Sleepy Bois Oneshots

By bearinshades

121K 3.9K 3K

A couple ✨platonic✨ oneshots of our favorite people More

Before we start
The effects of war
Too much
I'm sorry
Not a oneshot
The thoughts of a dying man
the child that didnt come home
The Eggs effect
Technos indecision
Dreams God Complex Nearly Gets Everyone Killed
Underdog pt2
Business bay has joined the game
Sick of it
Unwanted return
Reckoning Force


3.6K 165 108
By bearinshades

You request I bring



(Third person)

The people of L'manburg were confused. Yesterday Tubbo, Eret, and Fundy went on their rounds of the nether, they came back looking as if they had seen a ghost. And whenever they asked about it the trio just looked at them.

And then they tell L'Manburg that they might get a visit from the Sleepy Bois, which was very unusual as the only sleepy boi that actually went to L'Manburg after Tommys... death was Ghostbur.

Oh Ghostbur, the poor ghost felt that Tommy's death was his fault. He said that he didn't give Tommy enough blue, that he should have made Tommy happier. So he visited L'Manburg often and acted like a therapist, listening to people's guilt and trauma from all the wars that had gone on.

But the other sleepy bois absolutely hated L'Manburg, in their eyes it was a place that only brought death. Their hate for the government also skyrocketed, the only reason the country wasn't in ruins is because Ghostbur likes it there.

So most L'Manburgians thought they were going to die a horrible, gruesome death. They were not expecting three men, two of them being Technoblade and Philza and the other being hooded and unidentifiable, coming into the town laughing.


(Techno's POV)

Me, Phil, and Tommy has decided to go to the dreaded nation if only to tell Ghostbur the good news. Tommy was talking more about his adventures when I realized something.

"So you could probably beat us all in a one v one couldn't you."

Tommy looked at me and I saw a faint blush under his hood at the praise, " Eh, Dream yeah, you? Well I'm working on it."

"Really?" Phil asked, when Tommy nodded a malicious grin formed on his face, "So if we, hypothetically, tell everyone its you and dream attacks you, then you could, hypothetically, beat his ass."

Me and Tommy gained the evil grin Phil also had.

"Hypothetically that is correct." Tommy's words were mischievous.

"This is why we're related." I stated

We laughed as we entered the nation, this day was going to be interesting.


We were seated in the White House, since technically we needed to inform Tubbo that we're here, when Dream entered the room. He scanned the room and when he saw us he placed a hand on his sword.

"Technoblade, Philza, mind telling me who this is?" The green bastard unsheathed the sword and pointed it at Tommy.

My hand grabbed at my sword as the voices screeched in rage, but Tommy placed his hand on my shoulder, indicating for me to calm down.

"This can speak for himself, and I'm sure a smart man like you can piece it together Dream." Tommy's voice was surprisingly calm and a cold edge filled his voice when he mentioned the masked mans name.

"How do you know my name." Dreams hold on the sword tensed.

"Oh come on," Tommy stood up, "Of course I know you, word of this fine nation has reached far. And with the great stories of triumph comes the twisted stories. A masked man, his heart cold as ice twisting everyone to his own will, a man so good at deception that everyone who you target is found dead, usually at their own hands. A man who drives people to such madness, such insanity, that they can't live with themselves."

Dreams hold tightened on the sword, he took a step back, his head turned to the door of Tubbo office quickly, as if waiting for him to burst out and disprove everything Tommy had said. Tommy however didn't make any moves towards his weapon, he just took a calm steps forwards, and for some reason that was a hell of a lot scarier than his anger ever could have been.

"When you convince a sixteen year old, former Vice President of a nation, that he's unloved and that he should die, your name spreads quickly. Especially when that sixteen year old still lived." Tommy lowered his hood and what little skin of dreams face you could see turned pale, his breath hitched and he took another step back, " How are you doing Dream?"

Dream lashed out, slashing his sword at Tommy and causing me and Phil to rise from our seats and draw our swords. We didn't have the chance to do anything though. Tommy sidestepped at the last moment, Dreams sword missing him. Dream however was no amateur and recovered quickly, he used his own momentum to take another lunged at a now armed Tommy.

Tommy this time matched Dreams attack with his own, the swords clashed together, Tommy however retracted his blade and swung low slashing Dreams leg, the blade connected and bit into Dreams flesh. Tommy jumped back before Dream could attack back and immediately lunged back, this time his attack was matched.

The masked man backed up and took a shield from the wall, using it just in time to stop Tommy's furious attack and used it to push the teen back. Tommy landed on his feet and unsheathed a axe. Dream pounced and slashed at Tommy, the younger jumping back, but not time to stop the tip of the sword cut his cheek.

The teen scowled at the older man, a low growl formed in my my throats but I made no advancements, I knew Tommy could handle the ass.

My brother lunged at Dream and rained down blows on him, changing randomly between axe and sword and wearing down the shield Dream used. Dream grunted and pushed the teen back with his shield, using Tommy's moment of weakness to sweep his legs out. My heart sank as Dream began to bring down his sword on my downed brother, I didn't need to worry however as tommy kicked up both his legs and kicked Dream in the stomach with both feet and then used his momentum to get up from the floor.

Low blow, I thought smugly, I approve

Tommy kicked Dreams shield away as the man stumbled back from the force of Tommy's kick. Tommy then lunged forward and knocked Dream down, my brother stepped on Dreams stomach and pointed his axe on Dreams throat and his sword right above Dreams heart.

"Congrats" Tommy said, "you made your worst enemy even stronger."

I smirked at the mans downed form, one of the worlds best fighters just got destroyed by a teenager he used to torment.

"Karmas a bitch Dream." Phil said, pride obvious in his voice.

Just then Tubbos door swung open, Tubbo emerging from the room to be met with a beaten dream being held down by his former best friend.

"Hello Tubbo, we're here to see Ghostbur." I said as if my little brother wasn't pinning a man twice his age down with an axe.

At this Tommy turned to Tubbo, still stepping on Dream and waved with his sword hand.

"I- wha- ho- Tommy get off of Dream!" Tubbo stuttered wide eyed

Tommy frowned slightly looked down on Dream, removed his foot from the masked mans stomach and went to stand next to us. We fell silent and I slung my arm around Tommy's shoulder turning to Tommy with a grin that he returned.

After a few minutes of Tubbo starring at tommy in shock and Dream trying to catch his breath my little brother got impatient.

"Sooo... Ghostbur? I want to see my brother." Tommy spoke

"Uh yeah, yeah. Um, do you want me to go get him or do you want to, er, look for him?" Tubbo said, obviously still shocked.

"We'll look for him." Phil supplied and me and Toms nodded.

Tubbo just nodded, we left the building and went to look for our brother.

"God that felt good." Tommy declared as he pulled up his cloak hood.

I burst out laughing, " Tommy you just absolutely destroyed one of the worlds best fighters and all you say is 'that felt good'"

"Whaaaat, it did" Tommy defended

Phil chuckled and herded me and Tommy into the town.


(Tommy's pov )

I was beyond happy, I felt lighter than I had in years. I had just defeated my biggest nightmare, a demon who haunts me constantly. And I did it in front of my family, they were proud of me. I was finally free from Dream, finally free.

We walked into town when we heard a familiar voice shouting, "Dad! Techno!"

Sure enough my ghost brother was floating over to us, when he got here he stopped and looked at Me, obviously not recognizing me.

"Hello! I'm Ghostbur, would you like some blue?" Ghostbur greeted me

"Hey Ghostbur, it's me" I pulled down my hood, "Tommy."

Ghostbur looked to dad, then Techno, who both nodded in confirmation. His face split into a smile and he moved to hug me, only to stop once he realized he was a ghost. I had cast a spell this morning however and could touch ghost, so I moved up and hugged Ghostbur.

The ghost seemed shocked at first, but soon hugged back, repeating 'your back' over and over again.

"But wait, how can you touch me?" Ghostbur said, his tone filled with confusion.

"I learned magic while I was gone and casted a spell this morning so that I could touch ghost." I grinned, "It's permanent"

"Wait your back! We need to go tell everyone! Like Niki, and Fundy, and Eret, and Bad, and Skeepy!"

I laughed as he dragged me along, I was happy, I was with my family, I was free.


(Dreams pov)

"Dream!" George exclaimed as I limped into his house.

Once seeing my condition he rushed over to me and helped me sit down and started treating the wounds.

"What happened?!"

"So Tommy's back." George stopped what he was doing and looked at me like I was insane, "and remind me not to get on Tommy's bad side."


Sorry it took so long to get this done. On another note 1.21k POG!

Yeah that's it really, by the way part two of dying mans thoughts yes or no?


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