuma then walked off to god knows where, leaving the two.

(Y/N): "Huh. Well that was anticlimactic."

Chapter 4. I didn't have a plan in mind for this one, so it kinda wrote itself. I hope that it doesn't feel all over the place. Also, holy shit, over 150 reads already. I honestly didn't expect this thing to hit over 20, like ever. Thank you for reading, and I hoped you enjoyed.

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