Miniminter, Calfreezy, Wroeto...

De ConsultMeOnlyOnBake4

54.4K 497 145

Lol, enjoy these. Edit (months after beginning this 'book'): The first few imagines I think are quite cringe... Mais

Substandard Objective (Wroetoshaw)
Simply Staggering (Calfreezy)
Convert Cully (Miniminter)
Proletariat Part 1 (Willne)
Proletariat Part 2 (Willne)
Proletariat Part 3 (Willne)
Proletariat Part 4 (Willne)
Proletariat Part 5 (Willne)
Grand Bite (Miniminter)
New Facilitate (Wroetoshaw)
Paragon (Calfreezy)
Bloody Nuptials (Willne)
Crimson and Snowy (Miniminter)
Healing the Breach (Wroetoshaw)
Fervency on Junture (Calfreezy)
Penitent my Inclination (Willne)
Ostensible Unsightly Part 1 (Miniminter)
Ostensible Unsightly Part 2 (Miniminter)
Ostensible Unsightly Part 3 (Miniminter)
Ostensible Unsightly Part 4 (Miniminter)
Ostensible Unsightly Part 5 (Miniminter)
Ostensible Unsightly Part 6 (Miniminter)
Ostensible Unsightly Part 7 (Miniminter)
Friends with Welfare (Calfreezy)
Long Time Imminent (wroetoshaw)
Solemn Thoughts (Willne)
Deluging Back (Miniminter)
Inky and Azure (Calfreezy)
Tint Unperceptive (Willne)
A quick A/n for the lads
Emulation Diversion (Wroetoshaw)
Abhorrence You (Calfreezy)
Fluid Tenacity (Willne)
Old Conflagration Part 1 (Wroetoshaw)
Old Conflagration Part 2 (Wroetoshaw)
Old Conflagration Part 3 (Wroetoshaw)
Leisurely Burning (Calfreezy)
Splintered Slipper (Miniminter)
Abominate to Fondness (Willne)
Fracture and Infiltrate (Calfreezy)
Alluring Calamity Tw!! (Wroetoshaw)
Welcomed Omission Tw!! (Miniminter)
Red Letter Thrills Part 1 (Willne)
Red Letter Thrills Part 2 (Willne)
Faction Fever (Calfreezy)
Cot Confidante (Wroetoshaw)
Viridescent Monster (Miniminter) Part 1
Viridescent Monster (Miniminter) Part 2
Stranger Precariousness Part 1 (Willne)
Stranger Precariousness Part 2 (Willne)
Stranger Precariousness Part 3 (Willne)
Fortuitous Miracle (Calfreezy)
A Long Overdue A/N

Love, Simon (Miniminter/ Male reader)

492 7 0
De ConsultMeOnlyOnBake4

Some people have two Mummy's, some people have two Daddies. Most people have a Mummy and a Daddy. Whether you believe in something or not, it doesn't stop the fact that I am here. I live.

-Divina De Campo


The two elderly men sat comfortably on the chairs that had been setup for them. The 7 year olds all kneeled in front of them, all of them bursting with questions.

"How did you keep it a secret for so long?"

One little girl asked.

Kieron looked towards Simon, smiling as he thought about the passed days.

"It was difficult, but in the end it was all for nothing"

Flashback (when the boys were both 16)

Kieron and Simon scampered out of the changing room, giggling like little school boys, which they essentially were.

After 1 year of knowing each other, the two had made things between them official. Kieron was new and instantly caught the eye of a certain tall, blonde icy blue eyed boy.

Being partnered together in a science experiment, definitely pushed things along. Many sleepless nights and after school hang outs, caused for the relationship to shift from friendly lab partners, to secret lovers.

While homophobia wasn't too much if an issue in their school, it still worried the boys. The two were very masculine, not showing any 'usual' hints that they 'swung the other way'.

While the other boy's did question the two on why they werent either, sleeping around with other girls, or had girlfriends themselves, the two always claimed they weren't interested at the moment, and that they were just focusing on school. Which usually got a "boo!!".

"What's the time?"

Kieron questioned Simon while he fluffed his hair up. The two had just spent their entire lunch time, making out in the changing rooms.


He looked down at his watch.

"Shit it's 13:55!"

He stressed, straightening out his shirt as he grabbed his coat and backpack. Just before opening the door, Simon grabbed Kieron's arm, pulling him back and placing one gentle kiss on his lips, causing the two to smile widely.

"Simon I've got to go to Maths"

He giggled, causing Simon to sigh and hug him tightly. The two wrapped their arms around each other, securing their grips and not letting go until Kieron laughed, tapping his nose quickly.

"I. Have. To. Go. To. Maths"

He said in between kisses. Simons finally let go of his waist, pushing him towards the exit.

"See you later yea?"

Kieron wondered. Simon thought for a second, thinking over whether he was busy or not. His mother is out of town and his Dad is working until late. His brothers are either at other people houses or after school football club and he didn't have a sister so that was no issue.

"Yea, come over to mine"

They both nodded and went their separate ways. Kieron sped walk through the school. He was now a few minutes late for maths, mentally preparing himself for the complaints he was going to receive from his teacher.

Arriving at his class, he opened the door. The whole class turned to face the door, Kieron throwing everyone an awkward smile. He could see the teacher glare at him, shaking his head.

"6 minutes late Mr Malton, do you want to explain why?"

He struggled to think of an excuse convincing enough that the teacher would drop the whole situation, opting on an old classic.

"Sorry Sir, Mrs Perry wanted me to sign a form for the up coming football match"

He lied, hoping that it was a good enough reason. The teacher thought for a few seconds, before nodding and carrying on with his lesson.

Kieron internally sighed, sitting in his seat next to his friend Max. Max turned to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Mate, you signed that form yesterday"

For a second, Kieron thought he was busted. He was about to be cruelly exposed. Everyone was going to find out and shame the two boys for being gay.

Until he realised that there was nothing that led people to believe that Kieron and Simon could possibly be in a relationship.

"Yea I know, it was just something to get me out trouble"

Max nodded his head, completely falling for his excuse. Kieron's heart slowly stopped pumping so vigorously as he caught up with the work he had missed.

Simon was lucky, he had a free lesson last, so the teacher wasn't too fussed on why he was so late, but his friends were.

"Simon Bro, how come you were so late?"

Lucas asked as he graffitied on the table with a pen. Simon was a lot more chill when it came to situations like this. While he was still worried about being exposed, excuses and lies came to him quicker and smoother.

"Had to pick up a new History text book because you idiots used it as a frisbee"

He was very happy with his excuse. A week previous, the boys had a few minutes before next class, so they decided that playing frisbee with their text books was the best thing to do in that moment, resulting in the ripping of his history information.

He smiled to himself, knowing the boys suspected nothing. He took out his phone, counting down the minutes until he was back with his love.

Time skip (the end of the day)

Simon swung his bag over his shoulder, tucked in his chair and made his way over to the exit. He swerved through the many pupils, loitering in the corridor or rushing to the gates.

Exiting the building, feeling the fresh air of Leeds hit his face. He spotted Kieron stood at the front, smiling at how sweet he looked staring down at his phone.


He said as he arrived at his destination. Kieron looked up, smiling and nodding his head.

"What was the excuse you gave this time for being late?"

Kieron questioned, running his fingers through his sprayed stiff brunette locks. Today wasn't the first time that their relationship was the cause of the pairs constant tardiness.

"I said it was because I needed to pick up a new history book"

Kieron sighed in envy. Simon was so good when it came to thinking of excuses. Kieron always got all hot and bothered trying to think up an excuse. He was lucky he had one of the more gullible teachers today.

"What about you?"

"I said I had to sign that form for the football match next week"

Simon scrunched his eyes in.

"You signed that yesterday?"

Kieron rolled his eyes.

"Yea I know"

Time skip (later that day)

The pair were locked in an intense embrace. Simon was above Kieron as they continued to express their feelings through physical action.

The two smiled wide as their hands explored each other's torso's or faces.

Times like this were rare for the two.

They weren't able to be openly themselves in a place where there was a possibility of being caught.

But Simons family were out and Kieron wasn't expected home until late considering it was Friday.

The sudden buzz of Simons phone startled the two lads, causing them to part with a jump. Kieron chuckled as Simon reached for his phone.

Incoming call from Dad⚽️
Accept or decline

"What's up?"

Simon breathed out, catching his breath from his previous actions.

"Have you just been for a run or something?"

His father chuckled, being able to hear the slight strain in his voice.

"Yea, just came home"

He lied, the pair had been there for a while.

"Right well, I'm coming home in about 2 minutes, so see you in a bit"

Simon widened his eyes, only for him to shut them in annoyance.

"Okay, see you soon"

Kieron pulled a confused look at Simon, causing Simon to put his finger up, telling him to wait a minute.

"Yea, yea I will. Bye"

Simon hung up, groaning at the interference.

"Dads gonna be here in a bit, so you better go"

Kieron rolled his eyes, nodding his head and getting to his feet. Collecting his things, he made his way to the door.


Simon grabbed his hand, pulling him in for one more kiss. A regular occurrence when one of them was on their way out. They smiled, parting ways once again.

Half way down the street, Kieron saw Mr Minter driving passed.

"Alright Malton?"

He smiled, greeting the boy.

"Hi Mr Minter"

"You coming to the match next week? The team is bound to loose if you're not striker"

Kieron chuckled, nodding his head.

"Don't worry Mr Minter, I'll be there"

Mr Minter stretched his arm out and patted him on the shoulder.

Kieron continued his walk home, thinking about how Mr Minter would react if he found out about what him and his beloved son were doing less than 5 minutes previous.

Small time skip

Simon and his Dad were sat casually watching tv.

The football was on, which was pretty much the only thing they ever did together. Watch football, play football or talk about football.

"I'm just going to get a drink"

Simon announced.

"Want anything?"

His Dad requested a beer from the fridge. And with that, he was on his way to the kitchen. Simons phone once again went off, distracting his father enough to look down at the device.


Kieron Malton?

The boy he was talking to a few hours ago?

Simon came back with his fathers drink and a drink of his own.

Simon was quite a masculine man. The rest of his mates either had no emoji next to their names, or a silly/stupid one.

So why did Kieron's have a heart?

Why was he so excited to see his son in a football kit?

Being his Dad, he had questions. He watched as Simon picked up his phone, smiling at the message he had received. He noticed the small blush rise to his cheeks. The grin was a lot, but the blush was too much for his father to handle.

"What you looking at?"

His Dad questioned knowingly, a small grit in his teeth. Simon grinned as he looked at his father.

"Just this girl I've been talking too"

He fibbed, expecting his father to nod and drop it.

"What, a girl called Kieron?"

Simon shot his head straight up, locking eyes with his exasperated father.


Just as Kieron had finished putting all of his clean clothes back into his wardrobe, his phones pinged, expecting it to be a reply to his message earlier.

Simon❤️: we've been rumbled Ki, Dad's insisting we end things now. He must've seen your message.

His heart thumped in his ear, his hand shakily kicked in reply.

Kieron💖: oh shit, what do we do now then?"

He waited anxiously for a response, receiving the worst one possible.

Simon❤️: let's just call it quits before things turn ugly. What if the boys find out? We'll be done for.

Kieron new deep down that this was always going to be the outcome, but he just didn't want to except that.

Kieron💖: Okay, see you tomorrow

Simon could read the sad undertones in the message, but knew for now it was for the best.

Simon swiftly deleted the heart from beside his name. His name now mirroring the rest of the contacts in his phone.


Simon and Kieron were nothing but miserable for the next few days. They were used to being around each other constantly. Not only did they play football together, but they walked to and from school, hung out on the weekends and spent countless nights together. And now, nothing.

Simon laced up his boots, waiting for the game to start. His mind was elsewhere while everyone else was focused on the game. Apart from Kieron of course.

The opposing team were all huddled together, egging the other boys to do the same.

"Right Lads, we've trained too hard for this for it all to go to shit"

Max commented. While everyone else was looking at the speaking boy, Simon and Kieron were looking at each other.

"Let's fuck em up"

Max continued, earning a soft snack on the head from the school coach. The boys all laughed, breaking away from the huddle.

They all hugged, wishing each other well. Simon began his walk over to Kieron. However, he was stopped by an arm on his shoulder.

"What did we say Simon?"

His father whispered harshly at Simon, making Simon tense up and rip out of his grip.

"Stay away from Kieron, yea I get it"

He walked to his position, ready for the game to start.

The whistle blew, and off they went.


Throughout the game, many passes were made between the two, but it was clear that Simon was absentminded.

Many parents present to watch yelled things at the boy who seemed to not be trying.




But none of it went through Simons head. Soon, it came to half time. Simon sighed, thanking his lucky stars that it was half way over. He got many pats on the shoulder from his teammates.

Simon was sat with his head down, trying to focus on the game, but his mind was plagued with the look on Kieron's face. How hurt he seemed.

"You alright mate?"

Max appeared, sitting next to the boy. Simon was usually top player, never let anything distract him from the great game. He looked up, noticing that the second half was about to start, taking this as an opportunity to get things off his chest with no after questions.

"Me and Kieron were together but my Dad's homophobic and now I'm not aloud to talk to him, good luck in the second half"

Max was left speechless while Simon ran back onto the pitch.


While Simon was better in the second half, glad that he had said what he had been keeping inside the past few days, he was still very much off his game.

He was usually man of the match, but today he was far from the best.


He heard from his left. The person calling his name was Max, equipped with a sympathetic look. A face Simon wasn't expecting.

He was fully expecting a look similar to his fathers. One of disgust.

He walked towards Simon, coming close to tell him something privately.

"If you and Kieron want to be together, none of us are stopping you"

He smacked the side of face softly, throwing him one more friendly smile before jogging over to the changing rooms.

A warm feeling filled him for the first time in days. To know that there were people out there that respected him and accepted him for who he was, filled him with hope.

He noticed another figure walk passed him. Kieron.

Without thinking, he grabbed onto his arm and pulled him closer, holding onto the sides of his neck.

"Well done today, you did great"

Simon congratulated. Kieron widened his eyes, worried about what people were thinking.

"Your Dad Simon"

Simon smiled, holding onto his left cheek.

"Who cares? I love you, you love me"

Kieron ear to eared.

"We're a happy family"

He sang quietly, making the two laugh, connecting their lips.

Mr Minter spotted this and instantly went to end the situation, when he was pushed back by Simons group of friends.

"Don't even bother Mr Minter"

Lewis said with a stern tone. He was significantly taller than the older man, so he took zero pleasure in walking away from the situation.

The two shared their well earned lip lock, not bothered by any looks that were in ill taste. Because they were together.

Together and Happy.

Back to the two elderly men.

"It took a while for my Father to get used to the idea of me being with another male, but when he finally came around to the idea, it was worth it"

Another boy shot his hand up. Kieron pointed at him, smiling.

"Why was your Dad so against it?"

Simon thought for a second. The answer to that question, was explained in a conversation he and his father shared many many years ago.

"He told me, that his main reasoning, was the thought of not having Grand children. But once I explained that it was still possible, it definitely eased the tension"

After the questions, the two were escorted out of the school, hand in hand.

"That was nice, they seemed genuinely interested"

Kieron mentioned, mirroring Simons nodding head.

"Yea I know"

There was a small pause of silence.

"What's for dinner tonight then Si?"


Hello Lads 👋

This was a new experience for me, I've never written a male reader before. And if it's alright with you, I think I'm going to stick with girls as the other person.

I'm so sorry if that's disappointed any of you, but it's what I'm comfortable with at this moment. But if that ever changes, I'll let you know 😘

Also, you can imagine my delight as I gave this story a title. I mean, Love, Simon? That's literally perfect.

Also also, I've just been listening to Deja vu on repeat for the past few days, enjoying the never ending greatness that is Olivia Rodrigo.

Upvote cause we love soft Simon.

That's all for now.



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