Harry Potter One Shots

By thestarssalign

1.6M 25.2K 8.4K

One shots with your favorite Harry Potter characters (she/her pronouns) Mature content: Mentions of sex, unde... More

Companion Hufflepuff (Cedric Diggory)
Set up (Charlie Weasley)
The Heiress (George Weasley)
Revealed (Draco Malfoy)
Reunited (Regulus Black)
Gender Norms (Marauders)
Ghosts (Fred Weasley) Pt 1
Ghosts (Fred Weasley) Pt 2
Flirty (Tonks)
Keeping Up With The Death Eaters Pt 1
Secret Animagus (Weasley Twins)
The Mom (Gen fic)
Son (Harry Potter)
Keeping Up With The Death Eaters Pt 2
Professor (Gen fic)
Boyfriends Mom (Ron Weasley)
I love him (Fred Weasley)
Another Granger (Ron Weasley)
Slytherin? (Sirius Black)
Meeting the Family (Bill Weasley)
Lestrange (Gen Fic)
Keeping Up With the Death Eaters Pt 3
Future (Draco Malfoy)
Original Witch (Gen fic)
Keeping Up With the Death Eaters Pt 4
Piercing (Fred Weasley)
Family (Charlie Weasley)
Brother (Sirius Black)
Birthday (Gen Fic)
Ballerina (Adrian Pucey)
Girlfriend (Charlie Weasley)
James and Lily? (Harry Potter)
Two Personalities (Fred Weasley)
Unknown (James Potter)
Keeping Up With the Death Eaters Pt 5
Free (Theodore Nott)
Wifey (Lorenzo Berkshire)
Love (Draco Malfloy)
Roulette (Fred Weasley)
Gifts and Weddings (Gen fic)
Sunshine and Rainbows (Draco Malfoy)
Anger Issues (Ron Weasley)
Secret (Sirius Black)
Summer Loving (George Weasley)
Rivalry (Oliver Wood)
Greenhouse (Neville Longbottom)
Older (Theodore Nott)
Another Weasley (Gen fic)
I'm Nothing Special (Fred Weasley) Pt 1
I'm Nothing Special (Fred Weasley) Pt 2
With a Twist (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black)
Arranged (Draco Malfoy)
Keep Up With the Death Eaters Pt 6
Chicken (Harry Potter)
Love Language (George Weasley)
Hatred (Gen fic)
Older Sister (Gen fic)
Grunge (Fred Weasley)
Happy (Graham Montague)
Date (Remus Lupin)
Blast from the Past (Gen fic)
Closed Doors (George Weasley)
Matchmaker (James Potter)
Long Game (Fred Weasley)
Masquerade (Blaise Zabini)
Ex-Wife (Bill Weasley)
Unexpected (Regulus Black)
50 reasons (Sirius Black)
One Sided (George Weasley) Pt 1
One Sided (George Weasley) Pt 2
Surprise (Draco Malfoy)
Emotions (Theodore Nott)
Daddy's Girl (Fred Weasley)
Alive (Regulus Black)
The Black Heirs (Gen fic)
Sun, Moon and Stars (Weasley Twins)
Younger (Ron Weasley)
Savior (Regulus Black)
Her Protector (Harry Potter)
Roommates (Gen fic)
Together Forever (Gen fic)
Family Matters (Fred Weasley)
Family Matters (Fred Weasley) Pt 2
Little Family (Remus Lupin)
Little Family (Remus Lupin) Pt 2
Eyes and Letters (Regulus Black)
VooDoo (George Weasley)
Gossip (Blaise Zabini)
Innocent (Fred Weasley)
Fire (Ron Weasley)
New Person (Fred Weasley)
Coming Out (Hermione Granger)
Hopeless Romantic (Theodore Nott)
Love and Trust (Draco Malfoy)
Hair (Sirius Black)
Memory Box (Gen fic)
Different Houses (Cedric Diggory)
Trophy Wife (Fred Weasley)
Sugar Mommy (George Weasley)
Record Night (Gen fic)
Celebration (Charlie Weasley)
That Summer (Weasley Twins)
His Soul (Sirius Black)
Out Pranked (Weasley Twins)

Better (Neville Longbottom)

12.7K 176 44
By thestarssalign

A/N: Neville really likes you, but you have a fear of commitment and trust issues, so whenever he asks you out, you decline him or avoid the question.

Y/n POV:
"Hey Y/n." Neville said sitting down across from me at the table for breakfast.

"Hi." I responded and went back to eating my breakfast.

"There are these new flowers in the greenhouse, I was wondering if you want to go look at them together?" He asked.

"Oh um, I'm busy today. Maybe you can ask Luna, she might like too." I smiled.

"Okay." He stuttered before walking towards the Ravenclaw table.

"What was that?" Hermione asked. I turned my head to see the twins, Ron, Ginny, Harry and her staring at me.

"What was what?" I replied.

"He totally asked you out." She said.

"No he didn't." I confirmed.

"Yes he did." Harry added. "Why don't you go out with him?"

"He's a sweet boy and all, he doesn't need someone like me dragging him down. He deserves someone better." I answered before walking out of the Great Hall.

Ginny POV:
"She likes him." I said as she became out of ear-shot. "I can tell by the way she looks at him."

"If she likes him, why doesn't she agree to go out with him?" Ron asked.

"Y/n's past relationship didn't end well. Now she has commitment and trust issues, thinking her next relationship is going to end badly like the last one." Hermione answered.

"Neville isn't like that." Harry replied.

"I know that, but it's deeper than that. She thinks if she was hurt once, she will be hurt again." Hermione informed.

"Hey guys." Neville walked over to us.

"Hi Neville." We responded.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Could be better." He said sadly.

"Are you alright mate?" Ron asked.

"There is this girl I talk to, and I really like her and I think she has the same feelings, but whenever I try to do something with just the two of us, she was declines or makes an excuse." He answered. "Am I doing something wrong?"

"No Neville, not at all." Hermione replied. "Maybe she's shy."

"Yeah maybe." He whispered.

"You know what, tell her how you feel. Straight up. Tell her you really like her." I declared.

"Okay." He smiled a bit before leaving the Great Hall.

Realization takes over me. "Godric, what did I do." I muttered.

Y/n POV:
After leaving the Great Hall, I made my way to the library to do some studying. I was alone for a while, until someone sat down in front of me. I looked up to see Neville.

"Hi." I whispered before continuing with my work. He didn't say anything, he just watched me, but it wasn't weird, it was quite nice.

"Why won't you go out with me?" He asked. I snapped my head to look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"I really like you and I assume you like me back, but whenever I ask you out, you always say no." He stated. A Gryffindor would totally do that.

"I like you Neville I do." I smiled. "You're sweet, pure, kind, a Gryffindor mixed with Hufflepuff."

"I'm damaged, tainted, we're opposites. I truly like you I do, it's just you don't want all my baggage, all my problems. You deserve someone like you, sweet, loyal, kind. You deserve better than me." I finished with a tear sliding down my cheek.

"I don't someone else, I want you." He replied.

"No you don't, you want to fix me. There is nothing to fix." I grabbed my books leaving him in the library.


It was after dinner, and everyone was hanging out in the common room. I was sitting on the couch with Hermione studying. Everything was fine until Neville came up to me.

"Got out with me." He stated. At that point everyone was looking at us.

"Neville I already told you, you deserve someone better like Luna." I answered.

"I don't want Luna, I want you." He replied.

"You don't want to be with me. I'll just drag you down and you don't need that. You have your future ahead of you, I'm probably just going to die soon." I commented.

He didn't say anything, just stared at me. Then out of nowhere, his plants his lips onto mine. It wasn't rough, but it wasn't soft either. It was perfect.

"I know you're scared of commitment and relationships, but I promise you, I would never hurt you, emotionally or physical." He whispered after we parted.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Is that a yes?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied.

He didn't say anything. He wrapped me into a hug before kissing me another time.


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