A Certain Divine Visionary

By RedBegonias

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Academy City of Science and Technology. A city containing about 2.3 million citizens with 80% of that populat... More

Author's Notes
Prologue: The God-Slaying Sword
Academy City, the City of Science
The Aftermath
A Visionary's First Day
System Scan
Mid-summer Festival
The Power to Soar
Crash Course
Shaei's Future
Ace of Tokiwadai
Ruiko's Resolve
Level Five
The Power to Conquer
The Sister
Fog of War
The Power of the Monado
Q&A + Suggestions!

Divine Intervention

102 0 0
By RedBegonias

An abandoned building...

"We're back here, huh?" Touma says.

"Yeah, it's been a while," Misaka responds quietly.

The party stands outside a lab. A sign sits in some grass, with the text on it completely faded away.

Shulk cuts down one last Mechon. "It looks like the area's clear, guys."

"The lab was heavily guarded," Kuroko mentions. "Whatever's in there must be important to these machines. How did Uiharu and Saten get past..?"

"It's possible..." Shulk closes his eyes to think. "...that Ruiko was in the building before the rift expanded and rose above the building. Afterward, Uiharu ran to help Ruiko before any Mechon surrounded the area."

"Do you think they were trying to prevent the two from escaping?"

"I doubt it. It's like what you said just now. The Mechon think that whatever, or whoever, is in the lab is important. We need to be ready."

Touma turns to Misaka. "You ready to go?"

Misaka's cheeks dust with pink. "Wh-why ask me?"

"You saw a vision, too, right?" Touma scratches the back of his head. "I'm sure you can handle it."


The four move through the front doors. Walking down the long doorway, nothing seems suspicious yet.

"It's weird," Shulk says.

Kuroko perks up. "What is?"

"The outside of the lab was heavily guarded. Why not the inside?"

"You're right..." Kuroko looks down and around the hall. "This place is awfully quiet."

Peering from behind a door, a dark fog pours out. Touma seems to be the only one who notices.

"Hey, guys..?"

"Look!" Shulk points ahead. "It's the room we were in last time!"

The party rushes to the room, where a massive ring with an odd symbol sits. A large hole in the ceiling is apparent.

A smaller rift sits where the symbol once was. Dark fog spilling out of it and trails upward.

"What the..?" Touma looks around the room.

"Could that hole be connected to the rift in the sky somehow?" Kuroko asks.

"That's a good hypothesis." Shulk looks up from beneath the hole in the ceiling. The fog flows upward, right into the larger rift. "This rift might be supplying the bigger rift with power. I'm not sure why there would be two rifts, but that could be the case."

"You seem to know a lot about this fog, Shulk-kun. Fess up."

"I don't have anything to do with it! I have seen this fog before, though. If my theory is right..."

Fog begins to gather from behind the party.

Touma turns around.

"Uh, guys..?"

The other three don't notice. "Maybe, this fog is different than the one I saw back then," Shulk continues.

The fog seems to form into something.


Still, no one else notices.

"Or, it just hasn't shown up yet..."

"TURN AROUND, GUYS!" Touma finally shouts, loud enough so that everyone else notices.

An orange glowing glare meets the party as they finally notice the elephant, or fog, in the room.

"It's...the Fog King!" Shulk yells.

"The what?" Touma asks.

"In our world, this thing, the Fog King, was threatening our newfound peace. It took a lot of effort and even lives to best it."

"Looks dangerous," Kuroko spouts. "We need to take it out quick. C'mon, let's—"

"Wait! We can't harm it!" Shulk warns.

"We have to at least try!" Kuroko counters.

The large beast continues to intimidate the party. Kuroko shoots a volley of metal spikes, but they simply fall to the floor.

Shulk begins to explain. "The Fog King exists on a different domain that we can't interact with."

"Nothing can hit it?" Touma looks up at the large beast.

Blue light.

A sudden beam of light strikes the party.

Shulk and Misaka's eyes return to normal.

"Look out!" Shulk tackles Kuroko to the right, and Misaka tackles Touma to the left.

A bright beam of light barely hits the party.

"That was close..." Misaka sighs. Quickly pushing off Touma, she stumbles away. She starts shouting at Touma. "You better not have gotten any ideas!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Touma shouts back.

And so, the Fog King's assault begins.

"Shulk! How do we fight this thing?" Kuroko teleports and dodges a brutal swing by the fog.

"We have to bring the Fog King to our 'domain'!"

"Huh? What's that mean?" Touma asks.

"We need to bring the Fog King from the 'imaginary' domain, into the 'real' domain."

Shulk avoids the Fog King's attacks as he continues to explain. "I saw it in a dream once. A brown-haired girl with green eyes, and a blue-haired girl with red eyes. They were fighting these monsters. Their attacks wouldn't hit, but the blue-haired girl used an aura. They called the Hilbert Effect."

"So what you're saying is that we use that aura to fight the Fog King?" Touma asks.

"It's the only way. Without my old replica Monado, I'd have to concentrate to unlock that power, though."

Misaka tries to speak up but is interrupted by Kuroko. "Just hold on! The rest of us will buy you time."

"Thanks, guys. Be careful; this thing is strong."

"We've got it."

Touma notices Misaka's worried look.

"Misaka? You okay?"

"I-I am. It's just that vision..."

"Don't worry. We're not gonna let that happen. If this vision's about to happen, we'll change it." Touma has a look in his eyes that tells Misaka to believe him.

Everyone in the party draws their weapons.

"Alright, let's do this!"

Misaka and Touma dash in.

Touma swings with his sword, but it easily passes through. Misaka's knife slips the same as Touma's.

Running around the beast, Kuroko shoots in a few metal spikes, but none stay still.

"Shulk was right. We can't touch this thing!" Kuroko yells.

"Remember! We're buying Shulk time!" Touma runs around the Fog King.

Another laser shoots, towards Shulk's direction. He quickly slides to the side.

"Shulk!" Touma checks to make sure Shulk is intact.

"I'm okay! I just broke my focus for a second."

"Where could Saten and Uiharu be..?" Misaka looks around the room. Suddenly, the fog seems to condense. Misaka feels something nearby.

The Fog King seems to condense, shrinking to a person's size.

Bright spanning wings emerge, and what appears to be a halo raises to the figure's head.

"Is that a person!?" Kuroko steps back, astounded.

The figure's eyes glow orange.

Shulk acknowledges who stands before him.


The figure speaks.

"It has been some time. Wielder of the Monado."

Fog from the rift on the way approaches Zanza. He reaches out his hand, and in his hand appears to be a sword that looks eerily similar to the Monado.

"I have waited quite some time for this moment to come, Shulk."

Zanza swings the sword, as fog swirls around the room.

Everyone finds themselves on the lab's barren roof. Looking around, Shulk and Kuroko see Uiharu and an unconscious Saten.

"Ruiko!" Shulk abandons activating the Monado's powers and runs over to Uiharu and Saten. Kuroko follows suit and inspects Saten.

"Is she okay?" Shulk asks.

Kuroko checks Saten's pulse and breathes easily when she feels a slow beating. "I can't tell, but she has a pulse."

Zanza stands some distance away from the party.

Shulk stands.

"Why attack this world? You could have gone in peace, knowing the world you once ruled over could succeed without you, and you could finally rest!"

"I no longer needed that world. I simply relinquished my power willingly."

"Do you really think I'd believe that? Alvis decided you were unfit to hold such power and let the people of the world decide what they should do with it."

"My interest does not concern your world. This world contains power, such that I could never find in my weak creations. You will not sway me with simple sentiments, Wielder of the Monado. This world can surrender themselves peacefully and choose me as their new ruler."

"If that is how it must go, then you will know their power to resist once again. We will teach you it!" Shulk rallies his friends to fight, and his sword clashes with Zanza's.

"You choose to act as Meyneth once did, and it will be your downfall. Now, I will show you what power truly is!"

A cyclone of fog prompts Shulk to avoid Zanza's attacks.

Just like before, each attack passes through Zanza as if he weren't there in the first place.

"Shulk! What happened to that Hilbert thing!?" Touma yells.

Shulk's eyes are shut, but he can't seem to find what he's looking for in his mind. "I...I can't concentrate!"

"What'dya mean? We can't touch it without that aura! C'mon Shulk!"

Shulk dodges a flurry of slashes from Zanza, starting to breathe more heavily.

"You may be the true Wielder of the Monado. But your weak mind prevents you from using its true power."

"Even if that's true...No. It is true. I only need the power to protect others!"

"Fine then. Let us see that power!"

Shulk's eyes glow blue.

Zanza's sword ignites with a blinding glow. The blade grows long, brimming with strength.

He flies swiftly in Misaka's direction.

He cuts through Misaka.

The vision ends.

Zanza's sword ignites with a blinding glow.

Without thinking, Shulk begins running madly to Misaka. He pushes Misaka away, just as Zanza reaches the two.

Zanza cuts at Shulk.

All eyes fall onto Shulk, laying on the floor.

Splashes of blood fall on the floor.

Misaka hears the Monado land on the ground.

The blood pools sit next to the Monado, which lays inactive.

"SHULK!" Touma reaches out.

Misaka, who stands above Shulk, sees the large cut across his chest. The blood is soaking through the formerly bright-white shirt he wears.

The Monado. It almost beckons Misaka to grab it.

Grab it...Railgun. You must protect your world. Wield the sword.

"Mi...MIKOTO!" Touma shouts, but Misaka doesn't listen. "What are you doing? We need to run! NOW!"

"I...will protect..."

Misaka runs to the Monado. She lifts the sword and grips the handle tightly in her two hands.

Kuroko also shouts out. "Mikoto! Don't do it!"

The Monado activates, and the blue blade extends itself. Blue shocks coil around Misaka as if they were controlling her.

Though visibly shaking due to the shocks, Misaka's face remains resolute. She bolts to Zanza with a loud battle cry. Her sword meets Zanza's.

Zanza remains silent. A wild slash passes through Zanza. Nothing is changing, but Misaka continues to fight. Slowly, she begins to tire out from both fighting Zanza and the Monado's influence.

"Hmph. Disappear from my sight."

Zanza slams a cloud of fog, and as it fades, he is no longer there. Using the opportunity to escape, the party rushes down the lab's roof stairs. Misaka cuts through locked doors with the Monado, powered through adrenaline and willpower alone.

Finally, outside the lab's door, Touma suggests the next course of action. "We need to get to Heaven Canceller's hospital."

Misaka, still holding the Monado, sees Saten in Kuroko and Uiharu's arms.

Then, as though she already knew, she haltingly looks over to Touma. His uniform, covered in blood.

In his arms, Shulk.

Misaka's eyes widen with shock, and she collapses.


A room in Heaven Canceller's hospital.


Misaka awakens on a chair.

Looking around, she sees Saten sitting with Uiharu.

Outside the room, Touma and Kuroko can also be seen talking.

Misaka looks over to who lays in the hospital bed.

I couldn't change the future.

Shulk lies in the bed with his eyes closed. Misaka notices the EKG next to the bed. It records Shulk's steady heartbeat and outputs a constant beeping noise.

The door opens. Touma and Kuroko walk in. Heaven Canceller follows.

"Hey, it's..!" Misaka stands at the sight of the frog-faced doctor but slightly stumbles.

"I thought I specified that you never touch that blade again, young lady!" Heaven Canceller scolds.

"Wh...What happened..?"

"After those machines began their assault, multiple patients began filling my rooms. When three more unconscious people were brought in, I saw you with the Monado."

Misaka peers over in Shulk's direction.

"He will recover quickly," the doctor reassures. "Apparently, he took a hit for you. Luckily, the cut was very shallow, but he still lost too much blood for comfort. I apologize that I could not afford to give you and the other girl rooms."


Misaka remembers looking Zanza in the eye, with their blades clashing.

She quickly stands up.

"I need to go!" She grabs the Monado and heads for the door.

"Young lady! I will not permit you, as my patient, to wield that sword!"

"But I have to! We don't have a choice! I'm the only other person who can use the Monado!"

"The risks are too high! You will be killed by that sword after less than two hours of using it!"

"It's better than making Shulk use it! There's no time!"

"There is no excuse for you to use it!"

A third voice begins talking. "...She's right..."

Everyone's eyes turn to Shulk, who is sitting up. He flinches presumably from the pain, but he looks determined to support Misaka.

"Young man! You must rest!" the doctor says, worried.

"I know...but that's why..." Shulk feels another sting of pain. "That's why Mikoto has to use the Monado."

"Your wound will heal by the end of the day, but I cannot risk one life in order to save thousands of others. I will do what I can to save those who are attacked, but it is against my oath to let anyone die under my watch."

A nurse peeks through the door.

"Sir! We have another patient!" she announces.

"We are out of rooms! Please open more beds in the lobby!"

"Are you sure, sir?"

"We have no options right now! Now, go!"

"Yes, sir!"

The nurse rushes out of the room.

"If everything keeps going this way..." Heaven Canceller sighs. "No hospital can carry this many victims. I cannot stop you from saving potential patients, but please, for heaven's sake, watch over yourself as well. I must go."

"Alright, doc." Misaka turns to the Monado.

Kuroko gets a call.


Uiharu stands up.

"Kuroko? Who is it?"

Kuroko turns to Uiharu.

"It's Mii-senpai! The Judgement branch is surrounded! There's a displaced Anti-Skill unit trying to defend themselves there!"

Uiharu's face turns nervous.

"C'mon! We gotta help them!" Touma decides.

Uiharu nods. She and Kuroko wait near the hospital room.

Misaka looks at the Monado in her hands. "...I'm coming too."

"Hold on!" Touma stops Misaka from walking through the door. "I can't just let you get hurt like this, M...Mikoto!"

"It'll be fine, it's just some Mechon! The Monado can handle them easily!"

"That's not the point! You can't just wield the Monado like it's nothing! You'll get hurt!"


"You're not going! Either you leave the Monado here, or you're not coming! Got it?"

Misaka flusters and backs down. "F-fine..."

"I'll see you once this is all over."

Kuroko, Touma, and Uiharu run out of the room, leaving a sleeping Saten, Misaka, Shulk, and the Monado.

"You aren't going to actually listen to him, are you..?"


Misaka looks over to see Misaki Shokuhou at the door.

"What do you want?" Misaka shouts.

Misaki notices Misaka holding the Monado.

"That's quite the dangerous toy you're handling. Are you sure it's a good idea to let her use it, Shulk?" Misaki sees Misaka tensing up. "Now now, no need to be hostile. A little birdie told me that Shulk landed himself in the hospital."

"Is that so..?" Misaka asks rhetorically.

"If you want to go help them, you shouldn't wait around."

"If that's the case," Shulk says weakly, "Come here, Mikoto."

Misaka walks to Shulk's bed. Shulk whispers something to Misaka. She nods and leaves the room, assumably to follow the rest of the crew.

Shulk looks to Misaki. "Can you do a favor for me?"

"Favor, you say? Shoot."

"I want you to watch over Mikoto while I'm recovering."

"Are you sure? Why should someone else watch over her? It's not as though she doesn't know the consequences."

"Yeah, that's true...but, you above all know how much this can affect her. She's fighting for others with the Monado, not herself. She won't care how much the Monado's hurting her."

"That's true, I suppose."

Shulk smiles. "Well, it's not like I can do anything about it right now. If she's going, I want you to follow her. You already know the signs. Watch over her. I'm sorry for giving you such a hard job."

"Hey, it's not like I expected this to be easy. Just call me when you can finally get up."

"I got it."

"I'd better hurry. She's gonna leave me in the dust..."

Misaki leaves the room.

A street near the 177th Judgement Branch.

A radio crackles.

"Incoming hostiles! Both sides, sir!"

"How many do they number?"

"We can't tell, there's so many!"

"Call in an aerial evac!"

"There's not enough time, sir!"

"We'll make time! We need to get these people out of here! Call that evac!"

"Yes, sir!"

Bullets fly into the Mechon, but they simply bounce off.

A girl teleports into the small outpost.

"I can help evacuate."

"Who are you, little girl?" The Anti-Skill commanding officer sees the girl's green armband. "Judgement! You're a teleportation esper?"

"Yes, that would be me."

"Perfect. Hurry, we can't hold out for much longer. We can retreat once everyone's out of here."

"I hear you."

Kuroko grabs the hands of nearby civilians. They teleport away.

As more of the citizens teleport to safety, the Mechon inch closer.

A taller girl approaches Kuroko.

"Is that all of the citizens?"

"It seems to be, Mii-senpai. I can start evacuating the Anti-Skill members if you need me to."

"I can't let that happen. We're not the only ones fighting. We'll be safe, I promise. You should go. There's probably a lot of other people who need more help than us."

"If that's the case, then good luck."

"We're counting on you."

Kuroko teleports away.

A street crowded with Anti-Skill officers.

Taking cover behind security robots, Anti-Skill units fire into the Mechon.

The bullets do nothing, as the machines march forward.

"Prioritize protecting civilians! Retreat!" A commanding officer yells.

The units fall back, each calling their comrades to retreat and fall back.

"There's too many! Fall back!"

As Anti-Skill runs, a bright blue light runs past them.

It cuts down multiple Mechon, leaving none standing.

Standing to breathe, the figure looks up.

"So this is the Monado..."

Looking at the bright blade in her hands, Misaka slightly falters. The Monado's shocks and her sparks battle.

Another figure tiredly follows from behind and stops to gain their breath as well. She pauses, hands on their knees, and breathes loudly.

"Hey...slow...down..." the girl chokes out. "It won't...do either of us...any good..."

"You need to keep up. We can't stay anywhere long."

"It's not just me...you should be worrying about...If you push yourself too hard..."



"Why'd you come along?"

"Well...I guess this is way more interesting than staying in some weird bunker. Besides, I might be the only one who can help you right now."

"Whatever you say."

Misaka approaches an abandoned tent. There appears to be a handgun. She hands the gun to Misaki.

"You might need this."

Misaki looks at the handgun strangely.

"You sure this is legal, princess?"

"Oh, like you're one to talk. Just take the gun."

"You're acting like I know how to shoot a gun properly..."

"Ugh, just shut up! We've got incoming!"

Another wave of Mechon approaches, and Misaka activates the Monado. Something sparks inside her, and the blade turns purple. A purple aura surrounds Misaki's gun.

"Hm, what's this?"

"It must be a power of the Monado. I think it'll let you shoot the Mechon."

One of the Mechon rushes towards Misaka.

Misaki pulls up the gun and shoots. She squeaks a little due to the recoil, and her arms flail upward. Unlike before, the bullets now pierce the Mechon's armor.

"The bullets are destroying the Mechon!" Misaka looks at the Monado's purple blade, as it returns to a normal blue. "This power..."

"Looks useful. Now that we have that, we should—"


An explosion is heard in the distance.

"What was..?" Misaka runs in the direction of the smoke and calls out to Misaki. "Come on!"

"Oh, fine..." Misaki begrudgingly begins to follow.

An intersection somewhere in Academy City.

Kuroko and Touma regroup, back to back. Both speak through heavy breathing.

"You alright?" Kuroko looks over her shoulder.

"Yeah. Where's Uiharu?" Touma scans the surroundings.

"Went on ahead, she's heading to the hospital where Shulk is."

Waves of Mechon surround the pair, as they look for an escape route.

"You should go, too. These aren't just some criminals," Kuroko warns.

"I'm too tired to listen to you..."

"Same here..."

"Just leave me. You can teleport out easily."

"Even if I wanted to teleport us away, you cancel my power."

"You really do plan on staying, huh? Well, don't blame me for what happens—"

A large Mechon swings its saw as Kuroko tackles Touma to the ground. She runs around the machine, keeping the Mechon's attention on her.

"You leave! I'll be fine here!"

"Hold on!"

"You're a civilian! Your life is in my hands right now!"

"No! Look out!"

Another Mechon strikes from behind, but Touma rushes in front of Kuroko.

He blocks the stabbing thrust with the folding sword.

Kuroko taps and teleports the Mechon into the large Mechon. Both collapse.

"We're not gonna last long against this many of them..!"

As the Mechon close in, a voice yells in the distance, and the stranded pair see a blue light, mowing down the machines.

Cutting right through one final Mechon, the figure rests the red blade on a shoulder.

"Glad I made it in time!"

Misaka cracks a smile as Kuroko and Touma look at her.

Meanwhile, Misaki arrives slowly and pants heavily.

"You can't...gasp...keep doing this..." Misaki looks up wearily.

"Ready to help out?" Misaka asks.

"We've got you're back!" Touma readies the folding broadsword.

"It's our time now. We have the Monado!" Kuroko looks to the oncoming wave of Mechon.

Misaka activates the Monado, and the purple aura surrounds their weapons.

"Kuroko! Touma! Let's do this!"

The three lead the way forward, while Misaki looks onwards.

"That idiot! She's gonna get herself killed, isn't she?" Misaki catches her breath and sighs. "Well, nothing's happened yet, so I'll just have to keep my eye on her. You'd better hurry up, Shulk..."

Touma's sword and Kuroko's spikes easily pierce the Mechon's armor, as they the two fell dozens of them.

Misaki shoots down a Mechon from the sidelines. As she recovers from the recoil again, Misaki looks over to see Misaka struggling to control the Monado.

A small Mechon charges a laser and fires. Misaki tackles Misaka to the floor, barely avoiding the attack. She then recovers and shoots the Mechon.

"That one was closer than I would've liked." Looking at Misaka, Misaki notices her heavy breathing and the increase of sparks.

"I'll be fine, thank you very much." Despite the pain, Misaka jumps back in.

"Guess that's what you get for being a hero..." Misaki follows Misaka into the fray.

Shouldn't she have seen that coming? She could see visions like Shulk could...Misaki thinks. Unless...

With the final Mechon destroyed, Misaka looks around.

"Where is Zanza?"

Zanza..? Ah... Misaki looks at the Monado.

"He probably hasn't gone far. I'd bet he's still in that lab..." Touma notes.

"It's definitely possible," Misaka says. "Then we'll head there first."

"If that guy is a danger to everyone here, then we need to stop him as fast as we can. We can't let him hurt anyone else." Kuroko looks up.

"Yeah. We'll break his illusion!" Touma clenches his right hand.

Advancing past the legions of Mechon in their way, the group finally makes it to the lab once again. At the front of the building, Misaka looks at the fog flowing up into the sky, with the large rift sitting above the city.

"We should get to the roof. Zanza might still be there."

The party walks through the still empty building.

Some odd stairs made of fog have appeared in the room where Zanza once was.

"He must be up there," Touma infers. "You ready, Misaka?"

Touma looks over to Misaka, and Kuroko looks up the stairs.

"It's like he expected us to come back," Kuroko comments.

"Can you still use the Monado?" Misaki grabs Misaka by the shoulder.

"I'll be okay."

"Well, you say that...I'll be sure to stop you if anything happens."

"I'll hold you to that."

You've made me do some unthinkable things, Shulk. I never thought I'd be worried about her. But, I'd rather not have any blood on my hands. C'mon Shulk, get up...

Misaki looks at Misaka climbing up the stairs with the rest of the party. She follows from behind. They arrive at the roof of the lab.

"Interesting...Quite interesting. I have not seen a soul brave enough to try and wield the Monado for quite this long. Not since that other fool."

"Look!" Touma points ahead.

"It's Zanza..!" Misaka activates the Monado.

"How long?"

"What?" Misaka hears Zanza's voice from ahead.

"How long do you think you will last? You must fight the Monado's power. You must also fight me!"

Zanza zooms forward, immediately kicking Kuroko and Touma down. He then zooms to Misaka, clashing with the Monado.

"Kuroko! Touma!" Misaka pushes against Zanza.

She looks over to Kuroko and Touma, who lay on the floor.

The Monado's shocks intensify, but Misaka doesn't falter and pushes Zanza away. She activates the Monado. The bright blue blade turns red.

Misaki seems to remember something. A memory from Shulk's world.

"Dickson, take care of the survivors!"

"Dunban, what're you playing at?"

"Vile Mechon! If you think the Homs, the people of the Bionis, are just sitting here waiting for you to pick us off, you are sorely mistaken!"

"So, you can harness new powers from the Monado," Zanza scoffs. "Still, you must give up. Or else, your pitiful life ends here."

With angry eyes, Misaka yells.

"I won't give up!" Red shocks surround Misaka. "The fate of two worlds is in my hands!"

"Misaka! Wait!" Misaki calls out.

Misaka charges forward and swings her sword.

Zanza swings back, and the clash seems to create a bright light and a loud explosion.

Misaki falls over from the large boom and goes unconscious.



Ears ringing, Misaki gets up.

She gets a good look at her surroundings.

Am I in space?

Everything finally comes back to her.

Oooh...Is everyone dead..?

The ringing in her head gets louder.

Misaki puts her hands up to her ears.

Maybe I'm dead...

"No, you're not dead. Just unconscious."

Misaki turns around.


"Right now, Mikoto's fighting hard. Sadly, she won't last much longer. What're you going to do once she can't fight anymore?"

"If you're thinking I'll run away like a coward..." Misaki looks to Shulk. "...you might just be right. Fine, I'll get back up."

Shulk chuckles. "I'm on my way. Just hold out until then. Thanks, Misaki."

A bright light emits from Shulk and blinds Misaki.


Misaki sits up. She looks over to see Misaka and Zanza fighting.

The sound of their swords clashing is deafening.

He'll be here soon. Misaka, you'd better not die here.

Misaka tries to block an attack but gets hit down.

She lands in front of Misaki.

...Well then.

Misaki crawls to Misaka.

"You okay?"

She inspects the damage. The sparks still fly around Misaka.


"Stay here! We'll hold out!"

Misaki pulls out the gun and tries shooting Zanza. The volley of bullets passes through, and Zanza laughs.

"You try to defend your friends, but what power do you have? How do you protect them?"

I'm not just gonna admit I'm buying time, but...

"I've got my...will..?" Misaki cringes at her sorry attempt for an excuse.

Nice job, me.

Misaki shakes her head and tries again. "These guys aren't dying. Not yet."

"Hmph. Then you will die first."

Zanza runs to Misaki, who pulls up her gun, closing her eyes.

Misaki hears the collision of swords. She opens her eyes and sees Shulk standing in front of her, clashing with Zanza.

"The people of this world are quite weak, yet they still decide to use their powers to protect." Zanza smirks. "I'm quite impressed by their resolve, Shulk."


"It's not just their resolve. They have strength, too."

"I see. I should not have wasted time with these ones. 'Playing with one's food', as those mortals say."

Shulk activates the Monado, and an aura spreads, hitting Zanza.

"Now, guys!"

Kuroko shoots metal spikes at Zanza, and Touma cuts at Zanza.

Zanza inspects the new wounds. "How?"

"Thanks, Shulk!" Touma backs up, as Zanza swings behind him. "The Hilbert Effect...It worked!"

Kuroko teleports to dodge Zanza's attacks.

Misaki pulls Misaka behind cover.

"Hiyah!" Shulk cuts down Zanza. However, Zanza cackles.

"The Monado. You have wielded it to your own convictions, and used it to protect others."

"Yes. This power should be used for good."

"However. This battle will lead nowhere. Know this." Zanza begins to dissipate. "The final round approaches, Shulk."

Shulk deactivates the Monado.

"Then we'll be ready."

Misaka slightly opens her eyes and sees Shulk with the Monado.

She tries to keep her eyes open, but falls unconscious.

End to Chapter 17.

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