The Order and The Ravenclaw (...

By tooldtobehere

176K 5.4K 1.4K

(Lyra Stone Book Two) After everything that happened last year, Lyra knew that evil was waiting just over the... More

Summer Break
Authors Note
The Visitors
The Betrayal
Grimmauld Place
The Attack
The Letter
The Interrogation
The Hallway.
The Nightmare
A Morning with the Weasleys
The Healer and the Jokers
News of Harry
The Snack Boxes
Harrys Arrival
The Order of the Phenoix
The Hearing, The letters, and the Trip
Diagon Alley
A Vacant Storefront
The Party
The Scare
To Hogwarts We Go
The Beginning of a New Year
First Day of Classes
The Boyfriend and The Friend
a Meeting with Dumbledore
a Lover's Secrets
a Bit of Courage
Getting to know the enemy
Trading of Facts and Gossip
Worry and Woes
Slytherins and Ravenclaws
The Letters and The Lessons
Hermione's Dangerous Ideas
Intercepted messages
The Hogs Head
The forbidden forest
The Trouble With Fudge
Dumbledore's Army
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Something up with Lyra
Big Plans for Christmas
The Stranger
The Knight Bus
Christmas Morning
Saint Mongos
Christmas Night
Lyra's Muggle Life
The confusing life of Lyra Stone
The Weasleys vs the muggle world
After The Fight
Early Birthday Morning
a Birthday with the Weasleys
A Sick Lyra Stone
January at Hogwarts
The date and The Fight
The Talk
The Magazine
Dreams and Changes
A Very Dangerous Birthday
Phase one
A Rude Awakening
Phase Two
One Last Night with the Boys
Everybody wants to be a Weasley
A turn for the worse
The Visitor
The Visitor 18+
The Visitor After
The Morning After
The Ministry of Magic
A fight for life
I must not lose control
Starting Again
Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes
Someone elses nightmare
The Gift 18+
The Gift
Alastor and Stone
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
End of Book Two


1.6K 56 23
By tooldtobehere

"Everything will be okay," Lyra told herself as she held up the Gryffindor uniform. She could just change it back. But as she had the thought  another panic arose. she quickly patted down the uniform, desperately turning out every pocket. When everything turned up empty she cursed. She never thought in a million years they'd take her wand from her. Hanging her head in defeat, she began to put on the Gryffindor robes. 

It made sense that they took her wand, knowing that without it she couldn't turn her clothes back to their original colors. She doubted they would give it back if she went back to her dorms and got changed too. It would still be fine though. She'd just stay out of sight, wait for them to be done eating, and pull them aside.

Lunch seemed to take forever, and she was relieved when the bell finally rang and the students flooded out into the hall. She pressed herself against the wall and tried to become as small and insignificant as possible. She didn't want to be seen, she didn't want to be noticed. The students flooded by none of them looking her way.

Lyra scanned the sea of people until she finally spotted two tall heads of fire-red hair. She locked onto them, and George looked up, looked her way immediately as if sensing her.

He looked her up and down and grinned wickedly before breaking away from Fred and his Friends. She could see Fred calling to him, but George waved him away heading for her. She started down the hall the way fewer people were going. Walking briskly and close to the wall.

George caught up to her in a few short strides.

"Wow." He said, grinning again. "It really is a shame your a Ravenclaw because red and gold really are your colors."

She glared up at him, but he could see the fine dusting of pink on her cheeks. She pulled him into one of the never-used classrooms shutting the door behind him.

"George where on earth is my wand?"

That oh so perfect, oh so up to no good famous Weasley grin. "Sorry Love, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. Did you misplace it?"

She stepped forward so close he could feel her breath on his skin. "George please give me my wand back." She said firmly.

But George wasn't listening. His mind had wandered back to earlier today, back to the Prefects bathroom. The scent of the soapy water from her hair filling his lungs as he breathed her in. He reached up and ran his fingers through her hair. Soft as silk.

She froze, her irritation and desperation melting away in an instant. "George?" she asked, looking into his distracted eyes and realizing he wasn't listening. "You spacing out on me again?"

He lightly cupped her face his thumb grazing her bottom lip. His eyes so intense, almost pained.

Lyra's brows knitted together. "George, what's wrong?"

He hesitated, second-guessing himself, and then plunged forward. "Would you go back to the Prefects bathroom... With me I mean? Before I have to leave."

She heard what he had said, but it took her a moment to actually understand the words. Her face went very red as they clicked, "w-with you?"

"When you were in the bath today... I had this moment, when I was washing your hair, that I realized you were there right under the water and-" he hesitated looking for the right words, swallowing hard. "And I just-" he trailed off again blushing madly his hands shaking.

Lyra, heart racing so loudly she feared he would hear it. Her insides a swirling hurricane.

"We don't have to do anything, or if you're uncomfortable-"

She stepped closer to him. "O-okay."


She nodded not meeting his gaze. "You aren't worried we'd get caught?"

"We could go late at night. Hours after curfew. No way any of them will be there then."

"T-tonight?" She asked both excitement and terror.

How badly he wanted to say yes. To say let's go right now. "No, during the week, need a couple of days to get the details straightened out." Better to be smart about it.

She grabbed the front of his jumper and leaned into him, partly because she was dizzy but also to hide her face. She hoped he couldn't feel her heart beating out of her chest. "Sounds good." She said into his chest

He wrapped his arms around her, gently rubbing her back. "It's okay to say no, you don't have too."

"I know. I wouldn't if I didn't want to."

"You'll tell me if you change your mind?"


"Good." He sighed and she could feel his relief and excitement. She leaned back and looked up at him. He met her gaze and her stomach did a flip, she looked away again.

He smirked, "anyway I could convince you to keep the robes on for the rest of the day?"

"If you give me my wand back I'll consider wearing it for a little bit."

"Sorry Love, Fred's got your wand."

"Dammit." She groaned trying not to smirk. "I knew I grabbed the wrong twin."

He pulled her tightly to him, "did you now?"

"I suppose we'll have to go find the right one to get my wand back."

"Or we could goof off for the rest of the day. No Fred no pranks."

"If I'm honest.... as stupid as it sounds I feel vulnerable without it. Like I'm missing an extension of myself."

He sighed exaggeratedly, "well if that's the case, we better go and get it back."

"Plus if we hid all day, we'd miss your party and Fred would never let me hear the end of it."

"Why wouldn't he let you hear the end of it?"

"Well he'd blame me for corrupting you naturally and probably accuse me of bribing you."

"If we must then." George sighed, and before Lyra knew what was happening he was scooping her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

"G-George?! What are you doing?!"

He kicked the classroom door open with a loud bang, "Well it appears I've caught a wild Gryffindor imposter, and I've got to turn her in!"

"The only reason I'm in this stupid uniform is because of you and Fred!"

"Shhh keep yelling like that and you'll get us caught!"

"Where did you two find an extra girl's uniform anyway? Don't tell me you stole it off your sister."

"What you mean you can't tell? It's one of yours we just transfigured it."

"Really?" She had to bite back the fact she was impressed. Transfiguration wasn't easy.

"Yeah, had to. No way you would have fit in Ginny's-" something collided with the side of George's head with a loud wack.

"What are you trying to imply George Weasley?!" Lyra hissed her face a bright red.

George wobbled almost losing balance as she squirmed to get free. "I wasn't implying anything and don't squirm so much."

"Put me down and I won't squirm at all."

"Nope. It's my birthday and I can do what I want."

They had reached the stairs now and Lyra screwed her eyes shut as he began up them. He felt her grip the back of his jumper for dear life. "G-George." She whimpered.

He chuckled and in one motion swooped her forward into a bridal hold instead. "There is that better your highness?"

She buried her red face into his chest. "I could just walk."

"I could just throw you back over my shoulder." He countered.

"I should really be the one carrying you since it's your birthday."

She felt his chest rumbled with a laugh, and a thrill of pleasure went through her. "I'd like to see you try."

It didn't take long to find Fred and Lee. Who both cheered loudly as George entered the Gryffindor common room holding Lyra up in the air as if he had won her in a duel. "I HAVE RETURNED!" he yelled as she clung to his arms for dear life.


He placed her on her feet and winked. "Sorry Love, all in good fun."

"Speaking of good fun I am LOVING that outfit Stone. You finally admitting defeat and switching to the Superior house?" Fred said causing Lee to snicker.

"No, but I may just write your mother and tell her you're in the habit of stealing girls' clothes."

George pulled her back into his arms. "Ah-ah, no can do Stone, that was a prank and therefore falls under the agreement."

Her eyes suddenly lit up with realization. "Fred! I need my wand back!"

Fred looked at George who shook his head.

"Mmmm I'll think about it after you help us hang these decorations for the party."

"Wouldn't it be faster if you gave me my wand?"

"What's the fun in that?"

"The decorations go up quickly."

"Mmm doesn't seem like there's much that benefits me though." He said with a smirk.

"Okay, how abbbbooouttt if you don't give me my wand back, I won't give you your birthday present."

Fred faltered, "You got me a birthday present too?"

"I did, I wasn't going to give it to you until midnight. Though I am ever so forgetful these days, I'd hate to misplace it like I did my wand."

Fred looked at George, and then back at Lyra. "Your bluffing."

She shrugged, "okay."

"Can I know what it is?"

"What what is?" Lyra replied innocently.

Fred looked at George again. "George has your wand, not me."

"But- George said you had it." She turned to look at George, feeling out for any sense of guilt. He immediately looked away a sheepish grin touching his lips.

She crossed her arms. "You told me Fred had it."

"If I had given it to you, you would have changed back."

Her cheeks tinted pink, "you hid my wand so I wouldn't change my uniform back?"

He grinned shrugging. "What can I say? My favorite girl, my favorite house. I couldn't help myself."

Fred and Lee snickered and began to put up the decorations again. Lyra's tinted cheeks bloomed into a full-on blush. She held out her hand. "Hand it over Weasley."

He took a step back, "Will you keep the outfit on if I do?"

"Definitely not."

He shrugged. "Haven't seen it then."

"George." She whined, "please?"

"Oh, no way that's going to work on me this time." He said crossing his arms over his chest. "If anything you're just fueling the fire."

It was time to take an offensive stance. George was usually quicker than her. You needed more than strength to be a good beater, you needed good reflexes too. She wouldn't be able to best him physically. He'd catch her before she ever got to his pockets... That said, just maybe she still had a shot. 

Lyra moved quickly, plunging forwards and reaching for his pockets.

He reeled back in shock blushing. "Woah there!" He grabbed both of her hands in one hand and pulled them up. A single swooping motion stopping her in her tracks."Lyra not in front of the children!" He joked, but she could see she had caught him off guard.

"Where is it, George Weasley?"

"I can't believe you just tried to frisk me for your wand."

Lyra wasn't listening though, she focused on his emotions, closed her eyes, and pushed past them. By the time he felt her, it was too late. She was already in, searching his mind, his memories flashed at a rapid pace.

A home she had never seen, the sorting hat, the first time they had ever touched, flying high in the air above the Quidditch pitch. Her wand, his bedroom, the Prefects bath, Lyra, herself, in the water eyes closed, skin just barely visible as she floated in the bath.

He ripped away from her, letting go of her hands staring at her, both blushing madly. Lyra's eyes flickered towards the boy's dormitory and that was all the confirmation George needed to know that she had seen.

He darted towards the stairs. Lyra's legs moved to follow before her thoughts could. Still dizzy from being abruptly plunged and then ripped from his mind. She shook her head and pushed herself faster, desperate to catch up.

"Oi, where are you off too?" Lee yelled after them.

"Let em go," Fred said grinning at him.

Lyra was on his heels now, as they both scrambled up the stairs to George's room. She had only been there once before, but her feet seemed to know. He was pulling ahead again though, his legs much longer, his reflex's faster. She looked up to see him grinning. He was having fun.

He burst through the door to his dormitory, thankful no one else was there, and dove for his bed. He was scrambling up, wand in hand when she got to the doorway.

"Stop right there Weasley! I've got you cornered fair and square so just hand it over."

But George wasn't listening. He had grabbed something from under the bed next to his, a broom, and was backing away from her towards the window.

"George." She said, walking quickly forward now. "Stop."

He grinned at her, stepping up on the sill and opening the window the cold wind gusting in fluttering his hair wildly. "Oh yeah? What are you going to do to stop me Stone?"

She held her arms up in surrender, inching closer. Her voice soothing and soft. She just needed to get close enough to grab hold of him. "Let's talk about this."

"You promise to keep that on till I say, and I'll surrender."

She lunged, completely missed, and watched in horror as George leaned backward and gracefully dove from the window.

Lyra's feet moved faster than her train of thought, and before she could stop it, one foot was up on the sill, the other in the air, and without a wand or a broom, she was jumping after him.

The wind howled in her ears as she plummeted towards the ground. Her eyes stung with tears. How could she be so stupid?

But the next thing Lyra knew, she was slowing down, as if a parachute had opened, slowing her descent. A body collided with hers, scooping her up and to it. She clung desperately, to him, one of his arms wrapped around her, trying to situate her, the other trying to balance the broom. They began to plummet again.

"Lyra you've got to give me a hand here." He yelled over the wind. She snapped out of it, realizing it was George, realizing that he had grabbed her, that they were on a broom. She shifted herself. Wrapping her legs around the broom and then her hands, George slide down and tucked his arms under hers grabbing the broom with both hands as well.

He steadied them and slowed their speed into a peaceful glide. A wild and beautiful laugh erupting from him like a battle cry.

"I can't believe you jumped out of a window!" He said, and though she could not see his face, she knew he was grinning ear to ear. "what were you thinking?!"

"You jumped first," she huffed breathlessly.

"I had a broom!" He laughed, "you didn't have a broom, or a wand, or... anything!"

She blushed, "I don't know, I didn't really think it just sort of happened..."

He laughed again, and she could feel the rumble of his chest against her back.

"You know, I think I've got you pegged, know exactly how you'll react and then you go and do the exact opposite."

A strong gust of wind blew against them and Lyra's grip on the broom tightened. She looked below them terrified.

"Relax," he said "I've got you now. Afraid of flying on a broom but dives out of a window with nothing but her robes," He chuckled.

"Where did you get that broom from? I thought Umbridge took yours."

"She did, this is Lee's. Don't think he'll mind us borrowing it."

They were by the forbidden forest now, George beginning the descent. Lyra screwed her eyes shut, and tried to ignore the swooping sensation in her stomach.

"How did you catch me?"

"Aresto Momentum charm." George said, "slowed you down enough that I could grab you."

"That was smart," She said.

"You sound surprised." He said insulted. "Put your feet out love, we are about to land."

She opened her eyes as they floated down the last ten feet, and put her feet out as he instructed. It turned out though, that it didn't matter as they folded under her the minute she put any weight on them. 

"Lyra!" George yelled with shock and dropped down beside her. "Are you okay?!"

"A bit faint if I'm honest..."

He chuckled and relaxed. "Well, that tends to happen when you have a near death experience."

She smiled herself before leaning on him. "I can't believe I just did that."

"Can you stand?" He asked.

"If you give me just a moment, I think I'll be able to."

"Right," he sighed, "hold this."

She took the broom from him confused, but before she could ask, George scooped her up in his arms. "What am I to do with you? My damsel in distress."

"Hey, you jumped out of the window first."

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to do something just because the cool kids are doing it?"

"I don't think she was very worried about me copying the cool kids."

"Well, clearly not worried enough." He joked.

"Is my wand okay?" Lyra asked, remembering her reason for flinging herself out of a tower window.

"Oh yeah!" George shifted her so that he could reach into his back pocket, and pulled out her wand. "Perfectly safe!"

She took it from him with a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

They were near Hagrids hut now, and he came out to meet them, his dog fang barking as they approached. Lyra tensed again.

"Fangs friendly," George whispered to her.

"Don't you dare put me down." She said back her voice dripping with panic.

"Oi, what do you think you two were doing?!" Came Hagrids voice. "You ain't supposed to be flying Mr.Weasley, you know better than that."

"Technically, I was banned from playing Quidditch, not borrowing a friend's broom and flying."

"Oh," Hagrid said relaxing a bit. "Well, as long as no one saw you two then..."

Fang came up to George and Lyra sniffing excitedly. Lyra turned very pale, her grip on George tightening. He shifted her away from fang.

"Fang! Leave em be you dummy. You alright there Lyra? Didn't get hurt did you?"

She looked up at Hagrid now and found it funny he would ask her that seeing as he was covered in cuts and bruises. "I'm fine just a bit faint is all... Are you okay though Hagrid... I could heal those cuts for you if you'd like."

"What these? Oh naw their just a couple of bumps and bruises is all. Perfectly fine." He said nervously. "Well, I suppose you two should get back up to the castle. Dinner being soon and everything."

"Hagrid." George said, "would you mind if I left Lee's broom with you? It'd just make carrying Lyra a lot easier."

"I don't see why not, give it here." Lyra handed Hagrid the broom.

"Thanks a million." George said grinning, "I'll let him know you have it."

They said their awkward goodbyes before parting ways. George and Lyra heading back up to the castle.

"I think I'm okay to walk now," Lyra said softly as soon as Fang was out of sight.

"You sure? Don't want you falling on me again."


He placed her down, not letting go of her until he was sure she wouldn't fall again. They walked slowly, and close together. Trying to stay warm in the cool spring evening. At least it wasn't raining anymore. Lyra thought to herself.

"Hey Lyra," George said, "When you looked into my mind earlier did you see everything I saw?"

She winced. "Yeah... Sorry about that...."

"Nah it's okay," George said blushing. "I can hardly think I could be mad after watching you jump out a window for me."

She bumped his side with hers smiling, "Happy Birthday George Weasley."

"Happy Birthday indeed."

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