Hounds of War [Yandere Genera...

By J_C_Coltt

150K 10.7K 4.7K

"There are two kinds of men, the conqueror and the conquest, those who eat and those who get eaten. Which kin... More

1. Arrival of General Denlleonis.
2. Scout the Perimeter.
3.Dismay and Disgust.
4. A Long Way From Home.
5. The Meek General.
6. The First Conquest.
7. Friendly Intervention.
8. Bitter Warning.
9. The King's Response.
10. New Regime.
11. The Punishment For Deserters.
12. Why Is She Following Me?
13. Man The Army.
14. Attempted Seduction.
15. The Road to the Confrontation.
16. Falling Apart.
17. Nurturing the Beast.
18. Petty Talk.
19. The Second Conquest.
20. Pull Yourself Together.
21. Returning to the Army.
22. Hidden Resentment.
23. Impudent Jealousy.
24. A Reminder.
25. An Order That Cannot Be Ignored.
26. Midnight Ride.
28. A Tender Connection.
29. The Alliance.
30. The Third Conquest.
31. Returning to the Army (Again.)
32. Request to the Court of Estain.
33. Illness.
34. Feverish.
35. Bonding.
36. The Old Dog of the Army.
37. One of Us.
38. Growing Tensions and a Secret Letter.
39. Enemy to All but One.
40. A Stalker's Stalker.
41. Just Comrades?
42. The Gods of War.
43. Forced Alliance.
44. Midnight Memories.
45. A Truth That Can Not Be Spoken.
46. The Broken Heart of the Heartless.
47. Sibling Rivalry.
49. Guilty of Love.
50. What Kind of Men are You?!
51. The Army on the March.
52. The Eve Before the Attack.
53. The Assault.
54. The Assault pt2.
55. Burn it to the Ground.
56. City of Smoke.
57. Within the Chaos.
58. Vascini up in Flames.
59. The War's End.

48. Laying Plans.

1.6K 106 22
By J_C_Coltt

"So?" Vanbinicci asked in a reserved manner as Esclave stepped into the disused strategy tent where the other three general's were patiently awaiting his return from talking with his brother. "How did the whole 'reasoning with him' go?"

Esclave sighed heavily as he slumped down in the vacant seat at the table. "He didn't accept, not that I'm surprised, the stubborn fool." The candles that flickered on the dark table were the sole source of light in the tent, that from the outside glowed like a beacon in the nighttime camp. "On the other hand, this means that we can kill him without regret... This is going to be fun!" He said, his face losing all trace of sorrow as it split into a smirk.

"Yes!" Meccio cheered as he sprung up from his seat and dashed towards the tent flaps. "Let's go slit his throat right now-"

"Hmpf," Baccoso growled as he grabbed the ginger by the scruff of the neck and hoisted him into the air, preventing him from leaving. "Not so fast... If we kill him right now it will be easy to guess that we did it." He rumbled in his thundering voice.

"We have to be smart about this," Vanbinicci said sternly, his green eyes serious. "We may be generals, but that doesn't mean that we are above the persecution of the law if we're caught." He reminded them warningly.

"Ugh - Fine," Meccio groaned, a pout on his childish face as Baccoso lowered him to the ground slowly. Once he was free, he returned to his seat and looked back and forth between the two brunettes. "So what's the plan?" He asked.

"Well, I was thinking-" both Esclave and Vanbinicci said in unison, quickly coming to a halt.

"As I was saying-" they both tried to continue, only to stop again and glare at each other as they both tried to speak.

"Would you shut up?!" They both spat, glaring at each other.

"Ha, you two sound ridiculous!" Meccio snickered, pointing a finger at them as his violet eyes filled with tears of humor.

"Save it Vilu!" The two generals spat in unison as they stood up from their seats and turned their fury on the redhead.

"He has a point," Baccoso said, the corners of his mouth turned up into the ghost of a smile. "This is hilarious."

"As I was trying to say," Vanbinicci continued after a minute with a pointed look at Esclave. "We need to be smart about this, Y/N obviously cares about him at least as a comrade, so killing him won't be easy."

"You have no idea," Esclave grumbled as he slumped back into his own seat. "And he's stronger than any one of us, so we'll have to fight him together if we want to have any chance of beating him."

"The ideal time is when we march out to fight Vascini," general Arrogari explained. "I've seen them starting to load the wagons, so it can't be far off. We'll attack him during battle and blame his death on the enemy."

"Not only is it believable, but it will also turn him into a martyr of the army and help us secure victory," Esclave said, another smirk stretching his lips. "The only problem is that we have no idea where we'll be deployed throughout the attack, but it is very unlikely that we will all be together."

"So, then let's see if we can find out where we'll be stationed and anything else we can about Y/N's battle plan," Vanbinicci suggested with a devious smile of his own.

. . .

The following day, Y/N and Eslinn were discussing the finer points of their battle strategy, obvious to the four generals listening to their conversation through the canvas walls of Y/N's tent.

"Let's go over our strategy one last time, to be sure we didn't overlook anything," Eslinn said with a weary yawn, having not slept well after his confrontation with Esclave.

"I never overlook things," Y/N said bluntly, keeping her back turned to him as she continued to rummage through her collection of maps to avoid interacting with him. After their emotionally charged conversation the previous night Y/N could barely stomach to look at him from the shame she felt at displaying such weakness.

"I know, but it's worth checking right?" He persisted. "You can call me an idiot if you prove that it's all good."

"... Fine," Y/N eventually gave in, unable to resist the temptation of calling Eslinn names. "Have a look." She grunted as she shoved a map of the border at him.

"With Estain's Fire on hand the van should succeed no problem, as long as the right and left flank to hold their positions," Eslinn commented, resting his hand against his chin. "that is the part that has me concerned."

"And why is that?" Y/N snapped.

"Because you plan on leading the van with me while those Luccian 'generals' lead the flanks!" Eslinn shot back. "Our position may be strong but if the flanks fail the van will be put in serious jeopardy!!!"

"You don't think that they'll be able to pull it off?" Y/N questioned him hotly, still refusing to look at him.

"Of course I don't!" He scoffed in disdain. "Not only are they Luccians, but they are the same Luccian generals who have been stuck in a stalemate for several years!"

"And all three of them have been personally trained by me," Y/N added pointedly "Not to mention that Esclave will also be in command of one of the flanks."

"Tsk," Eslinn growled, remembering the bitter confrontation he had with his brother the previous evening; how he had threatened to kill him. "Like I'm supposed to take comfort in that."

"He's your brother, you should know better than anyone the extent he'll go to, to fulfill orders," Y/N said. "Now, if that's all I'd like some time alone."

"What's with you?! Why won't you look at me?!" Eslinn confronted her, finally having enough he walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look at him. "You've been cold to me all day, are you trying to push me away after what happened between us last night, because if so-"

"WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU TWO LAST NIGHT?!" A furious shout distracted them as someone stormed into the tent.


Things are really starting to gain momentum, it won't be long until everything starts to come undone.

Hey, that rhymed. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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