fangs | sukuna x male!reader

Par ch0Rles

553K 20.8K 21K

put your hands up if you've ever been in love i know i hate it i hate it as much as you do a fic in which y... Plus

in trouble
revenge and suffering (not really)
weight on your chest
some friendly interaction
in trouble again
this method isn't too bad
staying over
and they were roomates!
how to deal with your crush's drunk brother
a proper apology, and some genuine feelings
yeah that apology didn't last long
two new gays make everything a little better
a week of this
getting hit with balls isn't fun
in case you couldn't tell, i absolutely despise sports
this is chaotic
dumb cuddling and more genuine feelings
this is gonna be awkward
came for advice, got bullied instead
learning something new
when boredom hits
the gays are at it again
the gays are at it again part two
not as planned
the plan begins
a simple question
it's finally time
indulge a little
this is even more chaotic
come dance with me
no time for an apology
what we've been waiting on
a quick thing umm!!!!!!!
staying over again
don't you take his fangs
other things

don't do that in here

38.1K 930 1.5K
Par ch0Rles

you slammed the door to the classroom open, the other in there barely glancing up at you. you grit your teeth together, walking past him to the supply closet and grabbing a broom, setting it the side as you sighed.

"are you gonna help, or are you gonna just sit there?" you asked, and he shrugged, sitting on the teacher's desk, phone in hand as he stared at it mindlessly. you frowned, moving over and setting the broom beside him before going to move the desks to the sides of the classroom. "can't believe i'm stuck here because of you."

he didn't reply, and you were glad; whatever he said would probably just piss you off more, and you were already frustrated enough.

minutes passed, you beginning to sweep the floors, glancing up at him from time to time. he just sat there, staring at his phone, and you sighed, hands gripping the broom tighter as you swept. it was starting to get darker outside, the normal blue of the sky changing to yellows and oranges. you were angry, wanting nothing more than to go home and sleep.

there was a quiet noise, one you could barely hear, making your eyes widen slightly. you turned back to him, seeing the earbuds he had shoved in, and you frowned, moving over to him. he barely glanced up at you before turning back to the screen.

"what are you doing?" you asked loudly, knowing he should've heard you with how quiet whatever he was watching was. "listen, i don't care that you're not helping, but if you're just gonna sit there on your phone, then just leave."

he didn't pay attention to you, and you grit your teeth, nearly snapping the broom handle in half with how hard your grip was. "are you even listening? it's your fault that we're both here, you could at least pay attention-!"

you reached out and grabbing the earbud wire, tugging it out, and his eyes widened just slightly as his phone was pulled as well, falling and hitting the floor. there was a thought in the back of your mind, worried that it might've cracked, but that thought was quickly wiped aside by what noises were continuing to come from his phone.

"what the fuck?" you looked down at the screen, eyes widening at whatever was happening. you grit your teeth, turning to glare up at him. "we're you seriously watch porn? we're supposed to be cleaning-!"

he shrugged, chin resting on the palm of his hand. "there's nothing better to do." it was the first thing he had said since you had showed up, making your eyes widen.

you stood there, absolutely bewildered. "don't do that in here!! if a teacher came in and found out, we'd both get in trouble!! and i'm already in enough trouble because of you!!"

"then give me my earbuds back." he held his hand out, and you clenched the wires in your hands, stepping back and shoving them into your pocket. he sighed, seeming angry but not saying anything as he leaned down to pick up his phone. "suit yourself."

you frowned, moving back to finish sweeping, before the audio returned, this time loud, echoing around the room, making you panic. "what the fuck are you doing?!"

"you took my earbuds. i was in the middle of this." he glared at you slightly, and you almost threw the broom at him. you rubbed your temples, biting your tongue to keep yourself from doing anything that could worsen your situation. it was hard not to, though, when he turned the volume up, and you turned to face him, starting to yell.

"could you cut it out-! listen, i don't care that you're a delinquent or whatever people call you, but i'm genuinely trying to just get this done so i can leave!!" you stepped up to him, and he actually paused the video, surprised by your sudden outburst. "i know you hate me after what happened, but i don't care!! it's not like i have any positive feelings about you, either. so just help me out, and we can both go home, and ignore each other for as long as we want, okay?"

he stared at you for a second, before smiling slightly, laughing, making you flinch. "holy shit, you're really different when you're talking to the brat, huh?" he grinned, and your eyes widened slightly, feeling a warmth rise to your face.

"what does yuuji have to do with this-?"

he hopped down, and you stepped back quickly, almost tripping. "i couldn't give a shit about what happened. i don't care who the fuck you like, but when it comes to the brat, i'd rather not have him hook up with some hothead who snaps at every person who crosses his path." he started, continuing to walk towards you until your back was against the wall, making you panic. he stood up straight, hands in his pockets with a sigh. "so let's make a deal."

you frowned, glaring at him. "why would i make a deal with you? i just told you i wanna finish cleaning so i can go home. that's all."

"yeah, but, you'd rather have me not annoying you while you clean, right?" he grinned, and you shifted a bit, your curiosity getting the better of you. he noticed, turning to look out the window. "then let's make a deal. i won't bug you while you clean. i might even help, if i'm feeling generous."

"and? what's in it for you?"

his hand moved beside your head, caging you in, and you felt small against him. "please me."


"please me." he repeated, grinning when your eyes widened, face feeling a lot warmer. "if you can do that, i won't bug you."

"what the fuck? why would i do that?" you were surprised, confused as he leaned closer to you, and you almost smacked him. "i don't know who the hell you think i am, but i'm not doing that. just go and i'll finish cleaning by myself."

you shoved past him, gritting your teeth together, yelping when he grabbed your shirt collar.

"you've got a thing for yuuji, right?" he suddenly asked, and you flinched, turning back to him with a glare. "i mean, after what happened, i'm positive of it."

"what does that have to do with anything?"

he shrugged, letting you go, but you stayed there, waiting for him to speak. "i mean, don't you think it'd be a little embarrassing if he found out what happened?" he grinned at you, and your eyes widened, panicking.

"don't you fucking dare-"

"i mean, i am his brother. we basically spend every second of the day together." he continued, tapping his foot against the ground. "i'd have all the time i need to tell him that a boy confessed to me thinking i was him. i mean, how stupid is that? we don't even look that similar." he laughed a bit, and you clenched your fists, moving towards him again.

"i'll admit, i was stupid. it was an impulse decision, and yeah, i regret it." you stated, and he just grinned down at you, a gaze that made you feel tiny compared to him. "but you had no reason to punch me into a fucking window!!"

he just laughed again, shaking his head and leaning down slightly so he was face to face with you. "and? what can you do to stop me from telling him?"

holy shit, you were being blackmailed now. it wasn't a big deal what had happened, you knew that- you could probably tell yuuji and he'd laugh about it. but if his brother told him instead, he'd probably make up a ton of lies, and yuuji trusted him with all his being, so there's no way you'd be able to tell your side of the story. this was the worst possible situation.

you grit your teeth together, inhaling. "okay, fine. i'll do what you want." you pointed at him, just about ready to punch him. "on two conditions."

"what? i'm already being generous." he considered this generosity? "but fine. what do you want?"

"one, don't fucking touch me. i don't care what you say during whatever this is, but the minute you put your hands on me, i'm leaving." you started, and he nodded in understanding. "two, don't tell anyone about this."

"pfft, what, do you think i'm gonna go home and brag about how some wimp jerked me off?" he laughed, shaking his head, and you could feel how warm your face was, the reality of what was happening settling in. "but fine, i won't breathe a word. and i'll keep my hands off you."

"good." you muttered, flinching when he leaned down again, hand moving to your chin to make you look up at him. "i just told you not to touch me."

"you're not doing anything yet, though." he mumbled, making your eyes widen. "even if you leave now, you didn't follow through with your end of the deal. you could barely be out of the school, and the brat will know what happened."

you were sure he was evil, somehow. there was no way any sane person could be like this. but you just sighed, pulling away from him. "cut it out. i just wanna get this over with."

he shrugged, moving so he was leaning against the wall. "alright then. go ahead."

you stood frozen, mind racing. "okay? what do you want me to do?" you asked again, and he just hummed, looking up, obviously not giving an answer. you bit your lip, shaking your head. "you could at least give me an idea of what you want, you know-?"

"and give you hints on how to win? no way." he chuckled, turning to look at you. "you're obviously a virgin, but you must have some clue."

"wh- how do you know that?!"

he kept his mouth shut, and you inhaled, rubbing your temples. just get it over with, just do what you needed to do and leave. that was all, and you could forget about this, and-

"if you're gonna take this long, there's no point." he sighed, kicking off the wall and walking past you, making your eyes widen, whipping your head towards him. "might as well tell the brat, anyways, since there's no point in him dating someone who doesn't know how to pleasure anyone but himself."

"hey-!" you moved forward, grabbing his arm harshly, and he barely spared you a glance before you spoke again, pointing to one of the desks scattered throughout the room. "just- fucking sit down and let me take my time. i don't want to do this, and your stupid face isn't helping."

that made him laugh, shaking his head and pulling out of your grip, going and sitting down in a desk, leaning back and looking up at you. "if it makes you feel any better, me and yuuji basically have the same body, even if i'm older." he grinned at the embarrassed look that spread across your face, watching your every move, filling you to the brim with stress. just get it over with.. just do what he wanted, leave, that was it. no speaking of it, no thinking, especially.

your hands moved nervously, almost shaking, you were so fucking confused. what the fuck were you supposed to do? you had never done this to anyone but yourself, how the hell were you supposed to do this to someone else-?

"this is boring." he suddenly stated, and your eyes widened when he grabbed your hand, tugging it and you down, pressing it between his legs. you grit your teeth, glaring at him. "do you want me to tell the brat? do you just have some kink for getting blackmailed?"

"shut up." your hand already on his crotch squeezed, and you saw him flinch just slightly, letting out a sigh. your other hand moved to the desk to balance yourself, and you tried only to focus on your hand, not daring to look up at him, knowing he would just be watching you with that shit-eating grin he always wore around you. "you better hold up your end of the deal."

"at the pace you're going at, i don't think you have a chance." he laughed dryly, and you grit your teeth, almost losing your balance when you moved your other hand, going to unzip his jeans just enough so you could shove your hand in. he let out a cracked moan, and you wished you had a second pair of hands to cover your ears with. "fuck, there you go.."

you could feel yourself twitch between your legs, only making you angrier, moving your hand over him quickly, squeezing certain parts to see what got a reaction out of him. why were you trying so hard, anyways? you were only doing this to keep him quiet, did you really have to try your hardest at this?

whatever the reason was, you pushed it aside, doubling the pace with your hand, your other nearly slipping off the desk with how sweaty it was. his hands were clenched against the desk, groaning loudly enough that if anybody walked by they'd know exactly what was happening, and the thought actually excited you. kind of. if it was anybody else you were doing this to, then yeah, definitely. just not him.

you gulped, listening to his words of encouragement, glancing up at his face slightly. he had his head back, eyes shut and biting his lip, and you shook your head, staring down at nothing again. "am i doing this right?"

"fuck, what do you think?" he asked, a question you didn't need to answer. "glad your hand has a better use than your mouth, at least." you huffed, flinching when he suddenly grabbed your chin, freezing up when he made you look up at him. "though.. i'm guessing your mouth has some good use.. y/n."

you pulled your face away, hating the way your name sounded from his lips. it made your stomach churn, and you absolutely hated that, too- you hated this, you hated that you were being blackmailed, you hated that you were stuck in a classroom, using your hand to help bring your crush's brother to his peak- i mean, what kind of situation was this, anyways?

you grit your teeth together, suddenly stepping back and pulling your hand away, and his eyes widened, almost surprised that you had just left. "there. you said i did good. you just said i had to please you, you didn't say anything about finishing." you frowned, turning and grabbing your bag from the floor, not even bothering to finish cleaning.

you stopped at the door, sighing and turning back to him. he looked angry, but also upset, almost pouting that you had found a way around his deal. "you better keep your end of the deal, sukuna."

and with that, you left.

as soon as you got home, you furiously scrubbed your hand for an hour, before going straight to bed.

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