Omegas fury 4/4

By haha_dont_ask

23.7K 448 99

This is the last book too the omegas Gambit series. After some much-needed maternity leave, Asami returns to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 8

1.2K 25 5
By haha_dont_ask

Two days later, they prepared to leave Air Temple island at dawn, before the pups woke up for breakfast. Korra's heart ached as she stared down at Hiroshi, fast asleep in his crib, with Yasuko curled up on the bed a few yards away. She didn't want to leave. Her instincts as a parent screamed for her to stay.

But if I do, I can't stop the people who want to hurt us.

Asami came to stand beside her, taking one of her hands. "I know," she whispered in a soft, strained voice. There was no need to explain further. The weight of their decision, their duties, made it difficult for Korra to breathe.

After a long, painful moment, Korra dropped Asami's hand and bent to kiss Hiroshi's head. Tears welled in her eyes, but she kept the sniffling to a minimum so as not to disturb him. The pup slept on, oblivious to everything. "I love you," she whispered, before stroking his head and pulling away.

Next, she approached the bed. Yasuko was a sprawled lump under the sheets, shaggy black hair tangled around her head. Korra crouched and adjusted the covers even though they didn't need it, tucking her daughter in. "I love you," she repeated, kissing Yasuko's temple.

One of Yasuko's eyes cracked open, still bleary from sleep. Nevertheless, it reminded Korra of Asami. "Mommy? Mama?"

"Go back to sleep," Korra whispered. "Mommy and Mama are going on their trip. You get to stay here and play with Pema and Rohan. Okay?"

Luckily, Yasuko was too tired to put up a fuss. "'Kay." She closed her eyes, and within a few moments, had started a soft snore.

Korra straightened, stepping aside so Asami could have her turn. The omega didn't say anything, but the stricken expression on her face made it clear how she felt. After a long moment, during which she petted Yasuko's hair with a trembling hand, she too turned away.

The look in Asami's eyes struck Korra straight in the chest. It wasn't tender, nor was it sad. Instead, she was furious. Asami was still angry two days after the break-in, and while Korra couldn't blame her for those feelings—feelings she still struggled with herself—it sent a shiver down her spine.

She nodded toward the door, and they left the room together. Outside, they met Pema, still in a sleeping robe. She offered them a smile that didn't fully reach her eyes. "Do you two have everything you need?"

"We do," Korra said. "Thank you." She opened her arms, and Pema stepped in for a hug.

Asami took her turn next. "I know you'll take excellent care of them. And please know, if you ever need us to do the same for Rohan, or any of your children—"

Pema cut her off, hugging her as well. "I know, but you and Korra have already done so much for my family. You are family. It's the least I can do."

"There's no one I trust more."

They shared an intense look, as though having an entirely separate conversation with their eyes. For a moment, Korra felt as though she were eavesdropping. Asami and Pema had developed a unique relationship over the years—perhaps because they were two of the only non-bender omegas amidst a large and powerful group of alpha and beta benders who had, in many ways, shaped Republic City's future. But Korra didn't question it. She agreed with Asami. There was no one she trusted more to care for her children.

"They'll be safe with us," Pema said. "I promise."

Korra tried to make light of the situation. "With you and all the airbenders on the island to look out for them? I should hope so."

Pema chuckled. "Enemies do tend to underestimate non-benders and airbenders, don't they?"

"I definitely did at first," Korra admitted. "Anyway, we should get going. Sorry we couldn't stay longer."

Before Pema could reply, another figure entered the hallway. It was Jinora, dressed in her red and yellow flight suit, carrying a small pack on her back. She smiled warmly at them, and Korra hurried over to hug her as well. "Hey! I heard you come in late last night, but we were already in bed."

"Don't worry. It's been so long since I've seen you!" They embraced happily before Korra stood aside and allowed Asami her turn.

"I'm so glad you'll be going with us," Asami said, smiling at the young, tattooed alpha.

"Me too. When I heard what happened..." Jinora's voice trailed off and her face fell. "I agree with you both. This is a serious problem that needs fixing yesterday."

Asami nodded in approval. "Then let's go. Mako and Bolin are meeting us at the train station."

"No blimp this time?" Jinora teased.

"The train is actually faster, in this case," Asami said. "It goes through the mountains rather than around."

"Of course it's fast," Korra said, with no small amount of pride. "Future Industries built it."

Asami rewarded her with a smile. "Our family does have an appreciation for speed, huh?"

With one last wave to Pema, the three of them departed together, stepping out into the pale dawn light. Early morning mist still surrounded the island, and dew clung to the grass and their shoes as they shuffled along to the ferry.

"Is it true that Kuvira's behind this?" Jinora asked once they were well away from the house.

Korra felt Asami's eyes shift toward her, burning with intensity. "We don't have solid proof." Asami's stare became even hotter at that pronouncement. "But it's a possibility we can't discount. Kuvira has hurt people before."

"You don't think she's behind it, though," Jinora said, reading between the lines.

"Korra and I have a difference of opinion about that," Asami said, in the neutral tone she used when she was very displeased about something. "We'll find out the truth, whatever it is."

"Exactly. If it was Kuvira, she won't get away with it."

That seemed to satisfy Jinora's curiosity. They continued on to the ferry in silence, each with their own thoughts. Korra's, as usual, were restless. What if I'm right, though? What if it's someone else, but Asami doesn't want to hear it?

She pushed those thoughts aside. Asami was the smartest person she knew. No matter where the evidence led, she had to believe her mate would follow without being blinded by anger.



Korra barely had time to brace herself before a large, strong body crashed into hers, picking her up in a bone-crushing hug. She laughed, throwing her arms around Bolin in return. He was the largest, strongest omega she'd ever met, and that strength showed as he squeezed her.

"Hey, let go of me! You're gonna crack my ribs."

"Sorry." Bolin laughed and put her down. "I've just missed you so much!"

He beamed at her for a second, eyes sparkling, before rounding on Asami and giving her the same treatment. Korra heard the loud whoosh of breath Bolin forced out of her, but looked away when Mako, who stood a few paces behind, came forward to give her a much calmer hug.

"Korra," he said, patting her back. "Bolin's right. We've missed you."

"It's only been a week since we last saw you."

Mako's smile faded. "It feels like longer with everything going on."

Korra knew what he meant. She and Asami hadn't seen Mako and Bolin since the break-in two days prior. As soon as they'd heard, both brothers—a current detective, and a former one—had offered Lin their services. She'd sent them out to run down leads without a second thought.

"I've been in touch with Yi's temporary governor, a man named Hua," Mako told Korra, keeping his voice low. The train station hadn't grown crowded yet, since most people still had a few hours before their morning commutes, but he spoke cautiously, as though someone might overhear. "He's already expecting us."

"Good." Asami escaped Bolin's embrace to join the conversation. "We should arrive within a few hours, assuming no delays." She headed for the waiting area without another word, striding swiftly and with purpose. Korra watched her for a moment, before noticing Mako's worried glance.

"Is she okay?"

Korra sighed. "Not really."

"I wouldn't expect her to be," Bolin said. "You, either. I mean, your family was attacked in their home. Of course you're shaken."

"Asami isn't just shaken," Korra said, following Asami at a slower pace so they wouldn't be overheard. "She's angry. I've never seen her this way, not even when I came back after three years. To be honest? I'm worried."

Mako put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. "You don't have to look after her alone. Bolin and I are here to help. Right?"

Bolin nodded. "Yeah. The crew's back together! We'll get to the bottom of this, like we always do."

"Right," Korra said. "Like we always do."


As Asami predicted, the journey passed quickly. By early afternoon, they'd arrived safely in Yi. Though considerably smaller than Republic City's station, the province's station had been recently upgraded. Korra noted the construction still had a new sheen as she and the others stepped onto the platform, joining the mid-day crowd.

"Over there," Mako said, gesturing at a small entourage. There were five people in all, wearing green and yellow robes. One of them, a plump old beta with a long white beard, had an austere look about him.

Korra glanced at Mako. "Is that Governor Hua?" she whispered. He nodded, so she strode over, putting on her friendliest smile. "Hello, Governor," she said, offering a respectful bow. "Thank you for meeting us."

The governor bowed even deeper in return. "Thank you for coming, Avatar. I'm afraid we have great need of your assistance."

The others arrived a step behind, offering bows of their own. Korra hurried to introduce them. "This is Asami Sato, my mate and the CEO of Future Industries. These two are Mako and Bolin, Republic City detectives and my best friends. And this is Jinora, another dear friend, and an airbender from Air Temple Island."

More polite bows were exchanged, although a sense of urgency kept the pleasantries short. "This is my assistant, Song Ziwen," Governor Hua said, indicating one of his companions. She was a middle-aged woman, with salt and pepper hair and dark, nervous eyes. "She will show you to your hotel. It's been reconstructed recently, so I hope you'll find it suitable. We are a rather rural community, without too many developed areas."

Korra grinned. "I'm sure it'll be just fine."

The porters arrived with their luggage, and while Asami tipped them generously, Korra took a moment to study the governor's assistant. The woman, an omega, smelled notably nervous, and seemed oddly reluctant to meet her eyes despite Korra's attempts at a casual posture and friendly expression.

Hm. Weird. Maybe Asami or Bolin will have better luck talking to her?

"If you don't mind, I'll accompany you and explain some of what's been going on in the province," the governor said, drawing Korra from her thoughts.

"That'd be great," she said. "Lead on, Ziwen."

The fidgety omega gave another deep bow. "Of course, Avatar. Please, come with me." She led them away from the train station, while Mako and Bolin managed most of the luggage. Korra shot Asami a look, and her mate fell into step beside her.

"She's upset," Korra whispered under her breath.

"I can tell," Asami whispered back. "Want me to talk to her while you're hearing the governor out?"

"You read my mind."

They fell into silence, making their way to the hotel with the governor and his entourage.


The accommodations Hua had arranged were simple, but more than satisfactory. Since Yi was a rural province, it didn't have much in the way of luxury hotels like the Four Seasons. It did, however, possess a small bed and breakfast near the train station, whose employees were more than happy to serve the Avatar's every need.

"Please," the wispy thin omega who greeted them murmured, tucking her glossy black hair shyly behind one ear, "if you need anything at all, you only have to ask." The way she stressed 'anything', as well as the invitation of her scent, made what she meant abundantly clear.

Her father, also an omega and owner of the establishment along with his alpha wife, was not too pleased with his daughter's behavior. He sent her away to prepare their rooms in short order, but he couldn't hide the fact that he was a little starstruck by Korra himself. Not sexually, perhaps, but by her role as the Avatar, most certainly.

"I'd love to get a picture before you leave, if that's all right," he said, with only a little sheepishness. "We've never had anyone famous stay with us before."

Korra had laughed and agreed. She was used to various businesses, and even individuals, asking for photographs as cameras became more and more popular. Unless she was in a hurry, she didn't mind indulging them, with date nights being the exception.

Soon, they were settled into their rooms, the crew having disbanded to shower and change after their day-trip. Asami stripped first, tossing her jacket carelessly onto a chair before unbuttoning her blouse.

"I noticed you made a new friend downstairs," she said, without turning in Korra's direction. Her voice sounded amused, much to Korra's relief. It was the first time she'd seen Asami amused by something since the break-in.

"Yeah, well," Korra mumbled, only a little embarrassed, "she offered an invitation I don't intend to accept."

As she removed her blouse, Asami shot a searing glance over her shoulder, fixing her hot green eyes on Korra's face before trailing them slowly downward. They landed at the join of her legs, and Korra felt a familiar, pleasant tug that started in her lower belly and spread in a surge of warm pressure.

"I should hope not," Asami said, shimmying out of her skirt as well. "Although I have to admit, it was daring of her to flirt with a marked alpha. Not many omegas would, especially when that alpha is the world-famous Avatar."

Korra laughed. "If she knew anything about the Avatar's mate, she wouldn't dare."

Asami unclipped her garter belt and rolled her stockings down in a slow, deliberate motion. "No, she wouldn't."

Korra swallowed. Her mouth had suddenly gone dry, and she felt light-headed. She couldn't tear her eyes away from Asami's legs, which seemed endless as they strutted toward her. The omega's scent curled into her nose, drawing her forward like a helpless fish snared on a fishing line.


"Shower with me?" Asami asked. She was completely naked, and seemed to welcome Korra's hands as they settled on her hips, sliding around to cup her rear.

"I'm not sure how much actual showering we'll get done," Korra confessed.

Asami smirked. "I need stress relief more than a shower."

Korra leapt on the opportunity. Finally, here was something simple she could do to help her mate feel better. With a low grunt, she lifted Asami from the floor, guiding the omega's impossibly long legs around her waist and walking her toward the bed.

"Stress relief first. Shower after. Okay?"

Asami made no complaints as Korra climbed on top of her, discarding clothes along the way.

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