Derek Hale x Neko Love Story

Por werewolvesden

69.8K 1.7K 100

Neko's protecting werewolves, what is this world coming to. Más

Derek Hale x Neko Love Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25!
Authors Note

Chapter 20

1.7K 38 3
Por werewolvesden

I made this one long for y'all!!!


Chapter 20


Jesse's POV


I can't control my body! I can't move! I screamed in my head and it just seemed to echo.

I was trapped inside my own body and mind. I felt the presence that appeared in my head continue to force me back. I fought it with all I had, but it never seemed good enough. I still couldn't get my control back.

"And little Derek thinks that you're not weak." A voice sneered. It was a mans voice. It sounded so angry, so filled with hatred. I shivered at its cold, dark tone.

"Who are you?" I asked. I don't understand how this happened. If I can get him to answer my questions then maybe I can piece this together.

"It doesn't matter what my name is!" He spat out. "We're both going to die anyway, so forgive me if I don't see the point in giving you my name."

We're going to die?! But, I don't understand, who's going to kill us or me, for that matter, since this is my body! I don't even know what's going on! And Derek, what about Derek!

"What do you mean we're going to die! Please tell me!" I panicked.

"The damn wickens!" He shouted. The shout echoed, bouncing around inside my mind and hurting my ears to the point where I had to cover them and squeeze my eyes closed.

As the noise subsided I uncovered my ears and continued listening.

"They had a damn full blooded witch among them!" He continued to yell. "Once I cast my spell and turned into that god forsaken tree, I sat there for centuries waiting for my vessel; you. I was going to extract my revenge on the werewolves for murdering my wife and kids, but about a hundred years back a witch figured out that I wasn't just a tree, but a person in the form of a tree. He did his homework and figured out my plans and then decided he could use me for his schemes. He did an overlay spell on me and waited, using respite techniques to keep him alive, and as soon as I found my vessel; it activated. Now he's controlling the both of us for his own games!" He finished.

I could feel his anger and hatred as if it was my own, but I guess in a way it was. He became me the second he entered my body, feeling my emotions, and me his. We were connected and would continue to be as long as he was in my body.

Wait, he didn't tell me what the witches plan was.

"What is the witches plan?" I asked as curiosity got the best of me.

"He wants to be a king, to be worshipped.... to play god, I guess you can say. He wants to force every supernatural creature on this planet to kiss his shoes."

"But why? This doesn't make any sense." I said. I grabbed at my hair in frustration.

"Do people like him need a reason? Let me tell you something, if you were born in greed and raised to think that you are better then everyone else, you would act the same way. Only less fortunate people know the value of things they had to work for. He was born having everything handed to him, thinking that he deserved everything. He had never worked for anything a day in his life, so he did not value anything. He played with the things that were handed to him until he got bored, and then threw them away without a second look." He said.

"I still don't understand." I said.

He sighed. "Why do you think they say money is dirty?"

Where is he going with this? Can't he just answer my damn question? This is getting really irritating.

"Because it's been everywhere and has touched everything." I said in a 'duh' tone.

He chuckled as if I just said something funny.

"That may be the obvious answer, but what about the hidden one." He said.

"What are you a teacher, a riddler?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Stupid child! It's because of greed. Greed is a sin, it makes your soul filthy; and where there is more money, there is more greed. Have you heard the saying 'a weak man knows the value of strength'?" I nod my head. "Well it's the same with money. A poor person knows the value of money." He finished.

"So the basis of this is greed?" I asked. "He's doing all of this," I made a swiping gesture with my arms, "because he's greedy and bored with his other toys?"


"Then why didn't you just come out and say it!" I exclaimed.

"There was a lesson to be learned from this." He says nonchalantly like he didn't just waste a lot of time.

"Were you a teacher when you were alive?" I asked.

"Not important." He said.

With that, we both went quiet. I watched through my eyes as we ran to wherever we were going, dodging trees and jumping over boulders and other things sticking out of the ground.

"Do you at least know where we're going?" I asked.

"In case you have forgotten, I also do not have any control of this body." He said in a tone that made me feel stupid.

He did imply that he didn't have any control. I must really be stupid if I couldn't of put it together sooner.

"Oh, well can you at least tell me your name?" I asked.

He sighed. "Felix. Now shut up."

I huffed in irritation but didn't say anything else.

We drifted into another silence and my thoughts drifted to why Felix wanted to kill the werewolves.

I know he said that they killed his family, but, if I'm correct, that was like over 500 years ago. The werewolves that killed his family are already dead, so why? Maybe I can change his mind after we figure out a way to break this seal.

"Hey, I see something up ahead." Felix said.

I broke out of my thoughts and watched as my giant 5'4 black panther body stumbled upon a clearing. There was creatures of all kinds ranging from Kanima's to other werewolves and even other Neko's. Though, unlike me, these Neko's weren't turned into a giant cat. Am I the only one who can do that? All the supernatural creatures in the clearing had the red glowing mark on their forehead and also looked like they had no control of their body.

"Why am I the only Neko that is transformed into a giant cat?" I asked Felix.

"Because I'm inside you." He stated blankly.

"Why would that matter?" I asked.

"I was a witch when I was alive, a very powerful one. When I entered your body it unlocked abilities that I would of used against the werewolves, if my plan would've gone the way I wanted it too."

"So the only reason I can transform is because you're in my body too."

"Yes, and that also means that we are the strongest ones on this field, which is mostly because of me." He said making me huff and roll my eyes.

"You're really full of yourself." I commented.

He ignored me and continued finishing his previous sentence.

"We are a big asset to the one controlling everybody."

As if on Que. the gray scraggly haired man from the bookstore walked onto the field. As he passed every creature they all fell to their knees and bowed, though you could tell it wasn't willingly.

He walked past us and our body started trying to bend its front legs and lower its head to the ground. I could feel as me and Felix tried our hardest to keep our body from bowing, putting all we had into resisting, but it still wasn't enough. A growl left our snout as our chin finally hit the ground.


Derek's POV


I met up with my parents and Maria in the woods where they found me and Jesse ran off. The vial of liquid adrenaline was tucked safely into my pocket, now we just had to find Jesse.

I stopped in the clearing around the Nemeton and my parents ran over to me and wrapped me into a hug.

"Thank God your okay." My mom sniffled into my shirt. I was about to wrap my arms around her and try to comfort her when out of nowhere she pulled back and slapped me across the face. My eyes widened as I looked at her in confusion.

"Where have you been! Huh, we needed your help you know!" Wow, I never knew my mom was so bipolar.

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Deaton was mixing something up for me to give to Jesse." I said and Maria came over to us.

"What is it? Will it save her?" Maria asked.

I shook my head. "No, But Deaton said it should give her control for just a minute so we can tell her what to do."

"And what does she have to do?" My mom asked.

"She has to fight it off herself." I said and watched as tears started leaking from Maria's eyes. My mom wrapped her friend and protector into an embrace, telling her that everything was going to be okay.

Was everything going to be okay? Can she really do this? Felix said that he was able to take over her because she was weak, so can she really pull it off? No! I can't be thinking like this! I can't doubt! Jesse is strong. I believe in her. She'll get through this.

With new resolve I walked over to the place Jesse darted off. I'm coming Jesse. I look on the ground, but there wasn't any footprints. The leaves had cushioned her steps, making tracking her by footprints impossible. I sniffed the air thinking I could follow her scent, but her scent ended right here where I was standing, that's not right.

Did her scent change when she transformed? I sniffed for a different scent, but came up cold since it's been hours since she's been here.

"We've already tried all that Derek." My mom said as her and Maria came up next to me. "We can't get a scent. It's like she disappeared."

"Not disappeared, transformed." I informed them. Maria gasped and my moms eyes widened. I looked at them in confusion.

Why are they acting so surprised?

"You're sure son, she transformed?" Mom asked.

I nodded. "I watched it happen." I said. "Why what does it mean?"

"So the stories are true." Maria said solemnly.

I turned my head in Maria's direction, taking in her appearance. She looked tired. Her face was dirty except for some clean lines starting below her eyes and ending at her cheeks, she had been crying. She must really be hurting, loosing her only daughter. I have to find Jesse! I'll bring her back to Maria and I won't ever let her out my sight again! And I'll be more careful.

"Are you talking about the stories of Felix?" I asked.

She and my mother nodded.

"If that's the case, then she may never be able to transform back into her original form." My mom said. A look of pity crossed her face for her friend who may never be able to see her daughters true face again.

Helplessness started flooding my veins.

"Why won't she be able to transform back?" I asked, feeling my eyes tearing up. I tried pushing the tears back. I have to stay strong for them. Weakness can not be shone right now, it'll only make things worse.

"Felix is too strong, Derek. He holds too much power. Probably so much power that it'll cause permanent damage to Jesse's body." My mom sighed sadly. " If Felix were to leave Jesse's body while they're still in that form, she might not be able to shift back on her own. It takes to much energy, it could kill her if she tried."

I narrowed my eyes at my mothers last sentence. Anger started taking over my body and if I didn't dispose of some of it I would shift and go into a blind rage, which wouldn't be good for any of us, so I spoke what was on my mind.

"You really think so low of Jesse?! Huh!" I raised my voice.

They lifted their heads in my direction at the sound of my loud voice. Their eyes were wide in surprise and Jesse's mother looked like she was about to cry again. But I wasn't going to let some tears stop me from saying what needed to be said.

"She's not that strong! Jesse has never been that strong!" Maria said.

Jesse's own mother thinks that low of her!

"Shut up!" I growled, feeling my teeth start to protrude from my mouth and my eyes flashing electric blue. "You're her mother! How could you say that about your own child!"

"It's the truth." She whimpered after looking at my appearance and how close I was to shifting.

"No! It's not the truth! You want to know how I know, because I was the one that was alway with her while you ran off to the mall like a school girl with no responsibility!" I spat out harshly. Tears ran down Maria's cheeks and my mom watched me with wide eyes. "It's time to grow up! You have a kid now, so it's time to hang up what you want and tend to the needs of your child like parents are suppose to! For you to sit here and call her weak, HAHA! Look who's talking, you can't even look at me right now cause you know everything I'm saying is true! And do you want to know what the real funny part is? Jesse never complained that you were always gone, not once! She took care of herself, she did everything herself! She has the will power of a stampede. She doesn't rely on anyone, and if that isn't true strength then I don't know what is." I finished and turned around, walking back over to where Jesse was.

I didn't bother to turn around and look back at them. They were a waste of energy, plus Maria's cries gave me a clue of what was going on. Maria is the one that is truly weak. And I didn't care about how she felt about this situation anymore.

I looked around the area and noticed a broken branch a little ways ahead. Heading over to it, I noticed a piece of black fur hanging from it; Jesse's fur! I picked it off the tree and took a whiff of it. It smelt of gravel and the forest, which makes sense since she was laying in the dirt when she transformed.

Putting the lock of black fur in my pocket incase I needed it later, I lifted my nose into the air and started sniffing. I was trying to pick up on her trail, but the smells of the forest were very overpowering. Just as I was about to give up, I found it. It was faint, almost nonexistent, but it was there and I now had a lock on it. I started walking further into the forest, following her trail. I wasn't going to tell my mom or Maria cause quite frankly, they were the lowest thing on my list of problems.

Speeding up my walk into a jog, I followed the scent. I wasn't looking for Jesse for Maria anymore. No, I was looking for Jesse for me. I won't be like her mother, I won't leave her alone.



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