The Lord Alpha's Experiment

By Natchie9

121K 4.7K 367

It's not easy being a teenager moving from foster family to foster family trying to fit in, be normal, but Li... More

Knights in Shining Armor
Raw Steak
A she what?!
Fair Game
Pack Meeting
And so it begins!
The Talk
Almost There
Head butting and Laundry Bags
It's Rude to Bite
Teach Me How to Douggie
The Call
Dirty Deals

His Experiment

23.9K 395 51
By Natchie9

Hey guys I hope you like this is my first shot at writing so all comments would be helpful

Thank you whoever you are wherever you are! It means alot :)

oh and ps the girl on the other side is meant to be Lilly


Chapter 1

I am going to die in this smelly cage.

I thought to herself lamely. In the movies when the heroin gets kidnapped its all so wonderfully romantic, all they had to do was squeal and faint and Prince Charming would come charging in on his big stupid horse to come-a-rescuin', and save me from my cruel captors.

However in real life as always things don't always work out that way. There was no Prince Charming to come galloping to my rescue, in fact I doubted anyone had even reported my disappearance yet.

I thought back to last night when they'd taken me. Or at least I assumed it was last night, the cell had no windows.

There had been a party for New Year's Eve, and my new foster parents had forbidden me going. But it had been New Year's Eve and at the time it seemed far more important that I spent it with my best friend than obeying their rules.

So I had in true rebel style snuck out the window and left a note on my pillow telling them where I'd gone gone, just in case.

I arrived at the party just before midnight, I'd sifted through the sea of bodies dancing to the music pumping through the abandoned shed to find Alex, Alex and I had been friends since we were 9 and I'd found him sleeping in an ally near my house. Both Alex and my parents had died when we were very young. We'd both been thrown into foster family after foster family, some of them had been genuinely nice people who wanted help us, other hadn't been so nice... But since that day we' been inseparable.

"Hey what are you doing here, thought you weren't allowed out?" He yelled at me over the music looking surprised and a tad drunk.

" I slipped my leash" I said with a smile.

He gave me a sleigh smile back. " They're gonna be pissed when they find out"

"Yeah I know but I just couldn't bare the thought of spending New Years with out you" I said mockingly. He laughed.

"Plus I'll be 18 in a couple months, I'll be free!" I said grinning.

My current foster parents weren't that bad, I'd definitely had worse but I wouldn't be sticking around after my 18th birthday. I'd been noticing some of the looks my new foster "dad" had been giving me, not to mention the occasional squeeze under the dinner table. Yeah it was definitely time to move on.

"Lilly, you know you can always come stay with me you know." Alex had to shout over the music. He offered for me to stay at his place a lot lately, I think he shared my suspicions about where things were heading with my new foster parents.

Alex was a year older that me and had already escaped the child care system and was living in a tiny studio apartment downtown with two other guys.

"Nah, it's ok I think I can stick this one out for a couple more months, thanks though." I said smiling.

Alex's face darkened, " I don't like you being there." He said sternly, any humour leaving his face. "I don't think it's safe anymore you should come and stay with me, at least for a while."

I considered what he was saying and I wanted to but I was still a minor and Alex would never qualify as my legal guardian, it would only get him into more trouble. And Alex was already trouble enough with out me around.

"I'll think about it, ok?" He nodded even though we both already knew my answer.

"I'm gong to go get a drink do you want anything?" I tried changing the subject since he looked so upset.

"No I'm ok but be careful there are some really drunk guys, don't get raped!" He said with a cheeky smile. I smiled as I walked away, the idea of being raped by some drunk guy wasn't funny at all but when you basically lived on the street like Alex and I had for the past 10 years joking about it was the only way we got by.

I finally reached the make shift bar made of boxes, the guy be hind the bar was covered in piercings and was thrashing his head around to the music like he was having a seizure, I had to yell at the top of my lungs to get his attention.

"Hey hotness what can I do you for?" He said as he leaned over the bar playing with his tongue ring suggestively.

"I'll have a coke please." I said ignoring his tongue display.

"Coming right up babe" he said with a wink and moved away.

I stared out into the crowd of people having a good time, I spotted a man standing at the edge of the mass of people watching we intently,it made me uncomfortable. I pretended to play on my phone for a few moments, when I glanced back up again he was still staring at me. He looked to be about 40, too old to be in a place like this, maybe he was the owner? Or someone's dad?

I glanced away again quickly.

"Here you go hot stuff." The pierced bar tender said handing me my coke and resuming his dance.

"Thanks" I muttered. The man had disappeared, I scanned the room looking for him but couldn't see him.

I moved to the side sipping my coke searching for Alex again, it was almost midnight now.

It was then that clothed hand covered my mouth and dragging me toward the nearest exit. I panicked trying to kick the person who owned the hand but suddenly there were black spots filling my vision and I couldn't move my legs or arms.

I remember being dragged outside and thrown into a van, footsteps, then the sound of them driving away with me in the back.

Just before I passed out I heard one of the men say " Yes sir we have the girl, yes she's perfectly heathy, she'll be perfect for the experiments."

Then there was blackness.


"Get up!" Someone was banging on the door of my cage impatiently.

"What-" I mumbled pushing myself up onto my hands, my head was spinning like crazy.

"I said get up you little bitch." The sound to the cage door opening, then the sound of his shit kickers stomping across the concrete floor.

Oh no not good, very very not good. I thought to myself throughout the haze of drugs.

He grabbed my hair at the base of my scalp forcing him to look up at him. He smiled at me, the kind of smile that makes you want to run away .

"You are a cute thing aren't you. Maybe you and I could sort things out later, have a little fun...." He was staring at my chest as he said it licking his lips.

I shuddered wanting to cringe away from him, instead I looked him in the face, I hated bullies.

"I'd rather set myself on fire then be anywhere near you." I said in my best "don't mess with me buster" voice. My glory was short lived however, his face turned livid and he kneed me in the stomach, hard.

"I like 'em feisty, me and my boys gonna have a lot a fun teachin' you some manners." I barely heard him, I couldn't breath, I thought I was going to throw up or pass out in agony, or both.

He grunted as he dragged me down the hallway, I saw there were at least 3 other cages but they were all empty. We turned a corner into what looked like a small operating theatre with a large metal table with restraints built in, in the middle of the room.

He shoved me onto it strapping my wrists to the sides and my feet together.

Then he left, and a man in a long white coat like the ones the mad scientist on TV always wear entered. He looked like he could have been a librarian except there was something sinister about him. Maybe he could have been a librarian who liked to kill people's pets in his free time.

"Hello Lilly" he said smiling.

"H-h-hi" I stuttered.

" Now Lilly I'm sure you're wondering why we brought you here, Lilly have you ever heard of werewolfs?"


"Very good," he said smiling like I was a student who'd just got the right answer in class. "Well you my dear are about to become one of them, with my evolutionary science and skill I shall create the first female werewolfs in over 15 years." He said swelling with pride.

"What. W-why?-" I asked confused, werewolfs didn't exist, this mad man had obviously sniffed a bit too much glue in his day or something. 

"Oh my dear I am giving you a great gift you see, unfortunately for the werewolfs their females all carry the recessive gene, and over the past century or so their numbers have dwindled. Now they are forced to mate with humans. But you, you with be the perfect specimen, not like the other girls who were too weak to even survive their first transition." He moved over to the table of horrific looking tools.

"Yes one of the pact alphas is going to pay a lot for you dear." He said pulling on a pair of disposable plastic gloves and testing a needle full of clear liquid.

"P-p-please d-don't-" I shrieked as he jabbed the needle into my arm.

"Oh my child one day you'll realise the great gift I'm giving you" he said solemnly, as the blackness took over again.


Woop! Woop! Finally finished chapter one, I've been wanting to write this for ages!

Anyway hope you enjoyed it!

If you did vote, comment, whatever :D

Thanks for reading!

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