Handsome Devil ✅

By miss_aykay

19K 2.3K 393

Being an unexperienced, timid and young girl from a poor family and having to shoulder all responsibilities a... More

Twenty -Two
Twenty- Three
Thirty- three
Author's Note


364 56 11
By miss_aykay

The chilly breeze of morning made the waiting bride cold and she coiled to get some warmth. She felt herself shiver from the breeze and slowly moved, then flicked her eyelid open. It took minutes before she realized where she was and what she was doing.

She was a bride , wearing her Lafaya and waiting for her groom who promised to see off his friends and come back. Then she waited and he wasn't back and then everything came back in a torrent of storm she held her head that was heavy.

The realization hit her and it was embarrassing and shocking. Her groom left her to sleep alone in what was supposed to be the most important night of theirs. She gasped and held her chest where beneath was her heart that was simply broken. For a bride to give a tale of being left by her groom on their special night was insulting enough. She couldn't shake the feeling that it was intentional.

It was simple. He didn't come back. But what could be the reason for such unforgivable thing?? She searched her phone and checked his number.

The call was unanswered.

She looked up at the wall clock and it was past 5am in the morning. Gone was that special night of theirs for hers was spent alone. It was too early into her marital life to get angry. She refused to let herself be. Perhaps her Zayyad would come back and explain to her why he didn't come back. She decided not to raise an alarm and wait for his arrival. She walked around the house checking doors until she found the bathroom. She made ablution and prayed. She stayed long after the prayer asking Allah to give her the fortitude to build a home. A well deserving home where love prevail.

It was a phone call on Umar's phone that woke up Zayyad. They had a long night of partying and they didn't get to sleep till after 2 in the morning. They had so much fun it made Zayyad forgot what that night was supposed to be for him.

He searched for his phone and the first thing on the notification bar was Noor's call. It was then he remembered what actually happened.

"Ohh crap!!! What have I done?" He reached for his car key and tapped Umar.

"I need to go and see that girl."

"Which girl?" Umar asked half sleepy.

"The one I got married to yesterday." He emphasized and left.

It was too early for him to start messing up. Her father pleaded with him to take care of her and in less than 1o hours after the advice he had shown he was incapable.

He raised the curtain and saw her seated on the mat. She was dozing and that moved his heart. Even though he didn't like the marriage at least it wasn't her fault or her fault wasn't as much as his parents. He cleared his throat which made her turned.

Her face lit in a radiating smile when she saw her groom. She knew he would be back for her and would apologize for what happened and then take her hands and hug her warmly. She was living for that moment.

Her groom did the opposite of what she thought he would. He merely looked at her again before he walked upstairs to his room fuming that this was his first day of his misery. His marriage.

Gwoggo made a deliberate choice of not calling her brother, Hamma Abdullahi, for she wanted him to think he has really lost a daughter. That was the punishment for not taking care of his daughter and leaving his greed driven wife, Hadiza on the realm of the household. She gave  Layla everything she needed and more. There was tenderness in the way she talk and address her.

Layla had surprisingly begin to look healthier and her heart was literally swollen with so much love she had been given by Gwoggo. She did basically nothing in the house even if she insisted. Gwoggo made her hot water for bath and gave her all sort of traditional medicine she could get to lessen her pain when the day actually comes. They talked about everything and Gwoggo was careful to never asked her about that incidence again.

Her relationship with Usman was a cordial one. Layla had developed a general phobia for men. She was scared of them.

It was on a Thursday evening while Gwoggo has gone to rest, Layla was seated watching an Indian movie. She didn't hear a voice saying the salam and neither did she hear when the door creaked to open. She had stretched her legs to relieve her back that was threatening to break.

"Assalamu Alaikum."

A deep voice that abruptly made Layla to turn and adjusted her veil settled in her ears. She felt as though she was caught unaware that she was trying to get everything to cover her protruding belly. She was startled. Then there was his height that shadowed her and she felt she was too small in the parlor.

His whole presence dominated the parlor and she felt she was seeing him from another place. She felt intimidated and carefully replied his greeting.

He was tall and had a face that showed his ancestral heritage. His hair was a coiled mane and was shining in contrast to his tanned skin. His eyes were hidden behind a brown shade. She took in all his appearance and felt scared to her very being.

He made an attempt to smile and revealed a set of teeth that were beautiful and captivating. Layla was fear gripped wondering who could the guy be and why was he feeling like he was at home? She watched as he passed by her and entered their room, Gwoggo's room.

Gathering enough strength, she rose and walked hurriedly to see what he was up to. He had already woke Gwoggo and had squatted in front of her when Layla entered. She stood rooted to the place. Who was this guy?

"Layla, why are you standing there? What's wrong??" Gwoggo called out from her bed as she sat up.

"N-no. I just saw him entered and I was scared so I followed him." A confused Layla stammered looking at floor not daring to look at his face.

They both roared with laughter.

And for the second time the deep voice resonated her eardrum. "Ummi who's this?"

Layla was confused the more when he called Gwoggo Ummi.

"It's Layla. Your cousin sister from Zaria." Gwoggo talked warmly at him.

"Good evening." Layla greeted him her eyes never leaving the floor.

He answered and looked back to his mother.

"You didn't mention you're coming Alqasim." Gwoggo said standing to move out to the parlor.

Layla went out too.

It was as though his presence slowed down everything of hers in the house. She felt uneasy and uncomfortable. The day passed slowly with Layla mostly confined to her room.

She was always in her hijab in an attempt to hide that which she carried.

The following day she woke up early enough to make the breakfast. It was an attempt to exercise her body that was becoming heavy be the minutes. She saw a left over Tuwo which she warmed and settled on immediately. She knew Gwoggo wakes up late and Usman was having a night shift. Then, Alqasim.

He had close to nothing that shows his Fulani heritage. He was a good representation of the Kanuri. A quite dark tanned skin and everything. She felt a movement in the Parlor and turned to meet Alqasim who was an early walker.

He had gone for a morning run and was bathed in sweat. He smiled at her in an effort to make her lessen her tight jaw. He then moved to the kitchen where he served the remaining Tuwo she warmed and joined her in the parlor while sipping his tea.

They ate in silence until when Alqasim decided to ask a question he regretted asking.

"So, Layla, when did you get married without informing we the cousin."

Her reaction was swift but he however saw it. She fumbled to stand all thanks to her big belly and left him mouth agape. What have I done??

Since the question incident she made it a point to always be by herself. For two days it was as though they were playing hide and seek. Where he goes, she leave immediately.

On a Monday morning about 4am Layla was awoken by a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She thought it was one of those contractions she get from time to time but it persisted and she couldn't hold it anymore. She was scared it was time for her to put to bed. Deep down, she hoped her quest for vengeance would not cost her life.

When she couldn't hold it any longer, she tapped Gwoggo who was alert immediately.

She was panting and her forehead was having beads of sweat. The pain was unbearable. It was as though every cell in her body was against her at that time. Her back was in pure agony and she could hardly breath.

She kept panting while Gwoggo ran to call Alqasim so they get to the hospital. It seemed she was in severe pain and for yet another time, Gwoggo cursed the person that subjected this young girl to such pain.

Layla had been sobbing and held her stomach. A sharp pain tore through her again and she was in her little room and She could feel Zayyad's weight almost breaking her bones and she was pleading for him to stop but he was unstoppable like a wild animal. Again and again she kept feeling her whole body shattered until she was taken into darkness and gave up the fight between life and death.

Gwoggo ran back with Alqasim behind her to find Layla lifeless in a pool of blood.


Manage this please. I thought I said I'll
be a good girl henceforth.🥺

I dedicate this chapter to another lover of the story Hauwa1966

Thank you. You're appreciated 💖


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