From cero to a hundred

By thegaywoso

38.7K 608 29

After Jamies parents get a divorce, Jamie moves from Spain to Ireland, where she decides to go after her drea... More

Bus ride
A dream to chase
Not a place for you
Coming to say bye
Find your own happiness
First day of school
I like you
Christmas day
I'm sorry
First morning
Do you like her?
I miss us
Final whistle
How much can you lift?
Not losing

Last day

1K 15 1
By thegaywoso

"Hey!" Shannon said when I answered her call.

"Hello there. What you up to?" I asked her.

"Just watching the time tick by." She said, making me shake my head.

"I'm leaving tonight, and I'll see you, Connor, Jade and Olivia (Jade's girl) tomorrow." I told her, just as a few of the girls walked in my room. "Wanna say hi to the girls?" I asked her looking at them.

"Sure! Hi there!" She said waving her hand.

"Hi! You must be Shannon right?" Alex said, taking the phone with her.

"Yep that's me, you are?" Shannon answered her.

"I'm Alex. So are you looking forward to seeing Jamie again?" She asked her with a small smirk.

"Yeah I am! I've been missing her loads. I've spent the week just going through my day while thinking of what she would be up to." She told Alex.

"When are you seeing her then?"

"Tomorrow, the two of us and another three friends are all meeting up to hang out." She told Alex.

"That sounds great, you could maybe ma-" "that's enough Alex, give me my phone back!" I said cutting her off. "Sorry about that, she's so annoying." I said glaring her down.

"It's fine, she was really nice. How about I let you go and hang with your friends for the last day, and you can call me in the airport." She told me, which I agreed to before hanging up.

"You're lucky we're leaving today, because I would have killed you if I had to spend anymore time with you." I told Alex, as I put her in a headlock.

"I was just stating facts! You've got to make a move bro, she likes you, a lot." She told me as I let her go.

"She doesn't, we're just great friends." I denied her.

"I've never heard anybody talk about a 'friend' like that." She kept pushing me.

"That's just how she is, she cares about people deeply and makes deep connections with them." I said, lying.

"Hey, she doesn't wanna talk about it, so drop it." Zoe told Alex.

"Thank you! You're like the only one I actually like from all the girls." I tell her, making the girls stare at me in a sarcastic anger.

We sat down in our beds and talked for a while, just reminiscing everything that had happened for the last two weeks.

"I'm gonna miss waking up to your dumb alarm about an hour or two before we had to actually be awake." Zoe told me.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I said scratching my head guiltily.

"I'm actually just gonna miss the small moments, like each day when we walked back from training or when we just chilled in each other's room and just moments like that." Willow said.

"Facts! Like yes big funny moments are gonna be very memorable, but the small ones are also gonna be close to my heart." Alex said, which we all agreed to.

"I wanna be kept updated about all you guyses lives!" Alex said after a small pause.

"If you all don't text me once every two days, I might fly out from Australia and beat you up, like deadass." Zoe said, making us all burst out laughing.

"We have to head down for our last lunch together." I said looking at my watch.

"Let's go then!" Alex said as she jumped out of the bed.

I opened the door for them as they walked out. When they were out of the room I quickly rushed over to my phone and picked it up texting Shannon 'less than 24 hours, and I'll see you :)' before rushing to catch up with them.

All the girls were sitting down at the table by the time we arrived. We quickly got our food on our trays before joining them in the conversation they were having.

I was gonna miss this place, training everyday, having the facilities we had just a few steps away from me, having the staff help you with anything you needed.

Today I was leaving all that and heading back to my small town, where I have one friend and the rest of the school hates me. I have to run or cycle to train on my own and to train with my team I have to take the car.

"So what are you gonna do when you head back home Jamie?" one of the girls asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Well I'm arriving late tonight, so I'll sleep. But tomorrow I'm meeting a few of my friends and we're hanging out." I told her.

"What friends are you meeting?" Alex teased me.

"Jade from my football team, her girl Olivia, Connor from school and Shannon who I play against. Wanna know any more information about what I'm doing?" I asked her, in a smart tone.

"I'm good thanks." She told me before asking a few of the other girls some questions.

After lunch was finished we changed into some training gear and all the girls that weren't leaving till later went over to the pitch to have one last match between us, to finish the two weeks off.

The match wasn't serious, we were teasing each other and just having some fun really. The goalies played as strikers at some point and the smallest players went in goal for the fun.

Everybody was just trying to show off and dribble the whole team, we were slide tackling left, right and center while pushing each other to the floor.

"Okay girls, enough fun for today. Head back shower have something to eat and be ready for when the cab comes for you." The coach called us from the sideline.

We did what he told and picked up the balls we threw around the pitch and put them all in the sack before changing our boots and heading back to our hotel rooms to shower.

I spent the rest of the afternoon talking to the girls, just having a last chat with them as they slowly started leaving. My cab was coming for me at 10 pm, since my flight was at around 11 pm.

I was the only one in the cab unlike when I first arrived when I came over with Sofia and Alex, but I didn't mind it too much, I just video called Shannon and talked to her the whole drive over.

"So can we go over what we're doing tomorrow? My mum won't let me go if she doesn't know every exact detail." Shannon tells me as I sit waiting for my flight to be called.

"Yeah, sure. I was thinking you all come over in the morning and we head to the forest nearby for a walk. Then we have lunch at my place and relax for a bit before heading over to the football pitch playing around and then just watching the sunset." I tell her.

"Okay, perfect. I'm sure she'll let me go if I'm eating at your place. I can't wait for tomorrow." She says.

"Me neither. I've missed you all so much." I say as a wave of sadness hits me, making my smile fade.

"We've missed you too." She tells me before noticing my facial expressions. "What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Nothing." I lied trying to hide my feelings.

"You don't have to lie to me, I'm not going anywhere. What's wrong?" She asked once again.

"What's gonna happen if I get into Chelsea? Like I'm gonna be in a different country to Jade and Connor and you'll be 4 hours away from me, playing for City. I'll barely be able to see any of you."

"I don't know what's gonna happen. But right now the only thing I know is I wanna spend as much time as I can with you all. But I promise you we'll make it work. We'll facetime as much as we can, and visit each other on long weekends. We might be able to see each other if we get into the England U teams." Shannon told me.

"I just hope that everything works out. Like deep down I know we're gonna grow up and we might grow apart because that's how life works but I don't want life to be like that for us. We work too well together." I said, as I looked at the boarding board. "Fuck. I've got to catch the plane. I'll call you tonight." I told her before hanging up.

I didn't know why it just suddenly hit me, I had spent a few weeks, even months without thinking about it, and just all of a sudden it hit me, like it never had.

Hope you have/had a great day. Don't forget to vote please!

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