(BoyxBoy) Behind everything...

By HariGudsir

1.4K 3 0

GAY STORY Short about book: He is someone who is trapped in himself and walk completely alone.Victorio Adey h... More

First chapter
Two chapter
Three chapter
Four chapter
Five chepter
Six chapter
Seven chapter
Eight chapter
Nine chapter
Ten chapter
Eleven chepter
Twelve chepter
Fourteen chepter
Fifteen chepter
Sixteen chepter
Seventeen chepter
Eighteen chepter
Nineteen chepter
Twenty chepter
Twentyone chepter
Twentytwo chepter
Twentythree chepter
Twentyfour chepter
Twentyfive chepter
Twentysix chepter { THE END }

Thirteen chepter

45 0 0
By HariGudsir


Our noses touched, and then our foreheads

He approached slowly, as if he wanted my approval. He clenched my hand and I had the impression that he was too much scared of what he was going to do.Especially because he had taken the first step.I'm sure he's half as confused as I am.

To relieve him and push his fear into a corner,I raise my other hand and place it around his neck.

I was right.That removed his fear.

He opened his eyes a little and looked at me,just an inch away from me.

Our lips barely touched.I put both of my hands around his neck.
We started kissing so slowly,like we don't want to ruin this moment.
My heart beated so hard. I was so scared.
His hand was on my cheek.
At the time passes,we started kissing faster.I opened my mouth.

Just when Alann want to puts his tongue into my mouth,someone knocked on the door.Shit.

I quickly push him off and get out of bed.My heart was pounding so hard because of the nervousness that I thought it would come out of my chest or at least I would get a panic attack. If the door hadn't been locked and my aunt had seen us, I'm sure she would kill us.


I stuttered.Fuck.

AUNT:"I just wanted to see if your friend would stay here tonight."

ME:"Logically he will.It's two hours after midnight."

AUNT:"I'm sorry if I woke you up...Can you come out for a minute,Victorio?"


AUNT:"It would be great now."

ME:"I don't think so...Listen,we'll talk later.Go back to bed."

AUNT:"Fine..Good night."

I heard footsteps and she left. She sounded upset. Now I made her sad. Great. But she would be even sadder if she saw me like this. Especially because she knows some things about me.

I lean against the door and run my hand through my hair.Shit, Alann...This is going to be awkward.

ALANN:"Don't worry about that."

About what?Does he mean my aunt or what just happened between us?No.I can't ask him that.

He seemed to know what was in my head.

ALANN:"Don't worry about anything.Just lie down and sleep."

Okay,I'm glad this didn't become one of those awkward situations.


ALANN:"Don't be.Come here."

I lay on the bed without saying anything.

I was so nervous to even look at his eyes.

ALANN:"What do you think your aunt wanted now?"

She probably wanted to teach me a lesson because I didn't take medication.I hate them.I feel worse because of them.
Who else did the antidepressants help? Whose anxiety decreased because of Benzodiazepines?I don't know,but I just can't stand it.

I am better without them.I really am.

ME:"I don't know."

There's no way I'm going to tell him that.

I turn my back on him and close my eyes. He obviously regrets that one kiss.

ALANN:"Hey, come back here.What are you doing?"

What?...What does he mean by that?


ALANN:"Stop questioning everything.Just go back to where you were lying."

ME:"You're going to be embarrassed, Alann.I know you will."

ALANN:"Good.Then I will come to you."

I feel him approach and lie down right next to me.

Then,he put his arm around my waist.He clung to me and my back touched his chest.

Isn't he really uncomfortable after that? Does he realize we're not in the friend zone anymore?

I turned to him, so that our faces were facing each other.

His eyes are blue like the ocean, and I'm lost out at sea. 

ALANN:"Whatever happens, I want you to know that...your tears are not worth anything in this world. Don't worry about your aunt or me, about anything. In the end, everything will be just as it should be."

He got up a little and kissed me on the forehead.Oh shit,I think I'm dying.

I wrap my arms around his body and rest my head on his chest.Alann raised his hand to my neck and stroked my hair until I fell asleep.

This night will completely change our relationship and I think for the first time in my life I really like some change.

Next to him I feel like I'm not alone. Before I met him, I felt trapped in myself and completely alone. That feeling didn't leave me, but when he's there, I really feel important to someone.

He's starting to really mean a lot to me and I'm afraid of how much actually.

I squeeze him even tighter and cling to him.


The loud ring of my phone scares me and I automatically wake up. I fucking despise the sudden sounds.


I straighten up in a sitting position and immediately hang up.It was Jack. Why would he...School!

I write him a message to go upstairs and I leave the phone.The door is definitely locked and my aunt is already at work.

I feel pressure on my leg and stomach and that brings me back to reality. Alann is still there.

I turn to him and look at him. He was asleep. Didn't he say he never sleeps longer than four hours?

He looked so calm and innocent.Like an angel falling on my bed.His arm was around my waist and his leg was over mine.

I liked the sight of him being the first thing I saw in the morning.And I liked the idea of ​​him being on the other side of the bed even more.

A strand of hair was on his forehead and I couldn't resist putting it back in place.His skin was so pure and soft.I caressed his face and then he started to wake up. I quickly remove my hand and wait for him to wake up.

ALANN:"Oh,hey...What time is it?"

ME:"Too much.We fell asleep.Jack is waiting in front and you're late for school."

ALANN:"What do you mean "We fell asleep."?"

He straightens up,and then a bell is heard that frightens me, to put it mildly.Jack lay down on the bell again. I'll kill him.

ME:"That's proof to you.I'm going to shut up Jack until you completely wake up."

I get out of bed,but then Alann grabs my wrist.The tingles run through my body and I turn around.

ALANN:"Do you know this is the first time in four years that I've been able to sleep?"

I was amazed after what I hear.

ME:"I...I'm glad about...that."

ALANN:"It's because of you."

I grab his hand that was on my wrist and connect it with mine.

ME:"You can come whenever you want."

Then the bell rang again

ME:"Oh, God..."

I walk out of my room and open the door.

ME:"Do you know how much I hate you?"

JACK:"We're late again!Third day in a row!"


JACK:"And what the hell happened to you?"

He touches the bruise in my eye.

ME:"Daniel happened to me!"

JACK:"Does that idiot bother you again? Does it hurt?"

ME:"It's better than yesterday,anyway."

JACK:"You're going to school?"

ME:"No.I don't want everyone to look at me like I fell from Mars"

JACK:"I'll take care of that bestard."

ME:"Alann already took good care of them."

JACK:"God,I love that guy."

Yeah, me too.

ME:"Come in.He's here."

JACK:"I know. Lucas called me."

He went inside and I closed the door.Then Alann went into the living room.

ALANN:"Victorio,don't go to school today. You better let your wounds heal."

ME:"Yeah, I know."

JACK:"Hurry up, Alann.We're already late."

ALANN:"I'll be there in the evening. We need to talk about something."

ME:"About what?Did I do something wrong?"

ALANN:"No.You'll see."

JACK:"Bye, Victorio!"

He pulled Alann out of the apartment and led him away.

I have a feeling he wants to talk about  last night.But he didn't seem angry this morning.

I went back to bed and got some more sleep.I mostly drew and listened to music all morning.Later in the afternoon Carlos came.He was worried because I didn't come to school, so he stopped by here.

I immediately let him into my room because I felt I had no need to hide it from him.He showed me his cutting scars,why wouldn't I show him the room too?

CARLOS:"What do these idiots want from you anyway?"

ME:"I guess I'm an easy target...I have no idea.And I don't think they know either.They're just having fun."

CARLOS:"Fucking shitheads."

ME:"Exactly...but it's over."

CARLOS:"Well...I wanted to ask you something."


CARLOS:"I don't want this to sound wrong...but...it's about your body."

ME:"Oh, God..."

CARLOS:"No.No.Not that way.You're one of the sexiest people I've ever seen."

ME:"I know what you're going to ask."

CARLOS:"About the scars.Your scars aren't from cutting with razor,like mine.Someone tortured you. You cutted your vains...On both hands.What happened?"

ME:"People often wreak on me...to put it that way."

CARLOS:"You have a bullet scar,Victorio. Who's harassing you that much?"

ME:"It's in the past,Carlos.That person is gone.He's dead.Let's not talk about it."

CARLOS:"It's okay, if you don't want to. I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone. If you need help, I'm here. It doesn't matter what. A conversation or something...I'm here."

ME:"Thanks...That really means something to me."

CARLOS:"Luckily Alann showed up yesterday. Who knows what those idiots would do further."

ME:"Yeah Alann..."

CARLOS:"Wait...Do you like Alann?"

ME:"How did that even occur to you?"

CALROS: "You're blushing!Oh my God, you have one huge crash on him!"

ME:"Shut up..."

CARLOS:"You confessed!"

ME:"What?I didn't!"

CARLOS:"Is he gay?"

ME:"I don't know.Maybe."

CARLOS:"Show him to me!Is he sexy?"

ME:"Too much...I can barely control myself next to him.I went to kiss him all over."

CARLOS:"Show me!"

I pulled out my phone and showed him our selfie we took yesterday while we were drawing.

CARLOS:"Oh, he's hot."

ME:"I know."

CARLOS:"Wait.Is that the guy sitting behind Lucas?"

ME:"Yes,from recently.He just moved here."

CARLOS:"He looks at me like he wants to kill me.Ever since he saw me in front of the classroom with you,he's been shooting me with some threatening look."


CARLOS:"Because he likes you! Has he ever done something a straight person wouldn't?"

ME:"Actually, he kissed me and hugged me all night."


He jumped up and shouted in a shrill voice.

ME:"I still don't know! No one ever liked me in that way!:

CARLOS:"He's gay and he likes you.He may be Bisexual,but it doesn't matter as long as he's not straight."

ME:"I'm not sure.Why would someone like him love..." .

CARLOS:"Shut the fuck up and kiss me."

ME:"Oh,fine...come here."

I pull him towards me and lie down on the bed. I put my hands on his neck and start kissing him passionately. His hands went over my chest and went down to the sensitive place.

I shove my tongue into his mouth and start fighting with his tongue.Then we swap positions and he finds himself below me.
I take his sweatshirt off from his body and start kissing his chest and neck.He moaned softly and that really turned me on.

He grabbed my ass and took off my pants. Then he grabbed my dick and started playing with it. I sighed and reunited our lips. Then he also took off my sweatshirt and started kissing me all over my body.

CARLOS:"Man, you're all in bruises because of these morons."

ME:"It's okay.It doesn't hurt so much."

Soon we were both naked and Carlos was over me.I felt his dick in me and it was a damn good feeling.After a while we switched and I was a top.

At that moment,a fucking bell rang.Are you kidding me?Again?

ME:"Who the fuck is it now?"

CARLOS:"Your aunt?"

ME:"No. She's working."

CARLOS:"Your friends?"

ME:"No way.Alann said he wouldn't come until evening.It must be the boring administration that keeps the building clean.They're coming any minute."

CARLOS:"Do you want me to get rid of them for you,babe?"

He said in a feminine voice ... He was obviously kidding me.


I said the same way he did.

He got up and put on his boxers only.He hit me on the ass and came out.

ME: "I'll pay you back for it!"

I got up and put on my boxers and over just Carlos' blue sweatshirt because he was next to me. I ran to him and he was opening the door at that moment.

I approached him and hugged him from behind.I heard him laugh when he saw his sweatshirt on me.

The door opens, and I was shocked by what I saw. What the fuck is Alann doing here now? Didn't he say tonight? Shit ... I think this is exactly what it looks like.

From the look on his face, I wasn't the only one who was shocked. He looked at Carlos who was only in boxers and me hugging his bare chest from behind. Then he looked at me and realized I was wearing Carlos' sweatshirt because I never wear colored clothes.


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