By skitttllll

932 33 1

A homophobic school with a few lgbtq+ teens. I'll post more every few days (or weeks eheh) if I can hope you... More

Glitter Guy
Still alive
Brunnete Boy
For Me?
Not a chapter :]
End possibly?


120 3 0
By skitttllll

      -Third person POV-
Leo walked down the isles of clothing heading towards the men's section until he ran into a variety of colorful fabrics and jewelry high heels and dresses. He decided to take a detour through this section feeling the soft fabric that weren't like the ones in the section he normally was in. Looking at everything that was new and different from what he would usually wear. While looking at the skirts and dresses a unfamiliar voice came close.

"Looking for something for your girlfriend?"

The voice said. Leo looked down to see a girl about his age with curly red hair. By looking at the pin on her shirt he could tell she worked here.

"Yea my....g-girlfriend." Leo had a feeling his stuttering didn't make his lie sound believable.

"Ah anything in specific?" The girl said.

Leo looked back down at the pin stating her name pronouns and was lined in teal and black. Her name was Katie. She wore a green t-shirt with a flower print and black jeans with checkered vans.

"Hello?" Katie looked as if she were questioning my sanity.

"Hi sorry I'm not very social what was the question?"

"Are you looking for anything in specific?"

"No just browsing."

"Can I help you look for clothes?" Katie said fiddling with her hair.

"Eh yea okay." This seemed odd for a employee.

"Is she pretty, sorry if that's a odd question." This is definitely odd for an employee.


"Your girlfriend." Katie looked to be lost in thought.

"Oh," Leo wasn't sure if he could lie his way out of this. "Yea umm pretty eyes...yea."

"Mhm okay, could I compete with her?"

I didn't know what to say was Katie flirting?

"I- I um not sure, I don't know I don't actually have a girlfriend." It was coming to fast and I blurted out the first thing in my mind.

"Why are you in the women's section then?"

"I'm not sure it's nice here though." Why did I say that?

Leo watched as she shuffled through the surrounding racks of skirts dresses and crock-tops. Picking different items and stuffing them in a bag.

"These would look great on your quote on quote girlfriend." She started walking to a register with the bag of clothes.

"Well what are you waiting for?" She said with a giggle. "Come on!"

Katie scribbled on the back of the recite and gave the bag to Leo.

"The clothes are on me it was nice talking to you buh bye!"

427 words
First chapter sorry it's short I don't expect anyone to read this anyways

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