Forever My Person

By LovelyShawniceet

436K 10.6K 1.1K

I turn around to leave again. I need to get out of here before I break. Kyle's hand catches my arm again... More

1. Misters before sisters
2. Everything Hurts
3. Go Loggers!
4. Reality
5. Confess Your Sins
7.Engagement party
8. Just A While Longer
9. New Roomie
10.Not Nice
11. Like I Do
The Man Behind the Smirk
12. Understand Her
13. Rose
14. Not My Fault
15. Unanswered Questions
16. Ex Dreams
17. Dont Hide From Me
18. Perfect Date
19. In the Shadows
20. More to Know
21. Dance for You
22. Breath of A Stranger
23. It's Okay to Not Be Okay
25. The Big Day
26. Around Every Corner
27. His Story
28. Unzip Me
29. Perfect Bubble
30. Our Future
31. Your My Bestfriend
32. New Friends
33. Reconcile
34. The First Game
35. Worried
36. Running Through My Mind
37. Everything With You
38. One Call
39. Contradicting Myself
40. Will Always Be Mine
41. Mind Racing
42. All My Fault
43.Fight or Flight
44. Confused and Broken
45. The Waiting Game
46. Bits and Pieces
47. Holding On
48. Next Chapter
49. Better
50. A Beautiful View
51. Anything For You
52. Unexpected
53. My Perfection
54. With Your Touch
55. You're My Happiness
56. Under One Condition
57. Untimely Visit
58. Meet the Matthews
59. Just You and Me
60. Lunch with an Apology
Forever My Person Cover
61. Lonely Birthday
62. Special Day
Long time no see

63. All About You

3.4K 77 13
By LovelyShawniceet


"Honey everything is going to be perfect. Stop worrying you've done such a great job."

"Bro. Chill out, you know just as much as the rest of us know that she'll say yes. You got this." My mom and brother both try to help sooth the nerves rushing through me.

I walk the length of my brother's living room for the almost millionth time pacing as my mind is checking off alll the things I need for tomorrow night to be the best.

As I watch the sun slowly setting across the sky I feel a delicate hand caress my shoulder tenderly. " I know your brother and I can tell you over and over again not to be nervous and you got this but you're still going to be nervous and that's okay darling. This isn't just Everly's big day it's yours as well. This is the day you show her how much you want to grow with her, be there for her no matter what she to have her be yours. It's a unique situation as well.

I slowly turn towards her not understanding where she's going with this now.

"Unique? What's unique about this mom?" I raise an eyebrow towards her.

"Yes. Unique. I'll explain if you'd let me finish before interrupting. Shame on you." I can hear Liam holding back laughter at my scolding.

" You both are not each other's first. She's had a proposal before you and you've somewhat done the same even if it wasn't a grand gesture but there's a reason they didn't work out. It's actually a blessing even if you were both hurt you've both became stronger individuals and now you both are here at this point in both your lives.

Cohen it's meant to be with her. I know your afraid and that's only natural. At the end of tomorrow night you will have a fiancé that completely loves and adores you."

I'm not sure if it's all the emotions or the very sensitive and enduring speech my own mom gave me but I take a seat on the couch before I fall over.

Thank you mom is all I can say as I think of what she just told me and let it sink in. I'm going to have a fiancé tomorrow.

"Damn mom never seen him speechless before you need to give more inspirational speeches to him more often." Liam jokes around but shuts right up with the look out mom gives.

"You're lucky I don't feel like coming over there and popping you for cussing in front of your mother. Where's your manners? And leave your brother alone! You were the exact same way when you were going to propose to Avery and need I remind you that I had to pull you out of the bathroom ten minutes before you proposed from how nervous you were." My mom states matter of factly.

My anxiety is growing by the minute that I don't even laugh at the way my brother looks like a scolded puppy at the end of the couch. All I can think of is the possibility that Ev could say no. She may think it's not the right time or just doesn't want an engagement again. My body is sweating just thinking of all our loved ones around, me getting on one knee in front of everyone waiting for the most beautiful woman to say she'll marry me.

No matter what I do my nerves don't calm down. If I could have a drink I would but I don't want to skip down that rabbit hole tonight and not be there for Everly on her birthday. I just want tomorrow to be so special for her.

It's already been a few hours our mom has left and Avery has come home and is making some dinner. It smells delicious but my nerves won't allow me to eat. I watch how my brother sits at the island watching his wife cook. It's as if he blinks at any second she'll vanish in plain sight. She begins to pour some wine into a glass and he shoots up out of his chair. I can't help but wonder why. We all know Avery loves her wine. I see him whisper in her ear something, she pats his chest and mumbled something that sounds like a don't worry I'm not but I'm too far away to tell.

"Co, do you want some wine? It'll calm the nerves." She says sweetly as she slides the glass in my direction.

"As much as I want to I think I'll actually head home and get some sleep. I'll need to be awake before Ev in the morning. Thanks though."

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" She squeals. "My best friend will be my sister!" Avery bursts as she stirs her pasta.

"I don't think that's how it works babe." My brother tells her.

"I don't care, you guys are brothers so we're in the same category even if it's in law." Avery can't ever be wrong even if it only makes sense to her.

She scoops out some pasta into a bowl before taking the wine glass back and pouring some into the pasta. A little odd but to each their own.

I finally say my goodbyes after double checking everything with Avery one last time for tomorrow. The drive home isn't that long. Ev's Jeep is in our driveway telling me she is home from her meetings today. My stomach feels like it's in knots.

I make myself try not to seem so nervous before going inside the house. I don't want her questioning anything. I put my stuff away like I usually do. I hear clinking in the kitchen and the smell of my favorite food. There's subtle R&B music playing and candles lit making me feel relaxed.

"Hey baby." I whisper coming up behind her wrapping my arms around her small waist.

"Hey baby, did you have a good time with your mom and Liam?"

I watch her season the meat for our dinner. "Yeah it was nice we just talked for a few before Ave got home."

"Huh... how is Ave?" She asks.

"What do you mean? You guys talk every day how do you not know?" I laugh. I quickly shut up when I see a flash of hurt across her face.

"She hasn't answered my text or calls these past two days. I'm not sure if I did something wrong or what's going on. She's being stand-offish and I don't like it." She tells me.

I can't help but feel guilty. Avery is probably so busy helping with the proposal and not wanting to slip up saying anything she's just not talking to her.

"She seemed okay just tired when I was there. I also left when she was making dinner so I didn't talk to her too much. Don't take it serious baby you'll definitely hear from her tomorrow." I kiss her head trying to reassure her.

"Hopefully." She mutters. She takes a sip of her wine that's resting on the counter next to our plates. Her face scrunches up and she runs over to spit it into the sink.

I look at the wine bottle next to her glass and notice it's her favorite wine. "What's wrong?" I question as she comes back.

"I'm not sure. It just taste bitter. Maybe a bad bottle." She takes it from my hand and takes a whiff of it she snaps her head back away from it with the same disgusted face. " yeah that's not good, not at all." She sits it back down and goes back to plating our dinner.

I take a whiff myself and it smells just fine. Maybe it's just womanly things. I have no clue.

We sit down and eat dinner enjoying each other's company. We always asks each other about how our day went and update each other on anything going on. The nerves I have are still there but all I can do is enjoy tonight being together.

"How was talking to your mom?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"It was nice. She's much easier to talk to now and even enjoyable without my dad there ruining the mood." It is really nice to have my mom more present in my life. I'm happy she gets to be apart of making Ev my fiancé. I know she's very happy about it to as she talks about Ev any time we're together. She's the daughter she never had besides Avery.

"That's so nice Co. I love her and so happy to have her around. You should invite her for dinner this week, I miss her." I can't help but chuckle hearing her say she misses my mom I never thought I'd hear that.

Before Ev can stand up after we're finished with our dinner I swipe the plates off the table and take them to the sink. She tries to clean up the rest of dinner but I immediately stop her.

"What Co?" She says with irritation. "I'm trying to help so it's done faster!"

"Ev, chill. It's about you tonight and all of tomorrow. Let me just deal with this and you go run a bath for us. I'll be there soon." I tuck a long strand of hair behind her ear and kiss her forehead.

"But-" she tries to argue back. I quickly give her a look telling her to take her ass upstairs like I said and get ready for our bath.

She doesn't say anything else and she does as I asked her to. I watch as her perfect hips sway back and forth as she walks away from me. I hurriedly turn back and clean the rest of dinner up. I grab us both a drink. I hesitate in front of the wine bottle and decide to grab a soda instead for her.

I turn off the lights on my way up to our room, my nerves are rattling through me. I really just want everything to be perfect. I want her to relax and have a nice night before everything tomorrow.

I set our drinks down on my beside table. The water from the bathtub is still going making steam peek through the crack of the door. I hurriedly take off my watch and some of my clothes only leaving me in my boxers.

I take a deep breath and push the door open slowly allowing me to step in but not bring too much cold air in with me. Slow R&B jams fill the bathroom. The smell of lavender and vanilla fill the air while candles flicker around the bathroom. This is exactly what I wanted for our night.

Ev is in the middle of her skin care routine with her gazillion face products scattered around the counter. I see the bath tub is almost full so I turn the water off and start the jets. I slowly make my way back to her. She's absolutely stunning without even trying. I can't help but feel myself harden seeing her as she's slightly bends forward towards the mirror pushing her ass out towards me. She's wearing only her bra and panties that barley cover anything.

I can't help but let out a big huff as I admire her perfect body.

" I know, I know. I take so long but I'm almost done. I promise." She responds to my huff.

I reach out and place my large hand against her right ass cheek gripping it causing her to lean back into me with a swift inhale.

"Seeing you bent over this way doesn't make waiting that bad." I whisper in her ear. Her hum back tells me she likes what she hears. I slide my hand down curving it under her cheek to the inside of her thigh. She automatically starts to shake and I can feel the heat between her thighs.

Her breathing is getting louder as my thumb plays with the inside of her thigh and her thong. The fabric is getting wetter and wetter every time I graze my thumb just a little bit further down. She lays her head back on to my shoulder for support as her eyes clench shut in pleasure. I love seeing her this way under my touch. Just as I graze the side of her wet lips with my index finger I pull away. Her eyes fly open. Instantly her features turn into confusion and a pout.

" Don't look at me like that. Finish your routine while I wait for you to come to me in the bath. I'm waiting to have my desert still." I give her a wink before turning around and pulling my boxers off to step into the warm bath.

I lay back against the cool tile causing my skin to cool down from the heat from the water. I watch as she finishes up but a lot quicker then what she was doing before. I can't help but smile as I see her wanting to get in here as fast as possible. She pulls her long brunette strands up on top of her head before turning to look directly at me. I clench my jaw as I watch her hands unclasp her lacey pink bra from around her. She slowly pulls her straps down dropping the flimsy material to the floor. She never breaks eye contact as her thumbs hook around her thong and pulls the thin matching pink fabric down her tan long legs. My fingers tighten around the edge of the bath holding onto support as I watch her sexy naked body walk towards me. The smile on her face tells me she knows exactly what she's doing to me.

She enters the bath sitting opposite of me. The water rises as it pools over her golden skin. Her long smooth legs slide right over mine making her spread open. I admire every inch of her that I can see through the water. Just when I thought I was playing hard to get she does this making it impossible to not want to ravish her right this second.

"You're looking at me like I'm the last slice of thanksgiving pie." She giggles.

"I did say I wanted my desert still and that's exactly what you are." I give her a wink and smile.

"You just know all the right things to say huh Mr. ladies man. Don't you?" Her eyebrow raises just as her smile does too.

I grab her foot from the side of my leg and pull just a little making her lay further into the water. Her chest heaves up causing the water to fall from her breast and the cool air harden her nipples.

"Hmmm... I wouldn't say ladies man since no one besides you catches my attention. You know that ." I give her a stern look that fades into a smile. I know because of me being in the NFL the persona is being a "ladies man". Having women hang all over us or a different one in our beds each night is expected but not for me. I'm a one woman man. The love of my life is right in front of me and she's the only one I want all over me and in our bed.

I begin to massage her feet helping her relax even more. The music is low filling the silence hoping to change the subject. I know that's not what she genuinely thinks of me but I never want to be a part of that persona.

"Hmmmmm..." vibrates from her lips as I massage deeper into foot.

"I definitely can get used to this." She hums.

"I don't mind doing this forever." I press a little harder thinking of us years from now in the exact same position with our matching wedding bands settled on our fingers.

"Forever... I like the sound of that." She whispers as she plays with the ends of her wet hair.

My heart tightens at her words. She has no idea how much that means to me.

"Me too baby." I tell her as my hands slides down her calves to the inside of her thighs. A small Yelp comes from her pouty lips before a moan slips out after.

I sit up sliding my hands across her hips and down the back of her ass. She exhales a moan that makes me harder. Her body feels amazing under the water making her skin feel smoother. I pull her towards me while I lean back against the cool tiles.

"You're beautiful baby. I want you now and I want you forever."I promise her. My hands leave her ass and explore the rest of her body on top of mine. Her skin begins to cool from the cool air also making her nipples perfectly hard for me. I lick my lips and pull one into my mouth. The hum she releases assures me she's very much enjoying it.

"Yes baby." She breathes as I suck on her other hardened nipple.

"Yes what?" I ask, wanting her to tell me exactly what she wants. I release her nipple from my mouth and stare into her eyes as I wait.

Her soft wet hands slide around my neck as she positions over the top of me. She slides right over the top of me filling her instantly. My eyes can't help but to roll back from the intense pleasure she gives me.

"Baby." Releases from her lips as her head falls back pushing her breast into my face. I bury my face in between using my lips to kiss every inch of her skin I can.

Our bodies move together creating waves in the tub, water splashing all around us spilling over the edge of the tub. We both keep going not caring about the mess and only want to be with one another. All I can think about is her and knowing this will be our forever.

She leans closer to me as I slide deeper into her. Her moaning my name sends chills through my body.

"I love you forever Cohen." She whispers in my ear as we finish together.



Hello everyone sorry I've been MIA for so long. This year has been busy and a lot of changes. I'm also a mom of two little boys that occupy a lot of my time.

This book will be coming to an end, however, I'd like to see how many of you would like a second book? 

Thank you for all the support and love these past few years! I can't believe all the love I've gotten. I'm so grateful for you all.

🤍 love,
Shawnice T

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