Blue [Chaelisa]

By sapphicrosie

122K 5.5K 1.3K

SECOND BOOK IN THE YELLOW SERIES After a long and lengthy journey, Chaeyoung finally believes she and Lisa ha... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five


3.3K 175 67
By sapphicrosie

"It's cold, Lisa!" the woman called after her. Lisa turned around, looking down at the snow underneath her boots and crinkling her nose.

"But I wanna go sledding!" the young girl protested, turning around and looking up at the sky. She caught a snowflake on her tongue and smiled happily to herself.

"Is it that obvious that she's never seen snow before?" her mother laughed and turned to her father, who was tugging on his own boots. Lisa's parents stood on the front porch of their cabin at the ski lodge. Lisa was knee deep in snow a feet few away from them.

"You need a jacket, silly," her mother laughed, motioning to Lisa to join them on the porch. Huffing, the younger girl trudged back through the snow and hopped onto the wooden steps.

"But it's not cold," Lisa protested, just as a swift breeze caused her to shiver. Her mother simply laughed and ushered the younger girl into the front room of the cabin.

"You'll be cold, trust me," the dark haired woman chuckled. She grabbed the pastel yellow coat from the hanger by the door. Lisa allowed her to help her slip into the jacket, wiggling her arms when she realized the sleeves were slightly too long.

"Where does snow come from?" Lisa asked, sitting down on the small bench by the door and gazing longingly out the window.

"It's just really cold rain," her mother laughed and knelt down in front of the small girl, smoothing out her hair and gently slipping a yellow beanie onto her head. Lisa smiled, tugging the material down and turning to look at her reflection in the window.

"At least we know we won't lose you," her father laughed, appearing in the doorway. Lisa looked up and giggled, clasping her hands together.

"Can we go sledding now?" she asked pleadingly, pressing her palms against the cold glass.

"Whatever you want, kiddo," her father laughed and ruffled her hair. Lisa gasped playfully, bringing her hands up to her head to fix her beanie. Both of her parents laughed.

"Can we bring some snow home?" the young girl asked, hopping down the front steps of the cabin and stomping her boots in the snow. She was fascinated by the white flakes slowly drifting down from the sky.

"It'll all melt in the Busan heat," her mother laughed. Lisa pouted and hopped into a snow bank, giggling when she practically sunk knee-deep in the snow.

"I'm stuck!" she cried dramatically, falling backwards and gazing up at the sky. She narrowed her eyes, suddenly growing distracted by the flakes falling from the sky.

"Look!" Lisa pointed upwards. "Look at the snow!"

"What about it, Lisa?"

"It's just so... beautiful," the child breathed out, in awe by the image above her. "Mommy, come lay down and look up." Moments later, she was joined by both of her parents, lying back in the snow next to her and gazing up at the sky.

"You're right," her mother laughed, reaching over and wiping the snow off of her daughter's face.

"This is so much better than rain," Lisa giggled, bringing her hands above her head and trying to catch snowflakes on her mittens. "This is the best day ever."

"Ever?" her father raised an eyebrow. Lisa giggled and copied him, tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah, ever," she confirmed. She stuck her tongue out and caught a snowflake before resting her head back on the snow and sighing softly. "Thank you."

"For what, Lisa?"

"For being the coolest parents ever," Lisa giggled. She sat up and tugged her beanie back onto her head.

"Thanks for being the coolest daughter ever," her mother laughed and helped Lisa fix the material on her head. "We love you very much, Pranpriya."

"I know," Lisa laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. "You tell me all the time."

"We just wanna make sure you don't forget, that's all," the woman laughed and smoothed out her daughter's hair.

"I love you more," Lisa looked back and forth between her parents. "More than... more than mac and cheese." Both of her parents gasped in fake shock, causing Lisa to giggle incessantly.

"I never wanna grow up," Lisa sighed, looking up at the sky. Little did she know, she'd be forced to grow up drastically in the next few days.

Lisa frantically wiped her eyes, trying to understand the images that she'd just seen. That was her. It was real. She quickly scrambled out from under the blankets and hurried over to the mirror. This was her.

And suddenly, she realized what Chaeyoung had been saying all along. She couldn't be taught what love was. She already knew. She remembered.


Lisa balled her hands into fists and looked at her reflection. She loved Chaeyoung. She knew she did. Except it was different. A good kind of different. She loved Chaeyoung in a completely different way than she loved her parents.

She needed to tell her.

Lisa quickly scrambled to open the door, running down the hallway and practically falling down the stairs into the living room. Jennie looked up quickly from her place on the couch.

"Where is Rosie?" Lisa looked around frantically. She had to tell her. She was scared she would forget again.

"She said she was going for a drive," Jennie raised an eyebrow. "Why? What's going on?"

Lisa was already out the door by the time Jennie finished her sentence. The older girl hopped to her feet to follow her, but Lisa was nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung had finally calmed herself down enough to start the car. Just as she was about to pull out of her parking spot, there was a frantic knocking at her window. Chaeyoung jumped, whipping her head to the side and biting her lip when she saw Lisa tapping on the window repeatedly.

Hesitantly, Chaeyoung rolled down the window after wiping her eyes. "What?" she asked softly, scared of what was about to happen. Lisa shook her head and reached inside the car window, running her fingers across the older girl's jawline.

"I remember," Lisa looked into Chaeyoung's eyes hopefully, retracting her hand and tugging on her beanie anxiously. "I remember love. I know it."

"I-," Chaeyoung opened her mouth to speak but Lisa jumped forwards and cupped her hand over the older girl's mouth.

"I know what it is," Lisa continued pleadingly. "I know what I love. I love flowers, and friends, and the sky, and the stars, and music, and warm blankets, and the sky when it turns pink, and yellow, and..."

Chaeyoung bit her lip and looked down at her hands, trying to hide her disappointment. She hadn't meant to get her hopes up. But she was hoping to have been at the top of Lisa's list.

"But you are my favorite."

Chaeyoung lifted her head slowly at Lisa's next words, growing confused. Lisa reached out and ran her thumb over Chaeyoung's bottom lip.

"My favorite love, Rosie," she said quietly. "I love you the most, I know."

Chaeyoung's breath got caught in her throat and she struggled to find her words. Just as she opened her mouth to respond, there was an ear piercing screech from behind them and then the sound of metal clashing against metal. Both girls whipped their heads around.

Chaeyoung's eyes widened when she saw the two cars collide in the street behind them. She sat frozen for a moment, watching the smoke clear around the two vehicles. By the time she turned her head back around, Lisa was gone.

She saw a glimpse of the younger girl's figure disappear behind the back of the apartment building. Without any hesitation, she sprinted out of her car and after the younger girl.

She rounded the back of the building. When she caught sight of Lisa, she picked up her speed and grabbed the younger girl by the wrist. Lisa panicked, trying to pull away, but Chaeyoung kept a firm grip on her. The blonde girl grabbed Lisa's shoulders and pushed her back against the wall, trying to calm her down.

"Lisa," Chaeyoung brought her hands up to the younger girl's face and cupped her cheeks. "Lisa, look at me," she tilted the younger girl's head. Lisa had her eyes squeezed shut and tried to bring her hands up to cover her face.

The younger girl opened her eyes hesitantly. The moment brown eyes met, Lisa burst into tears and practically fell into Chaeyoung's arms.

"Th-that could have been y-you," Lisa managed between sobs. Chaeyoung felt her heart drop in her chest and she quickly shook her head.

"But it wasn't," the blonde girl wrapped her arms around Lisa and held the younger girl close to her chest. "I'm right here."

Lisa just continued to cry into Chaeyoung's shoulder, balling her hands into the back of the older girl's shirt and clinging onto her for dear life. Chaeyoung felt her heart physically shatter into a million pieces.

"You're okay, Lisa, I've got you," Chaeyoung whispered, running her hands through Lisa's hair in an attempt to soothe the younger girl. Lisa took a deep breath, but tensed when she heard the sound of police sirens in the distance.

"Okay, c'mon," Chaeyoung kept her arms around Lisa, starting to lead them towards the back entrance of the apartment. Lisa kept her hands tight in Chaeyoung's shirt, not wanting to let her go.

Slowly but surely, they made their way back up to their apartment. Chaeyoung led the younger girl into the front room. Lisa glanced around nervously the entire time. Chaeyoung couldn't remember ever seeing her this terrified.

Jennie and Jisoo both jumped up from the couch, looks of concern washing over both of their faces. The sudden movement made Lisa reel backwards, tightening her grip on Chaeyoung.

'Don't' Chaeyoung mouthed, shaking her head at the other girls. They got the message, but they couldn't help but be confused at the sudden change in Lisa. They stepped out of the way as Chaeyoung led the younger girl upstairs and into her bedroom.

She sat Lisa down on the bed, kneeling down in front of the girl and taking both of her hands in her own.

"Lili, breathe," Chaeyoung whispered. Lisa took a deep breath in, but gasped when she heard the sirens directly outside the apartment. Chaeyoung shot up, pulling the curtains shut and looking around the room quickly.

She quickly headed over to her iHome, plugging in her phone and putting her music on shuffle. 'Pressure' by The 1975 quickly filled the room and Chaeyoung turned it up slightly, so the sirens could barely be heard.

"C'mere," she whispered, hurrying back over to the bed and sitting down next to Lisa, pulling her into her lap. Lisa practically collapsed into her arms, wrapping her arms around her neck and trying to take deep breaths to calm herself down.

Chaeyoung couldn't stand seeing Lisa this scared. She glanced around the room, her eyes landing on the blankets on the bed.

"We're safe under here," Chaeyoung said softly, pulling Lisa back on the bed and pulling the covers over them. Laying on her back, she bit her lip as Lisa practically climbed on top of her and snaked her arms up the sleeves of her hoodie.

"You're here, Lisa," Chaeyoung said softly, running her fingers up and down the girl's arm. "You're safe. You're alive. You're breathing. I've got you."

"Promise?" Lisa's shaky voice finally filled the room. Chaeyoung nodded and found Lisa's hand in the dark, locking their pinkies together.

There's a change in pressure
We're never gonna lie to you
My broken veins say that if my heart stops beating
We'll bleed the same way
Oh, my broken veins say

Chaeyoung sang softly along with the song, feeling Lisa's breathing begin to slow down. She reached up and ran her fingers through the girl's hair, humming the last few lines of the song quietly.

"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked softly after a few moments of silence. Lisa shivered, lifting her head and studying Chaeyoung's face. The blonde girl reached out to wipe the tears from under Lisa's eyes, allowing her thumbs to linger against Lisa's smooth skin.

"I love you," Lisa whispered, reaching up and placing her hand on top of Chaeyoung's. "You make it easy."

"I... what?" Chaeyoung nearly choked on thin air. Lisa sniffed and rolled over, curling up against Chaeyoung's side and nodding.

"I do," the younger girl said softly. "I love you."

Chaeyoung's heart fluttered. Something about the way Lisa said this was different. A good kind of different. She took a deep breath and tried to absolute happiness she felt in that moment.

"I love you, too," the blonde girl turned slightly so she could see Lisa's face under the blankets. The younger girl's eyes widened, as if she hadn't been expecting that response.

"You... you do?" Lisa lifted her head and looked at Chaeyoung in confusion. The blonde girl raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I do," she whispered, growing confused at the younger girl's confusion. "I figured it was pretty obvious."

"I..." Lisa looked down at her hands. She wasn't sure how to receive this. She didn't understand the floating feeling in her stomach, or the blush that slowly spread across her cheeks. This wasn't something she was used to.

"I love your sleepy smile when you wake up in the morning, even though I'm the furthest thing from a morning person," Chaeyoung continued, pulling Lisa even closer to her and running her fingers through her hair.

"I love your compassion for everyone and everything around you. I love the way your voice gets all raspy when you're sleepy. I love your affection for all things yellow," she giggled, kissing Lisa's temple. "I love all the things that make you, you. But most importantly, I love you. Just you."

Silence fell over them for a few moments before Lisa turned slightly to get a better view of Chaeyoung. "Thank you," the younger girl whispered. She reached out and traced her fingers across Chaeyoung's jawline.

"You don't have to thank me for loving you," Chaeyoung laughed softly. Lisa shook her head, trying to correct her.

"No," Lisa retracted her hand, only to find Chaeyoung's and lace their fingers together. "Thank you for showing it to me."

Chaeyoung's breath caught in her throat. For someone who wasn't expected to have normal speech patterns, Lisa sure had a way with words. Maybe it was her blatant innocence. She felt tears well up in her eyes.

Lisa instantly grew concerned when Chaeyoung pulled her hand away to wipe her eyes. "Why are you crying?" Lisa sat up slightly. "Did I do something bad?"

"No," Chaeyoung quickly shook her head. "No, Lili, of course not." She swallowed hard, trying to think of a way to explain her feelings to the younger girl. "I just..." she paused to take a deep breath.

"I've never been in love with someone. I never expected to fall in love with anyone, really. I just didn't think that's what the universe had planned for me," she confessed, feeling Lisa's hand find hers under the blankets.

"But then you showed up at our door one day and changed everything for me," Chaeyoung smiled softly, using her free hand to wipe the tears that had fallen from her eyes. "And I didn't even realize it at the time, but every little thing you did made me fall more and more in love with you."

Lisa's lips slowly curved into a smile and she wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung, nuzzling her head into the crook of her neck. "I love you, Rosie," she whispered. "I do not have the words to tell you why. I just do." When Chaeyoung didn't reply, Lisa lifted her head.

"I do, Rosie, I do. I mean it," she said quickly, hoping Chaeyoung didn't think she was lying. Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow.

"I believe you," the blonde girl whispered, pulling Lisa back down against her. "I'm just... I didn't realize how amazing it would feel to hear you say that."

"You get the butterflies too?" Lisa reached up and twirled a piece of Chaeyoung's hair around her finger. Chaeyoung laughed quietly.

"All the time," she whispered, sighing contently. She hadn't realized the relief that came with knowing that Lisa loved her. She loved Lisa, Lisa loved her. Simple as that.

Chaeyoung giggled when the brown eyed girl next to her yawned softly. She raised an eyebrow and smiled at Lisa. "Do you want me to sing?" she asked, watching as Lisa's lips curved into a smile.

"Only for me?" the younger girl asked innocently. Chaeyoung nodded.

"Only for you," she whispered.

I'd never gone with the wind
Just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
'Til you open the door
There's so much more
I'd never seen it before
I was trying to fly
But I couldn't find wings
But you came along and you changed everything

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier

I've watched from a distance as you made life your own
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know how that would feel
And you made it so real
You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes
And you made me believe

You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm fallin' and I am lost in your eyes
You make me crazier, crazier...

Lisa looked up slowly when Chaeyoung's voice softened and eventually disappeared completely. She was confused at first, but quickly realized the blonde girl had fallen asleep. Smiling widely, Lisa wiggled out of her grip and sat up slightly, studying Chaeyoung's peaceful form.

"I love you, Rosie," Lisa whispered, being careful not to wake the girl. She kissed the tips of her fingers, pressing them gently against Chaeyoung's lips. After a few moments of silence, Lisa leaned down and planted a kiss on Chaeyoung's forehead.

She smiled softly, not wanting to take her eyes off of the older girl that she was so infatuated with. She really did love her, she realized. It was a new, exciting feeling. Yet it already felt so comfortable.

She wiggled out from under the blankets, carefully adjusting them over both of their bodies. Making sure Chaeyoung was warm enough, Lisa sang softly while she straightened out the blankets around them.

"You make me crazier, crazier," Lisa quietly whispered the words she'd heard Chaeyoung sing before. She continued singing the same line, the only one she could remember well.

Her singing soon turned to soft humming once she had tucked them both in to her liking. She curled up in Chaeyoung's side and snaked her hands up the sleeves of the blonde girl's hoodie, making sure she could hold onto her all night.

"I really do love you," Lisa mumbled, nuzzling her head into the crook of the older girl's neck. "Very much." She closed her eyes slowly, feeling waves of exhaustion wash over her. The small girl feel asleep quickly in the comfort of Chaeyoung's arms.

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