
By Keglaea

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Laysha is one of these hopeless romantic teenagers. She in the most literal sense breathed romance. It had be... More

Chapter 1- Back to school
Chapter 2 - Long time no see
Chapter 3 - Hey kameron
Chapter 4 - Viral flashback
Chapter 5 - I am the golden guest
Chapter 7 - Unexpected
Chapter 8 - Plot Twist
Chapter 9 - No longer a secret
Chapter 10 - When it hits us
Chapter 11 - Choices
*Authors Note*

Chapter 6 - The life of the party

28 3 0
By Keglaea

Chapter 6

Kameron’s Point of View 

I woke up to the horrible sound of my alarm and with a wish that I had more hours just to sleep. It is Friday. TGIF. The party days at school were something I loved. I performed my morning routine. I drove to school tuning off to artic monkeys and parked beside Laysha’s car.  She is coming out of her car and so am I. She is struggling with her books so I decide to help her. She gave me that beautiful shy smile of hers. I took her books and she took her notebooks and we talked the way to her locker

“Thanks for helping me”

“No problem”

“I owe you a favor”

“No you don’t”

“Seriously we are going to do this”

“This is me paying back you brought my puppy back home and attending my party”

“Whatever. I was told that I was your golden guest. What does that mean?”

“You will soon find out”

“I guess I will have to wait”

“I was actually surprised when Vance told he would let you go but he wouldn’t attend”

“He doesn’t like school parties”

“I understand why”

By this time we had already put her things in her locker and we were just having a natural conversation.  

“But on the other side I like food and dancing so I can overcome all the other things about school parties”

“I on the contrary am obligated to attend to ALL of them and frankly I would like to skip a few”

 “You are a host so you actually put yourself in that situation”

“I own the best house for parties so I blame it on my parents”

“Since I am going to your party tonight, will try to make it one party you will want to attend”

She said that meanwhile she poked sexily my chest. That drove me crazy. Such a simplicity with great effect on me. The bell rings and she leaves. She made herself want-able and made me crave more of her. The day passed and I was the first to leave because I had a bunch of since the party was today. I got home and finished my checklist. For some reason I had always had this thing about lists. The food was ready but I was still missing some and I drove like a crazy man yet I was really scared because what I didn’t need in this moment was an infraction. I got to target and bought the missing food in record time and went to the cashier who was young enough to check the things off faster. I stormed rapidly out of there and drove back to my house and back of me comes the first invitees who were girls in very explicit bikinis. I was kind of annoyed by them because the party wasn’t going to start unless more people arrived. Not five minutes passed when they were on top of me flirting terribly. My friends and the rest of my invited but nowhere my golden guest could be seen. The party went from boring to fun in 5 minutes and everybody except me was enjoying the ambient with the loud music. Smiles were piling up along with the fragrance of party happiness. I see her park and my heart starts beating faster. She gets off her car looking outstandingly beautiful. She is wearing a glamorous bikini top with a sheer maxi skirt which falls until her ankles with some black sandals. Her hair is down in some messy beach waves and she is wearing natural makeup and contacts. She might not be in her full grace but she is a beauty queen and wow does she have nice legs. She walks up to the entrance where she says hi to the people. She is a popular girl but she is different. She hugs some of the guys and Nash one of my best friends holds the hug seconds longer and whispers some that she didn’t like on her ear. She pulls away but he pulls her arm and he gives her the serious look. 

“Hi Kameron”

“Hi Laysha, you look beautiful tonight”

“Thank you and congrats nice party”

“You know that no party starts until you arrive”

“The party already started without me”

“It’s reaching the climax”

“Glad I didn’t miss it”

Some girls started to call me and she noticed and immediately looked sad

“I think you should go”

We both set our ways looking sad. She went to the sweet table and stuffed some chocolate in her mouth. I liked it because she didn’t act fake she was herself. Laysha was on a diet because she only ate that and didn’t eat anything else. I go over to where the girls are calling. They congratulate me for the party and start taking selfies with me. I am photogenic and girls will always take the first chance to take pictures with me. Laysha is in the distance looking at me. Whenever I look she pivots her head. She bites her lip at me. Nash goes up to her. Right now I am in the distance attending guests yet every once in a while I look over to her. Nash fiercely takes her and pushes against the wall. He whispers in her ear and even from this distance I can notice how uncomfortable and afraid she is. She is trying to leave but he won’t let her. Just like a hero I go up to him.

“Dude let her go” He gives that look that says don’t ruin this please I will owe you 100 favors if you don’t ruin this please don’t do this. I don’t care how important this moment is to him. Laysha means more to me than him. He has to learn how to treat women and I will lecture him about this. I think he is doing this to defy him he knew she was the golden guest the reason of the party. He is trying to take my very well earned and hard worked spot but I am nowhere close to letting him. In between his teeth he said

“Okay” He threw her on top of me creating an extremely awkward moment. She is really warm and her touch feels nice. She pushes herself of me and looks relieved that she was finally set free from Nash. 

“Thanks Kameron I owe a real big one”

“You needed to be saved from Nash. Why don’t you pay me back that big one with this one piece?”

“It would be lovely”

“Shall I have this dance”

“Yes you shall”

I leaded her to the dance floor. Danceable music was playing. I could feel the beats of the music. My heartbeat matched the music. She took my hand and pulled me close to her and started dancing leaving me pretty lost. When I finally catch up to her we are in the climax of the song. I twirl her around and walk her and I bring her up to my chest. I throw her down and then bring her up again. We are dancing improvise and we are living it. We are living the dance. It had been a while since I had enjoyed dancing so much. I had never danced like this. I fell in love with dancing like this. I don’t know if I fell in love with Laysha but I fell in love with the way she danced. The way the energy flew around her. I want to never stop but tiredness is pretty big. The rest of my invitees applauded and I kissed her cheek and they reddened.  Right after that dance we left the dance floor and went inside and fell simultaneously on the couch. She didn’t take this moment to fall on my shoulder. She set the distance on a friendly level but that dance wasn’t on a friendly level. Feelings rained for her. I was having a hard time not kissing her. I knew that she learned how to dance from Vance. I knew that I would find a male copy of her in Vance with a few major differences that didn’t really matter to me. 

“Wow I dint know you danced boy”


“You dance really well”

“I had an amazing dance partner that leads very well”

“We both did a decent job”

“Let’s celebrate it with food”

“I will choose for you and you will choose for me”



 I went over to the food table I knew I couldn’t choose much food because she wanted to keep her figure. I think that some cookies and chips will do and of course I had a little surprise for her. I went over to the kitchen and opened the fridge and took the Arizona I had bought exclusively for her. I went back to the couch to wait for her. In a few seconds she was already beside me. I poke her and surprise her with the Arizona and she seems really happy. She drinks it all in one zip and does the coca cola ah. I give her that look of liked it?  And she responds to my looks with a thankful smile. A strand of her hair falls on her face and she pulls in to back of her ear in what seemed to be the cutest way possible and it looked so natural. I thought that that little thing was really attractive, just saying. The party kept going. We talk about movies and I figure out that dystopias and suspense were her favorite kind; I will probably invite her and Vance to watch the latest one that comes out when it comes out. A very special moment came to be. I somehow brought music up to our conversation theme. I am so proud of myself for doing that. Music is my life. I just a clumsy human without it; it gives me life. I don’t sing but I love music since as long as my selective memory remembers. I am all about my music but I wonder if she about music too? Can she live without it? I in my really excited talk

“What is your favorite kind of music?”


“Are you kidding me?”

“No” This was a test if she retracted I would know she had invented it but because she didn’t I can notice that she is true to herself. I like that about her. I think I like a lot things about her. 

“I am such a big fan of indie music” 

“Who is your favorite band?”

“Artic monkeys”

“You better kidding me because artic monkeys slays” 

“Favorite song?”


“Mine is also arabella” 

“Answer me this question are we lost soul mates?”



“Mind going up to my room I have something to show you”

“Don’t you care about what they might think?”

“I stopped caring ages ago”

“Let’s get going”

I hold her hands meanwhile we go through the crowd of people and I go up to my room. In the hallways couples or cheating couplets can be witnessed making out. I never like to see that view. I open the door and she is by my side smiling. She is wearing heels tonight and she is taller because of them than me which hadn’t affected me until now. She is actually my exact same size or maybe a little smaller. We enter and I go search for my remix on my laptop on my desk and she sits on my bed I find it and plug my beats in the laptop. I take the laptop and go over to the bed and pass the earphones to her and start playing. It doesn’t seem as if she were enjoying it and that makes me sad because I worked really hard on this remix but had no one to show it to because I had never met someone who liked the same things as me. I am not the average person but neither are my likes. She was different and I like different. I knew Vance was the male copy of her. I notice she is on second 40 when the actual remix starts and I see a smile (sign she likes it) grow instantly on her beautiful face. She looks beautiful when she smiles. The remix ends and she drops her back on the bed. In that remix were very deep songs. Her reaction is the expected for a fan. I liked that she didn’t move her hair. She wasn’t vain like the rest. She liked makeup and stuff but she wasn’t vain; these little things showed it backing up my theory.  She gave me her commentary on my remix. They are just a bunch of well-earned compliments but then she gets all poetic. I am hooked on her talk. She speaks that how the deep messes you up and the recovery is a disgrace. She liked being messed up by deep songs which altered your feelings into a literal soup. I also like having my feelings made a noodle soup by songs but her feelings were the best soup I ever tasted. She is a diamond; no doubt. We left my room and I could literally feel the commentary. Her dress had wrinkles and her hair was a mess but I was fine. I know what they think of her. I don’t think that on this moment she cares. She doesn’t care about anything she needs to wake up and come back to reality. I sit her back on the couch and bring her some chocolate. She leaves to go get herself decent in the bathroom. She came back with her less messed look but the rest of the girls by this point in the party were just like her so she no longer stood out by her looks. We talk out the rest of the party. She tells a lot of jokes and so do I. We both have a marvelous time. People start to leave or fall asleep on random places around the house. The people who are not drunk drive and leave people at their places. The music goes off. We are both awake for some reason. It is 4 a.m. and I can clearly see how uncomfortable she is in her dress. I give her one of my plaid shirts and she puts it on and just wears that because it fits her super large. I gave her my largest shirt so she could use it as a dress. Unbelievable as it sounds she looks awesome in it. It really flatters her figure some crazy way. She takes of her heels and is barefoot. She calls her mom and she is okay with her tonight in the house because she doesn’t want her driving alone at 4 am on the streets. For some reason her mom considers it safer to leave in the morning and I have to agree. She offers to help me pick up the mess. I accept her offer because I want to get to know her more and I seriously need help. We decide to do that in the morning when we won’t have to clean bodies. She asks me for a pillow and something cozy to cover up with; I carry her bridal style up to my room. She laughs all the way but doesn’t resist. 

“This is where you are sleeping tonight”

“Yes Sargent” she pulls her hand up to her forehead the way the military does to authority

“But, where are you going to sleep”

“In my bed of course” I throw myself on the bed. 

“Sweet dreams Kameron” She curls herself into my arms and falls asleep. I can now be sure she was really tired. As for me it’s just full exhaustion combined with a lot of tiredness. I fall asleep with Laysha at my side.


I am in a zoo in Africa and the sun is about to set. It is spring and flowers can be witnesses blooming all around. The beauty of nature is just outstanding. I hold something like a rifle in my hands. I feel tough because I am doing something dangerous. It is not a rifle but a paralyzer shooter which words almost exactly like a gun. A lion invades our horizon. Laysha more grownup stands at my side. She is with some binoculars watching the lion very concentrated. She says “shoot now” and so I do. I miss him miserably and he starts running toward us she says in a more urgent tone “prepare another one”. I prepare another one but it’s too late the lion is already about to bite and probably eat her head which would kill her. I shoot the paralyzer but I know it won’t act immediately. I kick the lion and he falls to the floor. I probably gave him a concussion but he is the least of my worries, right now Laysha is the queen of my worries. I am still struck by the image of a lion eating Laysha but now it’s not the time. I hug Laysha and hush her that she is now saved. She curls up in my arms and I keep on hushing the same phrase you are saved. I stop hushing the phrase and carry in my arms. She lost a lot of blood so I take her to the closest hospital. 


I wake to the sound of my alarm. I don’t want to wake up. Laysha also wakes up with messy hair. She goes to the bathroom without saying anything. I stay in the bed in the after alarm sleep until she comes out. She comes out looking decent and awake. I go in the bathroom meanwhile she texts her mom. I get ready. I turn the music to a soft instrumental in a light volume and soon everybody starts waking up. I bet that at least a half of them have a headache since they were so drunk last night. I have the door open so they can leave. Laysha is helping me pick up the bottles which are scattered all in the floor. I gave her a plastic bag and we both started the job in sections were there weren’t people. I opened a closet to find a couple who fell asleep making out. Ew. I think that that is really disgusting. Laysha finishes and asks me where the trash is and I answer her question. I also need to go to the trash because my bag is full therefore I accompany her. In about 3 hours everybody is gone and its only me and her and another couple hard sleeping bodies. In about another 2 hours we are done. She gets back on her dress and heels and she asks me if she can stay with my shirt and I say yes because I never use it. I once bought that shirt for I don’t remember what reason and used it once and shoved it in my messy closet. I let her go home and told her I would see her again on Monday. I am going to think about her all weekend. She is on the back on my mind and a smile instantly grows on my face.

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