The Black Sheep | George Weas...

By Sydney3027

1.2M 38K 14.4K

Lyra Malfoy has always felt like a stranger in her family, she felt misplaced. As she feels torn between hers... More

Twenty-Eight (Explicit)
Sixty-Three: Wedding


17.4K 533 315
By Sydney3027

Lyra sat at her vanity, spraying herself with perfume. On her desk was a letter from George, it was short and sweet.

Dress like a prat. The door is open. See you there at 7:30. Xxx

She put on a nice black dress with some jewelry. It was the day before her actually birthday. She knew tomorrow wouldn't be nearly as fun as it would be tonight. He wouldn't tell her what they were doing. And she pried for so long in letters, but his lips remained sealed.

Lyra thought she could sneak out. Such a stupid idea, but her mother had long gone to bed and it would be a perfect time to sneak out and have fun with her handsome boyfriend. She didn't know what to expect, so she shaved a head of time. Just in case of course.

She grabbed her small dragon scale purse and put her wand inside and clamped it closed. She stood up and looked into her long mirror. She checked out her butt and back. She held her hair back with a red ribbon, just for George.

She then sighed and exited her bedroom. The sun was still up but the manor was dim. She hadn't seen much of Draco, she assumed he was outside on his broom. Merlin knows where Bellatrix was.

She didn't have to worry about being quiet, her bedroom was on the opposite wing from her mother's. She wouldn't know a thing. Lyra went down the many staircases and walked towards a room with the Floo Network.

"Where do you think you're going?" She heard Bellatrix question.

Lyra screeched and clutched her chest. Her Aunt was in a dark corridor, looking like she was hiding in the shadows. She looked like she was peering into her soul.

"I-I'm going out." Lyra replied, trying to sound confident.

"Does your mummy know where you're off to?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"I won't be gone long." Lyra replied, letting out a small laugh. "Just going to town."

"All dressed up, you are meeting a boy." Bella smiled darkly as Lyra's cheeks reddened. "Is he a Pure-blood?"

"Yes," Lyra replied quickly. "And he's very handsome."

She clapped her hands excitedly. "You may go. I won't tell Cissy. But you have to get better at sneaking around if you are going to do it often."

"Right. Thanks Aunt Bella. It means a lot." Lyra gave her a genuine smile before carrying on. Sometimes it was scary how much they resembled each other, yet they were drastically different.

She entered the room she was looking for and grabbed a handful of Floo powder before stepping inside and announcing her destination. She disappeared into the flames and reappeared in the Leaky Cauldron. All the patrons looked at her. She didn't recognize a soul.

She gave them a weary smile and exited the pub. She walked down the streets of Diagon Alley and it was surprisingly occupied by students and young adults, clearly going to theatres to watch plays or going to small hang out spots. She continued down the pavement until she was met with that purple building. But it had more elements of red now, and a giant figure of a red-haired man with a hat. She was amazed.

She went up to the door, she peeked inside. And saw a dimlight. She opened the door and a bell ring over her head. She shut the door after her and took a few steps forward, she could see many boxes stacked around, but there were lots of displays already set up and products on shelves.

She noticed a very red stand that seemed to have pink glowing potions. She took a step closer and saw there was love potions. She found that peculiar, but her cautionary self could only see how it could be dangerous if used incorrectly.

"Like it?" She heard a voice ask behind her.

She noticed it was Fred who greeted her, not George. "Yeah, it looks really cool. I knew you two would do well." She gave him a smile. "I'm not very surprised to see this looking spectacular."

"You look pretty dressed up for meeting my lame brother." Fred smirked.

Lyra rolled her eyes playfully. Before she could say anything there were feet rushing down the steps. She saw another ginger. She grinned at her boyfriend.

"Who do you think you're calling lame?" George replied. He looked at Lyra and stopped in his steps, just staring at her. "Whoa, uh... you look beautiful, Lyra." He was formally dressed as well. He wore a purple shirt underneath a black jacket. Lyra smiled at how he looked like a prat himself.

"You look so handsome." She said smiling big. He came down the rest of the steps and went over to her to give her a passionate quick kiss as for Fred was standing right there, smirking like an idiot.

"Calm down, Georgie or you won't make it to the-"

George cleared his throat loudly, cutting his brother off. "Let's go, Lyra." He grabbed her hand and started towards the door.

"Bye, Fred!" Lyra gave him a small wave. He only gave her a cheeky smile. They carried down the pavement, hand and hand. George looked noticeably nervous. Lyra gave his hand a small squeeze, trying to get him out of his thoughts. He looked down at her and looked to be breaking out into a nervous sweat. "Why do you look so nervous?"

"I just want everything to go perfectly." He replied before directing them to an alleyway. He paused and looked at her. "We have to apparate, do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you. George, I want you to calm down and stop looking so nervous. I don't care where we go as long as I'm with you."

George felt like he had to prove himself to her. If she might marry another man, maybe if he acted more posh and took her to posh things, maybe she will see he can fit into her society, and maybe she would be able to publicly say she's dating him. It was a silly thought, but you do silly things while in love.

"Grab my arm." Was all he said.

She did so, and they apparated to another alleyway, this time hearing loud traffic and horns honking. Lyra was taken back by all the noise. They were no doubt, still in London, but where?

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Patience," He grabbed her hand and they started down a much busier pavement. George noted Lyra looked around in amazement. It wasn't often she was around muggles. She watched people as if they were extraordinary.

"Whoa! This is mad!" She giggled excitedly.

He relaxed a little at her excitement. When they made it to a big theatre, they watched old rich people go inside, many in really nice attire. George felt so out of his element. He felt inside his pocket for the two tickets. They followed an old couple in. It was buzzing with activity.

When they made it to a window, George gave the man their tickets. They were let through and Lyra had a giant smile on her face. There were still posters of ballet dancers. She had an inkling of what they were doing there.

They walked through these big doors, and we're instantly greeted with a red carpet and red seats. It had high ceilings that were highly decorated. They sat down in a raised area, most likely getting a good view of stage.

They sat down and Lyra felt George's hand grow clammy. She turned his head and gave him a reassuring kiss on the lips. "I am so excited. Now can you tell me, please."

He sighed, but started to grin. "Well, I guess this is a big deal. Some muggle Russian guy created this ballet thing and I guess back in the day it got people furious. It's about these rituals celebrating spring, but a girl is chosen as a sacrificial victim and I guess dances herself to death." He explained, Lyra's smile never ceased.

"Oh, George. You are so bloody sweet. How did you know I love the arts? I haven't told you."

"Lucky guess." He instantly relaxed.

"I play the piano, you know. And dabbled in the violin. I also took many dance classes growing up. I've done some ballet when I was real young, but stopped because I hated this other girl who always pulled my hair."

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer as she talked about her childhood. He loved hearing what she had to say. Suddenly the lights dimmed and Lyra squealed with excitement. It was going to start.

There was a soft melody that started, but then it grew quite sonorous. George would watch Lyra's face, she smiled and had wide eyes at the ballet dancers. She'd occasionally gasp. George found ballet incredibly boring. He couldn't stop himself from yawning, but the booming music kept him wide awake. But this wasn't for him, it was for his sweet girlfriend who was so infatuated with it. He honestly couldn't care if he hated it, as long as a smile remained on her beautiful face. He'd occasionally kiss her temple. She'd smile big at him.

"This is amazing! Look at that George!" Lyra would exclaim. She held his hand and would occasionally pull on his arm as she was so engrossed in the story.

By the end, she got to her feet and clapped enthusiastically along with the crowd. George also got to his feet and clapped, he let out a few cheers, making Lyra smile, she then joined in with him.

By the end the two left with the sea of people, Lyra didn't stop raving about the performances. She swirled on her tippy toes, making George laugh.

"I wish I didn't give it up." She sighed as they made it to the alleyway.

"I think I'd have a natural talent in dancing. After all, you saw me at the yule ball." He grinned, causing her to giggle.

He apparated them back to Diagon Alley. He held her in his arms sweetly. She just looked into his brown eyes under the lamp post light. It had darkened tremendously.

"I hate to go back home." She looked down at her feet momentarily. "But I already risked enough. I'll see you soon."

"You could stay the night." He suggested, lacing their fingers together.

"I shouldn't. Maybe another night." She gave him a weak smile.

"I'll hold you to that." He replied playfully before leaning down to capture her lips.

Lyra wasn't sure how, but she found herself pressed against a building while George and her snogged. She ran her fingers through his hair, and felt everything melt away, it was only him and her. Nothing else.

She also wasn't sure how she ended up following George back to his shop, or how they climbed up the colorful steps, and to his flat. Lyra didn't really pay attention to it. Once they were in his bedroom, she started kissing him feircely as they both dropped their things. George shrugged his jacket off and they both took their shoes off. Lyra felt his finger pulling down the zipper of her dress. She let it fall off her person. Soon she was only in her underthings.

He sat on the bed as she took her garter belt off and with it, her stockings. She hurried to straddle his lap. He laid down on his bed, with a keen look. She leaned down to give him a slow heated kiss. She felt his fingers hook into her knickers. Her cheeks turned bright red as she helped take them off. She was embarrassed that they weren't sexy, they were a plain pair of cotton knickers. She'd never be allowed to wear something so scandalous.

"It's your birthday. It's only fair I take care of you." He said, trailing his fingers lazily up her hip bone.

"You always take care of me. Besides, I didn't even get to spend alone time with you on yours."

"I'm a giver. Come up here, darling." He grabbed her hips and guiding her. She shuffled on her knees to his face, his mouth was under her sex. She quivered at his proximity and his breath that teased her.

"What if I don't taste... good..." She asked in a meek voice.

"Shut up, Lyra." He scoffed. "You'll be perfect." She felt his lips on her inner thigh, causing her breath to get caught in her throat. She could feel herself grow aroused by nearly nothing.

Lyra was trembling with anticipation. She felt his fingers spreading her lips, making her bite her lip. She closed her eyes, anticipating his touch. She felt his lips brush against her clit, she parted her lips, wanting him desperately to do more. He knew she wanted him desperately to move his mouth. He let his breath hit against the nub that pulsated above him, he couldn't help it. He felt her run her fingers absent-mindedly through his copper hair.

"You're such a tease." She smirk. She felt him let out a chuckle, making her savor the small touch.

He grabbed her hips rougher than she expected, guiding her to where he wanted her. She felt him kiss the sensitive flesh of her clit. A soft noise escaped her mouth. She couldn't help her hips from buckling over him.

She felt his heated tongue against her, swirling in steady circles. She couldn't help but grip his hair as her hips rolled. Her breathing heightened as he continued his pace. She couldn't stop a whimper escape her lips. She didn't want him to stop. She felt this satisfying electric current pass down to her core. She couldn't help but soak in the sensation of the pleasure.

She felt her wetness dripping down her thigh, he must have caught notice because she felt his tongue trailing down her inner thigh to lick up the mess she made. She couldn't help but cuss as she enjoyed every moment.

"George," She moaned, she leaned her hand in front of her onto the bed. She gripped the quilt as a loud cry escaped her mouth. She had a voice in the back of her head, concerned for if Fred had heard her. But most of her didn't really care. The only thing that mattered was George's tongue. "Right there," She breathed.

He smirked below her as she started to squirm. She started to feel this overwhelming feeling in her core. But she couldn't get out of his grasps to take a breathing break because his nails dug into her hips, not lifting his tongue from her. She looked up at his ceiling as she felt this build up that she knows all too well. She's getting closer to her end.

She felt him moan beneath her, sending ripples of the rapture. She couldn't help but let out another moan. She could barely catch her breath. Her heart was pounding against her ribs, ready to break free.

"I love you." She moaned. "I love you, I love you!" She soaked up every feeling that she only ever received from George.

She felt a build up in her lower stomach growing. She felt him move his tongue against her a little harder. She groaned as she grinded her hips down more erratically. Finally she arched her back, jolting as his tongue pulsed against her. she rolled her hips as she felt that breathtaking feeling wash over her. Waves of ecstasy taking over her, causing her to let out a final cry of pleasure.

Her breathing was labored. George licked her thighs and her sensitive slit. She finally laid down on his bed. She stared up at the ceiling, feeling a bead of sweat run down between the valley of her breasts. George leaned over her with a giddy grin. He planted small passionate kisses on her lips.

"I love you too." He grinned. "Did you have a good birthday?" He knew bloody well that she did.

"It was okay." She shrugged nonchalantly before breaking out into a big grin. "We should have sex. I want you inside me." She arched her back, rubbing against his restrained erection.

She rolled her tall boyfriend onto his back against the bedding. She straddled his lap, grinding her hips into him. She didn't care if she got her wetness onto his trousers. She started unbuckling his trousers with a giddy smile.

"Are you sure, Lyra?" He asked even though he was growing red with need.

"Yes. I want to feel close with you. It's my birthday." She whined the last part with a pleading look. "I want your penis inside me."

"Lyra, that's not very sexy." He chuckled.

"Your c-cock inside me?" She asked with a quizzical look. "I don't really like that word. It's so filthy." She had said it only a handful of times and it was mostly when she was angry.

"What we are doing is filthy." He reminded her as he started unbuttoning his shirt. She helped by getting up and taking his trousers off. She could see his prick through his pants. Making her cheeks burn red. He sat up and tossed his shirt before taking his pants off. She got back into his lap. She pressed her lips against his, savoring him. So soft, so gentle and so lovely. Always making her feel sparks. She was deeply in love with him.

"What we are doing is beautiful." She corrected him. He quickly snatched his wand from a side table near the end of his bed. He was responsible enough to use a contraceptive spell. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"I gotta use a contraceptive spell, love." He could see the surprise on her face. "You didn't know it existed?"

"No. Mother never told me about it." She admitted. "I was just going to have my aunt get a night after potion."

He shook his head before placing the tip of his wand on her stomach. "Utero praesidio," she felt her lower stomach grow tingly for a moment before disappearing. He set his wand back down and gave her a quick peck before getting back to business.

He lined himself up with her pussy. He helped her slowly lower herself onto his head. Her lips parted at the new sensation, but wasn't at all deterred. She was clueless on what to do. He smirked as he noticed the worry grace her features. He rolled her onto her back. He grabbed his leg and wrapped it around himself. He started thrusting into her. Moaning instantly at how tight she felt. They started slowly, George wanted to make sure she was alright. When she showed no sign of pain or incredible discomfort. He continued to pick up speed and grew more rough.

He leaned down to give her a heated snog, his tongue slipping into her mouth as he thrusted deeply inside her. He felt her moan against his mouth. He used his free hand to rub circles onto her clit, sending more ripples of pleasure through her.

Lewd sounds of their body colliding filled the room, along with their moans that didn't seem to die down at all. He loved the sight of her spread out onto his bed. She started digging her heel into his arse cheek. She picked up her hips, trying to get a better angle to feel more of him.

She lifted her head to kiss his neck, sucking onto his collarbone as he fucked her. She wanted to mark him, to make sure he knew she was his and he was hers. She wanted him to remember how they felf together in his bedroom, in his flat, on her birthday- technically day before her birthday but that didn't matter.

She watched his face and body flushed bright red as he heaved on top of her, slamming into her with the most satisfying thrust. She grinded herself against him as well. She ran her fingers through his hair before bringing his head closer for her to kiss.

"Fuck... you're mine." He moaned with dominance. "All mine." He kissed her slowly before pulling away. "I want my name leaving that pretty little mouth of yours."

"George," She moaned.

He gripped her jaw, taking in the lust that flooded her stormy eyes. He pulled her closer into a rough kiss, he dominated her mouth, wanting her to only think of him. To remember how he felt against her, inside her and on her lips.

"Good girl," He praised in a raspy voice. She loved hearing him call her that. Maybe it's from being starved of validation. She didn't care. She'd do anything to hear it again. He knew she loved it by the way she lit up. "My good girl."

"Yours," She confirmed. "All yours."

Lyra wasn't sure how long they were together for, being snug against each other like a puzzle piece. But eventually she came again, all because of him and he followed after her, she felt his hot mess filling her up. They both rode out their orgasm before unwinding. They both stayed in their positions, breathing heavily. George's sweat dropped down his nose and onto Lyra's neck. He pulled out of her, he laid down against her, his breath ragged.

She felt him running down her thigh. She leaned on her side, kissing his cheek, drawing his attention. He smirked and gave her a loving kiss. "Did I do alright?" She asked in a small voice.

"You were fucking fantastic." He praised as he grabbed her head to give her a passionate kiss, their lips dancing together.

"George, can you..." She eyed below her.

"Oh, yeah." He grabbed his wand again and made the mess between her thighs disappear.

"What time is it?" She asked, leaning back down and resting her eyes.

George looked at the clock on his nightstand. "Fuck!" He screeched. "It's nearly eleven!"

"What!" She gasped. She got up from the bed and quickly put on her knickers. She slipped her garter belt back on and tugged on her stockings and trying to quickly secure them in place. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She screeched with panic. She hadn't been home for nearly five bloody hours!

George put on his trousers and loosely buttoned up his shirt until it reached his chest, showing his chest hair. His hair was damp and wild. She imagined hers did as well.

She slipped her dress back on and as she put her shoes on, George zipped up her dress. She was a nervous wreck.

Her curls were wild and no longer restrained, she had mainly loose pieces. She went to his mirror hanging on the wall and got on her tiptoes to at least make it look decent.

"I had fun." George said, handing her, her purse.

She looked back at him and smiled. "So did I."

"You can use my Floo Network."

She nodded her head. That'd be great. That would be completely splendid.

She didn't pay attention to his bedroom when they first entered. They were quite busy. The walls had red wallpaper, and a few posters of Quidditch teams he liked, one Lyra didn't really know. He had a small fireplace and a desk. Everything was a little mixed matched and looked old-fashioned. But it was still a very nice room. It smelled like an old house, that signature old wood scent that she knew well. Her house had it as well.

Like a gentleman, he opened the door for her. He gave a mocking bow she replied with a curtsy before exiting his bedroom and being met with a long narrow corridor. They walked passed a few doors before George opened one, they walked into a nice living room, it had a Victorian style that most Wizarding houses had.

"I'll see you soon." She said as a farewell. "I love you."

"I love you too, Harp." He smirked, he had given her a nickname, after all a Lyre looked similar to a harp.

He watched her cheeks burn bright red before grabbing a hand of powder. She announced her destination and disappeared into the green flames. She reappeared back into her manor. She took her heels off and tiptoed down the corridor.

She heard voices in a room. She paused and inched closer, she didn't recognize a particular voice. Did it belong to a man?

"My Lord, we are honored to have you stay in our manor." Lyra heard Bellatrix say, sounding as if she met the muggle queen.

"Of course," She heard the man say, who must have been Voldemort. Her blood ran cold. Before she could hear anymore, she rushed down the corridor and up a set of stairs. She knew she'd reach her bedroom eventually.

When she made it, she shut herself into her bedroom. And sighed with relief. The night started wonderfully but ended terribly.

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