Unbreakable➳ Lahey [book 2]

By akalei

240K 6.9K 2.2K

Kate Argent's dead. Derek's an alpha with a new pack. Gerard Argent head of the hunters is in town, declare... More

It's Not Stupid At All
Sit Still and Shut up
Daire channels Sokka, the face palming king
Sword in the Moonlight
Palpable Emotions
The Grandfucker
Daire ships Outlaw Queen
Your Butt is Crushing Me!
It wasn't Celestial Gate Keys
Who's under the Ice?
An Unfair Battle
All Bark and No Bite
Je te Protegerai
Elfman or the Abomination?
Great the Lizard Can't Swim!
Crystals aren't always a girl's best friend
Isaac the Asshat
Margaritas and Sweaty Shirtless Men
Son of a Bitch
The Jackass has more than two brain cells?
Gone for 10 minutes and everything goes to hell
Confusing Boys and Well-Deserved PB&J
Sucky Plans and Magic Dust
Daire's Tired of Saving Jackass' Ass
Everything That Can Go Wrong... Will (Goddamnit!)
What is it to be a Monster?
Bandaids and Hallucinatory Drugs
The Gibbs Gut
Choosing Sides
Life Moves On and So Does Daire
Everything Will Be Okay
Battle Scars

Let The Game Begin

4.3K 144 62
By akalei

"Now that that's done," Daire said as she hopped up on an empty table and leaned against the brick wall of Deaton's vet clinic, "can I ask a question?" 

Scott and Deaton were in the process of setting up the operation room. The two of them getting ready to treat a sick dog that had been checked into the clinic earlier in the week. 

"What's on your mind?" Deaton asked as he gathered various medical tools. 

"I never had an opportunity to ask this," Daire started then glanced over at Scott who was with the dog, "there never seemed to be a good time but I have to know." 

"Know what?"

Daire turned back to Deaton, "what am I? I know I'm not a werewolf and I'm thankfully not a giant lizard," she paused, "so what's left?" 

Deaton was quiet as if lost in thought, "well, just because you didn't turn into a werewolf does not mean you're not a shapeshifter similar to a werewolf." 

"I thought that too," Daire replied, "but other were-species share attributes to werewolves, they're just a manifestation of a person's personality."

Deaton nodded, "a crude explanation but yes." 

"Well here's the thing, a key commonality amongst all those shifters is their tie to the full moon," Daire explained, "they all feel the pull and unless they have an anchor they'll shift against their will." 

"and you've never felt the pull of the moon," Scott said.

Daire nodded, "not to the extent that you or the others do. And not only that but I'm also able to feel the emotions of those I'm close to, that's not something other were-species can do," she turned back to Deaton, "at least none that I'm aware of." 

Deaton set the tools he was holding onto the metal table, "that's very interesting, and none of these abilities appeared until after Peter bit you?"

Daire nodded, "any ideas?" 

Deaton shook his head, "no, not off the top of my head," he looked up to hold Daire's gaze, "but I'll look into it." 

"Thank yo-" Daire started but was interrupted by the bell of the front door. 

"Scott, Would you mind seeing who that is?" Deaton asked. 

Scott nodded and as soon as he took a step towards the door, all the animals in the clinic started barking. Concerned, Scott and Deaton made their way to the front desk, Daire hopping down from the table to join them. The mystery visitor was Isaac, he stood in the waiting room. His hands in his pockets and eyes set on the floor. 

"Isaac?" Daire asked, curious as to why he would be here of all places. At the sound of her voice, Isaac's head whipped up and they locked eyes.

"It's okay Isaac," Deaton said as he opened the gate to let the werewolf in, "we're open." 

Isaac slowly made his way to the backroom, trailing behind Scott and Deaton but kept pace with Daire, "what're you doing here?" he asked.

Daire looked up at him as she walked, "isn't that what I'm supposed to be asking?" she teased but continued, "I'm killing time." 

"Still haven't gone back yet?" he asked. 

Daire shook her head, "no, unless you count sneaking into my window in order to steal clothes and my laptop." 

Isaac smiled, "no, I don't think I would." They had made their way back into the operation room, Scott and Deaton were already back at their stations around the dog. Daire stopped at the end of the table and watched as Scott and Deaton gave the small dog an injection. Isaac stood next to her with his arms braced on the table. 

"Why does it smell like that?" he asked, Daire glanced at him to see his nostrils flare. Deaton and Scott shared a smile as they set their respective instruments down, "what?" Isaac asked having caught the look.  

Deaton turned towards Isaac the small smile still on his face, " Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago. One day he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better," he tapered off and glanced back down at the dog, "and which were not."

Daire watched as Isaac's eyes widened at the realization, "he isn't getting better, is he?" he asked and timidly reached out to pet the dog but pulled back, "is it cancer?" 

"Osteosarcoma," Deaton confirmed with a nod, "It has a very distinct scent, doesn't it?" Daire and Scott nodded, "Come here," Deaton told Isaac, gesturing him over with a hand. Isaac glanced at Daire before following the veterinarian, "I know you're well aware of what your new abilities can do for you. Improved strength, speed, and healing. You ever wonder what it could do for others?" he asked before holding out his hand, "Give me your hand," Isaac slowly placed his hand on top of Deaton's and the veterinarian placed it on the dog's body, "Go on." 

Daire watched as Isaac unknowingly took the dog's pain away, the black veins that crawled up his hand and disappeared underneath his sleeve. She could feel his emotions, his confusion but she watched him as he stared in awe. Slowly he removed his hand from the dog, his eyes glued on his hand and the black veins that contained the animal's pain. Isaac rolled up his sleeve and watched as his dark veins slowly crawled up his arm. 

"What did I do?" he asked softly. 

"You took some of his pain away," Daire answered smiling softly, Isaac looked back at her and she didn't need her ability to know exactly what he was feeling.

"Only a little bit. But sometimes a little can make quite a difference," Deaton added. 

Daire watched as Isaac lowered his head and raised his hand up to his face. He pressed the back of the appendage against his nose, he was trying to hide it, but Daire saw the wetness gathered at his lashes. 

Daire glanced at Scott and she knew that he saw it too, "It's okay. First time he showed me, I cried too." 

At that, Isaac raised his head and smiled as he dropped his arm back to his side. Daire still saw tears glistening in Isaac's eyes. In hopes of offering some kind of comfort or support, she took his hand and squeezed. Slowly she pulled her hand away but was stopped when his own warm hand wrapped around hers. Shocked Daire glanced up at Isaac, who was listening to Deaton elaborate on this new ability. Slowly he squeezed her hand back and then released it. 

And Daire knew that he would be okay. 

Daire sat on the now cleared off metal table with Isaac standing next to her, Deaton had taken the dog back into the kennel and Scott was in the process of putting everything away. 

"They're leaving tonight, during the game," Isaac said breaking the comfortable silence they were in. 

"So, why are you telling me?" Scott asked as he closed a cabinet and made his way back towards the other tools he still needed to put away. 

"I'm not telling you. I'm asking you. I'm asking for your advice," Isaac clarified, standing up a little straighter against the metal table. 

Scott paused and turned to face Isaac, "from me? why?"

"Because I trust you," Isaac replied and then turned to look at Daire, "both of you." 

Daire's eyes widened, she knew that the two of them weren't enemies anymore but their relationship was still so new and confusing. She had hoped to earn his trust but Daire didn't think she already had it. 

 "why?" Scott asked. 

Isaac looked at Scott and then Daire, "because the two of you always seem to want to do the right thing," 

Daire huffed out a breath, "not like the two of us know what we're doing," 

Scott nodded, " actually, I always have no idea what I'm doing." 

Isaac slipped his hands into his jean pockets, "do you want to let me know what you're doing right now?"

"I'm not going anywhere if that's what you mean. I have too many people here who need me," Scott replied, setting a tray of tools down. 

Isaac's gaze landed at the floor, "Well, I guess that makes me lucky 'cause uh - 'cause I don't have anyone, so,"

Daire felt her heart start to sink, "that's not true," she said quietly but with conviction, "you have someone," she looked over at Isaac who was staring at her with wide eyes. It was as if he couldn't have even imagined that she cared for him, "if you want one." Flustered at her confession, Isaac made his way to the door and Daire watched him. 

"Are you gonna go with them?" Scott asked and Isaac paused in the doorway.

"I-uh, I don't know," Isaac wouldn't meet Daire's eyes, "maybe, good luck at the game though," 

Scott glanced at Daire and then turned back to Isaac, "Well, thanks, but I'm not - I'm not going either. Can't even think about playing some meaningless game right now." 

Isaac raised an eyebrow, "you guys weren't at practice last week were you?" 

Scott shook his head, "no I skipped it," he turned to Daire, "you were there though right?"

Daire nodded, "I was but Coach sent me off to run errands, I wasn't there for the actual practice," she looked up at Isaac and caught his gaze, and quirked an eyebrow, "why?"

"Then you didn't hear?" he asked. 

"Hear what?" Scott replied. 

"Jackson was there," 

Daire's eyes widened, "what do you mean Jackass was 'there' as if-"

Isaac nodded, "as if nothing had happened," 

"Really? That means- the game tonight?" Scott asked. 

"Yeah," Isaac replied, "he's playing." 

Daire heaved a loud sigh and both boys turned to look at her questionably. 

"Oh bloody fucking hell!"

Daire was seconds away from punching Coach in the face. Everyone on the team was in the locker room and Finstock had begun his 'rallying the troops' speech. While Daire was running around making sure all the equipment was ready and that Coach had his game coffee. She had enough time to pause when Melissa McCall entered the locker room.

"Mrs. McCall, what're you doing here?" Daire asked, jostling the lacrosse sticks in her arms. 

Mrs. McCall opened her mouth to answer but was sidetracked by Coach's, she turned to Daire and pointed at the man who was now enraptured in his own speech, "what the hell is he talking about?"

Daire turned to look at Coach and then back, "oh apparently he does this every year," 

Mrs. McCall glanced over at Daire, "seriously?"

Daire nodded and set the lacrosse sticks down and leaned on top of them, "yep!" 

"We are fighting for our right to live!" Coach shouted and a good number of the players hooted in response. 

"Wait isn't this?" Mrs. McCall asked and trailed off.

Daire nodded, "yeah, it's the speech to Independence Day, Scott and Stiles said that he recites it every year." 

"We will not go quietly into the night!" Coach's voice bellowed.

Mrs. McCall turned towards Daire, "he doesn't know any sports speeches?" she asked. 

Daire shrugged, "honestly I don't think he cares," she glanced back over at Coach, "pretty sure that this one's just his favorite." 

"Today we celebrate our Independence Day!" Coach concluded and the entire locker room erupted in cheers. 

"Well spoken Coach," A voice interrupted through the cheers of the players. Daire's eyes narrowed as they landed on her Grandfucker, "I might've chosen something with a little more historical value, but there's no denying your passion," he added and patted Coach on the shoulder. Daire felt Mrs. McCall tense next to her as they watched the man give his principal pep-talk, "And while I haven't been here long, there's no denying my pride in having a winning team for this school. I know you'll all be brilliant tonight, even with only one co-captain leading you. Now, I'm your principal, but I'm also a fan," her Grandfucker paused and she saw him capture both her, Scott, and Stiles' eyes in the audience, "So don't think I'll be content to watch you merely beat this team. Get out there and murder them." 

Daire let out a breath of annoyance and picked up the lacrosse sticks ready to go to the field, "Well, that wasn't threatening at all." 

Once on the field Daire finally caught a breath, the equipment was handled and Coach was happily fed and caffeinated, for the moment. 

"I swear to god if Greenberg asks me one more time to re-lace his lacrosse stick, I'm gonna shove that stick so far up his-"

"Woah, woah, woah," Stiles interrupted as Daire sat herself between him and Scott, "calm down."

Daire sent him a glare, "I'll be calm when you have to deal with Greenberg trying to grab your ass while running a thousand errands for Coach." 

Stiles put up his hands in surrender and turned to Scott, "seen your mom yet?"

Scott shook his head, "seen your dad? or Allison?"

"No," Stiles replied.

"I've actually seen both your parents," Daire said, turning behind her to point at the bleachers, "they're sitting together with Lydia," 

Both boys turned to see where Daire was pointing but turned back just as fast, "you know what's going on?" Stiles asked.

Scott shook his head, "not yet." 

"Well they benched you, Scott, that isn't by accident," Daire added.

Stiles sighed and turned his head to face Scott, "It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?" 

Scott turned to face Stiles and gave a small nod, "looks like it."

Daire watched as Stiles' jaw clenched and he turned away from Scott, "Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, you know, while I'm just lying there and I can't even move, it just - I want to help, you know, but I can't do the things that you can do, both of you. I can't -" 

Daire placed her hand over his and Scott turned towards his best friend, "It's okay." 

"We're losing dude," Stiles said facing both Daire and Scott on the bench. 

"The hell are you talking about? Game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg." Daire, Scott, and Stiles whipped around to see Coach crouched behind them on the bench.

"What? What happened to Greenberg?" Stiles asked looking around frantically. 

Coach laughed, "what happened to Greenburg? He sucks, you," he placed his hands out in front of him as if weighing his options, "suck slightly less." 

Stiles' eyes widened, "I'm playing? On the field? With the team?"

"Yes," Coach confirmed, "unless you'd rather play with yourself."

"I already did that today, twice," Stiles responded and Daire slapped him upside the head.

"Go!" she shouted and Stiles frantically grabbed his gear and ran onto the field. 

Daire and Scott smiled at each other as they watched Stiles settle on the field.

"Scott, Daire can you hear me?" Daire tensed he knew, somehow despite everything he knew. She glanced at Scott once she heard her Grandfucker's voice, "ah, you can. Good. Then listen closely, because the game is about to get interesting." 

"Let's put a real clock on this game, Scott. I'll give both of you until the last 30 seconds. When that scoreboard clock begins counting down from 30, if you haven't given me Derek. Then Jackson is gonna kill someone," Scott's eyes widened and he looked at Daire who was knawing on her lower lip. 

"So tell me, Scott, who's gonna die tonight? Should it be your mother, who so bravely came out to support you? Or the sheriff, your best friend's father? And what about you Daire? How about your friend, the pretty little redhead who managed to survive the bite of an Alpha? Or maybe one of these innocent teenagers with their whole life ahead of them?" Daire bit back a string of curse words and narrowed her eyes at her Grandfucker.

 "Or should I do everyone a favor and kill that ridiculous coach? It's up to you, Scott. But you are going to help me take Derek down. Because if you don't - I'll have Jackson rip someone's head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood." Her Grandfucker had finished his threat right in time for the referee's whistle, starting the game. Daire gripped Scott's hand and squeezed, trying to calm them both down. Her Grandfucker is a calculative game player, they had to be smart if they wanted to win. 

 Daire watched as the game started, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say she cringed. Beacon Hills was being crushed and Stiles, well he wasn't much help. At the referee's whistle signaling a time out Scott got up from the bench.

"Sit down, McCall!" Coach yelled and shoved Scott back down on the bench.

"But Coach, we're dying out there," Scott replied. 

"Oh, I'm aware of that," Coach said and patted Scott on the chest, "now sit." before walking away.

It was then that Isaac had sat on the bench right next to Daire who couldn't believe her eyes, "you came to help!"

Isaac turned to her as he put his gloves on and sat his helmet in his lap and smiled, "I came to win." 

Overcome with excitement Daire had grabbed Isaac's face and kissed his cheek, "thank you, thank you, thank you!" before turning back to the field, "now all we have to do is stop my Grandfucker from controlling Jackson and killing everyone, easy!" 

Both boys turned to her wide-eyed, Scott with pure confusion and Isaac with newly tinged pink cheeks, "oh come on," Daire said, "can't I at least be optimistic?" 

Scott sighed, "do you not see how your grandfather is looking at us right now?" he asked.

Daire glanced over her shoulder to see her Grandfucker looking at them, his facial expression was a mix between a glare and shock. She just shrugged, "just ignore him, he didn't count on Isaac coming to help. All we need to be concerned with now is stopping Jackson."

 "Well, how do we manage to do that then?" Scott asked.

"Well, it might be easier to have you actually in the game, so we just have to get it so Coach has to play you," Isaac said eyeing Coach who sat on the next bench over. 

Scott turned to face Isaac, "How do we do that? He's got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field. Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?" 

Daire glanced at the other bench full of players before turning back to Isaac, "think you can do it without putting anyone in the hospital?"

Isaac huffed out a breath, "I can try," he replied before putting on his helmet and walking out onto the field. 

The plan was working, Isaac was taking out team members left and right, inciting Coach's rage as he called player after player onto the field. Isaac had managed to put out every other benched teammate before he was checked into and collapsed on the field. 

"Isaac!" Daire called as the referee called another time out and she and Scott made their way onto the field. "are you alright?" she asked as Isaac was being moved onto a gurney to be removed off the field. 

"It's not broken. But I can't move it. I think Jackson nicked me 'cause I can feel it spreading," he replied, his teeth clenched as he was hoisted up by the med team. 

Daire glanced over to see her Grandfucker on the other side of the field, "You want to play chess, Daire? Then you better be willing to sacrifice your own pawns." 

"They're not pawns you fucking psychopath," Daire muttered under her breath and she stood up. 

"McCall here," Daire turned around to see Coach handing Scott his helmet and stick, "You're in or we forfeit," Scott nodded his head as Mrs. McCall came running onto the field. 

"Hey, something's happening isn't it?" she asked them both, "Something more than a lacrosse game," 

"You should go," Scott said worriedly.

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere," Mrs. McCall replied grasping Scott's arm, "And everything that I said before, forget it. All of it. Okay?" she said and glanced over at Daire and then back at her son, "If you can do something to help, then you do it. You have to.

"I will," Scott said before turning back to Daire who nodded in confirmation.  

Scott was on the field and Daire sat back down on the bench as she waited for the other shoe to drop.

"Don't you know what you're really bargaining for, Scott? Haven't you guessed what the real offer on the table is? It's Allison. It's always been Allison. You give me Derek, and I'll let you have Allison." 

Daire looked over to see Scott on the ground and her Grandfucker nowhere in sight, "so that's your next move, huh?" she muttered as she stood up and sprinted toward the locker room where Isaac was. 

"It was a good effort, Isaac. It was. This would be so much more poetic if it were halftime," Gerard said as he cornered Isaac in the locker room. He was with two hunters, his sword in hand, he only paused when he saw Daire's reflection in the bathroom mirror. 

She grinned as he faltered, "you know for someone who prides himself on being a master chess player," Daire made her way between Grandfucker and Isaac and ran a clawed nail along the swords edge, "you seem to have forgotten who taught me in the first place," 

Gerard barred his teeth and said her name as if it were a curse, "Daire,"

Daire just cocked her head to the side, "and you know what they say about students right?" she asked as she threw a hunter across the room, "they surpass their teachers." 

"Where is he?" Scott asked as he rushed into the locker room to find Daire, an injured Isaac and two unconscious hunters,

"he must've snuck out while I was dealing with them," Daire replied gesturing to the two grown men on the floor. 

By the time the three of them made it back to the field, they had won the game. 

"Nothing, nothing happened." Scott muttered as he surveyed the crowd. 

Then the lights went out and screams echoed through the field, "no," Daire said and she pointed toward the center of the chaos, "look over there." 

They weaved their way through the crowd trying to get closer, "Scott! Scott, where are you? Scott!" a voice called out. 

Scott bumped into his mother in the panicked crowd, "Mom, mom, mom, mom. Are you okay?" he asked. 

Mrs. McCall nodded her head but then gestured in the direction that Daire had pointed out earlier, "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. But somebody is hurt. Somebody is down on the field." 

"Jackson? What's happening? Jackson!" Lydia called out as she ran towards the body on the ground. 

Daire watched as Mrs. McCall kneeled down next to Jackson and pressed an ear against his chest, "he's not breathing," she said as she pulled up his jersey to reveal large claw marks against his stomach and chest. 

Daire tuned out the chaotic ramblings of everyone around her and focused her attention on Jackson, her eyes widening when she saw his hands. Daire nudged Scott and Isaac to get their attention, "look," she gestured with her head. Jackson's hands were covered in blood. 

"He did it to himself," Isaac muttered, keeping his voice low so that only Daire and Scott could hear him. 

"Get down here," Mrs. McCall instructed Lydia as she began compressions, "get down here and lift his head," Lydia nodded and kneeled by Jackson's head, "tilt his head." Mrs. McCall instructed. 

Daire tore her gaze away from the women and Jackson to see Mr. Stilinski roaming around the crowd, his gaze frantic as if he was searching for something or someone.

"Stiles. Where's Stiles? Where - where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?"

It was then that Daire knew that her Grandfucker's game was far from over. 

Another update? Who am I and what have I done with the original author lol, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. The second to last episode is done! And things are finally coming to a close, I can't wait to write it and see how you all will react. I will tease that there will be a BIG reveal soon and it will answer some questions I know a few of you have been asking ;) just have to wait and see.....MUAhAHAHHAAH

As always please don't be a silent reader I absolutely love reading your comments, reactions and theories. 


❤ Ash

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