Another World - Clexa/Superco...

By attemptingtowrite07

81K 2.8K 520

Lena wanted to show her new L-Corp project to her best friend. She wanted to discover the multiverse. The mac... More

Worlds Apart
Experiment Gone Wrong
"this isn't the first time"
"Who are you?"
Worlds Explained
Reunions Anyone?
Twenty Questions
Meeting the Ambassadors
Queen Nia
Assassination Attempts and Unexpected Friends
The Challenge
Luna kom Floukru
Returning to Arkadia
Road Trip?
Reunited In Time For War?
Any Ideas?
Make a plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
Save a life
The Commander of Death
Funeral Fires
Can we talk?
"Am I preparing for war?"
The Details in the Deal
I'm sorry
You should go
Earth One
You look good in a hoodie
"Let's get this over with."
"Raven, can we please tone down the charm..."
"I'll be right here the entire time."
"Don't let Commander Heart Eyes catch you looking at me like that."
"You were much friendlier without clothes on Raven."
"So, you think we're hot?"
"I thought you were a genius."
"Last stop for residents of Earth 38."
"Um... well, I don't want you to get mad at me but..."
"At least the hotel walls are thicker than the tents."
"Do I want to know what I said?"
"Did she just suggest what I think she suggested?"
"I am The Commander..."
"It's the only way to look at it."
"We said our souls stayed here together, did we not?"
"We-We aren't giving interviews about our personal lives."
"I'd never do it in public."

"You'll have to speak to me eventually!"

835 37 19
By attemptingtowrite07

A/N - Long overdue chapter here but I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do with this. Happy New Year (I know it's a little late but why not!). I hope you enjoy this chapter, I had so much fun writing it that it is currently 12:20am and I am up at 8:30 in the morning but I just didn't want to stop writing.

Also, I found a few chapters weren't in the right place the other day, the last three I think but that has been fixed now, so I would recommend checking the order is the same as you remember before continuing. I hope that mix up (still confused as to how it happened) hasn't confused too many people. Once again enjoy!



As soon as the Dropship disappeared, she started counting the seconds until it returned, Sara having promised it wasn't going to be more than a few minutes at most before they reappeared. Busy counting in her head she ignored the droning voices of Abby and Kane behind her, they were wondering aloud what she was thinking. How was that possible?

Ten seconds after the ship disappeared, it reappeared, and the small glimpse she caught inside showed it was far less cramped than when they left. Frustratingly, the landing took longer than waiting for their return did. She was buzzing with anticipation, wanting to know Clarke was okay now that she was back and had apparently been gone for longer than ten seconds.

As soon as the door was on the floor, Lexa was hoping to see Clarke but instead, Luna came storming from inside with a storm on her face. Whatever had happened, Lexa was not getting involved or stopping her. Abby didn't read the room, stepping forward to smile at Luna, effectively blocking her path into the trees.

Before Luna could either tell Abby to move or simply throw her out, Clarke and Raven emerged with Sara on their heels. Clarke was trying to talk to Raven, holding onto her arm until she was shrugged off. What happened?

Sara overlooked the clearing and nodded. "Well, while I would love to stay around here for this I need to get back. Clarke, you have an extrapolator in case you need to get in touch with the rest of the group. Lovely meeting you and I'll see you around." With a two fingered salute, Sara grinned at the group and retreated into the Drop Ship. As the door closed there was distinct sounds of yelling as Sara started talking to someone else.

Free of Clarke's grip, Raven stormed towards Luna who side-stepped Abby to start towards the tree line. Lexa was more confused than she wanted to admit as Raven started to follow Luna, her brace nowhere to be seen.

"Raven your leg!" Abby rushed forward, grabbing Raven by her upper arms to stop her. "How?"

Shaking her off, Raven started following Luna who was almost at the tree line. "Luna."

Luna stopped, but she didn't reply.

"How are you able to walk? What exactly did they do?" Abby was still pressing, ignoring the clear signs that this wasn't the time for this conversation.

Pulling herself from Abby's grip Raven side-stepped her only to stop two steps closer to Luna. "Will you please talk to me?"

Still confused, Lexa watched the two's stand-off or whatever it was as Clarke came and wrapped an arm around hers. Glancing at the blonde, she shook her head, telling her to leave it alone for them to sort.

The silence was rising with tension as everyone seemed to wait for Luna or Raven to speak.

"You'll have to speak to me eventually." Lexa knew it was meant to get Luna's attention and doubted it would work, the chances of Luna reacting to such words-

Luna spun on her heels, glaring at Raven. "I do not have to speak with childish, immature women and after today I will take pleasure in not seeing your face again." She was angrier than Lexa had seen her – at the Conclave, she was seething after her brother, but not once had she ever exploded at someone like this. She didn't even give Raven the chance to reply, turning back and starting into the trees.

Raven started after her; her steps rushed as she tried to catch up to the older woman. "Are you seriously going to make me chase you? Running isn't something I want to try doing just yet." She was complaining, but there was a hint of joking as she continued to follow Luna. Neither of them was bothered by the audience they had for their argument, whatever had happened Lexa read into it enough to know it was personal.

With that in mind, she slowly started towards the other side of the clearing, getting Kane to urge Abby to follow them to give the two women some privacy. The sentiment, whilst considerate, was too late as Luna spun back to Raven only a few paces behind her. "You did not seem to mind trying new things with your legs last night."

Raven's jaw dropped.

Lexa wished she could unhear that, Abby and Kane wished the same if the same if their red faces said anything. Clarke at her side didn't look surprised at the notion the two women had had sex during their trip to Earth-1, in fact her own face tinted with a slight blush. What? Raising an eyebrow at the blonde, Clarke shook her head and tried to get Lexa to continue her silent walk to the other side of the clearing.

"Something you didn't mind when it was between yours!"

Now everyone in the clearing was red-faced. Not even Luna was immune to the slight blush on her cheeks, but it didn't stop herself from retaliating in this argument. "No, because I thought you wanted it!"

Lexa had managed to get the rest of the group around them to the other side of the clearing and hopefully, if Raven and Luna managed to keep their voices down the rest of their conversation wouldn't be heard by everyone.

It wasn't looking likely with the amount of yelling that had already happened, but Lexa tried to get the Skaikru leaders to focus on her. "We will be heading to TonDC after this in preparation for the execution of Hannah at nightfall. Tomorrow we will be heading to Polis and your leader will need to travel with us, should they wish to make it in time for the ceremony in a week. Do you know who will be taking the brand?"


She was somewhat aware that the movement behind her was fainter than it had been, the others seeming to have left them alone – or as alone as possible in a clearing in the woods. This wasn't a conversation she wanted to have now, but it seemed like she was going to have it anyway.

Daring a small step closer, some of the frustration towards Luna faded when she didn't step backwards. "I was drunk – "

Luna's frown deepened. "You believe I took advantage of you? I do not see how that is possible, you were the one to kiss me in that club."

Groaning as her frustrations mounted again, Raven rushed forward and gripped the front of Luna's jacket. She didn't want to shout and there wasn't another way to get her attention short of attempting to slap her. "Will you shut up and let me finish talking!" Whisper yelling, Raven fought hard not to let herself glance down at the perfectly soft lips inches from her face.

When Luna didn't speak, Raven relaxed her grip and let the woman take a step backwards. "I was drunk," Luna opened her mouth, but a glare stopped her from talking. "and the memories aren't all there because while you might be able to handle your alcohol I can't. Not to your standard anyway. That doesn't mean I didn't want it, it just means I needed time to process and unless you haven't noticed, I handle pretty much everything with a sarcastic comments and annoying jokes with the odd tendency to completely ignore my emotions, so I don't blow someone up."

Luna raised her eyebrows at that but stayed silent. "Clarke told me I was messing this up and I know I was flirting with you, but can you blame me for thinking that you were just in it for a night of sex before you left again?" She charged on before Luna could answer. "You haven't been to Polis in years – actually, no – you haven't left your Floukru since you got there. This whole trip has been more than you bargained for, it has to be because it's more than I bargained for."

"People I like tend to cheat on me, die, or leave. There hasn't been one I can think of that hasn't and I don't want to add your name to that list, so will you please just talk to me instead getting angry and judging me?" It took a second for Luna to realise Raven was done, a second in which the mechanic was wishing she could take everything back and let her walk away.

One second turned into two, then three as Luna stared at her, contemplating her words and Raven's confessions. "I am sorry for my actions on the ship. I should not have reacted that way to your behaviour towards Sara and occasionally Clarke. I have no right to do such a thing since we have not spoken about the events that took place in the hotel room. Something I do not wish to do here... any more than we already have," The corners of her lips curled up in a small smile. "but if you want, I would not be opposed to staying in Polis a few extra days after the ceremony in a week."

Raven bit back a smile. "And what would you do in these extra days you intend to stay?"

Luna shrugged. "Talk?" She stepped closer. "Immature conversations I have found can be fun from time to time." Raven saw the smirk on Luna's face and had to blink at the complete one-eighty this woman had done since the beginning of their conversation. Talking couldn't be the worst thing in the world if it led to that smirk being directed at her.

Not one to be beat, Raven raised an eyebrow. "Immature conversations? I will have you know; I take certain conversations very seriously. Just ask Bellamy," Luna's face dropped. "when I told him how to put a bomb together, I was being extremely serious." She broke out in a light laugh at the breath Luna seemed to let out. "Besides the sex with him wasn't even good. Nothing like the mind-blowing experience my now sober brain has on repeat."

Luna's reaction was interrupted by Clarke's voice. "Is it okay to come back now? We need to leave if we want to get to TonDC with enough time before tonight."

Scowling, Raven shouted. "Yeah." Instantly thinking of a way back at the blonde for interrupting her conversation, Raven turned with a mischievous smile on her face. "How's your head treating you Clarke? The alcohol last night mixed with that uncomfortable position sleeping in a bath-tub between two women must have left you sore in a few places."

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