The Shattered Pawn

By Serafiend_47

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After living within the cold walls of the facility, (Y/N) is eventually released and forced to wander the wor... More

Chapter 1: Abandoned
Chapter 2: The Spirit of The Forest
Chapter 3: Society
Chapter 4: Beacon Academy
Chapter 5: The Awakening
Chapter 6: The Awakening II
Chapter 7: Bonding
Chapter 8: First Day of School
Chapter 9: Rediscovery
Chapter 11: Recon
Chapter 12: Her
Chapter 13: Me
Chapter 14: The Beginning
Chapter 15: Epilogue + (A/N)
(A/N) Quick Poll
Bonus Chapter: Team SLLL vs The Horde

Chapter 10: The Date

1K 19 13
By Serafiend_47

Lucas: "For dad's sake, it counts! How the hell would asking him on a date not count as a confession!?"

Loki: "Technically, a date is when a person shows possible interest in the partner. She didn't specifically say it, so it doesn't count."

(Y/N): "Can you please tell me what the hell you two are talking about? You haven't said anything all week!"

Shen: "We'll tell you when you're older."

(Y/N) scoffed in frustration, plopping himself back onto his couch. Ever since Yang asked him to hang out on Friday, Lucas and Loki have been fighting daily. And he had no idea what they were talking about.

Over the week, (Y/N) acted normal in front of everyone, but he was secretly anxious for whenever Ozpin would send him the documents. It's been three days since he asked, and Ozpin hasn't mentioned anything to him. An annoyance throughout his week, no doubt.

But not just that. He hated seeing Jaune around Cardin, knowing exactly what was going on. He knew he shouldn't help Jaune, to let him grow on his own, but it didn't make him feel any better. He felt so useless, only hoping the best for him.

And then there was the fact that Yang started getting a lot closer to him. He would notice that Yang always moved closer and closer to him in class, that she would start asking more and more questions towards him, and how her smile got significantly wider than before.

But... through all that, he noticed something. Something he doubted anyone else would realize.

Because the truth was...

Everything she did was forced.

And he would know that.

He does the same after all.

After a while of being at Beacon, he couldn't help but wonder why he acted so strangely. He was being fake to them, and he didn't know why.

But he didn't have time to think about that. He was supposed to go on a field trip tomorrow, see if Jaune is going to do something horrible with Cardin, hang out with Yang, check in with Ozpin...

So, so much he had to do.

And he didn't know where to start.

Lucas: "Fine! The date's tomorrow anyways, so I'll prove it to you there. Deal!?"

Loki: "Alright. Deal."

Loki and Lucas shook their hands, both in agreement with their compromise. They both would never back down from a challenge against each other, and this was no exception.

But when they were done, Lucas paused. He noticed (Y/N) looking down, stress throughout his entire body.

And he knew what he had to do.

Lucas waved his hand in the air, bringing the attention to the rest of team SLLL without alerting (Y/N).

And seeing Lucas do this, they all nodded in agreement, leaving back into the soul scape.

Lucas walked up to (Y/N), putting his hand on top of his shoulder. He stared with a concerned gaze, hoping he would open up to him.

Lucas: "Hey (Y/N)... you alright there?"

(Y/N) looked back, seeing the emerald eyes look into his soul for an answer. And all he could do was scoff and shake his head.

(Y/N): "What do you think? Ozpin hasn't done anything this past week, I have to stare at Cardin manipulating Jaune all day, Yang is acting weirder and weirder around me, and I can't fucking think anymore without you guys yelling through an argument with each other! So what the fuck do you think!?"

Lucas pulled back, shocked by the sudden outburst from (Y/N). He knew he wasn't feeling well, but this...

He wasn't the only one shocked, however. (Y/N) was terrified by what he did, realizing how he attacked Lucas for all of his problems. He went after someone that hadn't intentionally hurt him.

(Y/N): "Lucas..."

Lucas looked back towards (Y/N), watching the sudden change of mood in front of his eyes. He knew he had a lot to unpackage, but to hide all of this...

He recognized it all instantly.

Lucas: "...heh."

(Y/N) reeled back, surprised by the sudden chuckle from Lucas.

He was...


(Y/N): "Lucas... are you okay?"

Lucas walked over, smiling to himself as he realized what just happened. Everything (Y/N) just did was... hilarious.

Lucas: "Yeah, yeah, it's just... you have a lot more of me than I thought."

(Y/N) shook his head, confused by the sudden statement. What about his outburst would make him reflect? It was the exact opposite of how he acted.

But after a while, that confusion suddenly ended with Lucas pipping up.

Lucas: "*chuckle* I'll explain tomorrow. After your date. I can promise you, things will get better by tomorrow."

And before (Y/N) could ask any more, Lucas disappeared before his eyes, leaving him alone in his room.

(Y/N): "...*sigh* I guess I just have to wait for tomorrow then."

(Y/N) walked over to bed, going to sleep, letting his thoughts drift to what tomorrow would bring.


Glynda: "Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so."

Glynda looked back at the class, all of them admiring the view around. The forever fall was gorgeous, the red leaves complementing the gray trunks, making it look like a forest out of rubies. But it was also the color of blood, making some admire the danger around them.

All except (Y/N), who was all too familiar with the sight.

(Y/N): "*yawn*"

Hearing (Y/N) yawn, Yang immediately jumped at the opportunity to speak with him, leaving only a few inches of space as they talked.

Yang: "Hmm? Don't tell me you're tired (Y/N)."

Seeing Yang get closer, (Y/N) immediately started to smile while talking.

(Y/N): "No, no. I'm just used to seeing this."

Yang piqued in interest, walking with (Y/N) as she asked more questions.

Yang: "Really? You go to the forest a lot?"

(Y/N) smiled at her, keeping his eyes closed to suppress a chuckle from within.

(Y/N): "Something like that."

Yang smiled in delight, happy to hear a bit more about (Y/N)'s life. He never really gave much information, the only thing he spoke about being how he's an only child and barely met anyone. It was nice to know just a bit more about what happened in the past.

But before they could talk any more, Glynda stopped the class, holding up a jar full of red sap.

Glynda: "Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!"

Hearing this, Ruby and Yang couldn't help but look at each other and grin, the ladder immediately grabbing onto (Y/N)'s hand.

Yang: "Well, shall we get going?"

(Y/N) looked back, shocked by the sudden grab.

(Y/N): "Huh, oh yeah."

Hearing him say this, Yang couldn't help but smile as she pulled him away.

But (Y/N) wasn't paying attention. He was too focused on Jaune being pulled away by Cardin, wearing a malicious grin on his face.

(Y/N): "... dammit."


In a small clearing of the forest, team RWBY and JNPR stood, collecting the sap around them. Some of the members looked around the forest, holding the jars of red sap in their hands. But most of them were standing next to trees, mostly away from anyone else.

One of them was (Y/N), sitting at a tree with a book in hand, two bottles of sap next to him.

(Y/N): "Cardin's probably not going to give Jaune one, so might as well keep a spare in case."

(Y/N) looked up from his book, watching the group around him.

Blake was crouching while watching her team, Yang was collecting the red sap next to Ruby, Weiss was just waiting for the rest of them with her jar next to her, Nora was eating the sap that Ren kept on giving her, and Pyrrha was collecting the sap by herself with a sad look on her face.

(Y/N): "Must miss Jaune... Hope he's doing alright."

But right before he could look down in sadness, (Y/N) noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Something that was hidden from the rest of them.

Or more accurately, someones.

(Y/N): "What the hell are they doing?"

At the top of a small hill, hidden slightly by some bushes on the ground, there laid Jaune, Cardin, and his team, watching his friends from above.

But that wasn't what was most worrying.

What was most worrying was the brown box that Cardin pulled out with the label W.

(Y/N): "Are those... Rapier Wasps!?"

(Y/N) could only watch in horror as Cardin stood up, picking up Jaune with him. His team followed suit, watching in anticipation at what was about to happen.

(Y/N): "Don't tell me..."

But before he could even finish the thought, Cardin handed Jaune one of the bottles of red sap, pointing at him in the process.

(Y/N): "..."

Jaune looked back at the team, backing in fear as he held the sap in his hands.

But he didn't fight back.

He just raised his arm, staring directly at (Y/N) in worry.

He lifted the jar in his hands, aiming it at (Y/N)'s body in fear. His arms trembled at what he was about to do, anxiety bursting from what Cardin was doing to him.

And all he could think was why him? Why did he have to do this to him? Why couldn't it be someone else? Why can't he just say no?

And as he asked those questions, he saw something strange.

When he looked back at (Y/N)...

He was staring at him, relaxed.

And he knew exactly what (Y/N) was thinking at that time.

(Y/N): "Do what you believe in Jaune. I trust you."

Jaune paused, taking in what he just saw.

Jaune: "No..."

Cardin walked closer, not believing what he was hearing.

Cardin: "What did you say?"

But before he could get any closer, Jaune turned towards him and threw the bottle at his chestplate.

Jaune: "I said... NO!"

Cardin reeled back, shocked by what Jaune just did.

Did he just... go against him?

Cardin: "Oh... you've done it now."

Before Jaune could react, Cardin's teammates grabbed both of his arms, dragging him away from his friends and team.

And (Y/N) just watched, both with a sense of pride and fear.

(Y/N): "Should I go help him?..."

(Y/N) stared down, thinking about what he should do, until remembering what team SLLL told him.

(Y/N): "... I have to trust Jaune here. He'll be fine. I know he will."

And with that, he smiled at the ground, happy that one of his problems has started to fix themselves.


(Y/N): "I did not expect that ursa to show up."

Lucas: "Eh, it's fine. Jaune handled it pretty well."

(Y/N): "Thanks to Pyrrha. Not that he knows."

Lucas: "Yeah. They have been getting close, haven't they."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I guess they have."

(Y/N) nodded in agreement, thinking back to what happened on the trip. They did not expect an ursa to attack them in the forest. Thankfully though, it was taken care of by Jaune.

But none of that was their main concern. After all, Jaune got out of his mess with Cardin because of it, so why would they worry about it? He wasn't that hurt from the fight.

Oh no, they were worried about an all more important issue entirely.

They were worried about what to wear for the date.

(Y/N): "Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't feel like this is good enough..."

Lucas: "Relax dude. Yang isn't the type of person to go overboard on this kind of stuff. You just need to be casual and look good."

Lucas nodded, watching (Y/N) check himself out in the mirror.

(Y/N) was wearing a white button up shirt with dark black jeans, matched only by the black dress shoes and belt. A very simplistic choice that complemented his look greatly. Perfect for what they were about to go to.

(Y/N): "It just feels so... lazy."

Lucas shook his head, placing his hands on (Y/N)'s shoulder for support.

Lucas: "Stop worrying. Everything will be fine."

(Y/N) looked back to Lucas and smiled, happy that he was here to guide him through the day.

But before any more could be said, the sound of knocking echoed throughout the dorm.

(Y/N): "C-coming!"

(Y/N) panicked immediately, almost rushing to the door to answer. But thankfully, Lucas stopped him just in time, letting the boy calm himself down.

(Y/N) looked back and saw the smile on Lucas' face, happy for the man.

Lucas: "Last piece of advice, just be yourself. I'll talk to you later."

And with that, Lucas faded into (Y/N)'s soul. Which left (Y/N) by himself, looking down in frustration.

(Y/N): "Easier said than done."

But he didn't have time to hate himself. He's going to be with Yang for the night, and he'd be damned if he was going to ruin it.

So, with a quick pace towards his door, (Y/N) grabbed the handle and opened it.

(Y/N): "Yang? Is that yo-"

And with that, (Y/N) froze, taking in the sight ahead of him.

Yang stood in front of the door, smiling at the sight of (Y/N). Like him, she wore a white button up as well, but also a red ribbon at her collar. She had a checker pattern blue skirt and a yellow coat, complementing her hair almost perfectly.

In (Y/N)'s eyes, she was gorgeous.

Yang: "*whistle* Well, you're looking good. I thought I might have gone too much on this date."

At the sound of her voice, (Y/N) shook himself out of his trance. He straightened himself up and forced himself to be much more calm.

(Y/N): "Thanks. You look great too."

Yang smiled, happy that (Y/N) thought she looked nice for their date.

And using that excitement, Yang quickly grabbed onto (Y/N)'s arm, pulling him out of his dorm.

Yang: "Well. Shall we?"

(Y/N) looked down, surprised by the sudden action from Yang. But like before, he calmed himself down and grinned while closing the door.

(Y/N): "Yes, we shall."


The night sky was bright, filled with stars as far as the eye could see. The crescent moon illuminated the city, accompanied greatly by the bright lights around. It was a very busy day that night, and it showed.

Many stores were open at the time, ranging from clothing, to jewelry, to restaurants, and more. Dozens of people flocked around, matched by the smooth jazz that played through the speakers to create a calming environment for everyone.

And there sat Yang and (Y/N), taking a seat outside of a restaurant, their food plated in front of them.

(Y/N) was staring around, shocked by the number of people around him, while Yang just watched, happy to see him enjoying himself.

Yang: "You like it?"

(Y/N) snapped his head, realizing he hasn't talked to her at all yet since they got there.

(Y/N): "Huh? Oh, yeah! I've never seen this many people before! Besides Beacon of course..."

Yang giggled in delight, watching the excitement from (Y/N) in front of her eyes.

Yang: "I'm glad. I didn't think you've been out much before, so I thought you would like it if I took you."

(Y/N) grinned while talking back, thankful for her generosity towards him.

(Y/N): "Thanks. I was actually very... out of society, so it's nice to see what it's like."

The moment he said that, Yang knew it was her opportunity to pry.

Yang: "Really? Did you live in a forest? You were very bored at the trip today."

(Y/N) relaxed into his chair, answering her question.

(Y/N): "Yeah, actually. I lived by myself for most of my life, so I'm not used to seeing this many people."

Yang whistled in impressment, surprised that he was able to live in a forest at such a young age.

Yang: "Impressive. Me and Ruby also lived in a forest for most of our lives, but not by ourselves. That must have been hard."

(Y/N) nodded in agreement, looking down as he remembered his struggles.

(Y/N): "Yeah... but hey! I turned out pretty good now, right?"

(Y/N) grinned as he answered, creating a look of joy to spread on Yang's face.

But his thoughts were something completely different.

(Y/N): "Yeah right. Turned out good my ass."

Following up his question, (Y/N) changed the topic to Yang's life instead.

(Y/N): "By the way, what was your life like? I never really learned much about it."

Yang moved back, shocked by the sudden interest in her life.

Yang: "Oh, my life isn't that interesting. My dad works at Signal Academy and my mom left when I was young. Ruby on the other hand..."

Yang stopped there, looking down in sadness at what she remembered. She hated remembering what happened to Ruby, and she didn't feel like she should be the one to explain that to (Y/N).

But he perfectly understood that. He didn't need to know that it was a sore topic for them.

That didn't mean there weren't other questions, however.

(Y/N): "Really now? Did you have many friends at Signal, or were you more reserved like Ruby?"

Hearing this question, Yang could help but pique up, distracting herself from what just happened.

Yang: "Me? Oh, I had loads of friends in Signal! Some of them came to Beacon, actually! But I was never really close with them, so I don't talk to them anymore."

(Y/N) looked back, surprised at the fact that she had some friends go to Beacon with her. But after hearing how they don't talk much, it became less shocking that she never mentioned them.

(Y/N): "Wow! I should have known with how social you are."

Yang giggled in agreement, remembering the amount of people she gathered as friends within Signal. A great difference to how Ruby was, getting only a few close friends with her.

(Y/N) watched in delight, seeing the happiness on Yang's face. This 'date' thing was going great! They were learning about each other, walking around town, eating delicious food...

What could go wrong?

And the moment that thought was made, Karma came hitting like a truck.

Leaving Yang to look down at her food, avoiding eye contact with (Y/N)

She looked down at her food, almost sad at something. It was like she was disappointed with how it turned out or was hurt from something (Y/N) said. She just seemed... depressed.

(Y/N): "Yang? What's wrong?"

Hearing (Y/N) talk, Yang stared down at her food, using her long hair to cover her eyes.

Only to speak one sentence to (Y/N).

Yang: "Meet me at the roof of the dorms. We need to talk."

And before (Y/N) could say anything, Yang stood up from her table and stormed out of the restaurant, much to the man's confusion.

It didn't help that afterwards, the entire restaurant stared in concern about what he just did. Something only complemented by the sudden drop of the check, laying right in front of the food they just ate.

This all lead (Y/N) to only one thing.

(Y/N): "...What the hell did I do?"


Five hours had passed since Yang left, and (Y/N) eventually found his way onto the roof of the dorm. Thankfully, team SLLL made sure he wouldn't be too late for the meeting, whatever it may be.

On the top of the roof stood Yang, glaring at (Y/N) in frustration.

Yang: "What took you so long!?"

(Y/N) backed up, apologetic towards what happened.

(Y/N): "Sorry! I get lost easily, you know."

Yang seethed once she heard this, trying to make sure not to distract herself from what she intended to do.

(Y/N), on the other hand, was worried. There were many times that he would see Yang's temper in force. But this was much more than any temper. Much, much more.

What was going on with her? Was everything alright? Did he do something he shouldn't have? Did something happen that he didn't realize? What was he supposed to do?

However, even with all of these questions, (Y/N) asked none of them the moment Yang lowered her head.

Yang wasn't in the best spot either. She didn't want to do this, not on her life. But after being with him for months... acting like he has... she knew she had to do this.

So she took one last breath in, and asked her question.

Yang: "Why..."

(Y/N) blinked in surprise, confused by what she just asked.

He stepped closer, hoping to hear better.

(Y/N): "Sorry, what was that?"

And then, wasting no time whatsoever, Yang rushed up to (Y/N) and pulled him up by the collar.

Yang: "Why do you keep on lying to us!?"

And like many times before, time stopped.

Lying? He never lied to them, exactly. Only dancing around the truth. But they wouldn't know that... right?

(Y/N): "Wh- What are you ta-"

Yang: "Don't give me that bullshit!"

Yang threw (Y/N) back, making him land on the ground, creating a large thump sound as he landed.

(Y/N) looked up to face Yang and saw her fury, a deep anger towards him on how he was acting.

Yang: "You think I can't tell how much you fake it!? How whenever you talk with one of us, you completely change to fit us!? That you always avoid talking about your past whenever we ask!?"

Yang glared at (Y/N), tears going down her face as she thought of everything.

Yang: "I thought maybe, maybe, us going out would make you stop. That you would actually talk to me and not just act. But seeing how that turned out... I was wrong."

(Y/N) started panicking, hoping to dear god that someone would help him. He didn't know how to respond to something like this, and he didn't know if he could refute a single thing she said. What was he supposed to do?

Desperate for guidance, (Y/N) tried to call out to Lucas within his soul.

(Y/N): "Lucas, help me! Please! I need you!"

But as he waited for a response, it never came. All that was left was the silence in his soul and the sight of Yang in front of him. No help. Nothing.

He breathed quickly, anxiety filling every bone in his body. He couldn't leave without an answer, and he didn't know how to answer. This perpetual cycle kept him stiff, staring directly at Yang in front of him.

All until he snapped.

(Y/N): "You're not one to fucking talk!"

Yang paused.

Did he just...

Yell at her?

Yang: "What did you just say."

Now normally, in scenarios like this, (Y/N) would stop still in his tracks and beg for forgiveness in the fear of his life ending.

But this wasn't a normal scenario.

(Y/N): "You heard what I fucking said! You fake it just as much as I do!"

(Y/N) approached her, no longer having a care in the world. His brain couldn't stop him, and all of his logic was gone at that moment.

All he could do was talk.

(Y/N): "You want to know why I act like I do!? Because I'm scared! I'm scared I might fuck everything up once I start acting like myself! I'm scared I will screw up like I always have! YOU HAPPY!?"

(Y/N) got right in front of Yang's face, glaring into her soul as he screeched everything.

But he didn't stop there.

(Y/N): "And what about you Yang!? You mean to tell me that, as a human being, your only emotions are angry or happy!? Because that's all I ever see you act! You never show how you're really feeling, even if Ruby's involved!"

Yang backed off, not expecting the questioning to be flipped to her. But that didn't help as (Y/N) would always follow her, not leaving any room whatsoever.

(Y/N): "You know, it makes sense you would be pissed off about this. You do the same fucking shit, so you hate it when you see me doing it! Well, news flash Yang; you ain't got much to talk about hiding how you really feel."



There were no words. No movement. No sound.

Just, nothing.

All they could do was stare each other in the eyes, finally seeing how they really are.

And it felt so nice.

(Y/N): "..."

Yang: "..."

(Y/N) waited, letting the silence coat over them. Releasing all of that tension, all of that stress, all of that anger was so... refreshing. Like drinking ice cold water during a hot afternoon.

But that didn't excuse what he did. Not one bit.

(Y/N): "...I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-"

Before (Y/N) could even finish the sentence, Yang cut in to make her peace.

Yang: "No, I should be the one saying sorry. I shouldn't have done this... It was stupid."

Yang looked down, fully disappointed in herself. Did she really have to do all of this? Why couldn't she just leave him be? Now their friendship was ruined... Just great...

But (Y/N) disagreed greatly.

(Y/N): "Actually, I think this was great."

Yang stopped. What? He thought it was great? How? Because of what she did, they had a major argument and it will always be on their minds when they see each other. Or at least hers. How was this good?

Yang was desperate to know, furrowing her eyebrows as she stepped closer.

Yang: "What? How wa-"

And before she could ask, (Y/N) cut her off.

(Y/N): "I mean, can you think of any other way we could say all of this?"

And that's when time froze. Yang was petrified by what he just said. It was such a strange way of interpreting what just happened. That them fighting was a great way to say everything on their heads.

But thinking about it... he was right.

Yang: "... Yeah, I guess you're right. But st-"

With excitement in his voice, (Y/N) immediately spoke up.

(Y/N): "Then how about we make a deal."

Yang stopped, surprised by what he just said. A... deal? For what? And with what? What the hell was he talking about?

Seeing this confusion, (Y/N) wasted no time to continue.

(Y/N): "Any time, on any day, we come up here and do this again. Talk about everything we deal with to help us. Sound good?"

Yang stood still. A time where she could let everything out... A time she could let out her pain... A time where she can be... herself.

The answer was clear.

Yang: "Alright... deal."

Finally, after all of that, they found the truth. Although such a small amount, they found a piece of each other's puzzle. They both found someone they could rely on.

And that let true joy emerge from them.


Yang: "So... we'll do this again?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, we'll do this again."

Yang: "Great! See yah (Y/N)! Thanks for the date!"

(Y/N): "Bye! It was a blast!"

Watching Yang walk into the dorm, (Y/N) couldn't help but sigh in relief. That was very... tiring. For him, at least. He did not expect to go out like that today. But he did create a better friendship with Yang, so silver lining there.

But that combined with the Jaune and Cardin incident? That's a bit too much, even for him. He's still got to get some rest and get the data from Ozpin, whenever that may be.

So waiting a second for a break, (Y/N) walked back into the dormitory from the roof.

Only to be stopped by the sound of a young man's voice behind him.

Lucas: "Told you to be yourself."

The moment he finished speaking, (Y/N) snapped his head around to find who it was. But once he realized it was just Lucas, he relaxed himself greatly and looked down in relief.

(Y/N): "Yeah. Thanks."

Lucas giggled in delight, lifting his arms in a resting manner. Watching all of that was interesting, but also tiring for the young man. After all, he was connected to (Y/N) in some sense.

But then, Lucas remembered something.

He promised (Y/N) he would explain why they were similar.

Lucas: "..."

Lucas looked down in deep thought, going over what he should say in his head.

All of this while (Y/N) squinted in confusion and stepped closer.

(Y/N): "Lucas, are you oka-"

Knowing he couldn't just stay silent, Lucas cut (Y/N) off to explain himself.

Lucas: "I was born an only child to a single mother."

And then, (Y/N) went silent. He remembered when Shen and Loki did this. Like before, it was mostly sudden, but he wasn't complaining. He always liked to listen to the stories of his other selves.

Lucas: "My mother was a kind woman... loving, caring, thought of others... but then, she got sick... Badly..."

Lucas looked at the sky, remembering what happened that day.

Lucas: "When she died, she didn't want me to be sad for her... she wanted me to be happy... so I always smiled through the pain... kept my hopes up in the darkest of moments... and I always tried to connect with others..."

Lucas looked down, giggling as the memory of two siblings came to his mind.

Lucas: "And when I got older, I went into a prestigious adventuring school... I met two others there and we formed a team, going through many types of challenges..".

But remembering the times with them, Lucas started to remember the times he hated.

Lucas: "But even though we were together... I would never really change... I would always hide myself with smiles and laughter... No one knew how I really felt..."

And that's when (Y/N)'s eyes met green once more, but they looked softer than ever before.

Lucas: "That's what I meant by we were more alike than I thought... We both hide the truth of our pain... And we could grow stronger from it, together..."

And there, (Y/N) stood still. Petrified.

When (Y/N) realized that team SLLL was a part of his soul, he always knew that they would represent different parts of him. Shen with his morality and duality, and Loki with his logic and heroism. Even when he saw Liam, he figured he had his fear and his support.

But he never thought this was what Lucas was. He always thought it was his optimism and care that connected them both. He would never predict that it was how they hid their emotions.

And while Lucas could see this going on, he knew it was time for him to leave. He said his peace, and (Y/N) had said his with Yang.

He was done there.

Lucas: "Anyway, I'm not here to talk on and on about my backstory. There's still so much you don't know. Like who my father is. And how I'm a masochist."

(Y/N) immediately snapped out of his trance the moment Lucas said the word 'masochist.'

(Y/N): "I'm sorry, what was th-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Lucas waved his hand while fading back into the soul scape.

Lucas: "So good night (Y/N)! Get some rest!"

And just like that, Lucas vanished without a trace.



(Y/N) blinked profusely, taking in everything that just happened with Lucas. He didn't expect to end on... that.

But he didn't have time to think about it. Because when he blinked, his eyes got significantly heavier than before.

(Y/N): "...I should probably get going. It's getting late."

So sighing once more, yawning almost right after, (Y/N) turned around to head back into his dorm.

And out of the entire day, (Y/N) didn't notice one single, important thing.

"Ozpin has sent you a message."

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