||SOLD|| A bounprem omegavers...

By kookie_di_Angelo

163K 6.3K 1.5K

I'm sorry if this story is too dark for you, but you've been warned. Proper warnings will be placed so feel f... More

🥦introduction to omegaverse pt 1🥦
🥦intro pt 2🥦
🥦intro pt 3🥦
🥦broken broccoli heart🥦
🥦characters 🥦
🥦2: "father"🥦
🥦5. House tour🥦
🥦6.The meet🥦
🥦7. Dinner🥦
🥦ch 8: the shift🥦
🥦ch 9: I'll be there for you 🥦
🥦 ch10: being loved-?🥦
🥦ch 11:the dilemma🥦
🥦ch 12: what's done cannot be undone🥦
🥦ch 13: Wolfsbane🥦
🥦ch 14: Moonlight🥦
🥦ch 15: safehouse🥦
🥦mew cover for this one🥦
🥦ch 17: paper flowers and a note🥦
🥦Ch 18: Whom to trust?🥦
🥦ch 19: Chained🥦
🥦Ch 20:Broken🥦
new story update
🥦ch 21: The Attack🥦
brocolli nation(gonna delete this later, or maybe not donno)
🥦Ch 22: Rogues🥦
🥦chapter 23: you're safe now🥦
🥦chapter 24: Recovery🥦
🥦chapter 26:the heat🥦
🥦ch 27:The Way we were supposed to be🥦
🥦ch 28: The Homecoming🥦
just summin I wanna ask
it really is all about Boun
results yeeee
gonna delete this
🥦Chapter 29: Oon and Ploy🥦
🥦3 Years Later🥦
Chapter 32: A new beginning
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

🥦chapter 25: Baby Steps 🥦

4.3K 162 88
By kookie_di_Angelo

I thought I'd post tomorrow or on friday but I realised it's again gonna be a hectic weekend as usual, so here's an early update!

Also, this story is coursing towards it's end and I'm gonna miss it so much. I'll probably go on hiatus for a few months after this, because I have my college entrance exams and school finals and ample of assignments and projects.

I might check in once in a while, maybe update old stories,  maybe :)
AstringentlySweet and I have planned on more stories and we'll continue with those once these ongoing ones end and I'm a bit relieved from the workload.

Till then,keep reading my ongoing stories  and 'Have You Ever' which is a collab by and AstringentlySweet😊 and I, as well as her other ones!

For those of you who were still asking why Ken isn't mad at Alex, you'll find the answer in this chapter.
Also, if you can remember from the previous chapters, hope you can understand that as much as Prem's anger is justified,  So is the course of Boun's previous actions.
I don't think Boun had much choice but to do what he did, all the evidences were against Prem and they didn't even know they were mates then,  so 🙌🙌🙌
Imagine if Prem was actually guilty hehe.

But he's not. So:

Now back to reading.
Don't forget to vote and comment if you like it!

The first few weeks were the most difficult. Prem had been a cocooned-up mess and mostly quiet.

Boun hadn't taken him back to the pack house because he was instructed that Prem was still very sensitive and even the littlest of things could trigger him.

He moved them both into a little cozy house instead, that Boun thought would be comfortable and helpful. They could probably even get comfortable with each other and get to know each other for real.

No one was allowed near Prem except Boun who remained vigilant to his mate's needs. He hired a private mental healthcare team but kept them at bay. He would only call if Prem started experiencing adverse reactions to his medication or abnormal behavior.

Boun wasn't expecting to be forgiven anytime soon. He was happy enough, Prem was at least letting him take care of him.

Prem would sometimes look at him through hooded eyes as he would come and turn him around in the bed, feeding him, dressing his self-inflicted wounds, or giving him a sponge bath. He would refrain from speaking unless absolutely needed.

When asked if he hurt anywhere, he would shake his head and curl up inside the covers; if asked he was hungry, he would just turn around or say no; if asked he needed something, he would pretend he was asleep so that the other would get tired of waiting and walk away.

The hardest was when Boun would have to feed him at mealtimes, he wasn't eating to satisfy his hunger, he was eating so he could gulp down his painkillers and medicines. Prem would quietly get up, without a word, eat three counted spoons and a sip of water and then crawl back into the covers.

Food had become a trigger for Prem.

Every time Boun held up a morsel of food, it reminded him of the time Boun lured him into speaking by holding a piece of bread for him after he had been starved for days, only to snatch it away even before he could nibble some more of it, after which he had again been subjected to intense torture by Oat and Kaownah.

The humiliation and the memory of it all still felt fresh in his flesh, and the next moment he would start choking and gagging out whatever little he had been fed, while streams of tears rolled down his cheeks.

He would be coughing and whacking until his throat would be raw and scraped till it bled. Subsequently he had to be put on saline and liquid food diets until he could eat without feeling overwhelmed again.

It broke Boun in a thousand pieces to see him suffer this way. To witness the harm, he and his family had brought upon his mate. To know that they themselves were the cause of his pain and he hated himself even more for the fact that he was helpless, he didn't know how to make things better.

Prem had insisted he wanted to stay alone in his own room when he first arrived and woke up from his unconsciousness to find himself laying in a new room with new surroundings around him.

He had panicked and rushed and thrashed the doors, screaming to let him out and falling on the floor and crying his eyes out again.

In his fit, he didn't even realize that the doors were just shut closed. Boun rushed quickly when he heard the noise.
When he held prem, he let him and sunk into his arms.

"I would never lock you up , love. Shh, it's alright, it's alright. It's just you and me here" he cooed.

Prem had whimpered and said he wanted to be alone in his own room so
Boun wasn't left with much choice but respect his mate's decision and not force him into any uncomfortable situation whatsoever.

However, Boun realized that it was a terrible idea that very night when he woke up to hear screams coming from Prem's room. When he rushed there, Prem was shuddering in his sleep, in cold sweat and deliriously mumbling incoherent words.

Boun wrapped his arms around him to provide some comfort to the boy and helped him up slowly in hushed tones to wake him up from his nightmare without startling him.

Boun wished he could erase the horrible past and redo it over again. But the harm had already been done. All he could do was nurse him back into health and one day happiness.

He had decided henceforth he would no longer let the boy sleep or even be alone for a second. He couldn't leave him out of his sight. At least Alex wouldn't let him. His wolf kept howling to revive Prem and hold him closer and lick his face but Prem was too weak as well as scared to shift for the time being and it took all in Boun to resist his urge to let Alex out, who kept crying in pain at not being able to be close to his mate and comfort him.

Although they were mates, they had nothing intimate between them for the time being.

Prem had been reduced to a curled-up ball in the room all day long and shudder even at a slight comforting touch from Boun, who tried his best to undo the harm done but the past was irreversible. The boy was scarred and even though Boun knew it would heal with time, it would never go away totally. He wondered if his innocent mate would ever be able to trust anyone ever again.

However, he was firm that he wouldn't lose hope, he would wait for a miracle to happen, to gain back Prem's trust as well as Ken's. To give him at least one last chance to undo his wrongs and make it right.

Two months had passed.

Prem was finally starting to open once again. It was all a very gentle experimenting curve. They would exchange small words, even smaller smiles, a back rub here and there if the day got lucky.

They would sleep together, with Boun maintaining a comfortable distance unless he would see Prem in discomfort or stirring in his sleep, in which case he would wrap his arms around the younger boy and give him the comfort that he needed.

"I never wanted to let you go." Boun murmured to Prem's sleeping form.

"That terrible night I said you weren't welcome any more, I didn't mean it...I asked Tay and Off to help you...help me...help us."

His voice cracked, "...Off had foster care connections...and we set you up in a hotel. I knew you were innocent; I knew you would never hurt me." He sniffled, "but the damage had already been done...you didn't want my help even when it was being offered by someone else."

Boun held him a little tighter.

"I was a terrible hia to you from the start. I was hot and cold. I sent you mixed signals, you were already so scared and skittish, your life was so shitty. I made it difficult for you to trust me. If I had been more aware, more compassionate to your needs, if I just listened more to my heart...Kao would have never been able to convince you...and you would have never been tortured, we would be so happy now instead of here...like this. I love you so much. I'm so sorry I failed you Prem. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry..."

He repeated those three words until he drifted off to sleep, and when Prem knew for certain that Boun was in a deep slumber, he allowed the tears to fall. Boun apologized many times before, but never had ever said anything like that.

Prem could never forget his past, but he believed now, that maybe...just maybe he could start to forgive.

Prem's eating habits had improved satisfactorily after that.

Well, for a boy who couldn't eat without a tube, chewing and swallowing were definitely a great improvement. Prem looked so adorable and happy when he had some good delicious food in his stomach and some more on his plate. His mate loved to eat, and Boun made it his prime concern that he was always fed and happy. That was the least he could do to please him. He had even agreed that he was maybe now ready to go and meet Ohm and the rest of the family. Fluke's date of delivery was nearing too, and all malice aside, Prem couldn't deny the fact that he loved Fluke and his baby, to save whom, he had taken a bullet himself.

Ken and Alex were getting along just fine. Prem decided there was no reason in punishing his wolf with the turmoil in his own mind, and same with Alex. He had been nothing but a sweetheart since day one

Ken was just as scarred, but animals had their way of coping with their pain and Prem didn't want to deny him the happiness he got from Alex.

(I hope you guys get this part since many of you have been feeling dubious about Ken not holding anything against Alex. In all truth, Ken was practically a newborn wolf. Not a cub. But a newborn. His wolf had not been subjected or conditioned to all those tortures, so he still harbours all his love for Alex, his mate. Same for Alex,he was innocent)

Those were the best times when Boun, in the form of Alex, would get to enjoy the physical proximity of his mate, his scent, his snowy fur with his own honey toned one and the licks and nuzzles that professed their love for each other.

The miracle that Boun anticipated the most, to revive their relationship, happened almost a month later. And it came in the most unexpected way possible.

Boun was sitting outside in the setting sun with Prem by his side. There wasn't much exchange of words. Just two people, getting to know each other through their silence.

After a few moments, he realized Prem was getting squirmy beside him, his toes curling and fingers continuously fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Boun looked at him in concern and asked what was wrong.

Prem was quiet for the first few moments and shook his head saying it was all fine, then when his uneasiness broke some regular bounds, he looked up at Boun, clutching his stomach and winced at him.

"It Hurts" he whispered.

Boun was concerned at once. Was he getting sick again?

However, his worry ebbed away at once when the unfamiliar whiff of scent hit his nostrils like a wave. He leaned in closer and placed his hand on Prem's forehead and realized he was burning.

A fond feeling spread over his own chest and a little smile played on his lips as he realized what was happening.

"It'll be alright." Boun whispered, carefully placing his hand around his back as he heard the younger grunt in pain.

"Let's get you back to your room, shall we?" Boun offered and Prem nodded, but when he got up, his legs faltered but fortunately he was caught at once by the taller man right beside him.

He noticed his wobbly legs and proposed to carry him to which Prem refused at once saying he's okay but gave in finally when he tripped again the very next second. He let Boun carry him , bridal style, to his bedroom, while Prem could feel the heat rise in the pit of his stomach and send waves through his body, causing him to shiver and sweat at the same time, he couldn't understand what was happening , he'd never felt this disastrous ever in his life.

Boun gently laid him on the bed and covered him up with a blanket, seeing his teeth chatter incessantly. He was about to get up to find some medication to put him to sleep for the time being when he felt a hand wrap tightly against his wrist.


It was the first time he touched him. Voluntarily. And the very contact sent chills down his spine.

His omega was calling for him.

His omega in heat.

His own omega, who needed him.

"Hia I feel sick, what's happening to me? Am I dying?" he said through his chattering teeth.

Boun smiled at the innocence of the younger boy and sat down beside him, pushing the hair off his forehead.

The room was buzzing with the newfound sweet scent that was constantly assaulting his senses and clouding his mind.

He had never had the fortune of seeing his omega in heat.
His mate in heat.

It arose instincts in him he had never knew existed, a myriad of emotions, his instinct to protect the boy with all his might, to hold him close to his chest and sniff in all of that sweet fragrance. He pushed all the rest of his thoughts aside. His prime concern now, was to soothe Prem, and put him into ease from his unbearable pain, as he gently massaged his eyebrows and caressed his back.

"It'll be fine babe, the first heat is always difficult, but I'll take care of you. "

Prem deliriously could make out only two words he had said. Babe. And heat. He blamed the lava-like haze for clouding his judgment. He had a strange feeling in his chest, a feeling like there was a balloon inside and it was swelling and kept on swelling with the presence of his mate beside him, he wanted to be closer to him for the first time in months, ever since he had shifted.

Prem wanted to dig his head into Boun's neck and smell him like there's no tomorrow. He resisted the urge as another jolt of heat spread through his body and he winced back in pain, clutching his lower abdomen which felt like was being pricked with a thousand hot needles and then churning the contents inside it.

So, this is what it felt like to be in heat? He remembered Fluke telling him, it would be easier with the presence of a mate, who would help to relieve him, why wasn't Boun relieving him yet?

His mind was so cluttered up as he looked as Boun through half lidded eyes and whimpered in pain.

Boun handed him a tiny pink tablet that he chugged down with a glass of water and some help; in hope it would be fine soon.

"The scent of an alpha is supposed to help the pain Prem. Do you mind if I hold you so you can sleep?"

Boun asked, his voice all husky and low, as he felt his own rut being induced with the smell of his omega's pheromones.

Prem just nodded, not even sure what Boun was asking anymore. He could jump off the terrace if they said it would make his pain better. Boun slid inside the blankets beside him and pulled him into a tight embrace.

The trick seemed to be doing its work as Prem visibly relaxed a bit when he dug his nose into the crook of Boun's neck and closed his eyes, drowning in the warm scent and slowly drifting off to sleep.

Boun didn't wake him up anymore after he had finally passed out, only pulled him up for dinner, fed him some bits of food as he slumped back into his pillow again and started snoring under the impact of the medicine. Boun wrapped his arms around the younger boy, who was softly snoring in his sleep.
His mate.

He was so beautiful.

How could he not have noticed this before? Was he that blind and oblivious to precious things? He dared not touch his beautiful face, his fragile porcelain skin, that seemed would be affected even by a slight caress.

Prem stirred in his sleep as he wiggled closer and pressed his body tightly into Boun's chest while the older kissed his forehead and wished he had a comfortable night.

When he woke up the next morning, Prem felt all groggy and stale. He didn't leave his room of course and ate whatever Boun had brought him, feeling so bloated. The fever had subsided a bit but the pain and queasy feeling was still there, and it was supposed to persist until the heat ended, Boun had already been warned when he called up Fluke to ask about the necessary stuff.

By noon, when Boun had returned to check on him, Prem had already started huddling and building his nest and was resting in his little fortress. Boun's heart melted at the sight. He looked like a little fluffy kitten amongst all the blankets and pillows , whimpering and purring at the sight of Boun, which made him walk up to him that very instant and want to squeeze him in his arms until he would pop.

He however, resisted the urge to treat his mate like a soft toy and went and slipped into the bed beside him. It was warm as the afternoon sun meandered its way through the open window, creating illusions of light and shadow on Prem's face. His lips looked more puckered than they usually were, and Boun resisted his urge to crash his own against them, as he placed his hand on his forehead to see if he was still high. Unfortunately, he still was, and was squirming under the covers, sweating profusely. Boun could understand his heat was reaching its second stage, as his scent was getting stronger every moment and he noticed the slick covered sheets which Prem had failed to see or realize in his delirious condition.

Boun picked the boy up and pulled him into his arms, slowly cradling his body and placing soft kisses on his head.

"How're you feeling babe?" he could feel his own voice automatically becoming husky as the wetness of the younger's pants was soaking in through his own skin.

Prem grunted as if to say are-you-blind? He needed tremendous control to not strip him and suck his nectar secreting glands right there and then but he had promised himself, that after everything that happened, he wouldn't do anything to hurt him or taint his honour. He wished he could do everything in his power to please his mate, but at the same time, he was scared that he might be taking undue advantage of his mate due to physical and emotional vulnerability.


Boun held a glass of some sweet rehydrating fluid to his lips that Prem drank willingly and rested his head back on Boun's shoulder and closed his eyes, breathing in his musky odour. Boun started with rubbing his back but soon he felt his rut overpowering him at Prem started breathing more rapidly,  groaning at even the mild contact of his skin.

Carefully, Boun slipped his hands under his shirt, at a slow pace, as if asking Prem if he was okay with it who just let out a moan and threw his head back, which would be embarrassing enough, if not given his current delirious state.
Prem could only groan out a "uungh" which somehow translated at a yes and Boun obliged , more than happy,  as he lifted him upright, so that Prem was now sitting on his lap, his knees on his sides and head on Boun's shoulder as he breathed more rapidly now with Boun's fingers tracing every nook and corner of his body.

When Boun felt Prem's breath becoming more even , he slowly tried to lift him so he could place him back into the covers. He was stopped suddenly,  when he felt a grip around his wrist and watched with dark eyes as Prem pulled his hand underneath his shirt up to his chest.

"Touch me, please"he whispered .

Boun gulped.  Desperation heavy in the air,as he let his palms wander over his bare torso, the pads of thumb grazing his soft steaming skin underneath it, and latching themselves on his hardened pink nubs.
His hands glided down his sides down amd kneaded his little hips and Prem gripped tightly around Boun's as pushed himself closer onto the Alpha's body, straddling his thighs.

Prem whimpered more, half senseless, trying to pull off his own shirt with shaky fingers but failing miserably and Boun shamelessly let out a moan too as he felt his crotch rub against his.

"You what me to take it off for you?"

He softly cooed into his ears as he continued exploring his mate's body, the holy shrine that he had only longed for so much and here he was, so pliable under his hands, as if crafted just for him.

The feeling was immense, he knew that even know they hadn't even shared more than two words, he felt like it was a new beginning for their relationship. Alex was happily wagging his tail at the sight of Ken. He heard him purr in the back of his mind and Ken seemed just as restless and that was affecting his own alpha. His omega was calling for him, and he needed to go, and relieve him. Boun realized Alex needed to be let out, for both Prem and Ken.

He continued with the teasing grazes and soothing talks until he felt Prem slumping back on his shoulders again.

// SO,?😏

Anyway,  just a heads up, first smut of this story in the next chapter. Feel free to spam me with you rants kekeke

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