The last one standing A Jojo'...

By Timepassing

322K 13.1K 15.8K

Y/N is a lady and not one of a kind. Time means nothing to her and still she befriended the Joestar family, c... More

Author's Note
Phantom Blood 2
Phantom Blood 3
Phantom Blood 4
Phantom Blood 5
Phantom Blood Special: Dancing lessons with Y/N
Phantom Blood 6
Phantom Blood 7
Phantom Blood 8
Stand information HEAL:
Phantom Blood 9
Cover interpretation
Phantom Blood 10
Phantom Blood 11
Phantom Blood 12
Phantom Blood 13
Phantom Blood 14
Phantom Blood 15
Phantom Blood 16
Phantom Blood 17
Author's note:
Phantom Blood 18
Phantom Blood 19
Phantom Blood 20
Phantom Blood 21
Phantom Blood 22
Phantom Blood 23
Phantom Blood 24
Phantom Blood 25
Battle Tendency 1
Battle Tendency 2
Battle Tendency 3
Battle Tendency 4
Battle Tendency 5
Battle Tendency 6
Battle Tendency 7
Battle Tendency 8
Battle Tendency 9
Battle Tendency 10
Battle Tendency 11
Battle Tendency 12
Battle Tendency 13
Battle Tendency 14
Battle Tendency 15
Battle Tendency 16
Battle Tendency 17
Battle Tendency 18
Battle Tendency 19
Battle Tendency 20
Battle Tendency 21
Battle Tendency 22
Battle Tendency 23
Battle Tendency 24
Battle Tendency 25
Battle Tendency 26
Battle Tendency 27
Battle Tendency 28
Battle Tendency 29
Stardust Crusaders 1
Stardust Crusaders 2
Stardust Crusaders 3
Stardust Crusaders 4
Stardust Crusaders 5
Stardust Crusaders 6
Stardust Crusaders 7
Stardust Crusaders 8
Stardust Crusaders 9
Stardust Crusader 10
Stardust Crusaders 11
Stardust Crusaders 12
Stardust Crusaders 13
Stardust Crusaders 14
Stardust Crusaders 15
Stardust Crusaders 16
Stardust Crusaders 17
Stardust Crusaders 18
Stardust Crusaders 19
Stardust Crusaders 20
Stardust Crusaders 21
Stardust Crusaders 22
Y/N L/N Art
Stardust Crusaders 23
Stardust Crusaders 24
Stardust Crusaders 25
Stardust Crusaders 26
Stardust Crusaders 27
Stardust Crusaders 28
Stardust Crusaders 29
Stardust Crusaders 30
Stardust Crusaders 31
Stardust Crusaders 32
Stardust Crusaders 33
Stardust Crusaders 34
Stardust Crusaders 35
Stardust Crusaders 36
Stardust Crusaders 37
Stardust Crusaders 38
Stardust Crusaders 39
Stardust Crusaders 40
Stardust Crusaders 41
Stardust Crusaders 42
Stardust Crusaders 43
Stardust Crusaders 44
Stardust Crusaders 45
Stardust Crusaders 46
Stardust Crusaders 47
Stardust Crusaders 48
Stardust Crusaders 49
Stardust Crusaders 50
Diamond is Unbreakable 1
Diamond is Unbreakable 2
Diamond is Unbreakable 3
Diamond is Unbreakable 4
Diamond is Unbreakable 5
Diamond is Unbreakable 6
Diamond is Unbreakable 7
Diamond is Unbreakable 8
Diamond is Unbreakable 9
Diamond is Unbreakable 10
Diamond is Unbreakable 11
Diamond is Unbreakable 12
Diamond is Unbreakable 13
Diamond is Unbreakable 14
Diamond is Unbreakable 15
Diamond is Unbreakable 16
Diamond is Unbreakable 17
Diamond is Unbreakable 18
Diamond is Unbreakable 19
Diamond is Unbreakable 20
Special Chapter; Y/N x reader
Diamond is Unbreakable 21
Diamond is Unbreakable 22
Diamond is Unbreakable 23
Diamond is Unbreakable 24
Diamond is Unbreakable 25
Diamond is Unbreakable 26
Diamond is Unbreakable 27
Diamond is Unbreakable 28
Diamond is Unbreakable 29
Diamond is Unbreakable 30
Diamond is Unbreakable 31
Diamond is Unbreakable 32
Diamond is Unbreakable 33
Diamond is Unbreakable 34
Diamond is Unbreakable 35
Merry Christmas
Christmas Specials
Diamond is Unbreakable 36
Diamond is Unbreakable 37
Diamond is Unbreakable 38
Diamond is Unbreakable 39
Diamond is Unbreakable 40
Diamond is Unbreakable 41
Vento Aureo 1
Vento aureo 2

Phantom Blood

11K 270 403
By Timepassing


April4, 1868

A boy named Jonathan Joestar was born. His father George Joestar a fine English nobleman and his wife were overjoyed having their first child and prayed for his future to be able to lead a happy and peaceful life, however fate had other plans in store....

This was the start of a really bizarre adventure... and you were going to take a huge part in it...

12 years later

A mysterious hooded person wandered the streets of London in the middle of the night. It was quite chilly and pitch black, nobody dared to step out of their warm and safe homes and those who had nothing hid themselves in the shadow of the alleyways. They feared the night more than anything else. It was the time that death himself walks on earth and rips the souls of their bodies. You could feel it too as you strolled around. Your heels clickered on the stone ground in a frightening rhythm, one step after the other, stopping in front of an old run-down inn.

Opening its door you strode in and see a tiny old man with dirty gray hair popping out from behind the counter smiling a tooth-less smile.

"Welcome sir, do you wish to stay the night?" he asked warmly.

"Yes." you replied curtly not in the mood to talk to anyone you where in a hurry to arrive at your destination, however you decided to take a rest after your long journey, in this town you heard rumors about various delinquents and the beggars in the street. You even saw children barly being alive. It hurt you to see them suffer. "I also like to inquire the directions to Ogre Street?"

Despite stating a question your sharp voice leaves no room for rejecting your request. The facial expression of the man changed immediately, scrunching up his nose in disgust but trying to play it off. "Kind sir, you do know that Ogre Street is the home of many delinquents, criminals of all sorts, drug dealers, prostitutes and beggars!! It is full of dirt not even the officials dare to inspect this place anymore! Ogre Street is known for being the most perilous street in all of London!!"

Your golden orbs pierce into his muddy ones, silencing immediately, making him gulp in fear and he started to shake like a marble leaf, however he started again, stuttering:" W-What kind of business do you have to attend to in such a place?" He points one of his fingers at your fine attire, consisting of black pants, white sirt and tuxedo and a long flowing coat as well as brown leather gloves.

You cut him off by raising your hand: "Enough! I am no fool, I am well informed. I just need directions." Your voice was menacing as you glared at the man with squinted eyes, making him sweat nervously, his eyes filled with fear. The difference in social standing was obvious. "It is actually not too far from her only a few streets. Hahaha....", he gulped, wiping sweat from his forehead, "just go to the next crossroads then turn right into an abandoned mall then turn left and you find yourself in front of Ogre Street. But you still need a room, don't you? I have one available....", he trails off as you stopped listening to him " are your keys, number 13." he rudely shoved you up the stairs in front of your room, but stopped as he realized what he was doing and begs for forgiveness. 'Disgusting'you thought as you finally entered the small room, he has no manners and here I thought English men pride themselves with being a gentleman. The small chamber only has got only one cupboard a tiny desk of low quality and a shabby bed. First thing you did was locking the door, putting your luggage next to your bed and opening your small window to let the night breeze in. You look at the night sky enchanted by its beauty it was after 10pm after your silver pocket watch, time surely flies when you are traveling from place to place. Tomorrow first thing in the morning you were heading to the Joestar mansion. Sir George Joestar a long time friend of mine requested you to tutor his now 12-year old son Jonathan Joestar in his last letter. You sighed. The last time you visited them was at the funeral of his wife. She was a great lady with a big and gentle heart. Damn I sound so old now; you said to yourself chuckling at your antics. You are after all proud 89 years old and still you looked like in your late teens or early twenties. It was around that time you stopped aging. It had its advantages you guess, laughing about memories as you tutored George Joestar himself and all the time he tripped over his own feet during dancing lessons or how you send him into the kitchen to help out the maids because he did not appreciate their work enough and insulted them or that time you taught him boxing and ended up in the river. Yes those are memories worth smiling for.

Then with your key in your pocket you jumped out of the window from the second floor, landing elegantly by enhancing your legs with Hamon. You were taught during one of your travels to Asia. You stand confidently and made your way to Ogre Street being sly as a cat trying not to make to much noise in the middle of the night, especially in a dangerous place like this.

However your arrival did not go unnoticed by the stray dogs and animals, making a huge fuss about you. So much to 'I want to stay quiet and unnoticed', you rolled my eyes, not bothering any more you stride confidently forward not fearing any dangers anymore, what happens happens...

Your coat was flowing with the icy night wind as you saw somebody laying on the ground, beaten to a pulp not even bothering to look up or make an attempt to rob you. They looked dead, you really felt sorry for them so you walked closer observing them and their every move if it should be a trap. Then you stopped right in front of them looking down, staying silent, putting up a cold facade, tilting your head to the side. He had a scar across his face it looked old and clean, but he had bruises and cuts everywhere on his body, some where infected but nothing major. After standing there for a while you ponder what to do with him, you could not let him stay there that was for sure.

Slowly he looked up as he noticed you standing there like a statue. He was completely dumbfounded, his mouth agape as he stared at you towering over him.

Never in his life has he seen such a fine dressed person, in his eyes you were incredibly handsome with your golden eyes, your neatly cut brown short hair, your ivory skin as well as your expensive clothing.

Your lips tugged into a small smile as you asked the boy:"Hey buddy, what's your name?"

Your tone gentle and warm like talking to a frightened animal as your hand left hand cupped his injured cheek. "My name is Speedwagon. Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Sir." he answered breathlessly. "Alright, could you please tell me how old you are, you do not look like you are off age yet?" you inquired further.

"17, S-Sir.", Speedwagon tried to stand up to look more appropriate, however his legs gave out due to his exhaustion. He expected to hit the ground. Instead he collided with your chest as you try to stabilize him. 

"M-my God, Sir I am t-terribly sorry, I a-apologize it was not my intention-"he stuttered embarrassed and ashamed as he prepares himself to be hit or kicked to the ground, instead you saw his shaking figure und took off your coat and offering it to him. "Here, you are cold." You simply stated as he broke out in tears. "Hey easy, why are you crying!" you panicked seeing him sobbing and hiccupping. "You know what. Never mind!" you shouted completely stressed as he would not stop. "Hah, ... Come here..." you crouched down gesturing him to hop on.

"Sir, w-what are you d-doing?"Speedwagon asked confused, eyes wide, snuggling more into your coat.

"Good grief... Hop on! I am going to carry you!" you shouted embarrassed. "I am taking you to a safer place where you can rest better und perhaps a meal would help too..." You trail off, getting quieter at the end of the sentence.

The next morning came sooner than anticipated. You only got yourself a few hours of sleep before you took a carriage to the Joestar mansion. Looking at your silver pocket watch you sighed. It is around 6o'clock in the morning.  You should arrive on time. You watched the landscape of fields; meadows and a small river run by, anticipating your arrival at the Joestar household. Especially excited to see George and Jonathan again as well as this new Brando boy George told you would arrive a few days later.

"Sir, we have arrived at your destination!!!" the coachman announced cheerfully.

You jerk my head up, excitement and adrenaline rushed into my veins as you kept your calm composure and exited the carriage swiftly with my luggage in my hand. As you took your first step out of the vehicle The sun blinded you so you shielded your eyes with your free hand, slowly getting used to the light you walk up to the doors, of course paying the coachman first.

The head butler opened the door, informing me formally: "Lord George Joestar is expecting you."

You smile at him thanking him politely and stepping in the mansion, immediately relaxing my shoulders and taking a deep breath. You are back...

At 7o'clock in the morning, Robert Speedwagon opened his eyes to the smell of cooked bacon eggs and bread. Yawning he stretched his arms feeling finally well rested and relaxed.

As his sleepiness slowly faded away he started to remember last night the mysterious person who rescued him and let him sleep in their bed, after tending to his injuries and bruises.

He then started to look around the unfamiliar room, you were nowhere to be seen and so were your belongings. Only the plate with breakfast was on a small table and a small note, reading:

Good morning Robert E. O. Speedwagon,

Hopefully you rested well and heal up just fine. When you wake up and read this I probably have already left, maybe you and I will see each other around town again. I arranged this room for you for another week, including food. I am sorry I could not do more for you because I was in a hurry to arrive at my next destination. However I promise we will meet each other again.

And to avoide future misunderstandings:  I am no 'Sir' but a lady

Yours sincerley 


To make it short Speedwagon fainted at the news ;-P


(^.^) Sooooooooo, 

This was my first chapter and in the next she is going to meet the Joestar family and is intrudoced to Dio Brando. Perhaps we also start with the actual storyline... so stay tuned

( >.<)/ \(*.* )


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