Pandoras Box #1 - Enter the V...

By UnbornTheStorm

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Chapter 1 The Park(Carter)
Chapter 2 the Red Box
The Dragon (jacob)
The Dragonian Temple (Leon)
The Statue (Leon)
Glade Joins the Party(Carter)
Glade is born(carter)
the return of the prince(leon)
The reveal(carter's dad)
the forge of the hazel eye(leon)
school (carter)
I call upon my inner glade (Leon)
The reveal of the Almighty Dragonheart Glade (Brutus)
the journal (leon)
the dark (leon)
Back at School(Carter)
The Fight(Carter)
The Real Fight(Jacob)
The Real Fight(Danielle)
My Secret (Danielle)
The Book(brutus)
The Greatest Moment of My Life(jacob)
(you thought that the portal was pandoras box didn't you?)(not from a pov)
The *sigh* "Vault"
A Dear Warning(brutus)
The End?
A Dark Message

Back at the forge (Brutus)

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By UnbornTheStorm

WHAT ARE YOU DOING CARTER?! ARE YOU WRITING DOWN WHAT IM SAYING? You just got back after searching for the third warrior and you're taking notes?! Whatever. I have been working on the potion, but there is one ingredient that noone knows except for a dragon like me..... we once were humans.....I fought with him in the first final battle.......we banished the dark one here.....he and his warriors were altered when put through the portal......they were turned into what they a are at heart. ...but the world wasn't ready for dragons to run we came here too.....we were altered also....we became what we were at heart....dragons....and all the world's dragons came into the portal.....they changed too....they gained elements.......that dragon is now a statue, frozen until he is reawakened by another dragon that is strong enough to hold his mind, he may never be found...

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